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Category: Image & Video Optimization

Explore how to optimize your website's images and videos for search.

  • I have a client who is very concerned about reputation management ... Google his name and some very provocative photos show up in Google Images.  There are a couple of semi-famous people who share his name, and my plan is to backlink their images that currently rank positions 50 - 100 to try and push them up. Should I backlink the page that contains the image or the image itself? Any other recommendations?

    | julie-getonthemap

  • I have a client who lives in the UK but runs a US ecommerce site. I'd still like to get him some local trust signals but he has no options when it comes to getting an address here.  Has anyone found a reputableplace where you can rent an address that isn't already being used by umpteen other companies?


  • I'm managing a design blog hosted on WordPress. Each "design project" article includes a slideshow with additional images (and captions) for the project - these are images and text not found in the article itself. Every slide has the same page path as the article, but a different query param at the end. So if the article is /article the first slide would be /article?slide=1 for example. I'm having two issues: The slideshow images don't seem to be getting indexed. Screaming Frog reports duplicate meta descriptions and title tags for each slideshow page (same meta as article). I want to do what's best overall from an SEO perspective. Having the slideshow images show in Google image search is a must. And having the captions indexed might help too? But I want the Google image results linking to the article and not the individual slideshow pages. And I don't want duplicate meta issues. What's the best thing to do? Submit a sitemap that lists both article and slideshow images? "Rel canonical" the param'd slideshow urls to the base article url (not sure this makes total sense, since slide content is different from the article)? Get rid of slideshow altogether and put images in body? Some combo of these? Hopefully this makes sense. Any thoughts appreciated!

    | theoHP

  • Hello! When googling our company's name, the Google Local profile comes up on the right hand side with the reviews, address, phone number, etc. Those are all fine but the main photo being used is not the one specified in the Google My Business profile but it seems to be pulling from a 3rd party site that recently added a link and an image to our website. Why is this happening and can we specify the image that shows up? Your help will be very much appreciated!!!

    | uniseo1

  • We have a client in the heavy equipment industry that is trying to "push down" images in a Google image search that are associated with an accident over ten years ago. This client has launched a new website, and we have applied the best practices of on-page SEO (page titles, unique meta-descriptions, alt-image tags, focused keyword targeting, etc.). The challenge we have is with Google Image results. It seems the image results shown in the Google Image search rankings are often not inline with how images have been labeled in the alt-tag section. I have checked these images with the Moz Chrome extension, and I have often found the way the image is labeled in the alt-tag is not related to the search query made within the Google image search bar. I certainly may not be factoring in other weighted items when it comes to how images are ranked. Are there other ranking factors associated with Google Image results outside of the Alt-Image Tag? If so, what are those factors? Our ultimate goal is to provide a strategy that would allow us to tag images within this specific sector that are relevant to this specific heavy equipment product, and at the same time, "push down" the rankings of the images that have a negative association to them. We certainly want to take the right approach here, and want to earn these rankings. However, the way Google ranks images seems to be a mystery of sorts. Is there a specific strategy relevant to Google Image rankings that would fall inline with the challenge listed above? I appreciate any advice on this topic. Thank you.

    | JaredBroussard

  • I'm curious about the benefit of verifying your website in the Google News Publisher Center. Right now my website isn't showing up under "My Sites," and it recommends I submit the site to be reviewed for inclusion. However, when I go to and search for news topics we cover, our site does show up sometimes. Will verifying the website in the Google News Publisher Center help to include it in News results more frequently? One thought I had is that perhaps Google will start to ONLY include sites in Google News that the webmaster has verified here. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

    | davidkaralisjr

  • I just realized this happened 😞 I optimized this page over a week ago. I changed out the old image on the page, along with the Alt Text. Now I see this when I do a search for it. No Beuno. Can some one please tell me how I get rid of the alt text in the result. many many thanks in advance. Contractors Liability, Work Comp Insurance in Dallas, Texas ... <cite class="_Rm"></cite>Your page is not mobile-friendly.Dallas, Texas Contractors Insurance. Contractors Insurance Quote. General Contractor working on a roof in Texas. Thumann Agency specializes in providing ...

    | MissThumann

  • Does Google Image Search consider meta data (EXIF) when looking for a location? Is it essential to define the meta data in order to rank top with images?

    | fduo

  • Does duplicated content have an impact on your Google Image ranking?

    | fduo

  • If yes, are there any methods to influence the image recognition?

    | fduo

  • I am looking for a an automated system to help me as a solopreneur on a limited budget. Is SEOnuke TNG worth the investment?

    | cdgospel

  • We'll be optimizing file names moving forward, but it hasn't been done in the past. I have probably 1,500 that would need to be changed, so want to make sure it's a valuable use of time/worth the effort. 🙂 Also, has anyone used Media File Renamer for wordpress? Seems this would be a good way to rename files without needing to reupload everything. Thanks!

