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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • seo expert seo ranking seo tactics

    I have a site that has been having problems ranking. Initially, spam rate was at 18%. I have since changed the URL and forwarded to the original so now the spam rate is under 5%. Phone calls started picking back up very slowly but then by August 2024 things came to a screeching halt. Phone has been dead and very little business has been written. I did notice on the robots.txt file it had this: User-agent: *
    Disallow: /
    User-agent: Googlebot
    User-agent: bingbot
    Disallow: /no-bing-crawl/
    Disallow: wp-admin and now I have since changed it to this:
    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /wp-admin/
    Allow: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php Sitemap: My question is what else do I need to do to get this site to start ranking again? We are blogging once a month, writing press releases once a month, updating the social media a few times a week. I feel like maybe there is something on the backend that needs to be done to get this site back to ranking. I am using SEO by Yoast and I have filled in the title and meta description fields for all pages. There is a spot in Yoast where I can validate the site with Google, Bing, etc. I'm trying to figure out how to do that. I do see in the site's Google Webmaster Tools there are several pages not indexing. Any ideas on what else I can do to get this site to start ranking again? Thank you.

    | SOM24

  • tree service tree removal bronx tree service

    Hi, we've had a page which was ranking top 1 on the Google rankings but has complete dropped out to 5. We don't have any duplicate errors from that page on here. Do you have any suggestions?

    | FIT

  • ranking ranking issue

    I am trying to work out why from March 4th Google is not seeing my posts. Our google impressions have dropped from 8,000 to 40. If you put in the full article name with speach marks it does not find it, and instead shows the home page in google. We have not had any warnings. We did have work done on our site but nothing else i could think of to cause this. Can anyone let me know what may have caused this. All articles are original

    | headlinesplus

  • shop shopify page speed

    I'm facing challenges optimizing Core Web Vitals on my Shopify store. Does anyone have experience with Shopify apps that effectively address LCP, FID, and CLS issues? Any specific recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

    | faizalialiali

  • Bing is crawling our site, but not indexing it, and we cannot figure out why -- plus it's being indexed fine in Google. Any ideas on what the issue with Bing might be? Here's are some details to let you know what we've already checked/established: We have 4 301’s and the rest of our site checks out We’ve already established our Robots is ok, and that we are fixing our site map/it's in fine shape We do not see anything blocking bingbot access to the site There is no varnish or any load balancers, so nothing on that end that would be blocking the access We also don't see any rules in the apache or the .htaccess config that would be blocking the access

    | Alex_RevelInteractive

  • Hi Experts, I have follow backlinks from a domain for 6 months, but its not apear in Links to Your Site tools (search console) that domain has 302k indexed pages in google! Could you please explain me why google not showing this type of backlinks?

    | denakalami

  • speed wordpress website speed technical seo

    I'm reaching out for some advice on improving my WordPress website's speed. I'm currently using a free theme for this fusion magazine and aiming for a score of 95+ on Google PageSpeed Insights. I'm aware that premium plugins can significantly enhance performance, but I'm hoping to achieve similar results using primarily free solutions and manual optimizations.

    | mohammadrehanseo

  • indexing google

    I have been investigating this problem for some time now and there must be a technical problem. My posts seem to be ignored by google. For example, if i put this title of my article in google, other sites come up instead of my website Lincolnshire Caravan Owners Struggle To Compete With Haven I am trying to find out what technical problem I have that is stopping google displaying my post. Can anyone advise me on what tools to use and how to find out what is going wrong

    | headlinesplus

  • I've noticed that some of our URLs have recently dropped completely out of Google's index. When carrying out a URL inspection in GSC, it comes up with 'Crawled, currently not indexed'. Strangely, I've also noticed that under referring page it says 'None detected', which is definitely not the case. I wonder if it could be something to do with the following? - It seems to be a bug affecting quite a few people. Here are a few examples of the URLs that have gone missing: Any help here would be massively appreciated!

