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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • seo

    Will skipping <H> tags on a page have any impact on your SEO, e.g. skipping a <H2> so your page has a <H1> and then goes to a <H3>? Obviously a page must have a <H1>, but does it matter if you skip other headings?

    | ciehmoz

  • technical seo redirect chain

    We have many redirects in place - and sometimes 2 in a chain. Is there a recommended time you should have a redirect in place?

    | Caroline_Ardmoor

  • magento nginx

    Our client's Magento website has been running for at least a decade, so has a lot of old legacy categories for Brands they no longer carry. We're looking to trim down the amount of unnecessary URL Redirects in Magento, so my question is: Is there a way that is SEO efficient to setup permanent redirects at a server level (nginx) that Google will crawl to allow us at some point to delete the categories and Magento URL Redirects? If this is a good practice can you at some point then delete the server redirects as google has marked them as permanent?

    | Breemcc

  • reviews pagination crawler disallow

    Hi experts, I present customer feedback, reviews basically, on my website for the products that are sold. And with this comes the ability to read reviews and obviously with pagination to display the available reviews. Now I want users to be able to flick through and read the reviews to help them satisfy whatever curiosity they have. My only thinking is that the page that contains the reviews, with each click of the pagination will present roughly the same content. The only thing that changes is the title tags which will contain the number in the H1 to display the page number. I'm thinking this could be duplication but i have yet to be notified by Google in my Search console... Should i block crawlers from crawling beyond page 3 of reviews? Thanks


  • seo

    My website has many pages like this: mywebsite/company1/valuation mywebsite/company2/valuation mywebsite/company3/valuation mywebsite/company4/valuation ... These pages describe the valuation of each company. These pages were never identical but initially, I included a few generic paragraphs like what is valuation, what is a valuation model, etc... in all the pages so some parts of these pages' content were identical. Google marked many of these pages as duplicated (in Google Search Console) so I modified the content of these pages: I removed those generic paragraphs and added other information that is unique to each company. As a result, these pages are extremely different from each other now and have little similarities. Although it has been more than 1 month since I made the modification, Google still marks the majority of these pages as duplicates, even though Google has already crawled their new modified version. I wonder whether there is anything else I can do in this situation? Thanks

    | TuanDo9627

  • shopify seo audit seo expert

    Hi Experts, Single filter page: /collections/dining-chairs/black
    -- currently, canonical the same: /collections/dining-chairs/black
    -- currently, index, follow Double filter page: /collections/dining-chairs/black+fabric
    -- currently, canonical the same: /collections/dining-chairs/black+fabric
    -- currently, noindex, follow My question is about double filter page above:
    if noindexing is the better option OR should I change the canonical to /collections/dining-chairs/black Thank you

    | williamhuynh

  • nginx magento

    Our client's Magento website has been running for at least a decade, so has a lot of old legacy categories for Brands they no longer carry. We're looking to trim down the amount of unnecessary URL Redirects in Magento, so my question is: Is there a way that is SEO efficient to setup permanent redirects at a server level (nginx) that Google will crawl to allow us at some point to delete the categories and Magento URL Redirects? If this is a good practice can you at some point then delete the server redirects as google has marked them as permanent?

    | WillyGx

  • blog post rankings keywords traffic

    Hello there, We're having a rather big SEO issue that I’m hoping someone here can help us with, perhaps having experienced the same thing or simply understanding what's going on. Since around June, our website's home page has lost the majority of its most important rankings. Not just dropping, but losing them entirely and all at once. We think it was self-inflicted: Almost at the same time, a blog article of ours (which we had recently updated) started ranking for almost all the same keywords. While our home page is a commercial page highlighting only our own product, the article that usurped the position is a comparison article, comparing our own solution to competitors. The reason we created that article is because we noticed a trend of Google increasingly favoring such comparison articles over dedicated product pages. But of course we didn’t plan to cannibalize our own home page with it. My question is whether anyone has experience with such a case? Is there a way to "tell"/influence Google to rank our home page again, instead of ranking that article? Thanks a lot, Pascal

