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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • I have seen a sudden drop organic reach in a particular page of our website earlier this was I although understand that it happens while migration but it has been a while we did the migration. The migration happened around May month. Something similar has happened to our blog. Earlier it was a now _Could anyone suggest me what could be the possible issue for the drop in traffic? _

    | Rajnish_HE

  • On page, there is an option to select languages. This option is in the footer. Once you select the language the url changes. Ex - if we select French, the URL changes to In case we decide to change the URL of this page with Geo, what should be the URL structure which accommodates languages as well. My research says that it would good to keep the url like

    | Rajnish_HE

  • 1. Should we add organization schema on all pages of the website OR just homepage? 2. What is the best practice for catalog page schema as every website is following a different pattern?

    | Rajesh.Prajapati

  • Hi Mozers, Fetch as Google is showing Tablet view and not Desktop view. Does anyone know why this is? And does that mean that Googlebot is reading the Tablet version instead of the Desktop version (same HTML but different visualization)? Thanks!! Yael

    | yaelslater

  • We need about 5-10 high quality links to our website created every month. We need the link targets researched and outreach done to these sites. The sites most be legitimate and high quality; decent domain authority, real sites, not phony low quality sites. Sites that would show traffic in with decent metrics. We absolutely want to avoid any link building schemes that could get us penalized. I have been told that such a project would take a qualified SEO about 8-10 hours per months (more during the additional month of research, less afterward). As such, what is a reasonable cost for these 5-10 links per month? $300, $500, $700, more? I only want to work with a highly experienced SEO, native english speaker with extensive experience. What is fair? I don't want to overpay or to under pay. Thanks, Alan

    | Kingalan1

  • Is it possible to get a penalty for duplicate content on the same website? I have a old custom-built site with a large number of filters that are pre-generated for speed. Basically the only difference is the meta title and H1 tag, with a few text differences here and there. Obviously I could no-follow all the filter links but it would take an enormous amount of work. The site is performing well in the search. I'm trying to decide whether if there is a risk of a penalty, if not I'm loath to do anything in case it causes other issues.

    | seoman10

  • Hi, i hope you can help. My site crawl is showing that I have a redirect chain on my home page. Basically it shows I am going from : http: > https: > https://www. I need everything to go from http:// and http://www directly to https://www. without the chain. Below is a copy of the htaccess, can anyone see if there is an error in there that could be causing it. RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301] BEGIN WordPress <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c="">RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index.php$ - [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]</ifmodule> END WordPress In addition, i have seen that they have a plugin called SSL insecure content fixer installed. It is showing this under its status: Array ( [HTTPS] => on [PHPHANDLER] => /usr/local/php70/bin/php [HTTP_X_REAL_IP] => [HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO] => https ) I think possibly this might have something to do with the issue, any thoughts are appreciated Thanks

    | DaleZon

  • Hello all! I have a partner site that is linking their product page (step 1) to our product page (step 2) and then we instantly forward them to our shopping cart page (step 3) with that product added. Will my product page (step 2) get the SEO juice from our partners link (step 1) even though we instantly forward to our shopping cart page (step 3)? Curious about ways to technically do this correctly. Thank you!

    | Jamesmcd03

  • Hi mozzers, I am a bit worried since I looked a cache version of my site and somehow content is partially showing up and navigation has completely disappeared. Where could this come from? What should I be doing? Thanks!

    | Taysir

  • I've got 15 critical crawler issues coming up, all of which are (  tel: )links to the contact phone number. As this is a taxi firm, these links are pretty vital to customer conversion. Should I worry about these issues from an SEO perspective? If so, is there anything I can do about it?

    | Paul730

  • I want to get as much SEO juice as possible onto my site. Our partner who is the manufacturer has about 5 pdf's per product listed on their website already. What should I do to create content and drive the most traffic to my reseller site? 1. Should I do a direct outbound link to their PDF and Google will crawl that content to boost my keywords? 2. Should I download the pdf and then upload the exact PDF onto our site? Will Google know this is not my content and copied? 3 Should I copy and paste the PDF content and paste it into our sites product page directly? 4. Should I recreate the PDF by copying most of our content and use our branding/contact details? then upload or copy and paste that content onto our site? (obviously alot more work) We have MANY products and different suppliers but want a way to be better at SEO then our manufactures. Option to any more ideas or ways to cut down on as much work as possible while driving the most traffic. Thank you!

