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Where in the World is SEOmoz?

Jennifer Sable Lopez

The author's views are entirely their own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz.

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Jennifer Sable Lopez

Where in the World is SEOmoz?

The author's views are entirely their own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz.

SEOmoz scheduleWe're getting close to the end of the year, which means halloween, holiday parties and spending time with the family... That is unless you're a mozzer! The fall season has hit us full swing and we're out and about speaking and attending conferences, providing training and traveling from Sweden to Mexico to Vegas baby! Check out where we'll be over the next few months and hopefully we'll see you there! 

SMX East - NYC - October 5-7

New York City in the Fall... it's the perfect setting for SMX East. The air is getting crisper, the leaves are falling and search marketers from around the globe take this city by storm. Rand will be speaking the first day on the Revisiting PageRank Sculpting & Siloing panel as well on the 3rd day on Dealing with Domain Names, URLs, Parameters & All that Jazz. You can find me speaking on the last day on the panel Diagnosing Technical SEO Issues. Nick and Adam will also be around, so come find us!

Jane and Robot Search Developer Summit – Google offices NYC - October 8

I really love the Jane and Robot Search Developer Summits. Being a techie at heart, these technical SEO conferences are right up my alley. This particular one is going to be exceptionally great, not only for all the talented speakers but that we get to go to the Google offices in NYC. Woot! Also, it's by invitation only which makes you feel really special (even if it is free). If you're interested in going you can request an invitation. As for us, Nick will be speaking about "Why it is Hard to Crawl your website (and how to fix it!)," plus I will be leading the Round table discussion for the Microsoft stack. Oh! I'll also be helping with registration, so if you see me, please say hi... I'm shy ;). 

London & Stockholm

ECMOD London - October 7-9
SMX Stockholm - October 10-13
A4Uexpo London - October 14
Gillian continues her world speaking tour (by this point she's spoken at 2 conferences in Canada, 1 in Los Angeles and attended the Social Media Summit in San Francisco!) by taking on Europe. At ECMOD, Gillian speaks about The State of Search Marketing: Where We Are, Where We're Headed & Why It Matters. Then she jumps over to SMX Stockholm where she'll be speaking on the panel  Landing Page Testing and Optimization as well as the SEO Check Up session. From there she heads back to London for the A4Uexpo. WHEW! And the tour is only halfway over, check out where she's headed next!

ExactTarget Connections 09 - Indianapolis, IN - October 13-15

If you love email (and who doesn't?) then you should check out ExactTarget Connections '09, one of the biggest email marketing-focused events out there. You'll not only learn tons of great tactics for improving your email marketing, you'll get to see a keynote by Malcolm Gladwell, and a concert by They Might Be Giants! Who knew Indianapolis could sound so appealing? Scott will be our lone mozzer attending, so find him and say hello!

SEOmoz/Distilled Pro Training Series - London - October 19-20

The Pro Training in Seattle this year was honestly the best conference I've personally ever attended! The speakers were knowledgeable and approachable, the food was great (always a bonus) and the entire event was a hit. I can only imagine that the Pro Training in London is going to be just as great, if not better (I mean, have you seen the venue?!) Rand and Ben will be speaking plus Danny will also be attending, equipped with a tazer to take down Ben if he starts rambling (or so I hear). :)

Update: we're sold out. But you can still join in the after-event party. See Will's blog post for particulars.

SEOmoz is Coming to India! ...and World Brand Congress

SearchMeetup New Delhi - October 20-22
SearchMeetup Bangalore - October 28-30
SearchMeetup Mumbai - October 30-Nov 1
World Brand Congress Mumbai - November 2-4
This is the next round of Gillian's worldwind tour as she heads from London to New Delhi (already oversold - they're looking for a larger venue as I edit) to begin her next round of speaking gigs at various SearchMeetups. She ends in Mumbai to pick up the 2009 World Brand Leadership Award and speak at the conference before heading over the pond to join us at PubCon.*

PubCon  - Las Vegas - November 10-13

Hooray! PubCon Vegas! This is one of the most talked about events of year. Speakers submit their pitches during the summer and everyone has their hotel and airfare booked months in advanced. With up to 7 different tracks each day, PubCon covers everything from SEO to Affiliates. I particularly enjoy the Interactive Site Reviews because inevitably someone asks to have their site reviewed, and the poor soul has no idea they've purchased links all across the web and the reviewers reveal it.

If you're looking for the mozzers, you can find us all over the place! Rand will be speaking on the SEO/SEM Tools session on day 2 and on How to Buy Links with Maximum Juice and Minimum Risk on the 3rd day (This was my favorite presentation last year). Gillian ends her tour here at PubCon and will be moderating Real World Winning Tactics for Content Creation on the 3rd day also. Plus Adam, Arden, Scott and I will be around and we’ll have our annual Search Spam party with a whole new deck of cards! (Ooooh I wonder who's on them!! Could it be YOU?)

We still have 20 tickets left for our PubCon Promo - Buy a year's subscription to SEOmoz PRO and get a FREE PubCon 2009 Full Access Pass! The ticket prices for PubCon are about to go up, which will make this deal even better. Better hop to it!

SES Chicago - December 7-11

For the last event of the year, Rand heads off to speak at SES Chicago. Are you tired yet? I'm pretty sure we all are!

Tired Rand
Sooooo Sleeeeeeepy

We look forward to the busy few months and seeing everyone! Remember to say hello if you see any of us, whether we look tired like Rand does above, or not. :) Ciao!

*Sadly, SMX Mexico has been postponed. Stay tuned for new dates when they become available.

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