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SEO Recap: ChatGPT

Tom Capper

The author's views are entirely their own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz.

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Tom Capper

SEO Recap: ChatGPT

The author's views are entirely their own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz.

We’re back with another SEO recap with Tom Capper! As you’ve probably noticed, ChatGPT has taken the search world by storm. But does GPT-3 mean the end of SEO as we know it, or are there ways to incorporate the AI model into our daily work?

Tom tries to tackle this question by demonstrating how he plans to use ChatGPT, along with other natural language processing systems, in his own work.

Be sure to check out the commentary on ChatGPT from our other Moz subject matter experts, Dr. Pete Meyers and Miriam Ellis:

Video Transcription

Hello, I'm Tom Capper from Moz, and today I want to talk about how I'm going to use ChatGPT and NLP, natural language processing apps in general in my day-to-day SEO tasks. This has been a big topic recently. I've seen a lot of people tweeting about this. Some people saying SEO is dead. This is the beginning of the end. As always, I think that's maybe a bit too dramatic, but there are some big ways that this can be useful and that this will affect SEOs in their industry I think.

The first question I want to ask is, "Can we use this instead of Google? Are people going to start using NLP-powered assistants instead of search engines in a big way?"

So just being meta here, I asked ChatGPT to write a song about Google's search results being ruined by an influx of AI content. This is obviously something that Google themselves is really concerned about, right? They talked about it with the helpful content update. Now I think the fact that we can be concerned about AI content ruining search results suggests there might be some problem with an AI-powered search engine, right?

No, AI powered is maybe the wrong term because, obviously, Google themselves are at some degree AI powered, but I mean pure, AI-written results. So for example, I stole this from a tweet and I've credited the account below, but if you ask it, "What is the fastest marine mammal," the fastest marine mammal is the peregrine falcon. That is not a mammal.

Then it mentions the sailfish, which is not a mammal, and marlin, which is not a mammal. This is a particularly bad result. Whereas if I google this, great, that is an example of a fast mammal. We're at least on the right track. Similarly, if I'm looking for a specific article on a specific web page, I've searched Atlantic article about the declining quality of search results, and even though clearly, if you look at the other information that it surfaces, clearly this has consumed some kind of selection of web pages, it's refusing to acknowledge that here.

Whereas obviously, if I google that, very easy. I can find what I'm looking for straightaway. So yeah, maybe I'm not going to just replace Google with ChatGPT just yet. What about writing copy though? What about I'm fed up of having to manually write blog posts about content that I want to rank for or that I think my audience want to hear about?

So I'm just going to outsource it to a robot. Well, here's an example. "Write a blog post about the future of NLP in SEO." Now, at first glance, this looks okay. But actually, when you look a little bit closer, it's a bluff. It's vapid. It doesn't really use any concrete examples.

It doesn't really read the room. It doesn't talk about sort of how our industry might be affected more broadly. It just uses some quick tactical examples. It's not the worst article you could find. I'm sure if you pulled a teenager off the street who knew nothing about this and asked them to write about it, they would probably produce something worse than this.

But on the other hand, if you saw an article on the Moz blog or on another industry credible source, you'd expect something better than this. So yeah, I don't think that we're going to be using ChatGPT as our copywriter right away, but there may be some nuance, which I'll get to in just a bit. What about writing descriptions though?

I thought this was pretty good. "Write a meta description for my Moz blog post about SEO predictions in 2023." Now I could do a lot better with the query here. I could tell it what my post is going to be about for starters so that it could write a more specific description. But this is already quite good. It's the right length for a meta description. It covers the bases.

It's inviting people to click. It makes it sound exciting. This is pretty good. Now you'd obviously want a human to review these for the factual issues we talked about before. But I think a human plus the AI is going to be more effective here than just the human or at least more time efficient. So that's a potential use case.

What about ideating copy? So I said that the pure ChatGPT written blog post wasn't great. But one thing I could do is get it to give me a list of subtopics or subheadings that I might want to include in my own post. So here, although it is not the best blog post in the world, it has covered some topics that I might not have thought about.

So I might want to include those in my own post. So instead of asking it "write a blog post about the future of NLP in SEO," I could say, "Write a bullet point list of ways NLP might affect SEO." Then I could steal some of those, if I hadn't thought of them myself, as potential topics that my own ideation had missed. Similarly you could use that as a copywriter's brief or something like that, again in addition to human participation.

My favorite use case so far though is coding. So personally, I'm not a developer by trade, but often, like many SEOs, I have to interact with SQL, with JavaScript, with Excel, and these kinds of things. That often results in a lot of googling from first principles for someone less experienced in those areas.

Even experienced coders often find themselves falling back to Stack Overflow and this kind of thing. So here's an example. "Write an SQL query that extracts all the rows from table2 where column A also exists as a row in table1." So that's quite complex. I've not really made an effort to make that query very easy to understand, but the result is actually pretty good.

It's a working piece of SQL with an explanation below. This is much quicker than me figuring this out from first principles, and I can take that myself and work it into something good. So again, this is AI plus human rather than just AI or just human being the most effective. I could get a lot of value out of this, and I definitely will. I think in the future, rather than starting by going to Stack Overflow or googling something where I hope to see a Stack Overflow result, I think I would start just by asking here and then work from there.

That's all. So that's how I think I'm going to be using ChatGPT in my day-to-day SEO tasks. I'd love to hear what you've got planned. Let me know. Thanks.

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Tom Capper

I head up the Search Science team at Moz, working on Moz's next generation of tools, insights, and products.

With Moz Pro, you have the tools you need to get SEO right — all in one place.

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