    | Jamesmcd03

  • Someone copied the content from my website just I publish the article. So who is the winner? and I am in any problem? What to do? Please check Image. RkJ0p9l.jpg

    | varunrupal

  • I have a website which has had trailing slashes added to the URLs by 301 redirects for over 3 years. However, the custom CMS does not allow navigation links to have trailing slashes. This is resulting in 301s every time a user clicks a navigation link. The site ranks fairy well for some moderately competitive keywords. If you were in my shoes, would you remove the forced trailing slash redirect in the .htaccess and replace it with a trailing slash removal redirect, or would you leave it like it is? Thanks,
    James p.s. the CMS also doesn't allow canonicals.

    | ICON_Malta

  • Could someone explain me what the difference between a keyword and a co-occurence is ? Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • Could someone explain me what the difference between a keyword and a co-occurence is ? Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • Hello, I am wondering if it is ok to use a keyword that is in 950 position in the keyword list with a relevancy of 1 or it if it better to only use keywords with relevancy of 5 or 6 which are at the top of list ? By the way there are some keyword that I found 3 weeks ago doing my keyword research that i don't find anymore in the list doing my keyword research, is it possible to that the list varies week after week ? Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • Dear Sirs, a client of mine for more than 7 years used to have his home page ( between 1st and 2nd page in the Google Serps and suddenly went down to 8 page. The keyword in question is "Viajes a Grecia". It has a good link profile as we have built links in good newspapers from Spain, and according to Moz it has a 99% on-page optimization for that keyword, why why why ??? What could I do to solve this? PD: It has more than 20 other keywords in 1st position, so why this one went so far down? Thank you in advance !

    | Tintanus

  • Has anybody got any ideas? I have a website that ranks quite well for an industry keyword, the site has a reasonable amount of authority. But the term is fluctuating between position 3 and position 9! It is on a beefy stable server. It is reasonably well optimised from both SEO and speed point of view. It is tracked using Moz RankTracker. I do realise that rankings fluctuate, but this is ridiculous!

    | seoman10

  • Is the topic research and content suggestions that semrush gives (that is currently in beta) similar to what moz calls content suggestions ? Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • Hi Team, I am facing an issue with cache of the website, despite various r&d I couldn't able to find the solution as code seems to be ok to me. Can any one of you check and let me know why home page and some of the product pages removed from the caching. See here: Appreciate a quick response! Thanks

    | Devtechexpert

  • Hi everyone,
    I'm working on a website that has a quite extensive subfolder structure for product and multilingual purposes.
    and so on... We will soon be launching a completely different service, which would make the subfolder structure become even more complex. As John Mueller recently stated that Subdomains and Subfolders are treated the same by Google, I am now considering building that new service under subdomains for product reason, and for the sake of clarity. 1- Would my subdomains inherit the authority of my main domain? 
    2- Do I have to keep the language folders with the subdomain structure?
    e.g.: OR Looking forward to reading you!

    | medi_

  • I am creating an e-commerce site. All the products have product certification documents/images, PDF docs for instructions, manufacture specs, etc. Should I host all this content or simply link to the original documents and content? What is the best for SEO? Thank you,

    | Jamesmcd03

  • Hi there, Our dev team are looking at speeding up load times and making pages easier to browse by splitting up our pagination pages to 10 items per page rather than 1000s (exact number to be determined) - sounds like a great idea, but we're little concerned about the canonicals on this one. at the moment we rel canonical (self) and prev and next. so b is rel b, prev a and next c - for each letter continued. Now the url structure will be a1, a(n+), b1, b(n+), c1, c(n+). Should we keep the canonicals to loop through the whole new structure or should we loop each letter within itself? Either b1 rel b1, prev a(n+), next b2 - even though they're not strictly continuing the sequence. Or a1 rel a1, next a2. a2 rel a2, prev a1, next a3 | b1 rel b1, next b2, b2 rel b2, prev b1, next b3 etc. Would love to hear your points of view, hope that all made sense 🙂 I'm leaning towards the first one even though it's not continuing the letter sequence, but because it's looping the alphabetically which is currently working for us already. This is an example of the page we're hoping to split up:

