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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • The last time I checked (early this year), the PageRank on the sites I manage varied, with the highest showing as 6. It made sense as the PR6 site has loads of links and has been around for a long time, whereas the other sites hadn't. Now all of our websites are showing the same PageRank - 6, even one that has recently launched and another that has barely any links/traffic or anything to it. I didn't check the PR of that one last time (I'd be surprised if it was 2), but the sites now showing as 6 ranged from PR3 to PR6 back then. We changed server in could this issue be something to do with all of the sites being stored on the same server? It doesn't seem right but it's the only thing I can think of. At the moment, the Domain Authority for these six websites ranges from 27 to 62.

    | Alex-Harford

  • On, it says: rel="canonical" can be used with relative or absolute links, but we recommend using absolute links to minimize potential confusion or difficulties. If your document specifies a base link, any relative links will be relative to that base link. Where would a document specify a base link? And how?

    | nicole.healthline

  • 1. And does refreshing meta descriptions help in ranking? 2. How often do you refresh meta descriptions? I am not sure whether it's a new feature, but I noticed this little time stamp on one of the search results, it says 1 day ago, and the website ranked quite high. So is there any correlation here? o4JIw.png

    | robotseo

  • Does Google  +1 button have to placed on each page of the website or on on the home page ?

    | seoug_2005

  • I normally use SEOmoz and a bit of SEMrush but I dont really know much outside of those two. Im looking to do a review of the big, trustworthy ones - along the lines of free trial price vs value ranktracking linkbuilding help onpage analysis and help competitor analysis reports I heard good things about Raven Tools and Web CEO. Ive seen mention of SEOpowersuite on this forum but  the site looks spammy as hell Anyone have a view on those 5 tools or any others in a similar vein? Or any other top line criteria I should be looking at? Cheers

    | firstconversion

  • How can SEOmoz "most Common Errors*" under "Crawl Diagnostics" advice can be right for a good site organic? Site is well ranked top 3 on Google (difficult KW). If I go ahead and fix these errors, I might hurt my SEO , no? like: Too Many On-Page Links 302 (Temporary Redirect) Title Element Too Long (> 70 Characters) Missing Meta Description Tag

    | Elchanan

  • We have over 100 websites we built for clients that we currently host on 1 shared godaddy hosting account. They each have a link to us but since they are all under one shared account, we feel that we are not maximizing the inbound link potential. I've looked into c class hosting but found that either the ip's were flagged as spam, or they shared nameservers which defeats the purpose. I've also been told that since the c class ip's a hosting company gives to you are all owned by them, that also defeats the purpose. Anyone have any solutions besides opening 130 accounts with different hosting companies? Also, will it make any difference changing existing sites onto different hosts now or are they already tainted?

    | seopet

  • Google recently posted about improving url handling parameters I have a couple questions: Is it better to canonicalize urls or use parameter handling? Will Google inform us if it finds a parameter issue? Or, should we have a prepare a list of parameters that should be addressed?

    | nicole.healthline

  • My client is the green line currently on 3 & 4. The pages that rank 3 & 4 are 3 -> home page targeted to main keyword 4 -> specific service page targeting same main keyword as home page (a bit of cannibalization) The competitor targets other keyword as their main keyword. The 1 & 2 position is taken by him but with 2 different sites (2 sites -> 1 owner). They have a high pa & da but is from gaming websites and stuff while my client has targeted good links. Any predictions... would the green go back again ? 🙂 IuVio.jpg

    | mosaicpro

  • I've posted a question previously regarding the very strange changes in our search positions here New strange thing I've noticed - and very disturbing thing - seems like Google has somehow glued two pages together. Or, in other words, looks like Google sees a 301 redirect from one page to another. This, actually, happened to several pages, I'll illustrate it with our Flash templates page. URL:
    Has been #3 for 'Flash templates' in Google. Reasons why it looks like redirect:
    Reason #1
    Now this page is ranking instead of
    Also, is not in the index.
    That what would typically happen if you had 301 from Flash templates to logo templates page. Reason #2
    If you search for cache: Google will give the cahced version of!!!
    If you search for you again get info on instead! Reason #3
    In Google Webmaster Tools when I look for the external links to I see all the links from different sites, which actually point to listed as "Via this intermediate link:" As I understand Google makes this "via intermediate link" when there's a redirect? That way, currently Google thinks that all the external links we have for Flash templates are actually pointing to Logo templates? The point is we NEVER had any kind of redirect from to I've seen several similar situations on Google Help forums but they were never resolved. So, I wonder if anybody can explain how that could have happened, and what can be done to solve that problem?