    | Maximuxxx

  • HEY EXPERTS, My website page speed is not increasing. I used the wp rocket plugin but still, I am facing errors of Reduce unused CSS, Properly size images, and Avoid serving legacy JavaScript to modern browsers. you can see in the image Screenshot (7).png I used many plugins for speed optimization but still facing errors. I optimized the images manually by using photoshop but still, I am facing the issue of images size. After Google Core Web Vital Update my website keyword position is down due to slow speed. Please guide me on how I increase the page speed of my website Thanks

    | frazashfaq11
  • Unsolved

    ecommerce noindex shopify indexed urls

    Hello everyone, I am very new to SEO and I wanted to get some input & second opinions on a workaround I am planning to implement on our Shopify store. Any suggestions, thoughts, or insight you have are welcome & appreciated! For those who aren't aware, Shopify as a platform doesn't allow us to send a 410 Gone Code/Error under any circumstance. When you delete or archive a product/page, it becomes unavailable on the storefront. Unfortunately, the only thing Shopify natively allows me to do is set up a 301 redirect. So when we are forced to discontinue a product, customers currently get a 404 error when trying to go to that old URL. My planned workaround is to automatically detect when a product has been discontinued and add the NoIndex meta tag to the product page. The product page will stay up but be unavailable for purchase. I am also adjusting the LD+JSON to list the products availability as Discontinued instead of InStock/OutOfStock.
    Then I let the page sit for a few months so that crawlers have a chance to recrawl and remove the page from their indexes. I think that is how that works?
    Once 3 or 6 months have passed, I plan on archiving the product followed by setting up a 301 redirect pointing to our internal search results page. The redirect will send the to search with a query aimed towards similar products. That should prevent people with open tabs, bookmarks and direct links to that page from receiving a 404 error. I do have Google Search Console setup and integrated with our site, but manually telling google to remove a page obviously only impacts their index. Will this work the way I think it will?
    Will search engines remove the page from their indexes if I add the NoIndex meta tag after they have already been index?
    Is there a better way I should implement this? P.S. For those wondering why I am not disallowing the page URL to the Robots.txt, Shopify won't allow me to call collection or product data from within the template that assembles the Robots.txt. So I can't automatically add product URLs to the list.

    | BakeryTech

  • canonical duplicate

    Moz couldn't explain this properly and I don't understand how to fix it. Google emailed this morning saying "Alternate page with proper canonical tag." Moz also kinda complains about the main URL and the main URL/index.html being duplicate. Of course they are. The main URL doesn't work without the index.html page. What am I missing? How can I fix this to eliminate this duplicate problem which to me isn't a problem?

    | RVForce

  • I add the script for star snippet in my website but not work in my posts you can see it in this URL when I searched in google my custom keyword "Showbox" my competitor show with star snippet in SERP but my site doesn't show snippet stars. Thank You!

    | JackJasonn

  • technical seo noindex disallow

    Hello everyone, I am reaching out to seek your expert advice on a few technical SEO aspects related to my website. I highly value your expertise in this field and would greatly appreciate your insights.
    Below are the specific areas I would like to discuss: a. Double and Triple filter pages: I have identified certain URLs on my website that have a canonical tag pointing to the main /quick-ship page. These URLs are as follows: Considering the need to optimize my crawl budget, I would like to seek your advice on whether it would be advisable to disallow or noindex these pages. My understanding is that by disallowing or noindexing these URLs, search engines can avoid wasting resources on crawling and indexing duplicate or filtered content. I would greatly appreciate your guidance on this matter. b. Page URLs with parameters: I have noticed that some of my page URLs include parameters such as ?variant and ?limit. Although these URLs already have canonical tags in place, I would like to understand whether it is still recommended to disallow or noindex them to further conserve crawl budget. My understanding is that by doing so, search engines can prevent the unnecessary expenditure of resources on indexing redundant variations of the same content. I would be grateful for your expert opinion on this matter. Additionally, I would be delighted if you could provide any suggestions regarding internal linking strategies tailored to my website's structure and content. Any insights or recommendations you can offer would be highly valuable to me. Thank you in advance for your time and expertise in addressing these concerns. I genuinely appreciate your assistance. If you require any further information or clarification, please let me know. I look forward to hearing from you. Cheers!

