SEO Events

Rand's Unofficial Guide to Speaking at SES
Rand Fishkin

Rand's Unofficial Guide to Speaking at SES

More than a few speakers have written to me asking about the SES conference series - how they should prepare, what they should bring, how the conference is organized for speakers, etc. There's an irony here that shouldn't be overlooked - when I was a first-time speaker (just a couple years ago), I had these same questions, and plenty of nervousness. I'm going to address this purely from an SES ...

A Collection of Rand's Search-Related Comics
Rand Fishkin

A Collection of Rand's Search-Related Comics

Over the last 3 years, I've made more than 2 dozen unique presentations. Anyone who's seen these knows that one of my signatures is an attempt at humor. Occassionally successful, often dismally sad (particularly with British audiences) and universally tacky, embedded comics have been a mainstay of almost every Powerpoint I've authored. For no other reason than to share, I've collected s...

A College Dropout Speaking at Stanford?
Rand Fishkin

A College Dropout Speaking at Stanford?

That's right folks; I've been tapped by Stanford University to participate in their Web Publishing Course on Monday, Nov. 13 & Tuesday, Nov. 14. The goal of the course is to help business owners, website managers and corporate executives learn the ins and outs of building and marketing a successful site. ...

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What I Learned in Guelph
Rand Fishkin

What I Learned in Guelph

Last week, I spend three days on the road, visiting a client in Guelph, ON. My job was to train a staff of 20+ web publishers, designers, content creators and managers on the things that we at SEOmoz do best - viral marketing, site/content development, usability/design analysis and social media marketing. The training itself was excellent - better than many of the training sessions I've conduct...

Seattle's Web 2.0 Roundtable
Rand Fishkin

Seattle's Web 2.0 Roundtable

Last night I attended Seattle's small (but growing) Web 2.0 roundtable, hosted by the kind folks at Wetpaint. The traffic was a bit tough, due to a Mariners game across the street, but we managed to start right around 6pm and the hours flew by. The companies represented included: PayscaleTheir site isn't as "open&...

Why is Michael Martinez an SEOmoz Blogger?
Rand Fishkin

Why is Michael Martinez an SEOmoz Blogger?

During the past few months, I've received more than a few emails asking me about Mr. Martinez's position on the SEOmoz blog. At the SES conference in San Jose, a small handful asked the same question - here's the response I gave them: Michael's views and opinions are not mainstream. They don't always have the kind of logic that's easy for many of us to follow (myself included). Michael'...

My Bet on WebmasterRadio
Rand Fishkin

My Bet on WebmasterRadio

During the expo hall last Tuesday at SES San Jose, I sat down with Matt Cutts for a 5 minute, impromptu chat on the air. Foolishly, I issued a challenge that anyone who sumo-wrestled me at the WebMasterRadio party on Wednesday night (Jim's got great photos here) and won would earn the right to a free link from...

All Play and Some Work at SES Latino
Rebecca Kelley

All Play and Some Work at SES Latino

Sorry for the delay, but I didn't realize how truly indispensable I was until I left town for a few days. Once I got back it was nothing but, "Rebecca, Rebecca, the company almost went under without you! Fix this! Help me! Where are my yellow Pumas?" Okay, now that I'm done with my illusions of grandeur, the following is an exhaustively comprehensive recap of my trip to Miami for the ina...

Bill Slawski - Interviewed
Rand Fishkin

Bill Slawski - Interviewed

Finally, someone did an interview with one of the best and brightest in the industry. Thanks to Mr. Pratt (he's fond of that moniker, apparently), Bill Slawski, one of my favorite people, is featured today on SEOBuzzBox. I do take issue with Pratt's first statement, though: ...

Thanks for Dinner, Vintage Tub & Bath!
Rand Fishkin

Thanks for Dinner, Vintage Tub & Bath!

I owe a big one to Allan Dick, who bought dinner tonight for myself, Danny Sullivan, Ammon Johns, Chris Sherman and about a dozen other SESers here in London. Unbelievably, I still have not slept since Sunday night, but managed to truly enjoy the wine, crab cakes and top-notch beef and Guiness pie. In return, I thought I'd take a quick dive over to Alan's site - a veritable haven for th...

SEW Live in Seattle - It's a Party!
Rand Fishkin

SEW Live in Seattle - It's a Party!

Next Friday, in Seattle's Hotel Monaco, the SearchEngineWatch crew, including Danny Sullivan, Joseph Morin, Elisabeth Osmeloski (our esteemed organizer), Dana Melick, Heather Lloyd Martin, myself and several reps from each of the major search engines will be presenting to a small audience on SEO, SEM & website marketing. It's called ...

Dan Thies Goes a-Blogging
Rand Fishkin

Dan Thies Goes a-Blogging

I can't believe I missed it, but as of last Friday, the SEO world's chief authority on KW Research, Dan Thies, has joined the blog ranks. His format is slightly different than most industry bloggers, providing tips and advice about the SEO process itself on a daily basis. From a recent post on ...