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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • Hi, We’ve got a really specific issue – we have an SEO team in-house, and have had numerous agencies look at this – but no one can get to the bottom of this. We’re a UK travel company with a number of great positions on the search engines – our brand is If you try ‘Majorca holidays’, ‘tenerife holidays’, ‘gran canaria holidays’ etc you’ll see us in the top few positions on Google when searching from the UK. However, none of our destination pages (and it’s only the destination pages), show a ‘cached’ option next to them. Example: This isn’t affecting our rankings, but we’re fairly certain it is affecting our ability to be included in the Featured Snippets. Checked and there aren’t any noarchive tags on the pages, example: Anyone have any ideas?

    | fredgray

  • Hi Moz'ers I have recently taken over the company I work for ( and want to migrate approx 200 pages from my hobby site to my company's eCommernce website on Shopify Plus.  The content (text/photos) are highly relevant to the company, is unique & written by me and will hopefully generate some sales. I have a plan to gradually move them all over (I intend on doing 2-5/day) into a specific blog section to house them all.  I'll then create an Apache perm. redirect to the old site too. Source:         D/A 21
    Destination:                D/A 35 The plan is to eventually shut the old site down. Does anybody have any best practice/and/or recommendations? Thanks in advance. Andy

    | andystorey

  • I've got a blog I'm working on that isn't self-hosted. I've attached a screenshot of the message I get if I try to install any plugins. I really want to block archive, author, tag, category, etc pages but I can't seem to find a way since there's no server for me to block via robots.txt or .htaccess and I can't actually install these plugins which would give me the ability to do it. Any suggestions? vQfnt

    | ShawnW

  • Hi all, I'm looking at setting up a second website targeting some similar keywords to my existing blog.  I host the site through bluehost and am considering hosting the other website as an addon Domain.  Whilst the content on both websites will be different both will target the same keywords.  Does anyone know if because I'm targeting the same keys words using an addon Domain this could impact my existings site google rankings? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    | thriftypence

  • I wanted to ask about canonical links. Basically I produced some content for my website which was an interview with a famous band who were playing at a festival that summer. I told the festival and they asked to have exclusive dibs on releasing the piece in exchange for linking back to our domain. I said yes as I knew the link would be a good one. So this interview got posted up, I then posted in on my website's blog, and a month later the local newspaper also featured it on their website. Is there some way to have a creative license over this interview piece (which has been copied word for word) without getting the other websites to edit their code and add a canonical reference? I did ask them but my request was unsuccessful. I'm thinking there might be no way to claim this content as my website was not the first domain to post it? Any thoughts appreciated. Thanks

    | gazdye83

  • Hello guys, I hope this question isn't too broad – but I run out of ideas and I feel like there is some technical issue with our site which sees us penalized: Search: German Google
    Keyword: Hotel Bremen Right now we're ranking between 40 and 50 with the subpage /zimmer. a lot of sites with lesser DA scores and a lot more SEO Issues are ranked higher. The homepage is optimized for hotel bremen, yet /zimmer page ranks first, which I just don't understand 
    (Page Authority is much higher, Keyword density) 
    – I've run the site through a lot of tools and there aren't any severe issues Search Console doesn't say anything in regards to errors My suggestions which I can't confirm: 
    – There are some redirection issues (http/https/www/nonww/)
    – Backlink issues (a lot of backlinks are from 
    – Over optimization penalties? Tank you! Magnus

    | Maggiathor

  • Hi there - was wondering whether someone might be able to help. For a period of a day and a half, all the traffic to our website's blog articles were mistakenly being redirected to our homepage. A number of these articles ranked in the top 5 in Google worldwide for their targeted keywords, so this was a considerable amount of organic traffic that was instantly being redirected. It was a strange site glitch and our web team rectified the error, but now all these articles have disappeared from Google rankings (not visible anywhere in the first five pages). I'm presuming this must be linked to this redirect issue - we've been advised to wait and see whether Google restores these rankings, but I'm still concerned as to whether this represents a more serious problem? We have re-indexed the pages we are most concerned about, but am not sure whether there is anything else obvious we should think to do. If anyone has any thoughts, I'd be happy to hear them!

    | rwat

  • During my last redesign (and migration to Drupal) some of the updated SEO friendly url's on the new site were misspelled. Rather than updating the 301 redirects to point to the correct page the developer just added an additional 301 redirect. So it was redirected like this (301 to) (301 to) Instead of (301 to) I'll be finishing another redesign and updating to https soon, should I remove the redirect to the misspelled domain and just have one 301 from the original page? These multiple redirects have been up for over a year. Thanks for any specific advice!

