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Category: Competitive Research

Uncover new and exciting ways to conduct competitive analysis

  • Hi everyone! We're a beauty and travel ecomm brand looking to hire an SEO consultant (independent contractors only - no agencies please) on a contract basis to join our team. We're fast-growing and need help to optimize our on-site and off-site SEO efforts ( Please message me directly if you're interested in working with us. Below is a little more about us. Thanks! About Us: We recently launched with our first line of products - a new and innovative 3-in-1 travel razor for women that includes a water spray bottle, moisturizing shave bar and two razors all in one compact case. We've received tons of press for the product's unique design and innovation within the shaving industry (and are also in over 900 retail stores nationwide), and only recently launched our new site on shopify (two weeks ago) to drive our B2C sales. There's a lot of room for SEO improvement in terms of on-site efforts, as well as some guidance we'd like to receive for off-site SEO strategies, so we can build up our traffic, audience and customer base. We're targeting a big market & demographic of young women (ages 19-35), mainly competing with Gillette and Schick for a product segment that has largely gone untouched for decades. We'd like to change that 🙂 Let me know if you're interested! Thanks.

    | shopsphynx

  • Hi Moz community, Recently I am working on our website's SEO. Our company is a marketing agency. We provide general marketing services and also web design. Here is the content of our homepage and internal pages (specific services). Homepage (marketing agency) Internal page #1 (XXX marketing service) Internal page #2 (YYY marketing service) Internal page #3 (web design) I suggest to my supervisor that we could make some improvement and optimize different keywords for these 4 pages, respectively (homepage, internal page #1 #2 #3). However, my supervisor holds a different point of view that homepage and internal page#3 cannot rank both high for their own keywords because web design is not as related to marketing. So I did some research and look for some top-ranking marketing agency guys who also offer web design.  I found their internal pages about web design service rank pretty bad for their own web-design-related keywords. Here are my thoughts and guess (please correct me if I am wrong): Google takes everything into account and deems web design to be kind of irrelevant content to the website, so the internal page for web design will not rank high. The internal page has so much lower power than the homepage so it got outranked by the guys whose homepages are all about web design and development. My question is: In above case, can homepage and other internal pages (our services) all rank high together for their own keywords? I know what I wrote is kind of confusing...But I really need help here and want to solve this problem badly. Really appreciate any help!! Thank you in advance! Best, Raymond

    | Raymondlee

  • Now that my beloved is done I'd love to know your favorite free website traffic measurement tool.  PS, please don't say Alexa! 🙂

    | vinadvisor

  • I've found all kinds of websites and tools that can tell me how many pages a site has indexed currently, but how about historically? Does such a tool exist?

    | bigvibes909

  • Hello, I am confused/frustrated/surprised how bad my website ( is doing on google ranking and I have no clue why even though I have been doing my homework regarding SEO. Just a bit of background, I have created a new website about 6 months ago for the paragliding community, the primary goal is to provide a platform for people to publish their ads (osclass), but also to provide some interesting reviews and tools to help paragliders chose their wing. We have been putting a lot of effort to provide a nice user experience and tio build the tools mentioned above. Our main channel to connect with the community is Facebook, and we have been quite active there. I have looked at many SEO articles and I made sure the website provides a good UX, the URLs are SEO friendly, good meta data, etc. Also have been using the google search console and analytics to monitor all of this. But here is the thing, all these does not seem to change anything in our ranking for important keywords such as "paraglider for sale", "paragliding equipment", etc. We seem to only rank (looking at Google’s keyword tool) for very specific wing model names that people have mentioned in their ads. I have ran out of ideas on how to improve our SEO !!!!!! I know the website is only 6 months old, but by now we should get some results. As an example, I will mention one our main website competitors: OK the URL is pretty obvious and this website ranks in page #1 for "paragliding equipment" (but also for "paraglider for sale" and other paragliding related key phrases). OK there is the URL (, but I thought nowadays google bots are smarter than just that. The website is 1 year old (so not really much older than us, and was ranking high anyway even 6 months ago). The website looks like it was clearly made by one person and then quickly just left it running, so no content has been added (except for people putting their ads), there is almost no activity on the Facebook account. I have run some test such as "pagespeed insights" and we both rank the same. On "", we are clearly better with more 10 points. Is there anyone out there who can tell me what is going on? Have I missed a very important aspect of SEO? Is our website somehow compromising the robots crawling (although I can see about 80 pages have been already indexed in google search console)? I know content is king, but in the only content I see are ads, and we have ads and other interesting (ie reviews and tools) for paragliders. To conclude, I am basically completely clueless of what to do to rank at least on the first couple of pages of google for the key phrases above. I need help. Hichem. PS: in Moz bar our score is non existing (PA=1,DA=10), on (PA=23,DA=15). So it looks that essentially we are not apparent on the web! PSS: We have also tried to build some backlinks on few important paragliding community websites.