    | williamhuynh

  • schema schema markup serp features

    Hello Moz Team, I hope everyone is doing well & good, I need bit help regarding Schema Markup, I am facing issue in my schema markup specifically with my blog posts, In my majority of the posts I find error "Missing field "url" (optional)"
    As this schema is generated by Yoast plugin, I haven't applied any custom steps. Recently I published a post and I tested it at two platforms of schema test 1,
    2. So the validator generate results as follows and shows no error
    Schema without error.PNG It shows no error But where as Schema with error.PNG in search central results it gives me a warning "Missing field "url" (optional)". So is this really be going to issue for my ranking ? Please help thanks!

    | JoeySolicitor

  • url ecomerce

    Hello Mozers! We are adding an ecommerce functionality to our existing website.
    Our company offers a wide range of commercial printing and mail services. We have done a pretty good job over the years in building content both in terms of our print offerings and blog section highlighting those offerings. We have finally bit the bullet and have decided to add end-to end ecommerce functionality. Users will be able to price, pay, upload and order thru our website. My question to the community becomes which sub folder do we use?
    The ecommerce functionality is a third part software and needs to sit in a sub folder and we can't seem to find a good fit. Most of our content pages for print items are something like this - pillar page examples of url structure for sub pages Options would be order-printing/ or prints/ So we we thinking /orders/ would be the best but not certain and wanted some feedback from the community. If we did go this route the url structure would be: order/business-cards this would be the default econ page order/business-cards/full-uv-coaing-both-sides individual product page What are your thoughts? CH

    | CheapyPP

  • Hi all...I'm at a loss. I've never had this happen. Google only shows pages of my site when I search the brand name as one word. When I Google the site as one word BrandBrand- it only shows my blog page and about us page plus Twitter and Facebook on page 1.  The homepage does not show up at all. When I Google the site as two words Brand Brand - My Facebook page is on page 1 but nothing else. The homepage isn't showing up at all. When I search both words on Bing and Yahoo both are indexing it as two words and shows on page 1. Any ideas?

    | TexasBlogger

  • robots.txt indexation

    I have two good high level DA sites that target the US (.com) and UK ( The .com ranks well but is dormant from a commercial aspect - the is the commercial focus and gets great traffic. Issue is the .com ranks for brand in the UK - I want the to rank for brand in the UK. I can't 301 the .com as it will be used again in the near future. I want to block the .com in Robots.txt with a view to un-block it again when I need it. I don't think the DA would be affected as the links stay and the sites live (just not indexed) so when I unblock it should be fine - HOWEVER - my query is things like organic CTR data that Google records and other factors won't contribute to its value. Has anyone ever blocked and un-blocked and whats the affects pls? All answers greatly received - cheers GB

    | Bush_JSM

  • seo

    To be frank I have spent 2 years trying to get on the first page of Google and it just won't happen. I've written articles to get links, checked your platform for page issues and corrected where needed, improved speed of the site and posted articles on the site. But still it sits at about #50. What am I missing?

    | Anne231

  • I have a website which serves two languages - English and Chinese. My English homepage can be indexed by Google. But when I search the brand term in English, Google returns my Chinese homepage. I already added the hreflang attributes. And I'm working on building the XML sitemap for three languages. What other things I can work on to fix the issue? Thanks!

    | jsteimle

  • I have a question about the impact (if any) of site-wide redirects for DNS/hosting change purposes. I am preparing to redirect the domain for a site I manage from to Traffic to the site currently redirects in reverse, from to Based on my research, I understand that making this change should not affect the site’s excellent SEO as long as my canonical tags are updated and a 301 redirect is in place. But I wanted to make sure there wasn’t a potential consequence of this switch I’m not considering. Because this redirect lives at the root of all the site’s slugs and existing redirects, will it technically produce a redirect chain or a redirect loop? If it does, is that problematic? Thanks for your input!

    | mollykathariner_ms

  • technical seo blog post redirects

    We have several blogs on our site for a range of products we no longer stock. Would you set up a redirect for these - and how long would you keep it in place?