    | Fubra

  • From my understanding hummingbird is the fact that google is able to parse sentences and link entites to understand the meaning of content in a better way than with just keywords and rankbrain is about user intent, google understands that they are various ways to mean the same thing. Is my understanding correct ? Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • We are perplexed how Yoast determines which keywords to select on the page when ranking the top 5 prominent words in Insights. For example, we have a page where birthday parties is clearly the primary keyword. It is used an an H2, in body copy and tagged on images. Yet it does not show up at all. The term 20 Fiesta game points ranks #1. It is mentioned one time on the page in a bullet within one of 5-6 blocks. 40 Fiesta game points ranks 3rd and same situation. Waterpark ranks 4th and is mentioned twice on the page as a bullet of featured activities. But there ar 4-5 other attractions listed in the bullets higher?  We have looked as tutorial videos and no one mentions how Yoast determines prominent keywords. Thanks in advance for steering us in the right direction.

    | Teamzig

  • Please help for some reason my website home page has disappeared, we have been working on the site but nothing that I can think of which would block it. There are no warnings in google console? Can anyone lend a hand in understanding what has gone wrong, I would really appreciate it. The site is: Seems to be working again but I had to fetch the home page in google console, any idea why this has happened cannot afford a heat op at this age lol?

    | BobAnderson

  • How important are external links in 2018. How much of a percentage do they represent when deciding to rank a page. I imagine it depends on the query but I was wondering it if 10 % of of 60 % ? My feeling is that with good content you can get on almost any query on the 1 st page without links because that would be too penalising to small business if they had no possibility to rank with just content. Looking forward to getting some feedback.

    | seoanalytics

  • Hi, we have an ecommerce website with facetted navigation for the various options available. Google has 3.4 million webpages indexed. Many of which are over 90% duplicates. Due to the low domain authority (15/100) Google is only crawling around 4,500 webpages per day, which we would like to improve/increase. We know, in order not to waste crawl budget we should use the robots.txt to disallow parameter URL’s (i.e. ?option=, ?search= etc..). This makes sense as it would resolve many of the duplicate content issues and force Google to only crawl the main category, product pages etc. However, having looked at the Google Search Console these pages are getting a significant amount of organic traffic on a monthly basis. Is it worth disallowing these parameter URL’s in robots.txt, and hoping that this solves our crawl budget issues, thus helping to index and rank the most important webpages in less time. Or is there a better solution? Many thanks in advance. Lee.

    | Webpresence

  • I have a website built on Magento 1.9. There are approximately 290,000 part numbers on the site. I am sampling Google SERP results. About 20% of the keywords show up on page 1 position 5 thru 10. 80% don't show up at all. When I do a MOZ page score I get high 80's to 90's. A page score of 89 on one part #  may show up on page one, An identical page score on a different part # can't be found on Google. I am searching for the exact part # in the page title.  Any thoughts on what may be going on? This seems to me like a Magento SEO issue.

    | CTOPDS

  • My client currently use an m-dot URL for their mobile site and while conducting a technical audit for their web properties, we have noticed that their desktop is using a self-referencing rel="canonical" while their mobile m-dot has no rel="canonical" tags. While our initial recommendation is to point the mobile m-dot point to the desktop using a rel="canonical" and the desktop point to the mobile using a rel="alternative," there have been hesitations about mobile first indexing and canonical tags. If Google will use the m-dot for indexing purposes moving forward, is the progressive recommendation to have the desktop point to the m-dot using a rel="canonical" and the m-dot point to the desktop using a rel="alternative" or to maintain the initially stated recommendation?