    | hichemboudali

  • Hello Team, Can you please suggest which is the best tool to check number of css, js, images and it's size of  my competitors? Also what if they are using CDN network and bundling? Will that tool consider that also? Thanks! Wrights

    | wright335

  • Hello All, Many seo tools I am using in that few tools do not allow me to test my site with https but it force me to check with http and then give report. So my query is do these tools give accurate report with http same like https? Thanks!

    | wright335

  • Hello Moz Community, Need your help guys. What a Brand should do first for their Blog? Keyword Research or Topic Research? Like for the Brand Product page/ eCom Pages, it's quite easy > 1. Buy "Product" Online
    2. Buy "Product" "Geo."
    3. Product Reviews [for Guest Posting or Reviews]
    4. Best "Product" Online and so But, for the blog, it's tough for searching out the keywords that will work if the SEO team or the keyword research team is not aware or don't have the detailed knowledge about the niche they are working on. Please verify: Is it a correct method that an editor should provide a "topic" to the SEO team to find relevant keywords by using a Keyword Research tool that there are enough searches for it which can provide benefits to the blog via the search engine.

    | Max_

  • One of my competitors is ranking very well for many different competitive keywords (1k+ searches per month). I'm trying to figure out how in the world he is ranking so well. I've signed up for MozPro and looked at his back-links. He has 1 branded site-wide back-link from a decent blog. He also has 1 contextual back-link from a decent blog. Other than these 2 back-links, the rest are garbage links unlikely to even count for anything (he has maybe 12 of these low quality back-links). My website on the other hand has more than 15 back-links from different (high quality) websites and does not rank anywhere near this competitor. This leads me to believe that either MozPro back-link reporting is inadequate or there is foul-play on the part of my competitor. As far as on-page SEO is considered, his website is far inferior. Therefore, I highly doubt this would play a role. What are some reasonable approaches I can take to better understand the cause of this discrepancy. Clearly the back-link reporting has not revealed any answers.

    | poke1

  • hello, how can i compare two keywords? let's say i have i those two keywords: a) πτυχιακες εργασιες β) πτυχιακές εργασίες how can i see in what way most people are searching?

    | anavasis

  • Does anyone know of a tool where you enter in a [search term] and it constantly (or periodically) monitors the SERPs and reports back on the top results? IE- If you wanted to monitor for the term [trump] it would fetch that search result every hour or so and report those via an online interface or downloadable .csv

    | Cox-Media-Group

  • Hello, I am a part-time SEO and own a few web properties, in addition to owning other small businesses. I do the best I can in my spare time to grow my site's traffic and try to create decently valuable content. However, I feel like I am not getting the best results possible, so I am wondering if anyone on here would be interested in helping me with a site audit and strategy. I can do the grunt work myself, I just want someone with a fresh perspective to weigh in and guide me on what I should focus on to achieve my goals. Please let me know if you're interested and how much it may cost. A range is fine. Here are the specs on my site & niche: About 20 pages of content, most of which have 96-100 page optimization scores on Moz. DA of 19, home PA 32 Most competitive KW is 22 difficulty, 83 opp and 67 potential. Thanks so much, any insight is much appreciated. Please respond here or DM me directly. Best, Ricardo

    | myriad_ricardo

  • Hello, I am hoping someone can shed a bit of light on why this page is ranking #2 for "physician loans"? It isn't optimized for that keyword and PA is only 1, DA is 9. Any insight would be greatly appreciated!