    | Caroline_Ardmoor

  • 301

    I am doing some SEO for a wedding chapel in Vegas. There are some old packages that no longer exist and the bounce rate for the page is high so I am planning to 301 the page. How to best determine the best 301 destination? I have a few options. As an example the page was optimized for garden weddings. The page itself does not place well in the SERPS for garden weddings in Las Vegas, but our outdoor wedding packages in Las Vegas page places in the top 10. So that page is in an option. However, there is a different location that has a garden setting. Is that a better choice? Some content might match better than others, but any page I choose would be relevant content. Thank you so much 🙂

    | leslieevarts

  • serp features

    What are these called (screenshot attached)? They are organic product listings in the body of the SERP that look just like paid ads, but are placed below paid ads. I would like to read up on how to optimize for them, but am having trouble finding information.Capture.PNG

    | LivDetrick

  • 404s

    Sometimes I get alerts from Google Search Console that it has detected soft 404s on different websites, and since I take great care to never have true soft 404s, they are always false positives. Today I got one on a website that has pages promoting some events. The language on the page for one event that has sold out says that "tickets are no longer available" which seems to have tripped up Google into thinking the page is a soft 404. It's kind of incredible to me that in the current era we're in, with things like chatGPT that Google doesn't seem to understand natural language. But that has me thinking, are there some strategies or best practices we can use in how we write copy on the page so Google doesn't flag it as soft 404? It seems like anything that could tell a user that an item isn't available could trip it up into thinking it is a 404. In the case of my page, it's actually important information we need to tell the public that an event has sold out, but to use their interest in that event to promote other events. so I don't want the page deindexed or not to rank well!

    | IrvCo_Interactive

  • crawler cloudflare rogerbot 520 server error

    I am getting a lot of 520 Server Error in crawl reports. I see this is related to Cloudflare. We know 520 is Cloudflare so maybe the Moz team can change this from "unknown" to "Cloudflare 520". Perhaps the Moz team can update the "how to fix" section in the reporting, if they have some possible suggestions on how to avoid seeing these in the report of if there is a real issue that needs to be addressed. At this point I don't know. There must be a solution that Moz can provide like a setting in Cloudflare that will permit the Rogerbot if Cloudflare is blocking it because it does not like its behavior or something. It could be that Rogerbot is crawling my site on a bad day or at a time when we were deploying a massive site change. If I know when my site will be down can I pause Rogerbot? I found this

    | awilliams_kingston

  • url inspection breadcrumbs technical seo seo tactics

    Hello everyone ! I am building an ecom store using wordpress. I have assigned multiple categories to the same product. What should be the URL structure when users are navigating with different product categories? Categories Assigned: tshirt, blue, striped
    Product Name: blue-striped-tshirt Option 01: Matching site navigation breadcrumb to product url URL -
    Breadcrumb - home/tshirt/blue-striped-tshirt URL - (canonical to 1 product page)
    Breadcrumb - home/color/blue/blue-striped-tshirt URL - (canonical to 1 product page)
    Breadcrumb - home/type/striped/blue-striped-tshirt Option 02: Same product urls and different breadcrumbs based on user site navigation URL -
    Breadcrumb - home/tshirt/blue-striped-tshirt URL - (url same as 1 product page)
    Breadcrumb - home/color/blue/blue-striped-tshirt URL - (url same as 1 product page)
    Breadcrumb - home/type/striped/blue-striped-tshirt I have decided to got with Option 01 so that the product in each category can be ranked according to each category keyword. Which option is the best according to your experience or is there any other best practice?

    | Dingos

  • site structure woocommerce product page sub-directories

    Hey Guys, I've built some ecommerce sites using WooCommerce, and I've been auditing some of the sites to see why I'm not getting more traffic to my product pages. I have several informational blog posts and resources that are getting a lot of traffic, but my product pages aren't ranking very well. There are two things that I think could be causing the issue, but I could use some extra eyes on this. Products are listed several sub-categories down in the structure of the site. For example, this product is listed under a fifth level sub-category: /product-category/ ->FIRE SAFETY » FIRE EXTINGUISHERS » PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS » FIRE EXTINGUISHER ACCESSORIES » FIRE EXTINGUISHER BRACKETS Also, I checked to see what Google's indexed under the /product/ directory, which is the default format for WooCommerce products. It looks like all of my products are given lower authority than other top-level directories, including /product-tag/ and /product-category/ It seems like an adjustment to how my products are structured in the site might go a long way. If you have any experience with this and could weigh in on it, I'd appreciate it.