    | Derek_Hawk

  • Hi Moz Community! I'm doing an audit of a website and did a backlink analysis. In the backlink analysis, there is an image that has 66 backlinks but the image doesn't exist on the website anymore (it was on a website that was created in 2011 - 2 web launches ago).  I don't believe a 301 redirect will work for an image that doesn't exist anymore. How would I redirect the image URL (it's WordPress so we have a specific URL that other websites are linking to but get 404 errors) without going to each individual website and requesting they change the URL link? Any advice or recommendations would be great. Thanks!

    | BradChandler

  • We have a small number of content pages where the urls paths were setup before we started looking really hard at SEO. The paths are longer than recommended (but not super crazy IMHO) and some of the pages get a decent amount of traffic. Moz suggests updating the URLs to make them shorter but I wonder if anyone has experience with the tradeoffs here. Is it better to mark those issues to be ignored and just use good URLs going forward or would you suggest updating the URLs to something shorter and implementing a 301 redirect?

    | russell_ms

  • Howdy! Whilst looking through a few clients via the 'site:' function i've noticed that the order of pages can sometimes begin with the homepage and follow the hierarchy that is laid out on the site. However, there are instances where the top page of the 'site:' search will be a sub-page and not the home page. My question is, does this order of pages denote anything of importance? Many thanks!

    | Corbec888

  • Hi. I am hoping you can advise. I have a client in one of my training groups and their site is a golf booking engine where all pages are dynamically created based on parameters used in their website search. They want to know what is the best thing to do for SEO. They have some landing pages that Google can see but there is only a small bit of text at the top and the rest of the page is dynamically created. I have advised that they should create landing pages for each of their locations and clubs and use canonicals to handle what Google indexes.Is this the right advice or should they noindex? Thanks S

    | bedynamic

  • I understand the basic concept of structured data (guiding engines onto how to view the content) but how do I implement this? After creating a product page with images, content, links, etc. What do I do to make sure we are good on all the different structured content types? Is there a tool to make it happen? Sorry for not understanding it...

    | Jamesmcd03

  • This is a bit of a odd one... I put two new pages on to my website.  And built one backlink to each page (each from separate domains). The pages and backlinks have indexed quite quickly. The odd thing is that one of my pages has dropped significantly in ranking but the other has boosted significantly in ranking! The 1st page has come to page 1 of google, the other pages dropped to page 3 of google. Prior to building the links the ranks was stable. Any ideas?

    | seoman10

  • Hi. I've spent the last day fiddling with the setup of a new URL structure for a site, and I can't "pull the trigger" on it. Example: - Specific example: - The example is a good description of the content that I have to organize. The aim is to a) define url structure, b) facilitate good ux, **c) **create a good starting point for content marketing and SEO, avoiding multiple / stuffing keywords in urls'. The problem? Not all providers have the same type of game. Meaning, that once I get past the /type-of-game/, I must write a new category / page / content for /provider-name/. No matter how I switch the different "sub-levels" around in the url, at one point, the provider-name doesn't fit as its in need of new content, multiple times. The solution? I can skip "provider-name". The caveat though is that I lose out on ranking for provider keywords as I don't have a cornerstone content page for them. Question: Using the URL structure as outlined above in WordPress, would you A) go with "Pages", or B) use "Posts"

    | Dan-Louis

  • Performing a website redesign and with that we are going to be deindexing a lot of pages and make big changes to the site architecture. With all of these big changes happening with the redesign, should we include the change to https during the redesign or about 4-6 months after? If we do it after we will have time to diagnose any shortcomings of the redesign. Thanks!

    | Trent.Warner

  • My company has recently started using Google for Jobs to post all of it's available positions. Unfortuntely, they also list these same jobs on third party job boards like, ZipRecruiter, Lensa, etc. Some people are wondering why we aren't outranking these third party sites. My explanation has been that those sites are specifically made for job searching and have much better authority with Google, so they are going to always outrank us. Aside from taking down the third party posts, is there anything we can do to get our jobs higher in the rankings for Google for Jobs? Very appreciated!

    | MJTrevens

  • Hi ! I have an english website targeting Asia market. Whats the proper way to implement the geo target /hreflang code that will target the entire ASIA region? I saw some suggestions to do this way (below sample) .. However, we know ASIA has a lot of countries. Is this the best practice for SEO? If this is, then do I really need to list down all the countries under Asia? Is there a better way to do this? KOREA   --  :    
    CHINA  ---: etc... I would appreciate your comments and ideas. Thanks!