    | talltrees

  • Will content inside an "accordion" module be ranked as non-hidden content? Is there an official guide by google and other search engines addressing this? Example of accordion element: Will all elements in the example above be seen + treated equally by search engines?

    | houlihanlokey

  • Hi! I have previously hired a developer to put up my site and noticed afterwards that he did not know much about SEO. This lead me to starting to learn myself and applying some changes step by step. One of the things I am currently doing is inserting sitemap reference in robots.txt file (which was not there before). But just now when I wanted to upload the file via FTP to my server I found multiple ones - in different sizes - and I dont know what to do with them? Can I remove them? I have downloaded and opened them and they seem to be 2 textfiles and 2 dupplicates. Names: robots.txt (original dupplicate)
    robots.txt-Original (original)
    robots.txt-NEW (other content)
    robots.txt-Working (other content dupplicate) Would really appreciate help and expertise suggestions. Thanks!

    | mjukhud

  • Hi Guys, Just after some general advice. Since manipulation of keywords through links is no longer a feasible way of ranking these days, I was wondering how people got round the issue of pages bouncing for the same keyword or Google deciding that a blog post is a better signal rather than your service page. For instance if you are doing local and national search, how do you stop the local keywords ranking for national pages, without diluting the local signals. I have some ideas:- stronger internal linking to the page review content But obviously redirects or canonical won't be a good solution as I still want these pages to exist in their own right. Regards Neil

    | nezona

  • Hi, I need to 301 an old domain to a new one (new website) I need to 301 the domain to a new page not the new domain direct for example to Then I need to also 301 all the other pages on the old domain to the new one for example... to Issue is I can do one or the other not both, I can get the other pages to redirect but then the main domain wont redirect to the correct new page. Or I can get the old domain to redirect but not the internal pages. Thanks

    | David-Sharpe

  • Hi Everyone, We implemented the HTTPS change to our four websites about 6 months ago. I have found something that I feel is strange. The homepage of each website shows, but all the internal pages show If you click through it shows it as secure, but I feel that because it is happening on all four websites, that something was done incorrectly. Here is one Google SERP: As you can see, our site displays with no https, but all the internal pages do. It just worries me as I have seen our internal pages increasing in positioning, but not our homepage. Any ideas?

    | vetofunk

  • A couple of months ago we requested a change of address in Search console. The new, correct url is already indexed. Yet when we search the old url (with site:www.) we find that the old url is still indexed. in Google Webmaster Tools the amount of indexed pages is reduced to 1. Is there another way to remove old urls?

    | conversal

  • Hello Mozzers, I have a technical question that perhaps someone has experience with and can help with. I currently have 2 e-commerce websites: SITE-A.COM (original site) & SITE-B.COM (new site) SITE-B.COM is the newer site that has a lot of new products and new features and great content and is very user friendly. We are thinking about funneling all of our visitors and traffic to since it is the better experience for the users ... the question is this: If we want to 301 redirect all traffic from to ... where do we initiate those redirect requests?  Would it be on the server for  If so, would i have to keep that server up and running forever if i don't want to lose the re-directs?  Also, how do i do this properly without violating Google's guidelines? Any help is appreciated. Thanks

    | Prime85

  • Hi everyone and thank you in advance for your helpful comments. We have a client who is concerned about copying of content from their site because it has happened a few times in the last few years. We have explained that the content is essentially publicly available and that using the CSS selector user-select to prevent selection of text will really only prevent the technically limited users from working out how to get the text. He is happy that it will at least stop some people. So the question is would there be any way that this would have an affect on SEO? We would make an assumption that it doesnt but putting it out there for some feedback. Cheers Eddie

    | vital_hike

  • Hello Community, I need your help to understand, whether I can use the US website's content on my UK website or not? US Website's domain: UK Website's domain: Both websites are having same content on all the pages, including testimonials/reviews. I am trying to gain business from Adwords and Organic SEO marketing. Thanks.

    | CommercePundit

  • Hi all, I'm working with a company that has 3 x websites all on separate WordPress platforms. One is at .com, the others .fr and .de - they are essentially very similar. I have suggested that it is worth exploring setting all of these websites up on the .com domain with country-specific directories to combine their authority and help all 3 websites naturally rank due to combining incoming links, authority etc. Quesitons: To ensure each country has control of their site, would you maintain a separate install of WP at each directory, i.e: .com/fr/ and .com/de or would you put it all on the same WP? Would you go down this route of combining all 3 sites onto one domain with country-specific directories? What are the pitfalls?