    | jennafrye

  • My Website is on 2nd position of the SERP but it is not visible on the first 3 list of Google Map. Although My website has 4.8 stars on the result page. I got an idea from this post, but the solution that author has given is very time consuming one. could anybody help me, "how to be visible on the Google Map first 3 results? and also please share your ideas on How to rank for images and videos.

    | Tabassum

  • I have a website with a number of images and I have optimized all of the images on both a file name and ALT text level, relevant to content on the page they are published on. I haven't created a separate image sitemap, but the strange thing is that Google has all of my images indexed and they can be found for the right keywords, but when I look in BING! images, there is no image indexed available at all ...

    | ConclusionDigital

  • We are a Healthcare system which has 70+ medical service/practice locations and 2500+ individual doctor lists. What is the best way manage these locations list, so they are not completing with each other in local search.  for example, if search for "urgent care", we will like our medical practice group location show up before individual doctor in local search.  What is the best practices for managing your group location lists and your individual doctor lists? Thanks!

    | HonorHealth

  • Will images, loaded via css class, get indexed? For example something like : style="background-image: url(;"

    | nans

  • Hi. My company has a 1000 videos, each of the videos appear on their own page that follows the same template.  The title is of course different / videos linked to / etc. Google is reporting them as "duplicate content".  What should I do to differentiate these pages enough so that google can recognized that they are different pages?.

    | adamorn

  • I came across. while looking for citations. Anyone use the service before?  I have used Whitespark and was happy with them, but synup looks pretty good also.

    | netviper

  • Does anyone have any recommendations for Youtube SEO Resources in 2016? I've done a lot of work with Local SEO on video but having to move up a notch to national SEO in a competitive field

    | abisti2

  • Hi there, One of my clients is asking why there's this big SEO result when What kind of search results are thos with this big video first result? Any tips how to achieve this? Something related with the views, video description?. I tested a few other similar queries, even big brands included in the search query and this kind of SEO result does not show up. Any help would be appreciated, thanks! qGwcE

    | poliedric

  • This doesn't seem to have been discussed here for a number of years, so I'm wondering what people think of video syndication in 2016? Is it a good idea for website SEO (backlinks in accompanying text)? Or for raising general web presence? Or generally pushing the video itself up the SERPS? Or is it better to concentrate everything on Youtube? I'm looking to raise a website profile that produces 4-5 videos a week presently but is only getting an average of 500-1000 views in each video.

    | abisti2

  • What is the best practice for having videos on a website in terms of increasing SEO? Embedding YouTube videos is probably the easiest solution, but does that help with SEO? The other options would be to use a third party or build one. What have other people found to be the best option? Thanks!

    | STP_SEO

  • Hello there, Is it possible to make iframe SEO friendly? I have to use iframe to add video to the page. I know I can use the name and title attributes, but will it help to rank my page? Also can I put alternative content to describe the video? some iframe examples: <iframe<br>name="example-name-a"
    Alternate content video a</iframe<br> <iframe <br="">name="Example-video-name-b"<br /> title="Example-video-title-b"<br /> width="300"<br /> height="300"<br /> frameborder="0"<br /> src="example-b.html"><br /></iframe>

    | BBI_Brandboost

  • Hello, We are doing a website redesign for a long-standing client. Their new website is completely different and includes mostly new elements, My question is do we need to redirect photo URLs if they are no longer on the site, and if so where do we redirect them, the homepage? Thank you! Tyler

    | BeyondIndigo

  • Hello Everyone. We have a YouTube account that has been around for many years. We also have a separate google account that we use for webmaster/analytics/adwords/mybusiness etc... We just noticed that our YouTube account is not linked to this same account that the rest of our business uses for all other Google services. Is there any way to add our existing YouTube account to our existing Google Account?  We don't want to re-upload everything onto a new channel as we'd like to preserve the age of the videos plus the views and comments. Anyone know how to accomplish what I have in mind? Thanks in advance!

    | Prime85

  • We have a Youtube channel that has a 7+ years of history and a bunch of views. With that said they are not tagged or described very well on youtube. For business reasons, we are considering creating a new Google/Youtube account, then moving the videos to the new account and properly tagging. Does anyone have SEO thoughts on essentially killing our youtube views/history?

    | brianvest

  • Hi,
    I want to create good internal linking structure, but I have a problem with product to product link. E.g. I have a new model of product: iPhone 6, and old iPhone 5, and I want to put link from iPhone 5 to iPhone 6, but if I make link like this, I dropped for a few positions. Also, if I have similar product e.g. photography Kit for iPhone 6, and I put a link from this additional product to iPhone 6, I will lose my position.
    Why, do you have any recommendations?