    | templatemonster

  • I have a client with a site that ranks for some very competitive terms who consistently has server issues and the site goes down for a day at a time. Each time this happens his site seems to drop in site wide rankings and then stay there for months without ever fully recovering. Only part of the rankings are usually recovered. Has anyone else seen this trend? Is it something Google keeps on record without fully removing any penalty addressed?


  • In performing a link: to my site, I found this: Video Of People Using Viagra - Online Drug Store, Guaranteed Shipping <cite></cite> - Cached -Block all results1 day ago – Video Of People Using Viagra. Online Drug Store, Guaranteed Shipping. Check Order Status. Natural and healthy products! If you go to that url, you will see it's just an affiliate program page. Some viagra spammer somehow changed the title and description metatags that google sees (not actually) and links from what appears to be spammy pages are pointing to me. I don't want to get dinged for this. How do I fix these for myself and And how did the spammer do this???

    | KatMouse

  • There was an seomoz article  - . I would like to point out the specific part of it - "So - because a lot of searchers express a preference for more diverse results than just those pages that ordinarily would "make the cut," Google provides an extra helping hand to pages they feel help to satisfy those searchers. This data could be gleaned from lower CTRs in the SERPs, greater numbers of query refinements, and even a high percentage of related searches performed subsequently" I don;t understand how data could be gleaned from lower CTRs, don't you think it should have been Higher CTRs ?

    | seoug_2005

  • I must admit its every 3 months or so I check these listings 🙂 I would even admit we are that engrossed in google we forget these sites exist many times. I wanted to see if anyone had experience doing sep for these sites and what sort of techniques you used in order to help improve these rankings. I tend to get great listings on Yahoo for many sites but bing seems slightly different. Would love to find out some information on the algos on each of these.

    | onlinemediadirect

  • Hi guys, Some of you may have seen a previous question I posted regarding a new client I started working with. Essentially the clients website steadily lost all non domain name keyword rankings over a period of 4-12 weeks, despite content changes and various other improvements. See following:: After further hair pulling and digging around, I realised that the back link anchor text distribution was unnatural for its homepage/root. From OSE, only about 55/700 of links anchor text contain the clients domain or company name!....8%. The distribution of the non domain keywords isn’t too bad (most repeated keyword has 142 links out of the 700). This is a result of the client submitting to directories over the last 3 years and just throwing in targeted keywords. Is my assumption that it is this penalty/filter correct? If it is I guess the lesson is that domain name anchor texts should make up more of your links? MY QUESTION: What are some of the effective ways I can potentially remove this filter and get the client ranking on its homepage again? Ensure all new links contain the company name?
    Google said there was no manual penalty, so not sure if there’s any point submitting another reconsideration request? Any advice or effective experiences where a fix has worked would be greatly appreciated! Also, if we assume company is "", what would be the best way to link most naturally: Bluewidget
    Blue widget
    Blue widget .com I'm guessing a mix of the above, but if anyone could suggest a hierarchy that would be great.

    | Qasim_IMG

  • We are considering expanding our site navigation menu (horizontal) at the top of our pages.  However, once implemented, this would include around 30-40 links at the top of the page; before the content of the page. How much effect (good/bad) would this have on SEO? Are their any other options? (perhaps rendering the menu after the main content with CSS)? Any thoughts, suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated.

    | Peter264

  • My understanding of domain authority is that the more links pointing to any page / resource on a domain, the greater the overall domain authority (and weight passed from outbound links on the domain) is. Because URL shorteners create links on their own domain that redirect to an off-domain page but link "to" an on-domain URL, are they gaining domain authority each time someone publishes a shortened link from their service? Or does Google penalize these sites specifically, or links that redirect in general? Or am I missing something else?