    | myriad_ricardo

  • Hi Forum, this has me baffled. I'm an experienced SEOer and have many sites ranking well for their clients but this one has me completely demented. I work for and we used to rank on page one for the key term "artificial grass". Now we're on page 3 and this has all happened since we launched the new (Better) site in February 2016. We have better content, better seo, better social media and better linking than all of the major competitor sites but we still seem to be falling down the ranks. I don't know if its me just trying too hard and missing simple things but I cant see if we're being penalized or not. For searches performed in the UK we're currently 22nd (we used to be 5th!) Our competitors are; The one area that keeps popping up is potentially keyword stuffing but that can't be the only problem. We must be getting penalised somewhere!

    | Easigrass

  • I've read that Google has lowered the relevancy of a keyword rich domain name in recent years, but I have a scenario with a client that makes me think otherwise. My client has a particular phrase that they're trying to get rank for and are currently in position 3 of Google. Their primary competitor has position1. Using the Keyword Analysis in Moz Pro, my client has a competitor beat out in Page Authority (45 vs 36), # Root Domains Linking to Page (98 vs 9), Domain Authority (35 vs 24), and # Root Domains Linking to Domain (122 vs 15). The main difference is that the competitor has the exact phrase as part of their domain. Other than that, the phrase (on my client's site) is used in title tags, heading tags, and throughout page content. I can provide additional information if necessary, but does anybody have any general advice about this scenario?

    | robotninja

  • We’ve recently seen a gradual drop in organic listings for a site, the site has according to OSE the highest stats when compared to all its competitors. Im beginning to think the site may be being penalised for an unnatural title tag. The title tag for the site is as follows : [Service] [City] - [Company Name] - [Neighborhood] - West [City] An example of the above <title>pattern would be :</p> <p><strong>Garden Design London - Acme Design - Chelsea - West London  </strong></p> <p>The other sites that are outranking this site have title tags like :</p> <ul> <li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr"><span data-mce-mark="1">#1 (INDUSTRY SITE)</span></p> </li> </ul> <ul> <li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr">#2 James Davidson Design, London</p> </li> </ul> <ul> <li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr">#3 Jane Smith : Luxury Garden Design | London | Garden Landscaping</p> </li> <li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr">#4 Garden Designers London: BWI London Luxury Garden Design …</p> </li> <li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr">#5 (NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ARTICLE)</p> </li> <li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr">#6 Keers | High End Luxury Garden Designers in London</p> </li> <li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr">#7 Garden Design London - Acme Design - Chelsea - West London (The site in question)</p> </li> <li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr">#8 Sarah Franklin | Luxury Garden Design | London</p> </li> </ul> <p> </p> <p>Looking down the list they all seem to be using less keyword stuffed <title> tags than our the site sitting in #7. Bearing in mind that the site in #7 out ranks in terms of stats all other sites apart from #1 and #4 (which aren't competitors) in OSE</p> <p>Is it possible to if the site in #7 was given a penalty for the <title> tag ?</p> <p><br />(please note that the <title> tags ive listed above are representative of what the other sites are using, but ive changed the service and city to obfuscate the sites)</p></title>

    | mike878

  • I've been considering blocking third party crawlers for a while – specifically those crawling my website for the sake of competitive analysis, such as SEMrush and Ahrefs. I'm familiar with how to do so, but when researching the question I found practically no one asking the same question. The guides I've found on what to put in your robots.txt make no mention of whether to block competitive analysis crawlers. Which makes me wonder whether this is a good idea after all. My chief concern here is rival sites going after the same search terms we target – one of our competitors in particular has an uncanny way of going after the same searches we are. I know blocking crawlers won't prevent competitors from watching our content, but it will make it slightly harder for them. Is there any major drawback I'm missing? Any big reason not to go ahead and block SEO analysis crawlers?