    | Bee159

  • Hello, everyone. As you can see from the images attached, the site link of the About page has a Weird title " About About about". I have add proper meta description, but it still appears like this. This problem is killing me. What else i can do to solve this problem? Thanks Jason UJcRov1

    | jasonyeyeye

  • Hi! The Problem We have submitted to GSC a sitemap index. Within that index there are 4 XML Sitemaps. Including one for the desktop site and one for the mobile site. The desktop sitemap has 3300 URLs, of which Google has indexed (according to GSC) 3,000 (approx). The mobile sitemap has 1,000 URLs of which Google has indexed 74 of them. The pages are crawlable, the site structure is logical. And performing a Landing Page URL search (showing only Google/Organic source/medium) on Google Analytics I can see that hundreds of those mobile URLs are being landed on. A search on mobile for a longtail keyword from a (randomly selected) page shows a result in the SERPs for the mobile page that judging by GSC has not been indexed. Could this be because we have recently added rel=alternate tags on our desktop pages (and of course corresponding canonical ones on mobile). Would Google then 'not index' rel=alternate page versions? Thanks for any input on this one. PmHmG

    | AlisonMills

  • When I search for my brandname, the mobile version of the customer support page is shown in the (desktop) results. We use a mobile webpage. To try to solve the problem, we’ve adjusted the following: Made sure the homepage is marked according to Homepage expanded with textual content and headings containing our brandname Removed all the textual content from the mobile customer support page Added the mobile customer support page to the mobile sitemap What can we change more in settings/marking/sitemap, to make sure our desktop homepage is shown in the brandname results?

    | WillieBV

  • If I run a Moz report on the site I get a domain authority reading but if I do the same on the .com site there is no authority. How do I get authority passed to the .com  (the domain name is the same in both cases)

    | timgtheo

  • Hello , I observed my ranking are different in same country but different geographical areas.Is this nature is common or we missing something. How long will it take to come to the same rankings.

    | medhahostingpr

  • Hi For last month my website was ranking to 5 positions for this keyword (Magento Development Company). But recently (28-nov) it's out of 100, some time it's showing on 25 position but not showing in top 5 position. Here is my url (for analysis): Please explain why my keyword rankings are often not showing in the search listings. Note: There are some other keywords of different pages start getting ranking drop. please let me know is there anything i need to change. Thank

    | harrysamson

  • Hi, Recently, we have migrated our website from http:// to https://. Now, every URL is in https:// and we have used 301 permanent redirection for redirecting OLD URL's to New Ones. We have planned to include http:// link in og:url instead of https:// due to some social share issues we are facing. My concern is, if Google finds the self http:// URL on every page of my blog, will Google gets confused with http and https:// as we are providing the old URL to Google for crawling. Please advice. Thanks

    | SameerBhatia

  • Hi everyone, A quick question about setting up your Hreflang tags. Here you can see 2 examples: As you can see, the order of the elements is different. Be aware, there is a tiny difference between the 2: the first Hreflang is written for a specific language in a specific country, the second one only contains a language code. Is this the reason why the order is different or is this just a coincidence and doesn't the order of the elements matter at all? Thanks,

    | WeAreDigital_BE

  • Dear Community, I would like to ask a question regarding url structure. We are struggling with shorting urls and we thought to add a "parameter" to the url. Example:**/a/** or**/a/**product/ Current url structure: So we go after and short url contains "/a/" and find the category we want. Is this going to harm our SEO strategies? Any idea is welcome.

    | geofil

  • Hi, I just added some photography content to my site to showcase my skills, specifically 360 virtual tours. I first tried to have those on regular pages and have the 360s in responsive iframes, but it caused usability problems. So I've chosen instead to have a master page with thumbnails that lead to individuals 360's. Links look like that: Each pano takes over the whole page. My concern is losing internal link juice as each pano page doesn't link anywhere. Also, external link juice when people start linking to each 360. What should I do to fix that? Should I just link back to the master page in the body & noscript area, even though content won't be visible? Fine with Google? Lack of content problem? Thank you for reading, and for your help!

    | GregMoine

  • Hi! We use Hybris as plattform and I would like input on which url to choose. We must keep "/c/" before the actual category. c stands for category. I.e. this current url format will be shortened and cleaned: To either: a. b. (hundfoder means dogfood) The question is whether we should keep the duplicated category name (hundfoder) before the "/c/" or not. Will there be SEO disadvantages by removing the duplicate "hundfoder" before the "/c/"? I prefer the shorter version ofc, but do not want to jeopardize any SEO rankings or send confusing signals to search engines or customers due to the "/c/" breaking up the url breadcrumb. What do you guys say and prefer from the above alternatives? Thanks /Hampus