    | iHasco

  • indexing technical seo ranking

    Hi, I made the mistake of hiring a freelancer to work on my website [](link url) but after having a good website things went from bad to worse. The freelancer was kicked off the platform due to lots of compliants from people and creating backdoors to websites and posting on them. It cost me money to have the back door to our site closed. I then found lots of websites were stealing my content through the rss feed. Two of those sites have now been shut down by their hosting company. With all these problems I found in Feb that the hundreds of keywords that I ranked for had vanished. And all the ones that were in the top ten for many years have also vanished. When I create an article which includes they cannot be found in Google. Normally before all these problems, my articles were found straight away. If I put in the title name Lincolnshire Premier Inn Staff Fear For Their Jobs and then add In2town in front of it, then instead of the page coming up with the article, it instead shows the home page. Can anyone please advise what tools i should be using to find out the problems and solve them, and can anyone offer advice please on what to do to solve this.

    | blogwoman1

  • Hi folks, I'm looking for an SEO extension for Magento 2 that enables me to add Custom Canonical URLs on any page (especially on category pages). Any advice would be appreciated greatly!

    | bbop33

  • I was wondering which blog posts would qualify for an FAQ Schema markup. For instance, we have a blog post which is more like a Q&A interview with our customer where our product gets mentioned several times. Would we get dinged for including our product name in the markup? First of all does that kind of blog posts even qualify for the markup? Example of the blog post:

    | revulytics

  • DISQUS COMMENTS backlinks-good for seo? YES/NO? I have just started commenting on "powered by disquus" websites in the Disqus comments box and left a link to my website in the name field! Having googled whether Disqus comments backlinks are any good for seo purposes i have discovered that there is a 50/50 view on the subject with some people saying they are a "goldmine" for getting high PR backlinks and others saying they are a waste of time because googlebot cannot read Java. My own experience of commenting on Disqus powered websites is that wordpress blogs powered by disqus comments ARE INDEXED by GOOGLE and the "BACKLINK IS IN THE SOURCE OF THE PAGE" When i comment on normal websites using the Disqus comment system i have found that my Disqus comments ARE NOT indexed by Google and there IS NO BACKLINK in the page source! Has anybody got any views on whether Disqus comments backlinks are any good?

    | Freebetsuk

  • What is your favorite tool for getting a report of URLs that are not cached/indexed in Google & Bing for an entire site? Basically I want a list of URLs not cached in Google and a seperate list for Bing. Thanks, Mark

    | elephantseo

  • Hi, Our website has recently seen a huge amount of spammy incoming links to non-exisiting URLS: They all target pages that lead to a 404 and which clearly do not exist on our website. Since they have started to appear our DA has plummeted. I have already disavowed some domains, but more re-appear just as fast. I have also checked if our site has been hacked, which does not seem to be the case. What am I missing? And/or what can I do?

    | FoodJEt

  • I work primarily on classifieds websites and an issue I consistently come across are two  or more URLs which have the exact same ad count, due to site structure and the way everything is categorized. An example of such would be with these two pages: These two have the exact same number of ads- would search engines mark these as duplicate content? Both have different meta descriptions, title tags etc. but essentially the MC is exactly the same. If they are, what would be the best course to remedy the problem? I'm skeptical about using canonical tags as I generally use them for exact duplicate pages.

    | Sayers

  • Hi folks. I own a Norwegian consumer loan/financing website, which has been monetized with links. I've created various silos for my content, according to what I believe is most relevant to the user.
    However, as a result each article now has a sidebar list, which in turn links to all other articles within the same category (silo). As you can see here, it has about 30 links in the sidebar: forbrukslåån. With 30 articles in a silo, that corresponds to over 900 internal links, in just one silo alone. I wonder if this could be hurting me SEO wise? I know G cares a lot about relevance and user experience. So I have a feeling it could be interpreted as spammy. Reason I did this in the first place, is that the header links are also being repeated on all pages, without any issue. T4FHxHw

    | llevy

  • indexed urls seo seo audit

    I would like to know what tools I should use and how to investigate damage to my website I hired a person to do some work to my website but they damaged it. That person was on a freelance platform and was removed because of all the complaints made about them. They also put in backdoors on websites including mine and added content. I also had a second problem where my content was being stolen. My site always did well and had lots of keywords in the top five and ten, but now they are not even in the top 200. This happened in January and feb. When I write unique articles, they are not showing in Google and need to find what the problem is and how to fix it. Can anyone please help