    | davidwaring

  • Im doing some keyword research for a new client, Ive found 2 anomalies for competitive search terms where sites with unoptimised <title>tags, poor backlinks and other stats, (compared to the other sites listed in the SERP) are out ranking everyone and claiming the #1 spot</p> <p> The 2 search terms are :</p> <ul> <li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr"><a href="">Interior designers London</a>- #1 - <a href="">OSE info</a></p> </li> <li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr"><a href="">Interior designer London</a>- #1 - <a href="">OSE info</a></p> </li> </ul> <p> (interestingly they hardly rank at all for any modification of those search terms)</p> <p> The only thing i could think of is that they both had some really good links using that exact anchor text, but ive been checking OSE for the past month both in the backlinks and the just discovered but couldnt see anything like that.</p> <p>I conducted the SERP checking from a laptop with a broadband connection based in London, although im not very local to either of these locations im about an 8th of the cities distance away from one of those location and about half a cities distance away from the other. So i dont think its a local skew thats causing the SERP rankings.</p> <p>For both sites i can see they had old domains which now redirect to the them :</p> <ul> <li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr"><span data-mce-mark="1"> = </span><span data-mce-mark="1"><a href=""></a> - <a href="">OSE info</a> - PA1, DA1</span></p> </li> <li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr"><span data-mce-mark="1"> = - <a href="">OSE info</a> - Da 32, PA43</span></p> </li> </ul> <p> Although the intarya domain was quite strong with good backlinks (but nothing above par comapred to the other sites the site is now outranking, the anchor text was mostly natural with only some keyword anchor text from PA1 pages.  </p> <p>The <a href=""></a> didnt seem to have a backlink profile, both PA1 and DA1.</p> <p> Ive taken screenshots of the SERP pages below, but feel free to dig further</p> <p>Any idea what's going on here ?</p> <a download="HWkjmDf.png" class="imported-anchor-tag" href="" target="_blank">HWkjmDf.png</a> <a download="A70jXse.png" class="imported-anchor-tag" href="" target="_blank">A70jXse.png</a></title>

    | mike878

  • Anybody have thoughts on dealing with search results where the same site gets listed multiple times? "weebly vs wix" is one example (same site #1-3, repetitive articles, not crazy high authority), but I see this now and then. I know Google likes variety, so it's weird for me to see results like this dominating search results. Thoughts? What gets these sites to take over the top rankings for a specific term? Any way to rise up in this situation, outside of the usual? Any tips on duplicating this kind of success?

    | davidwaring

  • Hello There are many SEO metrics like DA or MozTrust and even Other metrics such as cognitive SEO metric.

    | siteBaNa

  • Hello, My website is I am trying to improve its ranking for "pos system" my main competitor is: I have looked through their backlinks but they seem to be random, not many being particularly specific to "pos systems". So what can I do to better compete with this website regarding their keyword? Where can I get the backlinks to my website that would help it for that ranking and in what way?

    | vkpolar

  • I just compare our website with one of our competitor and their DA is much better than ours even we have more external backlinks. Can somebody explain me why? We worked really hard on new content on our blog and did few guest posts and instead of see some results on increasing of our DA our DA went down in last 2 months and I have no idea why.