    | hampgunn

  • Hi all, We've been working on our site for a while. 4 weeks ago we got a sudden drop from google rankings even with our own brand name. No clear cause found, and decided to walk through all technicalities of the SEO fundament. thus we did the following
    -> Setup google webmasters tools
    no issues found, a few 404's, few 410's sure thats all ok, 
    -> Setup robots.txt to only index homepages, lister pages, content and product detail pages (disabled all filters and search queries) Also we banned russian and spammy bots for performance-sake. 
    -> Added sitemaps, and around 14k pages seemed to be already indexed. 
    -> When searching for "" i can find 14k pages.
    -> we had a low 33/100 page speed score and improved this to 76/100 So we did a lot of clean up and improved a lot of items. but still 2-weeks in. we still have no ranking improvements. Before we went down we had around 100 clicks a day from google. now 5 avg. by the way i think a main issue is the low link count of course but still googling your own name should return us in top3 right. Is there something we are missing, do we need more time. I just want to verify that we do not mis anything!

    | jkossel

  • We've been using Zendesk to manage support content, and have old/duplicate articles that we'd like to redirect. However, Zendesk doesn't seem to have a solution for this, and the suggestions we've found (some hacky JS) have not worked. I'd like for us to not just delete/hide these articles. Has anyone else successfully navigated retiring/redirecting Zendesk content in an SEO-friendly fashion?

    | KMStrava

  • I'm going through all our blog and FAQ pages to see which ones are performing well and which ones are competing with one another. Basically doing an SEO content clean up. Is there any SEO benefit to keeping the page published vs trashing it after you apply a 301 redirect to a better performing page?

    | LindsayE

  • Hi Mozzers, A website deals with some javascript redirects. After some research, It came clear a normal 301 is the best option, but javascript redirects can be useful if you don't have access to a website' server. Does anyone have experience with javascript redirects? Can they be harmful in any point of SEO? I would love to hear your thoughts!

    | WeAreDigital_BE

  • My client has about a dozen old folders filled with old websites including index files, robots, htaccess files. They are all located in separate files with in public_html.  Does this effect them negatively?

    | Renalynd

  • What is SEO best practice to implement a site logo as an SVG?
    Since it is possible to implement a description for SVGs it seems that it would be possible to use that for the site name. <desc>sitename</desc>
        {{ STUFF }} There is also a title tag for SVGs. I’ve read in a thread from 2015 that sometimes it gets confused with the title tag in the header (at least by Moz crawler) which might cause trouble. What is state of the art here? Any experiences and/or case studies with using either method? <title>sitename</title>
        {{ STUFF }} However, to me it seems either way that best practice in terms of search engines being able to crawl is to load the SVG and implement a proper alt tag: What is your opinion about this? Thanks in advance.

    | twisme

  • I just noticed that my homepage was de-indexed by google. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

    | Jenny_H

  • Organic traffic to our website has dropped 35% since 18 September 2017 to date. From 1 January to 18 September 2017 organic traffic was up by just under 1% over all (Google up by 1.32%). Paid search traffic over the same time has remained steady. There is nothing we can think of that we've done that has caused the drop. We had an issue with Google page speed test failing when running a test but we resolved this issue on 20 November and in that time we've seen an even greater drop (44% in the last week). The drop is seen across the 3 main search engines, not just Google, which points toward something we've done, but as mentioned, we can't think of any significant change we made in September that would have such negative effects. There is little difference across devices. Is anyone aware of a significant event in September in the search engine world that may have influenced our organic traffic? Any help gratefully received.

    | imaterus

  • Hi, I have a new Wordpress site with a number of CAD files (.dxf& .dwg) downloadable straight from the site. These have been flagged in MOZ as warnings with everying from No Title/Description to duplicate content. Does anybody now how I would no index these type of files? Many thanks.

    | Jon_Pearce

  • Hi Mozzers: I am optimizing a bunch of PDF brochures within a client's website. Besides the typical optimization tactics I'm applying, (like these) I have a question regarding the file/url structure of the PDFs themselves. By default, the client is locating PDFs in an 'uploads' folder of their Wordpress site. So, a typical PDF might have a URL such as: My question: is there any advantage in eliminating all these sub-directories and moving the files into a main folder, simply titled '/brochures'  ?? Any insights or conjecture would be welcome!

    | Daaveey

  • I just want to verify that if a compressed sitemap file is being used, then the URL that gets submitted to Google, Bing, etc and the URL that's used in the robots.txt indicates that it's a compressed file. For example, "sitemap.xml.gz" -- thanks!