    | Jay.Neely

  • A competitor is consistently beating my website on non-competitive, long tail keywords.  His DA is 32 compared to my 46.  His average PA is 23 to my 28.  His average On Page Optimization Grade is a C compared to my A.  His page speed score using YSlow is a 71 compared to my 78. The only thing I can think of at this point is that he has a better URL structure.  We both have the keyword in the URL, but his structure goes like this (keyword: apw wyott parts): While mine goes like this (I had nothing to do with this site's architecture; this is what I'm stuck with for the time being): It should be noted that the last word in these keywords is always the same - "parts."  These keywords are for parts by different manufacturers so they follow a consistent pattern: [manufacturer-name] followed by "parts." Also, the "C347" on the end of my URL is the category number given to this particular category of products in our database. Are his URLs beating me or should I continue to look for other factors?  If so, what other factors should I consider?

    | eTundra

  • Which is better seomoz's keyword difficulty tool or wordtracker's KEI index? Or, do you have another metric you utilize when evaluating a large list of keywords?

    | nicole.healthline

  • Hi Guys, Well, the problem seems normal but I guess it's not. I have tried many things, and nothing changed it, now I give it last try... ask so maybe you will help me. The problem is.. I can't find my site nowhere in Bing, I mean nowhere by not in first 20 pages for my keywords "beauty tips" and the site is: In my opinion it should be pretty high... maybe it's too high so I can't see it ;). I never had special problems with Bing, was easier to be there "somewhere" than in google, but with this one is totally opposite. Any ideas? Thanks for your time!

    | Luke22

  • Please take a look at This landing page contains links to: and our US website which is also It is programmed so: If you are a first time user and type you go to the landing page above. If you then click on AMERICAS, it sets a cookie and directs you to .  When you revisit in the future as the cookie is set you will be automatically sent to the AMERICAS website i.e Our US websites is nor performing well on organic ranking compared to other regional website.  Is the above technique hindering our organic ranking in the US. Also, I have been led to believe that you get a higher ranking if the domain is specific to a country. Is this true? Does receive higher ranking than if I created it as for example? Many Thanks Mark

    | markc-197183

  • Hi, A clients site has significant amounts of original content that has blatantly been copied and pasted in various other competitor and article sites. I'm working with the client to rejig lots of this content and to publish new content. What steps would you recommend to undertake when the new, updated site is launched to ensure Google clearly attributes the content to the clients site first? One thing I will be doing is submitting a new xml + html sitemap. Thankyou

    | Qasim_IMG

  • Hi, I wrote a blog article on another site. I would like to add the article to my site as well and would like to know the best way to do it. If I duplicate the article that I wrote would I then risk getting a penalty for duplicate content? If so, then what is the best way for me to include the article on my site for the benefit of my readers, but not lead to the duplicate content problem? Would it be better to use a canonical tag? Or to noindex the page? If I use the canonical tag, am I helping to make the article on the external blog stronger? Where is I use the noindex tag I am not helping my site nor that article I think, is that right? Last question, if I offer the copy of the article on my site and use the canonical or noindex tag then my site does not receive any direct benefit from the article for SEO. In other words the article wont appear in the search index with a link to my site. What about the comments that people write on the article on my site? That is unique content which may have great questions or points. I want to ensure those can be indexed properly. If I noindex the page I lose out. If I canonicalize (is that a word?) the page then I don't know if will send search results based on those comments to the external blog where that information (the comments from my site) does not exist. Thank you for any help to better understand this part of seo.

    | NikkiGaul

  • Hi Guys, I am picking up responbility for the SEO work for a company and I need some advice please. The current link stratgy involves a lot of single backlinks from the home page of variious sites. There is also a very big proprtion of the anchor text which is for the exact keyword and also finally there is very little deep linking. The result of this strategy is some 1st page ranking, but it has required a lot more links than some of the competitors with more natural link structure, Question is this.... is it worth contacting the webmasters of the existing links and asking then to move some of the links onto subpages and ammending the link tex to be move natural. Or alternaitvely, I could concenrate on adding some new article links, with a variety of keywords, which would be subdomain links. The problem with the 2nd approuch is that I can't easily add enough article links to balance out fully the effect of thecurrent problem. However, I'm nto sure if changing the position and the anchor text of the current linking could affect the current main site ranking... Can you see my problem? Any advice would be gratefully received. Cheers, Ed.