    | Tormar

  • I have a hotel that has a restaurant within its building. Both the hotel and restaurant are owned and managed by the same group. There was a proposal to create a U-NAP distribution for the restaurant itself. Should there be any concerns regarding a U-NAP issue with the hotel given that they share the same physical address and the same URL? The Restaurant has it own landing page within the domain. It does not have building specific identifier like a suite number. Please advise if a U-NAP distribution for the restaurant will cause a material impact on the Hotel's U-NAP purity.

    | JohnJimenez

  • Hi, I couldn't find any reference to this, so if the answer is already here, I would appreciate a link to the answer. That said, my question is this:  When a local business services a large geographic area, I wanted to know how to optimize for the multiple towns?  I already have the main city in my title tags, but there are at least 40 areas that surround this town. Should I have a "Services Area" page, and place all the towns there, or should they all be in the footer? I saw this one guy - in the same niche who put all the towns in his meta keyword section - but I think that's incorrect, especially since Google doesn't look at that particular meta tag. Any help would be appreciated.

    | jayestovall

  • We are working using Webmaster tools position, then pages. Looking at the average position to improve our page rankings. A lot of our pages are already moving up quite well, so the average is not reflecting the current position Is there a way we can see the current page rank rather that an average, with out having to click through each search, (position, then pages etc.) it is quite time consuming.

    | CostumeD

  • I am doing a $10'000 giveaway to get more automotive dealers to an auction in Detroit to buy cars from my clients wholesale company which is called We are going to give away Super Bowl Sunday tickets to create fans and followers but mainly to get dealers to show up to auction this Thursday. Is this something that anyone would be interested in helping me promote? If you can give me reasonable assurances that we can get results I can pay whatever is reasonable.The auction that we are promoting is Next thursday so I would like to start seeing results by as early as Tuesday.Is a budget of $1500 reasonable?Thanks, David [email protected]

    | clickshift

  • I would like to know what is best practice for optimizing images for our website. Is it better to give an Image an optimized filename Or an optimized URL for SEO? Or is it better to do both? Would there be any harm in doing both if they are identical in their format? Any help would be greatly appreciated. With thanks, Kate

    | K_borg

  • I'm considering posting infographics to Imgur in addition to hosting them on my site in an effort to leverage Reddit a bit more this year. My concern is that, if all goes well, we'll get a ton of views through Reddit to Imgur, maybe a couple clickthroughs to the site, and links to (probably) the Imgur page. I don't see that Imgur gives your profile a followed link, so how would any of this help SEO. I assume it would, because respected guys like John Dougherty espouse the benefits of Reddit, but I can't see how and I need to justify the effort to my department head.

    | MattHolden

  • Not something I've ever heard discussed before, probably still a bit too esoteric for present day, but I've always been one to be guided by where I see Google headed rather than trying to game the system as it exists now. So think about it: Most stock and public domain photos are used repeatedly throughout the internet. Google's reverse image search proves that Google can recognize when the same photo is used across dozens of sites. Many of those photos will have alt and/or title text that Google also has crawled. If not it has the content of the page on which the photo exists to consider for context. So if Google has a TON of clues about what a photo is likely to be about, and can in theory aggregate those clues about a single photo from the dozens of sites using it, how might Google treat a site that mislabels it, old school "one of these things is not like the others" style? Would a single site hosting that photo be bolstered by the additional context that the known repeated photo brings in, essentially from other sites? If 10 sites about widgets are using the same widget photo, but the 11th uses an entirely new, never before published photo, would the 11th site then be rated better for bringing something new to the table? (I think this would be almost certainly true, drives home the importance of creating your own graphics content.) Anyway, like I said, all theoretical and philosophical and probably not currently in play, especially since an image can be used in so many different contexts, but it's New Years and things are slow and my brain is running, so I'm curious what other folks might think about that as the future of image optimization.

    | BradsDeals

  • Hi all, I am just setting up a local organic garden maintenance business in my home town. I have set up the website, got social media accounts active (FB, Twitter and G+), set up google local listing (currently 5th in the local maps thingy), I have done loads of citations (many more than my competitors, but not a ridiculous amount), I've got 4 customer reviews on google so far, checked my DA against my competitors (mine 1, my comps 8-9), checked my comps links (less than 10) and been writing a blog on my website every couple of days. I realise the one thing I have against me is that my domain is just less than a month old. How long until google builds a bit of trust in it to see it come up in the serps? Also, I would love some ideas of what else I can be doing in the mean time. The idea here is to get the site rocking on all cylinders before the gardening season starts again in March. Do-able?

    | HappyOx

  • We're looking for an Link building agency. We are looking for possibilities to publish article or infographics on very strong travel related sites.
    Can anyone recommend reliable contacts?

