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Video SEO in a Post-Rich Snippet World
Phil Nottingham

Video SEO in a Post-Rich Snippet World

Back in July, Google rolled out a bunch of changes in the way they treat rich snippets in the search results. One of these shifts was to dramatically scale back the prevalence of video snippets in universal search results, restricting them exclusively to domains where video is the core offering of the site. What does this mean for video SEO? Should you now move all your videos to YouTube?

Insights into Marketing Age-Restricted Videos on YouTube

Insights into Marketing Age-Restricted Videos on YouTube

We were lucky enough to have an interesting - and somewhat different - client for whom we could test a YouTube promotion. Though YouTube is a giant of the web world and video marketing is a massive goldmine of audience potential, few people talk about marketing through the video platform and even fewer mention adult marketing. I convinced them to let me write it up and share it.