    | Lukas-ST

  • Hello, I'm trying to explain to a client, as to why certain websites that appear in the top 50 listings for a keyword are there when they don't have very good backlink profiles, and for this keyword, seems you need a high PA above 20 or DA above 25, just to page for page 2 - 3. Running a full SERPs report, I have seen that backlinks to the page that's ranking seems to be as high of a factor as PA, followed by DA and overall backlink profile. Having a high score in one of these 4 areas seems to increase your ranking. However, going into page 3 and beyond, seems that things kinda take a weird turn. After comparing the client's site to those ranking on page 2 I could see that all of them had better PA and more links to the page ranking for that keyword, so page 2 I understand why we don't rank on yet. However, looking at page 3, I see that the client's site in question has better PA, DA, links to page and overall links to domain. Which leaves me to think we have a penalty that's keeping us ranking 50 or beyond. Since our metrics across the boards for what MOZ is showing as ranking factors.  The more odd issue is that looking at the line graph, shows right at the time we implemented sitewide https our ranking for this one keyword dropped, while rankings for our other keywords increased. Am I to assume it's a keyword density penalty? What penalties are there with a outcome of ranking limits?

    | Deacyde

  • Having outbound links seems like a marketing no-no as you don’t want people clicking away from your website. However, if the link provides great information (at the end of your content) that explains and markets a service that you’re offering, is it okay to have that outbound link?

    | medaestheticsgp

  • _We sell on multiple platforms I.e own website, eBay, Amazon and have noticed over the last few years to hold a page 1 ranking on Google is becoming more and more difficult as the SERPs are saturated with the big brands.  _ My question is, we've loaded all of our products and there lovely unique descriptions to eBay and Amazon, is there any chance that this content is helping eBay and Amazon rank (may be not by much!), but certainly not doing us any favours. As effectively why would you show our site in the search results for a product range, when all of the content/products already appear on eBay/Amazon which is several SERPs places higher? Is Google not inclined to think, "hey no need to show x site, as the content is already features on Amazon, why show it twice?" Any one have any thoughts?

    | bnknowles1

  • Hi I've been looking at domains which rank well for a particular search term - plastic storage boxes to try and see why they rank. ranks particularly well. From what I can see, they have about 6 backlinks, 28 DA, and 11 PA - which isn't that high compared to others ranking on the first page. I can't work out why they rank so highly, they also rank for over 100 other storage terms for this page. Am I looking in the wrong place?

    | BeckyKey

  • This newly created site has a DA of 1 and PA of 1, no backlinks, no optimized urls, the keyword they ranked better than us on was listed a total of 6 times on the homepage. Our PA is 29 and DA is 18 for the page that ranks for this keyword. They really copied a few elements of our site but made sure to change a few things, but also list at the bottom of their site 5 keywords that are crucial to our niche industry but they're all linking to the same page. Any ideas? It's an SEO guy running the site, we've watched them toy with adwords trying to be number 1, but not liking the price, so they are here and there with it. Mainly I don't see why they'd rank better for this keyword, we our site have prolly 500% more content that's both of quality and relevance to our customers, in the form of Pdfs, infographics, help sections, and video. Very baffled here, any advice would rock!

    | Deacyde

  • What are some things I can look into to figure out why google is ranking us on page 5 sometimes page 6, with some slight rank boosts to rank 36 from 48 but then falls right back. While Yahoo and Bing rank us page 1 consistently, without these big drops back. I use google search ( webmaster tools ) daily, fix 404s and make sure to fetch new content I create. Our site is within the Sandbox issue time frame, google 1st indexed the site about a year and a half ago, the site has been through various SEO service checks, and has had those issues fixed ( some bigcommerce won't allow, such as full sitewide ssl and a few other small factors ) but all the big stuff was handled or will be 100% handled after this redesign is complete. But just still seems we're stuck in the google hole again. We do use adwords, but no clear signs as to why we'd suffer such hardships with google ranking, only thing we don't have optimized in terms of on page optimization from moz is keyword in url, of which will be changing within the next month or two, as we're rolling our a new redesign with SEO 100% at the forefront, nice url paths, with keywords in their url, much more responsive site that uses less resources. But before we release this redesign, I'd like to find out what toe we stubbed of google's to give us such a ranking blackeye... We don't have that many backlinks, and I know these are a huge factor, however, building quality backlinks it's harder than walking on water at time and on the same level as spinning hay into gold. Any ideas community...

