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The industry's top wizards, doctors, and other experts offer their best advice, research, how-tos, and insights—all in the name of helping you level-up your SEO and online marketing skills.

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The Penguin That Taught Me to Eat Humble Pie
Chris Holgate

The Penguin That Taught Me to Eat Humble Pie

My relationship with SEOmoz began in the second quarter of 2012, approximately 20 minutes after receiving a rather alarming message in our Google Webmaster Tools account. Suddenly our orders were cut in half overnight with no evident reason as to why. We had always strived to offer the very best in customer service and our customer retention rate was fantastic so why would things simply dry up so quickly and without any warning?

Holy Grail of eCommerce Conversion Optimization - 91 Point Checklist and Infographic
Pancham Prashar

Holy Grail of eCommerce Conversion Optimization - 91 Point Checklist and Infographic

Invest in building filthy rich user experience, consistently and throughout your store. That is what stores with deeper pockets (like ASOS, Zappos, and JCPenney) do to achieve better conversion rate than your store. This article will take you away from usual Search Engine Optimization stuff to where the real money lies - Conversion Rate Optimization. What you do with the visitors you bring to your website?

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Announcing Moz's 2012 Metrics, Acquisition of AudienceWise, & Opening of Our Portland Office
Rand Fishkin

Announcing Moz's 2012 Metrics, Acquisition of AudienceWise, & Opening of Our Portland Office

2012 was an amazing year at SEOmoz. We grew tremendously in members, revenue, and employees; finally raised a second round of funding; added a number of great features to our product; and acquired three companies. Today, we're thrilled to officially announce our third acquisition and the opening of our Portland office, as well as release our 2012 financials and growth data!

Designing for SEO
Justin Taylor

Designing for SEO

We've all run into the issue of compromising design for SEO, or vice-versa. Why is it that websites that look amazing typically offer little opportunity for on-page optimization? In today's post, Justin Taylor bridges the gap between design and SEO with a solution that makes both sides happy dance with joy!

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The Ultimate Guide to Advanced Guest Blogging
Pratik Dholakiya

The Ultimate Guide to Advanced Guest Blogging

With “content marketing” being the indisputable SEO buzzword of 2012, we can expect 2013 to see an onslaught of marketers trying to build links with guest posts. The growth in this market will cause some sites to lower their guest posting standards, others to raise them, and still more to stop accepting them altogether. We're going to help you combat this by sharing how we got posts up on ProBlogger and Search Engine Journal, and by introducing you to our strategy for success with our clients.

Google's Disavow Tool Works - Penalty Removal
Duke Tanson

Google's Disavow Tool Works - Penalty Removal

When the Disavow tool was announced by Matt Cutts at Pubcon, this year, there was an uproar of mixed reactions for SEOs across the digital world. Some had a good feeling about and others had their doubts about the real reason behind the introduction, even though Bing has had a similar tool in existence for a while.

Stories Make $H!T Happen
Scott Wyden Kivowitz

Stories Make $H!T Happen

If you are in business, whether it is freelance or full-time, you most likely have a story to tell. When it comes to marketing, storytelling can be an extremely effective technique. One of the kings of storytelling for marketing purposes is Seth Godin. In fact, he wrote a book about it. In this article, I am going to share some of the ways you can use stories to generate more business.