    | eddiesteadygo

  • Hi. I wanted to ask about having multiple text links to an internal page from the same page. So I have a section title on my home page which will vary with each article. It may say "Healthiest Cat Foods" as the title then offer a snippet and finally offer a "continue reading..." anchor text. The title is a great link to the article while the "continue reading..." is another link to the same article. I like the to keep the title link because it is perfect anchor text. I like to keep the "continue reading..." because it seems helpful for users. I have read that search engines will only count the first link to an article which is fine as I only want the first one to count anyway. What I am wondering is do I lose any page rank because I added the second link? Does that second link hurt me in any way?

    | NikkiGaul

  • Here's a question - does having a "website designed by" reference in the footer of every page of one of your clients  help or hurt? I have a major university .edu that I designed a site for one of their departments and it is just about to launch and they've allowed me to put a reference in the footer. I've had pretty good luck with this on my other clients' sites, but didn't know if this practice is seen as spammy. Thanks

    | Chas-295721

  • Howdy Local Experts, I'm hoping you can clear up something for me.. I'm setting up some places for a company that's spread across 5 cities. I am creaitng 5 separate locations for this. The company name is not the same as the website name. All the SEO efforts are for the website name ( the brand ) not the parent company name., so... 1. When creating the places do I enter the business name in "company/organisation" and put the brand name in the web site field? Or is it better for seo to have the brand name here as the company name too? 2. Are all 5 listings more or less going to be the same except for the address and phone numbers? I suppose unique photos etc for each location is better here? 3. When creating citations i am essentially going to be building 5 separate "links", one for each place is that correct. So adding the specific location details into the matching state and city business directories etc? 3. The exact business category doesn't accurately show up in the list. Do i select the closest thing here or create custom categories to better match the business. Apologies for the lenghty question, Derek

    | ClickValueMedia

  • If we are removing 100 old urls (archives of authors that no longer write for us), what is the best option? we could 301 traffic to the main directory de-index using no-index, follow 404 the pages Thanks!

    | nicole.healthline

  • I know using css in subversive manners gets you dinged for points. I didnt know if JS counted the same since you are essentially hiding parts of the content and showing it in intervals as slides. The goal would be having key items for a client in divs and rotating those divs via a slider plugin as slides. I was just curious if that effected things in any way. Thanks! ~Paul

    | peb7268

  • When looking at content "above the fold" is it more important to look at ad units or the visual % of unique content to ads? For example, if there are 6 small ad units or one large ad unit that takes up 30% of the page, which is better for search engines? In general, is 50% unique content above the fold with 50% ads adequate or what % do you try to optimize for?

    | nicole.healthline

  • We are preparing for a major platform migration with an ecommerce client. The website is in the range of 7000 pages. During this migration, all URLs will change due to differences in the platform and improvements to the site structure. Unfortunately, they run on a Microsoft server, so doing 301 redirects also tends to be a painful process. What can we do to minimize the initial dent this puts in the website traffic? We are prepared to submit XML sitemaps to Google and Bing as soon as the new site is live. writing 301 redirects for all pages which have inbound links (this is tough to automate due to the URL structures). In the long run, we expect the new platform, URL structure, and site architecture to be a huge improvement for our organic rankings. The client and we are worried about the transition period though! Any tips or advice to help us through it? Thanks!

    | outofboundsdigital

  • Our site switches between www1 and www2 depending on the server load, so (the way I understand it at least) we have two versions of the site. My question is whether the search engines will consider this as duplicate content, and if so, what sort of impact can this have on our SEO efforts? I don't think we've been penalised, (we're still ranking) but our rankings probably aren't as strong as they should be. The SERPs show a mixture of www1 and www2 content when I do a branded search. Also, when I try to use any SEO tools that involve a site crawl I usually encounter problems. Any help is much appreciated!

    | ChrisHillfd

  • We set some pages to 404 status about 7 months ago, but they are still showing in Google's index (as 404's). Is there anything else I need to do to remove these?

    | nicole.healthline

  • Is it enough to just delete a page, or is it necessary to do something else to 404 a page correctly? Is there a great link to explain how to set http status codes?