    | blogwoman1

  • Back in June, we had seen a sharp drop in traffic on our website. We initially assumed that it was due to the Core Update that was rolled out in early June. We had switched from http to https in May, but thought that should have helped rather than cause a problem. Until early June the traffic was trending upwards. While investigating the issue, I noticed that only a fraction  (25%) of the AMP pages have been indexed. The pages don't seem to be getting indexed even though they are valid. Accordingly to Google Analytics too, the percentage of AMP traffic has dropped from 67-70% to 40-45%. I wonder if it is due to the indexing issue. In terms of implementation it seems fine. We are pointing canonical to the AMP page from the desktop version and to the desktop version from the AMP page. Any tips on how to fix the AMP indexing issue.  Should I be concerned that only a fraction of the AMP pages are indexed. I really hope you can help in resolving this issue.

    | Gautam

  • Hi everyone. I'm new here so apologies if I'm not asking an appropriate question - just let me know! Can anyone help me figure out why my blog ( isn't ranking at all for my name? I've run it through the standard Moz audit tools and it hasn't picked up any major issues. It ranks fine for my name plus " CTO", but doesn't appear anywhere in the top 50 without that qualifier. I realise there are many other 'James Crowley's to compete with but weirdly even my GitHub profile page appears to rank higher ( I moved the domain a while back (18 months+) and I used to rank highly, but it never seems to have recovered (all the standard redirects are in place, and told Google at the time about the move). Any suggestions would be very much appreciated!

    | james.crowley

  • I am facing issue regarding to my Blog As some pages are not Rank in google yet. Can Anyone help me out how to rank those blogs to improve my Traffic. Thanks in Advance.

    | qwaswd

  • In my attempt to decrease page load times, I ditched my custom fonts for google fonts. I figured out how to apply CSS mask-image to make this blazing fast loading google font have a chalk texture, which was an awesome improvement over the 3-5 second load times for those locally hosted web fonts. I've read that Google penalize a site for poor contrast ratios between the background and text, but do search engines go by CSS or do they somehow compare the actual rendered site as an image? Using CSS mask-image to give my text that chalk appearance does produce minor transparent patches in text. So have I saved 3 seconds on page load just to have search engines knock points off for funky text issues? All input welcome. The temporary site is here. Kevin

    | kwoolf

  • indexing seo

    Hello. I have a problem of page indexing without content. I have website in 3 different languages and 2 of the pages are indexing just fine, but one language page (the most important one) is indexing without content. When searching using site: page comes up, but when searching unique keywords for which I should rank 100% nothing comes up. This page was indexing just fine and the problem arose couple of days ago after google update finished. Looking further, the problem is language related and every page in the given language that is newly indexed has this problem, while pages that were last crawled around one week ago are just fine. Has anyone ran into this type of problem?

    | AtuliSulava

  • **Old site urls:- ** **New site urls:- ** **Old site urls:- ** **New site urls:-** My old site url redirect to new site url but show redirect chain issue. My site redirect A to B to C. Kindly find attached image and guide me what is the best way of redirection. Thanks & Regards Dilip Kumar boxgEpd

    | Packersmove

  • google http https indexation crawl

    Whole website moved to https://www. HTTP/2 version 3 years ago. When we review log files, it is clear that - for the home page - GoogleBot continues to only access via HTTP/1.1 protocol Robots file is correct (simply allowing all and referring to https://www. sitemap Sitemap is referencing https://www. pages including homepage Hosting provider has confirmed server is correctly configured to support HTTP/2 and provided evidence of accessing via HTTP/2 working 301 redirects set up for non-secure and non-www versions of website all to https://www. version Not using a CDN or proxy GSC reports home page as correctly indexed (with https://www. version canonicalised) but does still have the non-secure version of website as the referring page in the Discovery section. GSC also reports homepage as being crawled every day or so. Totally understand it can take time to update index, but we are at a complete loss to understand why GoogleBot continues to only go through HTTP/1.1 version not 2 Possibly related issue - and of course what is causing concern - is that new pages of site seem to index and perform well in SERP ... except home page. This never makes it to page 1 (other than for brand name) despite rating multiples higher in terms of content, speed etc than other pages which still get indexed in preference to home page. Any thoughts, further tests, ideas, direction or anything will be much appreciated!