    | robbinsinternational

  • url seo

    Hi All, Some real estate/ news companies have a code appended to the end of a URL Can I ask if there's any negative SEO implications for doing this? Cheers Dave

    | Redooo

  • I have looked at lots of different plugins and wanted a recommendation for an easy way for patients of ours to upload pictures of them out partying and having fun and looking beautiful so future users can see the final results instead of sometimes gory or difficult to understand before and after images. I'd like to give them the opportunity to write captions (like facebook or insta posts and would offer them incentives to do so. I don't want it to be too complicated for them or have too many steps or barriers but I do want it to look nice and slick and modern. Also do you think this would have a positive impact on SEO? I was also thinking of a Q&A app where dentists could get Q&A emails and respond - i've been doing AMA sessions and they've been really successful and I would like to bring it into out site and make it native. Thanks in advance 🙂

    | Smileworks_Liverpool

  • Hey Mozers! Moz Crawl tells me I am having an issue with my Wordpress category - it is returning a 5XX error and i'm not sure why? Can anyone help me determine the issue? Crawl Issues and Notices for: We found 1 crawler issue(s) for this page. High Priority Issues 1 5XX (Server Error) 5XX errors (e.g., a 503 Service Unavailable error) are shown when a valid request was made by the client, but the server failed to complete the request. This can indicate a problem with the server, and should be investigated and fixed.

    | RocketStats

  • After migration of web  application from aws  ec2 instance to Microsoft azure web App service,  we observed that we lost  our 50% traffic. Our site  custom domain is and azure web App has default domain  . Azure  WebApp service has drawback that default domain gets in picture after mapping to my custom domain .We have mapped  azure webAPP host name to our custom domain as CNAME record in DNS Table .  Now same site working with two domains i.e as well ass . As we seen this issues we made 301 redirection from azure default domain to our custom domain, Still no change in traffic.Google is now showing external links from  to . We are totally confused now . We don't know what exactly affected to our search traffic . Please Help us.

    | DivyaDubey

  • Hi I recently discovered Google has stopped crawling/indexing my post.
    So i had to check my Search console then i saw this Coverage issues saying “Submitted URL marked ‘noindex’”. And anytime I tried Requesting Indexing For the affected pages, Its tells me “Indexing request rejected”. Here is my site URL: Here is one of the affected pages

    | Favplug

  • We are implementing new design and removing some pages and adding new content. Task is to correctly map and redirect old pages that no longer exist.

    | KnutDSvendsen

  • Hello,
    Recently, I was checking how my site content is getting indexed in Google and from today I noticed 2 links indexed on google for the same article: This is the proper link - But why this URL was indexed, I don't know - Could you please tell me how to solve this issue? Thank you

    | Dinsh007

  • Hey guys, just wondering, my client has 3 websites, 2 of 3 will be closed down and the domains will be permanently redirected to the 1 primary domain - however they have some high quality backlinks pointing the domains that will be redirected. How does this effective SEO? Domain One (primary - getting redesign and rebuilt) - not many backlinks
    Domain Two (will redirect to Domain One) - has quality backlinks
    Domain Three (will redirect to Domain One) - has quality backlinks When the new website is launched on Domain One I will contact the backlink providers and request they update their URL - i assume that would be the best.

    | thinkLukeSEO

  • Hi guys -- Still waiting on Moz to index a page of mine. We launched a new site over two months ago. In the meantime, I really just need a list of internal links to a specific page because I want to change its URL. Does anybody know how to find that list (of internal links to 1 of my pages) without the Moz index? I appreciate the help!

