SEO Events

SES Toronto and the Canadian Search Landscape
Rebecca Kelley

SES Toronto and the Canadian Search Landscape

After SMX, training Frenchies, SES Toronto, and getting sick, I'm back in the office attempting to tackle a mountain of tasks (I've never empathized with Rand more than I do right now). Jane and I will soon publish the so-late-it's-just-ridiculous coverage of SM, but for now I want to talk about SES Toronto and the Canadian Search Landscape session. This session was pretty rife with...

Danny Sullivan Popped My Cherry (and I Helped Him Pop His)

Danny Sullivan Popped My Cherry (and I Helped Him Pop His)

It all began with a judgmental cabbie and a striptease. To be fair, I'm not really from Kansas like I told that cabbie. [I was born there, I live and work about 3 minutes from the state line, but really, it was just easier to tell people I was from Kansas because most people don't know that most of Kansas City is in Missouri. Plus, I was trying to emphasize the flatness--Kansas is way...

Has SMX Advanced Damaged Brand Danny?

Has SMX Advanced Damaged Brand Danny?

This post will be short, and depending on the feedback it generates, so too could be my career in SEO. I mean seriously, questioning Danny Sullivan? The guy who has been around longer than Google? And is better liked too? It must be the jet-lag stopping me from thinking straight. Anyway..With his first show since splitting from SES and the company he sold it too, Incisive Media, Danny pr...

Live from SMX Seattle
Jane Copland

Live from SMX Seattle

I've been sitting next to Lisa from Bruce Clay for too long, as I've now finally given in to the temptation to blog live from a session at a conference. I've never wanted to do this before, as I like to spend a long time composing my articles and blog entries (whether it shows or not...) and there's not much time for reflection when you're in the front row of the Personalized Search session....

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SMX Seattle and then SES Toronto
Rebecca Kelley

SMX Seattle and then SES Toronto

Danny Sullivan's long-awaited and much anticipated Search Marketing Expo conference kicks off next week with SMX Advanced in Seattle. Matt, Scott, Jeff, and Gillian all have Expo Passes, while Jane and I will be covering the conference for our blog and Rand will be speaking on the "SEO, Meet SMM" panel w...

Search Engine Strategies - Xiamen China

Search Engine Strategies - Xiamen China

Search Engine Strategies China was held in the beautiful resort town of Xiamen on May 24 - 25. KEYNOTEYvonne Chang, China Yahoo and Alibaba Vice President, was interviewed by Chris Sherman and Inway Ni for the Keynote address. Mr. Ni asked Ms. Chang to search for her name on Yahoo and she noted his blog was ranked...

Presentations from SES Xiamen
Rand Fishkin

Presentations from SES Xiamen

As promised, I'm putting up my presentations from SES Xiamen 2007. There's so much to share about China that it's nearly impossible to put it into a blog post and thus, when I return home, I'll be writing a full article on SEOmoz about my experiences, the Chinese search market and what I ate (abalone, shark fin soup, camel, turtle, duck tongue, scorpions, starfish, jellyfish and many more)....

A Tiny Little Peek Into China
Rand Fishkin

A Tiny Little Peek Into China

After 5 days in China, I'm completely unqualified to give any advice on the country, tourism, travel or search marketing, but I think that despite that, it's still worthwhile to give my early impressions. Bullet points are a must, given the average of 5-6 hours a night of sleep, numerous blisters and a dead-tired roommate :) China is accessible - before coming to China, I had...

Rebecca's Rad Friday Roundup
Rebecca Kelley

Rebecca's Rad Friday Roundup

Time to wham bam you all with a little roundup post of odds, ends, and miscellaneous news. First off, Jane and I are "guestwhoring" next Wednesday (5/9/07) on Sugarrae's blog while she's getting drunk and lifting up men's kilts in Scotland. At this point, I don't think either one of ...

Spread the Education
Simon Heseltine

Spread the Education

So you just spent the week at the latest conference. You consumed large quantities of free alcohol, <a href="">networked with lots of friendly SEO's</a>, got a suitcase full of freebies, and heck, you even picked up some nice tips and tricks. The conference has put a fire inside you, you can&...

My First SES - Recap Number Two
Jane Copland

My First SES - Recap Number Two

It's just so much fun to get up at 4:30am in order to get to the airport, and it's even better when an oversized limousine backs into your brand new Jeep outside Departures. What a wonderful start to my first SES conference! Luckily, no one was in our car when the dip-stick driver threw his massive car into reverse and busted up our bumper, so our insurance won't suffer. ...