    | AKCAC

  • seo audit url inspection indexed urls

    The question revolves around the steps required to mitigate damage inflicted upon a website, encompassing issues such as malware insertion and content theft. It prompts a comprehensive exploration of the necessary actions to take in response to these challenges. The inquirer seeks guidance on how to effectively address the damage, indicating a desire for practical solutions and strategies to restore and safeguard their website's integrity. By posing this question, the individual demonstrates an awareness of the severity of the situation and a readiness to undertake corrective measures.

    | ralphbaer

  • one of my websites is showing a constant drop in rankings. Earlier the website was ranking for major keywords like resume writing services etc. I used Ahrefs site audit to find issues. According to Ahrefs there was a huge issue of duplicate pages, which is now resolved by proper canonical tag insertion. The site is built on Angular. Fetch report in Google shows perfect code and Sitemap is also perfect. Manual action reporting in webmaster shows no warning. Please suggest what steps should I take to fix this issue.

    | mayyaa4

  • i have seen some 301 redirects on my site  billsonline, can anyone please explain the difference between backlinks and 301 redirects,  i have read some articles where the writer was stating  that  301 are not good for website.

    | aliho

  • Dear Experts! I need your help with pointing me in the right direction. So far I have found scattered tips around the Internet but it's hard to make a full picture with all these bits and pieces of information without a professional advice. My primary goal is to understand how I should build my online travel agency web-site’s ( structure, so that I target my keywords on correct pages and do not create a duplicate content. In my particular case I have very similar properties in similar locations in Tenerife. Many of them are located in the same villa or apartment complex, thus, it is very hard to come up with the unique description for each of them. Not speaking of amenities and pricing blocks, which are standard and almost identical (I don’t know if Google sees it as a duplicate content). From what I have read so far, it’s better to target archive pages rather than every single property. At the moment my archive pages are: all properties (includes all property types and locations), a page for each location (includes all property types). Does it make sense adding archive pages by property type in addition OR in stead of the location ones if I, for instance, target separate keywords like 'villas costa adeje' and 'apartments costa adeje'? At the moment, the title of the respective archive page "Properties to rent in costa adeje: villas, apartments" in principle targets both keywords... Does using the same keyword in a single property listing cannibalize archive page ranking it is linking back to? Or not, unless Google specifically identifies this as a duplicate content, which one can see in Google Search Console under HTML Improvements and/or archive page has more incoming links than a single property? If targeting only archive pages, how should I optimize them in such a way that they stay user-friendly. I have created (though, not yet fully optimized) descriptions for each archive page just below the main header. But I have them partially hidden (collapsible) using a JS in order to keep visitors’ focus on the properties. I know that Google does not rank hidden content high, at least at the moment, but since there is a new algorithm Mobile First coming up in the near future, they promise not to punish mobile sites for a collapsible content and will use mobile version to rate desktop one. Does this mean I should not worry about hidden content anymore or should I move the descirption to the bottom of the page and make it fully visible? Your feedback will be highly appreciated! Thank you! Dmitry

    | qualistay

  • Hi, A redirection chain is usually defined as a page redirecting to another page which itself is another redirection. URL1 ---(301/302)---> URL2 ---(301/302)---> URL3 But what about Javascript redirect? They seem to be a different beast: URL1 ---(301/302)---> URL2 ---(200 then Javascript redirect)---> URL3 From what I know if the javascript redirect is instant Google counts it as a 301 permanent redirection, but I'm still not sure about if this counts as a redirection chain. Most of the tools (such as moz) only see the first redirection. So is that scenario a redirection chain or no?