    | marchexmarketingmcc

  • noindex follow

    Hello there We struggle with a number of none indexed pages. I want to ask your professional opinion. The robots tag is set up as follows, <meta name='robots' content='noindex, follow' /> those pages haven`t got any value but contain valuable pages.
    Is setting up robots name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow" / would be a good solution? Here is the page
    with noindex robot tag. Please let me know what you think. #noindex, follow for thin content
    #noindex, follow
    #meta robots set up

    | Kingagogomarketing

  • I have forum site.I've opened it 2 months ago.But there is a problem.Therefore my content is unique , my site's keyword ranking constantly changing..Sometimes my site's ranking drops from first 500.After came to 70s. I didn't make any off page seo to my site.What is the problem ?

    | tutarmi

  • seo technical seo redirect

    I have a very old forum that still gets a lot of traffic, but when migrating over to another software that is cloud based we cannot redirect using same domain, SO the only option would to be to change the cname on a subdomain and then REDIRECT all the traffic from the ROOT domain permanently - would this be a bad move as the root domain wouldnt be used anymore as now its just setup to be redirected in order to use the software we need to use? Domain is 17 years old.

    | vbsk

  • www to non www redirect chain classified website

    Recently our free classifieds USA website we move from www to non www format. Now old urls still showing in Google SERP. When click they show 404 error pages due to removed old ads.
    We redirect www to non www version for main domain but still old cache pages affected.
    How to dynamically handle this case, all old www version ads pages auto redirect to relevant category pages?

    | bcuclassifieds
  • Unsolved

    technical seo google analytics utm parameters

    Does anyone have a tutorial on how to dynamically capture the referring source to be populated in UTM parameters for Google Analytics? We want to syndicate content and be able to see all of the websites that provided referral traffic for this specific objective. We want to set a specific utm_medium and utm_campaign but have the utm_source be dynamic and capture the referring website. If we set a permanent utm_source, it would appear the same for all incoming traffic. Thanks in advance!

    | peteboyd

  • url encoding

    Hello friends, Will properly encoding a url hurt my ranking after having it improperly coded? I want to change my & symbols to &amp; If I go from: To:;model=cool Will I get hurt if I make the leap?

    | sonic22

  • hreflang

    We want address the search market for USA and UK. Therefore all english pages have small regional variations with similar content. Since a longer time (after a relaunch) Google has problems to identify the right page (/en-gb/) for the right search market (UK) - although we use hreflang and sitemaps from the beginning. We monitor those in moz for our UK campaign (/en-gb/ pages) by jumps in the ranking of individual keywords (>-50 and >+50). -50 means not that the ranking of our website is lost. In this case Google will substitute the ranking of the /en-gb/ page with the variant /en/. One excample:
    This page lost the ranking and the other languag variant is ranking for position 2. In the moment I have no idea what we can change in our html code.

    | PeterGolze

  • migration redirect 301 redirect

    I have this forum with about 2 million posts for 16 years on root of the domain. I am looking to switch softwares but the top ones won’t help setup 301 redirects. But I can still migrate all my members and all my content (threads/posts), would Google still reindex all our content or if we don’t setup redirects would it really kill our entire traffic for a long time or maybe just a month or so? I really want to migrate to software that isn’t forum based but rather something that offers courses, chat, live video streaming, subscription based etc. and this is the only way to do so OR to set it up on an entirely new domain OR subdomain but to me that is like starting all over from scratch? I could archive the forum to read only and set it up on subdomain or another root domain - then on the archived forum setup banners and a pop up linking to the new site or new subdomain? . This is such a hard decision for us as the current forum we have had for so many years has lost members posting from 1k a day to just a handful a day, our fb group though gets 1k a day so I’m trying to revive a site into something more modern and has all the training features we can offer as well.

    | vbsk

  • canonical technical seo

    Hi guys, We're currently launching a new page, and we have an optimization and technical SEO expert (highly rated on Upwork, very intelligent, has solved complicated issues in the past and improved our Core Web Vitals greatly) suggesting we put canonical tags on every page of site, pointing to itself (other than the case of where canonicals should point to other page, we have those listed separately. Do you guys see a benefit to this? Could it harm us? He says large retailers do this, couldn't quite glean the benefit from it though. Current site ranks well and isn't set up like this. Any insight would be much appreciated! Thanks!

    | CitimarineMoz

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