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The industry's top wizards, doctors, and other experts offer their best advice, research, how-tos, and insights—all in the name of helping you level-up your SEO and online marketing skills.

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Link Building: Mislead to Believe

Link Building: Mislead to Believe

Everyone in the field of internet marketing knows that without link building, your site will not be valued by search engines. Also, we agree that links are a path through which our prospects can reach to us. Most importantly, we need to develop high quality links to outrank our competitors.

Taking a Deep-Dive Approach to Competitive Analysis for SEO

Taking a Deep-Dive Approach to Competitive Analysis for SEO

Say you've got a competitor or perhaps competitors that are starting to trump you on the first page where you've been vehemently optimizing your website(s) and building valuable links, and without a seemingly good reason. What is an SEO to do but to start digging? Well, a good SEO digs the basics and an excellent SEO goes much further to understand the demographic, suspected patterns and technical advantages the competitor(s) has/have.

Visitor Statistics After 1 Year of Business

Visitor Statistics After 1 Year of Business

Approximately a year ago, I decided to start my own website - a semiconductor supplier directory company called Semi-Directory. I admit it’s a bit of a dry topic, but please bear with me as this post isn’t about the site per se. Instead, I thought it might be a good idea to share my progress over the last 12 months, and provide evidence that SEO actually works! (duh - as though you didn’t know that already). Still, it’s nice to see tangible evidence that this is the case now and again. Right?

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Reputation Management 101: When Community Spirit Turns Bad
Pete Watson-Wailes

Reputation Management 101: When Community Spirit Turns Bad

There was a post on YOUmoz recently about link building via article submissions. The author of it was taken to task, partly for submitting something that has debatable worth, but moreso for being self-promotional with it. [Note from Rebecca: This post was deleted upon the author's request; otherwise, I'd have linked to it.] As a result, I thought I'd write a short guide for anyone thinking of doing something big in a community, such as submitting a post to a blog, starting a thread on a forum, or some similar thing.

Whiteboard Friday - How to Get Awesome Links
Scott Willoughby

Whiteboard Friday - How to Get Awesome Links

A couple of weeks ago, Rand mentioned "awesome links" in the Buckets & Buckets of Keywords Whiteboard Friday. Since then we've had several people ask us exactly what makes a link awesome? Well, never fear, that's what we'll discuss today: what makes a link particularly high-quality and powerful, and how one can go about getting these radical links. ...

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SEMpdx's Searchfest 2009: The Best of the Bunch
Rebecca Kelley

SEMpdx's Searchfest 2009: The Best of the Bunch

Earlier this week Rand and I spoke at the third annual Searchfest, put on by SEMpdx and a load of lovely sponsors. Loyal readers and R. Kelley fanboys (and girls) will remember that my first ever speaking engagement was at the first Searchfest two years ago. The organizers were gracious enough to overlook my profound suckitude and invited me back to speak about link building last year. This time around, they asked me to participate on the blogging panel with Stoney deGeyter and Heather Lloyd Martin. I wasn't sure what to cover since the panel details simply said "Blogging," so I talked about various blogging myths. It seemed to go over fairly well considering it was 9:00 am--I think my half naked pictures of David Hasselhoff helped.

Using SEOmoz Linkscape to Troll for Terrific Link Prospects
Thomas Schmitz

Using SEOmoz Linkscape to Troll for Terrific Link Prospects

When it comes to finding links, since the dawn of SEO one constant piece of advice has been to look at your competitors links for opportunities. Unfortunately, this means wading through the muck in order to find the gems. How do you gather, organize and prioritize all of those links? Wouldn't it be nice to take a power-hose to all that mud and grime to more easily uncover the best prospects? It's not that difficult. Here's a step-by-step guide for doing just that!

Review of the Thumb Up/Down Judicial System w/ Suggestions

Review of the Thumb Up/Down Judicial System w/ Suggestions

It's pretty easy to thumb someone's comments up or down here at SEOmoz. You just register and away you go. Notice: Reading a post or its comments is NOT a requirement for contributing your opinion via thumb. This is not a situation that is unique to SEOmoz, nor is it something that they can do much about. There’s just no way to enforce the “reading before thumbing rule,” at least not now, but don’t be surprised if some offshoot of iris scanning makes this possible in the future.

2009 a Good Year for One Person Thanks to SEOmoz

2009 a Good Year for One Person Thanks to SEOmoz

Well before 2009 my head was awash with misleading information reading SEO. I was reading PDF after PDF about SEO techniques and just thought to myself, "Will these PDFs actually come in handy and be useful?" 2009 came and I can now say no, except for one. This set came from After reading all the articles on this great website, I built my own website, and this is my story.

Use Whois - A Cautionary Tale

Use Whois - A Cautionary Tale

It started simply enough - and that should have made me suspicious. It was a small job - a friend of my business partner wanted to redo their website. It was a small business website, and a quick search on Google showed ma a great SERP. All the site needed was some updating to improve the design. They were also looking for an easier way to update the site. So, a content management system was to be added. And, the site needed to be added to Google Local search. Easiest things first - Local Search, and the first indication there was a problem.