    | LouisPortier

  • Some pages in Search Console have troubles in indexing. Although Google Index says url is on google and indexed , Live test shows something different( image is attached ). My performance has badly been affected(image attached). Anybody knows what the problem is? R5iCT20

    | ehsanamel

  • Is there a way to determine which pages of a website are not being indexed by the search engines? I know Google Webmasters has a sitemap area where it tells you how many urls have been submitted and how many are indexed out of those submitted. However, it doesn't necessarily show which urls aren't being indexed.

    | priceseo

  • Hi guys, Something i'd like appreciate any opinion on... We own a local domain but we're expanding overseas. I've purchased as we'd like to drop the 'card' from URL. We can't get The local site has a decent ranking, but obviously, the newly created HQ site doesn't. What's the best way to tie these in (or even ditch the but retain rank? And what's the best way for users to discover the HQ site? Any insight would help, as both sites are kind of different. One has a local member base and the other just sells software so it really depends on the region of search. Cheers!

    | r.moss

  • I've been asked the question of whether if we should nofollow all of our social links, would this be a wise thing to do? I'm not exactly getting a clear answer from search results and thought you guys would be best to ask 🙂 Thanks in advance.

    | JH_OffLimits

  • Hi all, We have an accommodation site that asks users only to register when they want to book a room, in the last step. Though this is the ideal situation when you have tons of users, nowadays we are having around 1500 - 2000 per day and making tests we found out that if we ask for a registration (simple, 1 click FB) we mail them all and through a good customer service we are increasing our sales. That is why, we would like to ask users to register right after the home page ie Home/accommodation or and all the rest. I am not sure how can I make to make that content still visible to robots.
    Will the authentication process block google crawling it? Maybe something we can do? We are  not completely sure how to proceed so any tip would be appreciated. Thank you all for answering.


  • Hello, I am facing indexing issues on one of my which is about budget bushcraft knife, Four months have been passed I built my site and published almost 8 articles so far. But i am worried no single keyword ranked on google till yet as I checked through MOZ site explorer. Can anyone guide me on what should I need to do now? Thanks

    | Ewerurt

  • I work on a site that, due to its work policies, does not allow me to use my keywords on a page because of the structure of the page. Will my spam score go up if I enter the word hiddenly? About three to four times?
    This is the page address
    My spam score is 1 . I am afraid that the spam score will go up or Google will penalty me. please help me

    | zacharrivers

  • hi hi i add script faq in my site but doest show in serp and add moudle ithink may be problem in version wordpress  or theme not stable ... my site url is example when i search" خرید گیفت کارت"  my competitor  show faq script but my site doesnt show please help to resolve this problem thanks moz

    | ahmad21aga

  • I have a quick question to ask you guys,
    I have my site ( It used to rank very well for all my target keywords. But recently all keywords dropped massively. I can't seems to find a good reason of this drop. We have not change anything which may have caused such drop.
    Any suggestion or advice to get into the problem. I would appreciate your kind responses.

    | Mustansar

  • I've discovered that one of the sites I am working on includes content which also appears on number of other sites. I need to understand exactly how much of the content is duplicated so I can replace it with unique copy. To do this I have tried using tools such as and with mixed results, nothing so far is able to give me a reliable picture of exactly how much of my existing website content is duplicated on 3rd party sites. Any advice welcome!

    | HomeJames

  • As in the title, we have a site with around 40k pages, but around a third of them are showing as "Indexed, not submitted in sitemap" in Google Search Console. We've double-checked the sitemaps we have submitted and the URLs are definitely in the sitemap. Any idea why this might be happening? Example URL with the error: Sitemap it is located on:

