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Introducing New Features for Open Site Explorer

Danny Dover

The author's views are entirely their own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz.

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Danny Dover

Introducing New Features for Open Site Explorer

The author's views are entirely their own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz.

 Today I am proud to announce the launch of the second version of Open Site Explorer. Since SEOmoz has officially moved out of consulting, we are now able to put our full resources into building fantastic SEO software. We want to thank all of you who provided feedback on the first version of the tool for your guidance and we look forward to hearing more from you in the future.

Open Site Explorer

Now enough with the chit chat, on to the new features!

New Features:

Top Pages on a Domain

With the new version of Open Site Explorer you can get a sorted listed of the top 10,000 pages on a domain. This is essential for viewing your own site and for doing competitive analysis.


Top Pages on a domain

With this new feature, we can see that Microsoft is unwisely 302 redirecting their homepage! Doh!

Top Pages on a domain competitive

You can also see which content is drawing the most links on your competitors websites. In this example we see that that these are the most linked to comics on XKCD.

Target URL

The new version of Open Site Explorer shows you which URL a given link is targeting when you sort by sub or root domains so you can see exactly where the given link is helping you. (This is also available for all links when the data is exported as a CSV)

Target URL

With this new feature you can see which link is most important to's domain and which page it is linking to.

Comprehensive CSV Export

After lots of input, we are now offering more robust CSV exports.



The new CSV exports offer:

  • The Target URL of the given link
  • Numbers of links to the given source page
  • Indication of whether or not the linked is followed
  • Indication of whether the link is internal or external

Usability Enhancements

Remember how you used to have to reload the page every time you applied a filter in Yahoo! Site Explorer?

Filter Results

With the addition of the Filter Results button, these needless page reloads are a thing of the past.

Common Tasks are Easier to Perform

New buttons make performing common tasks easier and faster to do.

New Buttons

The new Explore and Compare buttons make it easier to get more information about any links you find interesting.

Improved Filtering

With the new version of this tool you can do even more filtering to drill down into what you think is important.


In this example, we filtered the data to show only followed (dofollow) and 301 redirecting external links to the specific page.

Open Site Explorer vs. Linkscape vs. Yahoo! Site Explorer

Throughout this process, we also heard a lot of questions about the differences between Yahoo! Site Explorer, Open Site Explorer and Linkscape. The chart below lays out the similarities and differences.


Open Site Explorer vs Linkscape vs Yahoo Site Explorer

Help us Improve!

Are there other features you want to see? Are we moving in the right direction? We want know! Please feel free to share your suggestions and opinions via SEOmoz on Twitter, SEOmoz on Facebook or in the comments below :-)

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Danny Dover

Danny Dover is a passionate online marketer, influential writer and obsessed bucket list completer. He is the author of the bestselling book Search Engine Optimization Secrets and the founder of Intriguing Ideas LLC. Before starting his own company, Danny was the Senior SEO Manager at AT&T and the Lead SEO at

With Moz Pro, you have the tools you need to get SEO right — all in one place.

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