    | Aftle1984

  • We're looking to hire an SEO agency and wanted to see if anyone could personally recommend some. We do not currently have a resource dedicated to SEO, so the agency will be the driver in developing and implementing the strategy. UPDATE Our site sells custom products so while there are around 60 products, there are many variations of any given product (paper type, cover type, color, etc.). We do not have a physical storefront and we ship anywhere in the US and Canada. We are looking for SEO services, mainly link building, monitoring rankings, and on-site factors. We have a resource dedicated to content in-house so the agency would work closely with this person in building out a content strategy. We are open to agencies around the US but are located in Maryland so EST time zone would be preferable.

    | lforemannpl

  • Does anyone know how Google takes the rating from iTunes? I have an app, and the iTunes page, appears in the results with a 1 star rating, even if we have on iTunes 4 stars. I need to know how Google reads the iTunes page, and how it displays the info from it

    | Silviu

  • What program would allow an image transition effect where product images when viewed on our website change to alternative angles/shots of the same product when the cursor is on the image? This is a common transition effect of websites such as Please let us know if you have used programs like these and how to implement this into our website. Thank you!

    | CostumeD

  • What is the recommended size for an image on our website? What is the largest image size we can use without being penalised by Google? Thank you.

    | CostumeD

  • I just tried to create a Google+ listing for a client. It's a brand new company. As soon as I submit the listing, I get an error message: "Google has suspended your page due to quality issues." There is no content on the listing, no website, etc. Just their NAP. All I can guess is their business address or phone number is on a blacklist due to some previous tenant/owner. Does Google keep a blacklist of addresses and/or phone numbers? Any other ideas?

    | AdamThompson

  • On our website, we have products that come in different colours, and we have created a different SKU for each one .e.g. our Acacia Evening Dress comes in 3 different colours (black, blue and red) - Acacia Evening Dress Black (J7048BLK), Acacia Evening Dress Blue (J7048RB), Acacia Evening Dress Red (J7048R). Would it be beneficial for SEO if on the image Alt-tag we used the terms 'Jadore J7048 Red Acacia dress', 'Jadore J7048 Black Acacia dress' and 'Jadore J7048 Blue Acacia dress', because 'Acacia' is the internal name we have given to this dress, not the name provided by the label, Jadore, as more customers would search for terms such as 'black dress' or 'Jadore J7048'? Can we use the same terms in the Alt-tag on the image and the page title? How important is the Alt-tag in searching?

    | CostumeD

  • We are a bridal store selling wedding dresses and bridesmaids dresses. We are wanting to know how much our URL and page title can differ, whilst still optimising SEO. For example, for the category Wedding Dresses, the URL contains wedding dresses, so can we use " the best wedding dresses in Sydney" in the page title? For the bridesmaid dresses (URL is /bridesmaiddresses/) can we use " buy best bridesmaid dresses online in Australia"? Can we use terms such as "buy best black dress in sydney", "buy online in australia" or "shop online in sydney" in the alt-tag, additional from the page title .i.e. adding extra keywords in the alt-tag that do not appear in the title? Would this be classified as keyword stuffing? In our main categories .e.g. Wedding Dresses, can we add "best wedding dress store", "buy wedding dresses from best wedding store in sydney" in the alt-tag? Thank you.

    | CostumeD

  • Hi We use bigcommerce and want to add a video to each product . We want to add a video link in the corner of the product image and have the video play when this tab  is clicked. Can anyone tell us how to do this Regards

    | CostumeD

  • If we have a "why hire us" video, and we place it on multiple landing pages will that be considered duplicate content? All the texts and images are different, it would just be the video. Thanks, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • Assuming it's a relevant video, is having a video on your landing page considered a good SEO tactic in and of itself? Meaning, when google crawls the page, will they say "good job, there's a video here." Or is having a video on your landing page something that helps you improve on other ranking factors like increased time on site? So, it would not be the video itself google "likes" but rather the increased User Experience factors that went up. (Crossing my fingers I explained this well enough) Thanks for any input, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • Hi, I was wondering if there is a limit that anyone puts on Video Titles or descriptions? This is for video that is hosted on our server and not on Youtube.

    | mattdinbrooklyn

  • To make the https lock secure, can I make my website header and footer image URLs to relative? I have read that we need to have absolute URLs for images for good SEO. In our old ecommerce platform we made http image urls for http pages and https image urls for https pages. For our new platform this is not  a standard feature and we will have to pay for customizations which we don't have any more budget for that. So will making image URLs relative create any other problems?

    | rbai

  • Hi Guys, i'm considering to prevent Google to crawl all the images on a webshop (3,432), because a the amount of pages that have to me crawled. Will this affect any search results? Thanks!

    | Happy-SEO

  • What is the best way to build backlinks from high domain and page trust sites?

    | WeissToyota

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