    | TTYH

  • Hi,
    I've just inherited a website that I'll be looking after. I've looked in the Search Console in the Crawl errors section and discovered thousands of urls that point to non- existent pages on Desktop. There's 1,128 on Smartphone.
    Some are odd and make no sense. for example: | bdfqgnnl-z3543-qh-i39634-imbbfuceonkqrihpbptd/ | Not sure why these have are occurring but what's the best way to deal with them to improve our SEO? | northeast/ | 404 | 8/29/18 |
    | | 2 | blog/2016/06/27/top-tips-for-getting-started-with-the-new-computing-curriculum/ | 404 | 8/10/18 |
    | | 3 | eastmidlands | 404 | 8/21/18 |
    | | 4 | eastmidlands/partner-schools/pingle-school/ | 404 | 8/27/18 |
    | | 5 | z3540-hyhyxmw-i18967-fr/ | 404 | 8/19/18 |
    | | 6 | northeast/jobs/maths-teacher-4/ | 404 | 8/24/18 |
    | | 7 | qfscmpp-z3539-i967-mw/ | 404 | 8/29/18 |
    | | 8 | manchester/jobs/history-teacher/ | 404 | 8/5/18 |
    | | 9 | eastmidlands/jobs/geography-teacher-4/ | 404 | 8/30/18 |
    | | 10 | resources | 404 | 8/26/18 |
    | | 11 | blog/2016/03/01/world-book-day-how-can-you-get-your-pupils-involved/ | 404 | 8/31/18 |
    | | 12 | onxhtltpudgjhs-z3548-i4967-mnwacunkyaduobb/ | Cheers.
    Thanks in advance,

    | JamesHancocks1

  • ANOTHER mobile first question. Have searched the forum and didn't see something similar. Feel free to passive- aggressively link to an old thread. TL;DR - Some content would just clutter the page on mobile but is worth having on desktop. Will this now be ignored on desktop searches? Long form: We have a few ecommerce websites. We're toying with the idea of placing a lot more text on our collection/category pages. Primarily to try and set the scene for our products and sell the company a bit more effectively. It's also, obviously, an opportunity to include a couple of long tail keywords. Because mobile screens are small (duh) and easily cluttered, we're inclined _not _to display this content on mobile. In this case; will any SEO benefit be lost entirely, even to searchers on desktop? Sorry if I've completely misunderstood mobile-first indexing! Just an in-house marketing manager trying to keep up! cries into keyboard Thanks for your time.

    | MSGroup

  • redirecting domain redirect former site

    Is it best to redirect an old website to a new website page by page to like pages or just the entire site all at once to the home page of the new site? I do have about 10 good pages on the site that are worth directing to corresponding pages on the new site. Just trying to figure out what is going to preserve the most link juice. Thanks for the help!

    | photoseo1

  • Hi, Hope you guys are doing well! I need help from experts, I have a query that "Does google allows SEO for websites related to crypto currency ?" If yes, what is best way to do SEO for crypto currency website ?

    | JessicaThompson

  • We need help to figure out what seems to be an error in our sitemap.
    We have submitted the sitemap to BING and the sitemap includes 1,2 million pages that should be crawled.  After initial submission, Bing says in the dashboard that 1,2 million pages have been submitted.  Then always after 2-4 days the number drops to either 500.000 pages or like now 250.000 pages.   Why is that?  is there an error in our sitemap and BING in excluding pages, and it lowers the submitted number after going through them and discovering the error ?.   We need to figure this out and fix so that BING can crawl and index all our 1,2 million pages.   See the screenshot showing the BING dashboard.   
    We are also having issues with google but we can't figure out what is going on. Here are the sitemaps: and here: Your website is qqp6gj

    | IMSvintagephotos

  • Hi, Dealing with both my duplicated titles and meta descriptions i'm wondering if there's a "quick" win I could potentially implement asap. A bit of background:
    Say I've 4 pages structured that way: for the US the UK for France For Germany At the moment, both my page titles and meta-descriptions are duplicated all over the place for product A.
    Title is reading "Product A - company name"
    MD is a bit better, being translated in all 3 languages (En, Fr, DE). Therefore being the same for the US and for the UK. Ideally, I would get unique page titles and MD all over the place. However, due to time and resource constraints, I can't make it happen overnight. So my questions are pretty simple:
    1. Can I create a rule for page titles to be "Product A - country - company name" or similar? Would that be enough to make the page titles unique? Is there any value doing so?
    2. Can I "localize" duplicate MD by simply naming the country? I assume it is not enough in this case as all the rest would be copy/pasted. Ideally speaking, both my page titles and MD would be completely unique but I can't afford doing so in the short term. Thanks!

    | GhillC

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