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SES San Jose Day 1 - Overheard on Twitter

Jennifer Sable Lopez

The author's views are entirely their own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz.

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Jennifer Sable Lopez

SES San Jose Day 1 - Overheard on Twitter

The author's views are entirely their own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz.

SES 09This week I'm at SES San Jose covering the conference for SEOmoz. I'm a one woman show so I'm putting my multi-tasking skills to the test! Obviously I can't make it to every session, or cover every track. Plus there are many others live blogging the event (Check out Bruce Clay's coverage and Search Engine Roundtable). So, how can I make sure the SEOmoz community gains as much information as possible from this conference? Reuse other people's content, that's how!

People are tweeting from the conference sessions using either #SESSJ or #SES hashtags and giving up some great information they're learning. Now, you could fish through the results yourself or you can read through the tweets below and learn some great, actionable information. I looked for tweets that gave us something new or reminded us of things we often forget.

So here goes...

(These are more or less in order by time but a few may be out of order... don't shoot me. :))

Overheard at SES San Jose on Tuesday, August 11, 2009

imeldak: Theme already developing at this year's #SESSJ conf: It's not about the tools & technology. It's about understanding the users & peop

Search: Where to Next?

Pabu01: #sessj PevanLI: From our research for Toyota it shows that adding mobile to your online campaign provides more than 40%lift on branding. 

BrentDPayne: Go Stephan Spencer!! Just touched on the point of needing critical mass to get proper inbound links. He kicks ass. #ses

SearchQueen: Interesting that the discussion about the future of search keeps coming back to the enormous impact of social media. #sessj  

How to Optimize for Search & Engage the Community

The Next Wave for Online Video

waworld: Video SEO Tip, take one of your best ranking pages and add embed a YouTube video to receive additional benefit #sessj  

michaelbonfils: YouTube reports 1700% increase in mobile video uploads. There is a hidden opportunity here! Think about it. #sessj  

coreyperlman: nobody makes it to the end of a video. don't put call to action at the end. Gregory Markel #SESSJ  

The View From the CMO's Office

matthiasblume: "50% of today's CMOs were brought in to fix a broken marketing machine." - Liz Miler, VP, CMO Council #quote #sessj #sescmo  

Creating a Web Analytics Culture

How to Turn Your Web Analytics into a Money Making Machine

aspeyer77: Conversions > site > sale are more important than impressions. do what it takes to turn an impression into a conversion. #SESSJ  

matthacker: From Avinash... Bounce Rate = I came, I puked, I left #sessj  

AdvertisingGeek: @avinashkaushik is hilarious. First rule of paid search: Don't suck! #SESSJ  

Turning the Social Web Into Real ROI

Garrett66: Best facebook ads have questions and/or are written in the third person. From facebook's @tkendall. #sessj

aspeyer77: FB Fan page can be as successful as websites, ignoring social media is not an option #sessj  

Don't Call it a Comeback: Semantic Technology and Search

SEO Tools of the Trade: What's in YOUR Toolbox?

leeodden: @graywolf: use SEO/social tools that automate & fit w/in your workflow, enable multiple accts & are SE compliant #sessj  

JohnWEllis:,, CrazyEgg, BackType, Twitter Hawk and Google Alerts - recommended by @graywolf #sessj

JohnWEllis: "Big difference between data and wisdom" - @bruceclay #sessj  

Extreme Makeover: Conversion Edition

shawnafennell: Make sure to test your website on Safari! Its gaining usage with the Iphone expansion from @thegrok #ses

CopperConf: #sessj - Extreme site makeover - Don't confuse your customers, make the process of buying clear and easy. -

warpdesign: Leverage the "statistics and Data" tab on others YouTube videos to gain insight on how/when they go viral #SESSJ  

belasco: Lots of talk about conversion attribution and assist keywords at #sessj  

The Adaptive CMO: A New Paradigm for Digital Marketing

schachin: Brian Featherstone's 4 P's Price, Place, Product, Promotion - Changes now to Experience, Every Place, Exchange, Evangelism #SESSJ  

Launching a Global Website

michaelbonfils: in some situations, English translated content does not make sense, according to @turbotodd. For example, technical manuals. #sessj

schachin: Google is always asking for your permission when using your location for local search - WILL NEVER auto do it without permission. #SESSJ 

Whew!! That's a lot to take in. There were tons of retweets, promotional tweets and fun/goofy tweets that I left out. Perhaps I'll put a compilation together of the fun tweets. For example, the biggest drama going on today was the fact that Matt Cutts got a new haircut and no one recognized him for quite a while. Not necessarily actionable information, but definitely fun to stay on top of.

Please let me know if there are any specific tweets I may have missed. See you all again tomorrow!

PS. Please say hi if you see me! I can sometimes be shy. Unfortunately I don't have yellow shoes or anything like that, so it will be like picking a needle out of a haystack. :)
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