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How to Get the Most of Google Suggest?


This YouMoz entry was submitted by one of our community members. The author’s views are entirely their own (excluding an unlikely case of hypnosis) and may not reflect the views of Moz.

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How to Get the Most of Google Suggest?

This YouMoz entry was submitted by one of our community members. The author’s views are entirely their own (excluding an unlikely case of hypnosis) and may not reflect the views of Moz.

Hi there Mozzers! My name is Ollivier Jacq and I work for This is my first post here at SEOmoz.

Everybody knows Google Suggest, but if not here is a short explanation from Google:

“As you type, Google Suggest returns search queries based on other users' search activities. These searches are algorithmically determined based on a number of purely objective factors (including popularity of search terms) without human intervention. All of the queries shown in Suggest have been typed previously by other Google users.”

Google Suggest for Luxury Villa Rent

Google does not give priority to the number of results that appear for the query, but seems to give priority on the search volume. Does anybody have more information?

But Google removed the number of results for each suggested query. This feature was helpful to find terms/phrases with low competition.

From some research I found on the Internet it seems that you can see a big jump in search volume for the suggested terms since Google launched Google Suggest. It should affect people's attention, focusing on a smaller set of well-defined queries. So there is a lot of opportunity and there are new market niches here.

So I started to search for more information or a tool to help me treat the large amount of information you can get from the XML files of the Google Suggest API Tool.

I found a post in the SEOmoz Blog about Keyword Research Tools, but MAC does not support the software used for this experiment (Mozenda). So I continued searching and found a great PHP script that does the job in a French blog.

It’s easy to use: you simply enter a keyword/keyword phrase or two keywords you are interested in. In my case I was doing a research to improve our luxury vacation rentals section at Paradizo.

Keyword suggestions for luxury vacation rentals

Now I only need to enter my list of main keywords (one per line) to get a list of valuable keyword phrases I should use to optimize the website I work for.

I hope you will find this script useful. Feedback is welcome!

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