    | nicole.healthline

  • I am planning on starting a new blog focused on a very specific subject that is related to my current Lead Generation website.  I am doing this because I want to build rankings for this site and have it link back to my Lead Generation website to increase its rankings (this is the main purpose).  My question is do I need to host it on another server so Google will not see it as having the same IP or Subnet?  Note: I already have one blog linked to my Lead Generation website under the same domain.  This new blog would be linked to an entirely different domain.

    | MyNet

  • We have a content page with the explicit goal of ranking highly for "raised garden beds". We drive traffic from this page to our various types of raised garden beds in our store. The "FarmsteadRaised Garden Bed" is one such product. Should we avoid using "raised garden beds" in the anchor text of the internal links pointing to the products in our store because of cannibalization? We recently changed the anchor text of the internal links to have keywords instead of just "click here" or "more info" - was this a good idea? What should our optimal anchor text look like?

    | aran088

  • Hello there!  This is my first post here on SEOmoz. I'll get right into it then... My website is, and the homepage runs entirely off of geo-targeting the user's IP address to display the most relevant results immediately to them.  Can potentially save them a search or three. That works great.  However, when crawlers frequent the site, they are obviously being geo-targeted for their IP address, too.  Google has come to the site via several different IP addresses, resulting in several different locations being displayed for it on the homepage (Mountain View, CA or Clearwater, MI are a couple). Now, this poses an issue because I'm worried that crawlers will not be able to properly index the homepage because the location, and ultimately all the content, keeps changing.  And/or, we will be indexed for a specific location when we are in fact a national website (I do not want to have my homepage indexed/ranked under Mountain View, CA, or even worse, Clearwater, MI [no offence to any Clearwaterians out there]). Of course, my initial instinct is to create a separate landing page for the crawlers, but for obvious reasons, I am not going to do that (I did at one point, but quickly reverted back because I figured that was definitely not the route to go, long-term). Any ideas on the best way to approach this, while maintaining the geo-targeted approach for my users?  I mean, isn't that what we're supposed to do?  Give our users the most relevant content in the least amount of time?  Seems that in doing so, I am improperly ranking my website in the eyes of the search engines. Thanks everybody! Marc

    | THB

  • hello- i got this recommendation <dl> <dt>Recommendation</dt> <dd>Add a canonical URL tag referencing this URL to the header of the page</dd> <dd>from my "report card" and i see also that i have a lot of issues with duplicate content but i really dont have any duplicate content on my site.</dd> <dd>the crawl has apparently marked every post in my blog as duplicate page content.</dd> <dd>and the "use canonical tag" suggestion keeps appearing as a fix to my problems.</dd> <dd>could you please help me with ------How do i create a canonical tag?</dd> <dd>is it just rel=canonical?</dd> <dd>and where do i put it?</dd> <dd>i should put it on every page right?</dd> <dd>or with CSS my webmaster could probably do it very quickly right?</dd> <dd>i get the basic concept behind rel=canonical but i cant say i fully understand it -</dd> <dd>i need some help with regard to how and where this tag should be placed.</dd> <dd>thanks,</dd> <dd>erik
    </dd> <dd>.</dd> </dl>

    | Ezpro9

  • I have an exact keyword match domain- It has decent moz rank, original content pertaining to custom made furniture and has specific furniture products for sale. I want to move the specific products for sale to my main site but keep the general content on the microsite. It's a little different than redirecting All the Pages, isn't it?  Any ideas on best steps to take? Or mistakes to avoid? Thank You Handcrafter

    | stephenfishman

  • I am working on a new project where the client has 5 domains each with identical website content. There is no rel=canonical. There is a great variation in the number of pages in the index for each of the domains (from 1 to 1250). OSE shows a range of linking domains from 1 to 120 for each domain. I will be strongly recommending to the client to focus on one website and 301 everything from the other domains. I would recommend focusing on the domain that has the most pages indexed and the most referring domains but I've noticed the client has started using one of the other domains in their offline promotional activity and it is now their preferred domain. What are your thoughts on this situation? Would it be better to 301 to the client's preferred domain (and lose a level of ranking power throught the 301 reduction factor + wait for other pages to get indexed) or stick with the highest ranking/most linked domain even though it doesn't match the client's preferred domain used for email addresses etc. Or would it better to use cross-domain canoncial tags? Thanks

    | bjalc2011

  • If you were to prioritize how to fix a site, would you focus on traffic or quantity of urls? So for example, if 10% of a site had thin content, but accounted for 50% of the traffic and 50% of the site had a different type of thin content but only accounted for 5% of organic traffic, which would you work on first? I realize both need to be fixed, but am unsure of which to tackle first (this is an extremely large site). Also, I am wondering if the simply the presence of thin content on a domain can affect a site even if it isn't receiving any traffic.