    | Deacyde

  • I have several pages on one site which have gone down during the past few months. They keyword density on those pages, which is not unnatural, pleased Google for many years. it still pleases Bing. But Google now seems very picky. Based upon your experience, what is the ideal % keyword density for 2 and 3 word phrases, and should they be left out of alt tags even when proper to put them there? While Google dominates, we do not wish to alienate BIng/Yahoo. It is a huge mystery, and experimentation with more non-keyword-related text has so far not born any fruit. Thank you, GH

    | gheh2013

  • Hi friends, We have a client in the movie review blog industry, which we are aware is highly competitive, but we have tons of content (over 10,000 unique posts) and a good team of reviewers for fresh content. I was wondering about any input on keyword variations for our SEO Title of our wordpress main categories, like "Movie Reviews". I was thinking a modification to "Latest Movie Reviews", but the competition is only slightly less, and still seems questionable for attaining eventual rankings. "Best Movie Reviews" is slightly higher than "Latest Movie Reviews" but the competition still seems tough. What would be a good long term strategy with these category pages, any suggestions?

    | JustinMurray

  • Hi! Was wondering if anyone can explain this a bit clearer...
    Image attatched... How is it possible to rank on Google Norway for spot nr.1 (page in English language) and spot nr.2 (page in Norwegian language) , when all you competitors have higher PA, DA and a lot more backlinks and better on-page optimization according to MOZ? Is there something I´m misunderstanding?
    Just when I thought SEO started to make sense 😞 7sXH00d

    | AleksanderOlsen

  • Hello, Thank you in advance for your help! I was doing research for backlinking opportunities by looking at competitor backlinks using Open Site Explorer and I ran into a puzzle. When I do an Open Site Explorer search for I find that link equity is being passed to the site from a number of pages on the blog with the anchor text "What's Dave Doing" When I go to these pages and do a source code search I cannot find this anchor text. When I do a google search with the following: "What's Dave Doing" I find that there are tons of items that come back with a list of blogs in their description: "Dec 5, 2013 - ... foXnoMad · Inside The Travel Lab · itravelnet · The Mad Traveler Blog · The Mad Traveler Online · Uncornered Market · What's Dave Doing?" Where is this coming from? What is going on here? Is this a linking tactic that sites use to pass link juice to contributors without linking to them directly? Any help is much appreciated! Thanks!

    | overlandundersea

  • I've been working on the following website ( for about 2 years now for SEO and been able to place the site for many keywords. At times some competitors seem to come into the mix and 'just get lucky' in their rankings regardless of all the work I've done ... it seems they've implemented no SEO strategies whatsoever and yet them sometimes rank better. Upon comparing link metrics with these competitors, I seem to be doing well in most criteria but Moz Rank and Moz Trust always seems to be a category I fall short in.
    Does anyone have any resources / tips and tricks / checklists that I might be able review to assess my website for to see how I make it better. I'm running out of ideas 🙂 Thank you!

    | MainstreamMktg

  • Hi guys, I told my extended network that we're hiring an SEO firm to do some white hat SEO auditing, link building, and ongoing seo consultation. Rae Hoffman's firm Pushfire came highly recommended via several sources. They seem to have a good blend of high profile (they speak at all sorts of conferences and write at various prestigious publications) and reasonable pricing. I was wondering what fellow moz members think about this firm. Any reviews or thoughts are welcome!

