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Danny Sullivan Popped My Cherry (and I Helped Him Pop His)


This YouMoz entry was submitted by one of our community members. The author’s views are entirely their own (excluding an unlikely case of hypnosis) and may not reflect the views of Moz.

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Danny Sullivan Popped My Cherry (and I Helped Him Pop His)

This YouMoz entry was submitted by one of our community members. The author’s views are entirely their own (excluding an unlikely case of hypnosis) and may not reflect the views of Moz.

It all began with a judgmental cabbie and a striptease. To be fair, I'm not really from Kansas like I told that cabbie. [I was born there, I live and work about 3 minutes from the state line, but really, it was just easier to tell people I was from Kansas because most people don't know that most of Kansas City is in Missouri. Plus, I was trying to emphasize the flatness--Kansas is way flatter than Missouri.]

Digression aside, SMX Advanced in Seattle was my first conference. I was scared. Not just scared, but terrified.

While the sessions reinforced to me that I do know a thing or two about search marketing, the networking left me feeling frazzled and frightened. It seemed like everyone knew at least one person, while I was on my own--seeking solace in my laptop and its connection to home. Indeed, I skipped not just the MSN party, but the Yahoo! and Google shindigs (I very nearly skipped the SEOmoz party but knew I’d regret that more than anything else.) I only visited 2 booths in the expo hall –-one of which I’m infinitely glad I did because I really love playing with that colorful little Bruce Clay toy. I wonder though, am I the only person who felt awkward about attending alone, without even an online friend to meet?

I’m known for being bubbly, vivacious, and affable. I showed none of that last week in Seattle. That, I truly regret.

While the reviews have been mainly positive based on Q & A’s, food, and *shock* networking, as someone who only really partook of two, I still say the first SMX show was a success. (They had me at cranberry scones.)

I sincerely hope that things will be very different at my next conference, hence the motivation of even writing this. I don’t want to be the wallflower “from Kansas.” I feel like I missed out on something huge and I was right there in the middle of it the entire time.



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