    | jasmin.calunsag

  • Hello to all, Αs you know the Greek language is very special, wonderful but so difficult at the same time...! The same difficulty i face when im trying to use the adwords keyword planner tool, to choose the wright words for a new menu category when i built new SEO for a new site. I encounter a major problem with keywords who have the same meaning and some people use the right spelling and others use wrong spelling! I give you an example with word "κάρτα μνήμης"  who means in english "sd card". In Greek language we have tones and we can wrote the word "κάρτα μνήμης" without a tones -> "καρτα μνημης" and without wright spelling and without tones at the same time -> "καρτα μνημησ". Keyword planner give me another results for each word whatever it has the same meaning! ex. (καρτα μνημης = 0 clicks, κάρτα μνήμησ = 210 clicks and καρτα μνημησ = 2400 clicks!!!) If i put the menu keywords with Hypercase you think that i am ok? I wonder if  i use the wright spelling and orthography and i put them with Lowercase if I have a problem and didn't  take the full of clicks of all keywords with the same meaning! I prefer for better design Lowercase's but if i have a problem with Seo i will change it! Thanks, Kalogeropoulos Marios

    | marioskal

  • Hello, I work for a company (let's call it companyX) that is about to launch a new product, lets call it ProductY. is an old domain with a good domain authority. The market in which ProductY is being launched is extremely competitive. The marketing department want's to launch ProductY on a new website at
    My opinion is that we should instead create a subfolder with product information at By doing this we could leverage on the existing domain authority of Additionally for campaigns, and in order to have a more memorable URL we could use with a 301 redirect to What do you think is the best strategy from an SEO point of view? Cheers

    | Lvet

  • We migrated our domain in early April and simultaneously added an SSL certificate. Everything was done by the books. All redirects implemented perfectly, very few errors. Google notified via Search Console. Despite all steps being done perfectly our domain authority dropped from 24 to 8. Organic traffic dropped from about 80 per day to about 10. Each month domain authority increases by 2 or 3.  We are now back up to a DA of 16. But no improvement in organic traffic yet. At what point should organic traffic start to return? Hopefully the consistent improvement in DA is a good sign. I have been told that adding SSL and moving the domain at the same time was a very bad idea. We are starting link building next week. Hopefully that will help further.  Any ideas as to when this situation will improve? Needless to say it has been awful for our business.

    | Kingalan1

  • i have by some links from fiverr  i was ranking 9 for this keyword with 1200 of searches after fiverr it has disappeared from google more then 10 days i guess this is a penalty someone know how long a penalty like this is how many days to months ? i don't get any messages in webmaster tools this is the gig

    | alexmuller87

  • Hi Does anyone have experience with Wistia and does it still hold try embedding a video from Wistia is better for SEO? Or is there no difference with this compared with YouTube if embedding a product video on your product page? Thanks!

    | BeckyKey

  • Hi everyone! I have a big and complete content about something and my team did a new post with part of this content (to send to prospects and use in email automation). Which one is my best option: Canonical from the post to the complete (and oldest) content - thats my personal choice Noindex in the new post Remove this part from de big and complete content (and put a link to the new content) Do nothing Other option (tell me please) PS: Both contents are ranking for the same keyword, but Search Console dont present issue like duplicate content Best regards!

    | Ewerton.RD

  • Hi Are these 307 redirects bad for SEO? They've just popped up on an audit & I haven't seen them before. I'm guessing as they're temporary they should be updated. Thanks Becky

    | BeckyKey

  • Hi all: We do ongoing SEO for a tax law firm. Their home page, which contains very little text is marked up in the title tag with the phrase 'tax attorneys and preparers.' We are getting warnings from our SEO software that individual bio pages for practitioners are cannibalizing the homepage for the keyword 'tax attorney.' Should I be concerned? The head of this firm is a very well known 'tax attorney.' Its kind of hard to describe him differently but we keep getting told his page competes with the firm's homepage for this search string. Thanks in advance.

    | Daaveey

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