    | nicole.healthline

  • Hi, I'm looking at my links containers and trying to optimise them. I would be greatful if anyone can give me some feedback on my plan for perfect optimaisation. My links are constructed as follows: I have a two states:
    1/. A Non Hover state which contains an Image and Text
    2/. A Hover state which contains a bit more text - I do this as containing full text on the non hover state would not be good for users and would look ugly as well. Here's an example block of the HTML - as you can see from the URL, its quite a deep page level. From the URL and Alt / Titles the Page I am Linking to is about: "The Royal Hotel Accommodation New York Holidays". I Just a bit confused on how I should apply ALT and Title (Titles in particular) attributes given the nested DiV's etc - I can apply these to parent level, or apply all levels, or apply them to a mix. Also is there any obvious thinks you can think of I am missing that may help onsite SEO? Thanks in Advance CURRENT UNOPTIMISED CODE:
                       The Royal Hotel
                        New York Holidays Accommodation
                        The Royal Hotel
                         MY OPTIMISED CODE (Adding Title and Alt attributes):
                       The Royal Hotel
                        New York Holidays Accommodation
                        The Royal Hotel

    | James77

  • Hello guys, A client of ours has thousand of pages returning 404 visibile on googl webmaster tools. These are all old pages which don't exist anymore but Google keeps on detecting them. These pages belong to sections of the site which don't exist anymore. They are not linked externally and didn't provide much value even when they existed What do u suggest us to do: (a) do nothing (b) redirect all these URL/folders to the homepage through a 301 (c) block these pages through the robots.txt. Are we inappropriately using part of the crawling budget set by Search Engines by not doing anything ? thx

    | H-FARM

  • Hello all. Currently doing a major update to my e-commerce website which sells tractor spare parts. I would like to optimize the category pages, which feature the parts from a particular manufacture of tractor parts. Does anyone have good examples of well optimized product page which do not have a detrimental effect on the visual quality of the site?  It is important to see the products. The best I have found is: but I sure a better solution must exist Thanks David

    | DavidLenehan

  • If search results were not originally blocked with robots.txt, and need to be de-indexed, is it better to use noindex, nofollow or noindex, follow?

    | nicole.healthline

  • I would like to change my sites structure to be more efficient for SEO.  I have a fear that the changes will have a potential impact on my current rankings, but know this would be a good long term decision. My site is wordpress, so the changes are relatively easy to make. What are some ways to change the site structure without damaging your rank?  I would have to have to clean up a bunch of errors, so is the best way to simply do 301 redirects on the old pages?

    | dignan99

  • In the eyes of Google, would the font text size of say a news article affect SEO?  For example, a slightly larger font being easier to read by those with bad eyes?  Accessibility?  If so, what size would be ideal? 10, 12, 14? Your thoughts and suggestions are greatly appreciated.

    | Peter264

  • Hello, I'd like to sell a site I own. I'd like the site to be redirected to the buyers site with a 301 redirect. But I'd like the viewer to be informed that the site was purchased by this company and they will be redirect in 5 seconds.I'd like for the redirect to be a complete 301 and pass as much linklove as possible. Are you familiar with how to do this? Thanks, Tyler

    | tylerfraser

  • Hello, I just lunched a website where you have to sign up and to log in in order to use it. So I have the home, also a blog but then the rest of the pages are let's say it "hidden".How would you do the seo for it? I have been cheking facebook, foursquare and some others and they use different approaches. Facebook uses the same description in every single page for example. My site is similar to foursquare users have profile, stats, history, ranking. Well, what is your advice?? Thanks a lot

    | antorome

  • I was just reading an article about how Hubpages claims they pulled through from Panda by dividing their content up on subdomains. I'm wondering if anyone else has had similar success? Also, Panda aside, how important do you think it is to separate different types of content out on separate subdomains?

    | nicole.healthline

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