    | jgresalfi

  • I have 3 pages duplicated just by a / Example:**//****/** What would cause this?? And how would I fix it? Thanks! Rena

    | Renalynd

  • How long on average does it take for a canonical tag to work? Understand that canonicals are just a suggestion, but after adding a canonical tag and submitting the page via Google fetch, assuming Google follows the canonical, would you expect it to work after a day or two or does it take longer? We added canonicals to old PPC landing pages that are ranking organically, though our new landing pages (which we want to rank organically) are not identical and have a bit more content/features. They are similar though. Canonicals were added to the old pages (pointing to new pages) and requested indexing via search console. Old pages are still ranking and new pages not so much. FYI we are unable to 301 old PPC pages due to other non negotiable reasons unfortunately. Thanks.

    | SoulSurfer8

  • Hi All, Google Appending Blog URL inbetween my homepage and product page. Is it issue or base url or relative url? Can you pls guide me? Looking to both tiny url you will get my point what i am saying. Please help Thanks!

    | amu123

  • Hi All, A site crawl reveals several server errors (status code 500) about a clients wordpress website. My question: what are the most common causes for server errors and what advice can I give about how to fix them? Thanks in advance,

    | WeAreDigital_BE

  • Hi There, I have had a drop of around 40% in site traffic since we migrated our site from Magento to Woocommerce. The products were migrated across and kept the same title tags, meta descriptions, copy etc... I set up 301's on the top 100 landing pages and submitted a new site map using Google Web Master Tools. It looked like the traffic was coming back to where it was but the gap has widened again. Can anyone advise me on what I may have missed or how to go about diagnosing the problem and fixing it

    | JonesBros

  • Hi, we are migrating our website to https. We have a lot of 301s in htaccess that we need to keep, changing the destiny to the https version of the site. At the same time, we need to make new 301 redirects from the http url´s to https url´s
    Our question is Could we combine this redirects in htaccess with a Schema redirect with 301 code? (Is it the same to use schema redirecs as using redirects in htaccess?) This would be the situation: Htaccess redirects: A http url ->301-> B http url -> (we change this in htaccess and use:)-> A http url ->301->B https url Schema redirect: B http url ->301-> B https url Thanks!

    | unirmk

  • We are a local real estate company and have landing pages for different communities and cities around our area that display the most recent listings. For example: is our landing page for the city of Tumwater homes for sale. Google has indexed most of our landing pages, but for whatever reason they are displaying either page 2, 3, 4 etc... instead of page 1.  Our Roy, WA landing page is another example. has recently been showing up on page 1 of Google for "Roy WA homes for sale", but now we are much further down and (page 5) is the only page in the serps. (coincidentally we no longer have 5 pages worth of listings for this city, so this link now redirects to We haven't made any major recent changes to the site. Any help would be much appreciated! *You can see what my site is in the attached image... I just don't want this post to show up when someone google's the actual name of the business 🙂 nTTrSMx.jpg C4mhfgh.jpg

    | summithomes

  • Hi All. I work for a regional IT services business and we supply various IT solutions. One of our channel distributors is running a campaign with a large global vendor (you will know them) where they have built a solution microsite at for themselves and then created a copy of this site for ten end partners, including my business. They have done this by what looks like copying the entire site and creating a copy of the site at a subdomain for each of the ten partners at http://partner1/2/3 So if we go ahead and agree to this approach I am potentially worried about the following and whether I should built out our own version instead. 1 - there is no https being offered so we will get penalised by Google ?
    2 - we can't add any tracking to the subsite as it isn't under our control
    3 - will Google see all these subdomain copies as duplicate content and penalise me (and the others)
    4 - I am worried that anyone removing the subdomain from the URL will then land on the distributors microsite and not ours and the only way of trying to prevent this is to embed in an iframe but that doesn't sound a good idea to me. I don't get the feeling that the channel partner knows much about SEO so could do with some help trying to assess whether I should be concerned and politely politely turn down their offer to run this microsite for us ? Thanks in advance for your comments

    | Gavsta

  • Hi All, I will try and keep this as simple as possible. My product page links to a separate page with an IFrame, giving my users the option to upload artwork for the product. The IFrame contains the external file upload site (mail big file). When finished, the user can use a button link to return to the product page to continue with their order. As soon as the page with the IFrame was crawled by Google, the IFrame page started to rank in place of where my product page used to rank, yet there is no content on the page relating to my product (just a file upload). So now users are visiting the IFrame via the same query which must be an absolute headache and not useful at all. I have tried the following: 1. Added a line in body text which contains an internal link pointing to the product page using exact match anchor text for the query. (This didn't work) 2. I applied a no index tag to the IFrame, and now my product page is no longer ranking at all. Can anyone help me solve this puzzle. I believe I might be missing something. Kind regards, Adam

    | SO_UK

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