SEO Events

The Paid Links Debate Rages On - SES San Jose 2007
Rand Fishkin

The Paid Links Debate Rages On - SES San Jose 2007

In our continuing series of coverage, I'm pleased to present one of the most talked-about, anticipated and dramatic sessions of the SES San Jose conference so far (though I heard that the session on click fraud was also extremely contentious). For the past 2-3 years, Google (along with Yahoo! and MSN/Live) have hounded the micro-economy of paid link advertising and paid link networks at...

Getting Traffic from Contextual Ads - SES San Jose
Rand Fishkin

Getting Traffic from Contextual Ads - SES San Jose

I'm taking a new approach with events and attempting to do more in-depth coverage of a couple of what I feel are the best, most interesting, most innovative or least discussed sessions at the conference. Since contextual advertising is an area where I have little to no experience, I found the panel fascinating - and certainly Microsoft's announcement of a contextual ad product on the Microsoft ...

50 Things I Love About Search Conferences
Rand Fishkin

50 Things I Love About Search Conferences

To help keep the balance, I'll shine some light on some of my favorite things about search conferences: Presenting - It's exciting to be on stage, sharing ideas and being a thought leader. There's an undeniable allure to it, and while I take it as a serious responsibility, I admit that I have a real passion for it, too. Meeting New Peopl...

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SES Travel: a Nice Little Getaway
Rebecca Kelley

SES Travel: a Nice Little Getaway

Last week I had the opportunity to speak on two panels at SES Travel, which was held in downtown Seattle. The conference was small (about 150-200 people) and focused entirely on SEO tips for working in the travel industry. There were representatives from Orbitz, Farecast, Kayak, FareCompare, Expedia, and lots of other travel-centric sites. The first session I spoke on was Travel Wri...

Visiting Google, Yahoo!, Yelp & More
Rand Fishkin

Visiting Google, Yahoo!, Yelp & More

Warning - this post is somewhat personal with a little bit of search thrown in. If you're not into travelogues, my apologies. We'll return to our regularly scheduled business-of-search blogging tomorrow. On Sunday, July 22nd, Mystery Guest accompanied on me a 3-day, jam-packed trip to the Bay Area. The trip included visits wi...

Monday Odds and Ends
Rebecca Kelley

Monday Odds and Ends

And now, a little roundup of stories from the past few days that have either been brought to my attention or that I came across and thought were interesting: Agustín Vazquez-Levi (whose Canalytics team recently became the 12th company in North America [and the first company in Canada] to be accepted as one of Google's Goog...

The SMX Advanced Recap is Chock Full of Nostalgia
Rebecca Kelley

The SMX Advanced Recap is Chock Full of Nostalgia

Hey, remember SMX Advanced in Seattle? Think back to a couple weeks ago. Danny Sullivan threw a conference in the Emerald City, some SEOs attended, it was a huge success...any of this ringing a bell to you? Well, if two certain slacker SEOs didn't have 8,000 simultaneous tasks to work on and actually published this article right after the conference ended, you'd be more excited about reading it. O...

What I learned at Toronto SES 2007

What I learned at Toronto SES 2007

The landscape of search is changing again. As Google universal and similar algorithms are being utilized text based information will hold less and less sway. Podcasts and videos will come into play, as will personalization.The techniques that worked in the past do not work today, and may get you penalized tomorrow. Recipro...