    | Brand_Psychic

  • Hi ! Is it correct to say that if I have the same DA and PA I should outrank a competitor if I do my On-Page SEO right ? Cheers Marc

    | RWW

  • Hi there mozzers..Been struggling with what seems as a simple question:
    Whilst using semrush to estimate competitors spend on Paid PPC it seems that the numbers they provide are way off from what reality is. For example, i have a client who spend approx £2,000 per month on Google PPC (so i know exactly the figure) however, the SEMRUSH indicates a monthly spend of $41 (yes USD). I7StmZG

    | artdivision

  • We're investing a lot in on-page content and creating categories/sub categories to target relevant keywords. Although it seems competitors with high domain authorities are clearly dominating in the SERPs and the pages have NO content. They are literally filters that create landing pages. For example when you search "Kaydian Beds", Debenhams rank below the manufacturer with just a filtered page, this page has not been optimised with content to target the keywords, only the META title changes depending on the chosen filter. Link: Our link: This is very frustrating as quality content should beat pages with little or no content, we will spend some time and get some inbound links to the page to try boost the rankings but does anyone have any similar experiences with anything like this?

    | Jseddon92

  • Hello. There is a huge difference in benchmark provided total amount of sessions and number of sessions if I add them up by channels:Screenshot If I manually add number of sessions by channel i get 187+114+59+69+231+121+168+225=1174 However,report says 227. That's MORE THAN 5 TIMES difference. Does anybody know what's happening? If not, are there other free tools, providing some benchmark reports?Thanks!

    | seomozinator

  • Hi moz, Im currently working with a client that has a number of affiliates that work under similar URLs but operate independently. For example I work with and we are concerned about SEO and ranking competition from, etc. As it stands right now, the domain has a higher DA, the homepage has a higher PA, and the equity passing links, both internal and external are much higher as well as number of linking domains, yet for whatever reason for many of the keywords we attempt to optimize for, the smaller affiliates often rank higher. The only things ive been able to pinpoint is that has a spam score of 2 (rather than 4, for and the homepage has more total links. External anchor text is pretty branded across the web so i can't imagine it playing into keyword associations. Lastly the sites are constructed and appear very similar so basic on page keyword best practices have been taken care of. We worry that because has been at the SEO game longer, in addition to Google only linking two sites from a domain per search, we will never be able to rank for the keywords we want to rank for. How else can I go about a competitive analysis if I've taken into account everything said above? Any help will be very appreciated.

    | Resolute

  • Hi, I'm trying to find a way of finding out the estimated number of exact match visitors that a competitor's website has got. I know that SEO agencies can find this out, and there must be a way of doing this for myself. Thanks

    | MThacker

  • Hi, I can't figure out how my competitor seems to fit four invisible nav menus into her home page. If you view her page source and type "/about" for example, it shows five examples of the text linking to her "about" page. But four of them can't be located on the web page (they are hidden). How does she do this? She basically has four duplicate links that are counted for SEO but can't be seen on the webpage. address: http:// camilla au/ Any ideas?

    | SleekCopy

  • Does anybody know about a tool that you can use to aggregate data about the best seller products in categories for major retailers in USA? I did find a couple not so good tools for amazon and even ebay but retailers like walmart and homedepot are left out.

    | Harveyspecter

  • I have waited plenty of time.  Google has cached several pages with the updated title placed in the <title>tags.<br /><br />However search results, continue to show otherwise.<br /><br />I read the following (</p> <p style="padding-left: 30px;"><em>If we’ve detected that a particular result has one of the above issues with its title, we may try to generate an improved title from anchors, on-page text, or other sources. However, sometimes even pages with well-formulated, concise, descriptive titles will end up with different titles in our search results to better indicate their relevance to the query. There’s a simple reason for this: the title tag as specified by a webmaster is limited to being static, fixed regardless of the query. Once we know the user’s query, we can often find alternative text from a page that better explains why that result is relevant. Using this alternative text as a title helps the user, and it also can help your site. Users are scanning for their query terms or other signs of relevance in the results, and a title that is tailored for the query can increase the chances that they will click through.</em></p> <p>The reason I want to change my title, is because there seems to be a relevancy issue (as pointed out my other community members here.)  Google is having trouble recognizing understanding what our site is about.<br /><br />So instead of a title that reads, "Felix And Fingers: Dueling Pianos" (as Google continues to use) I prefer "Dueling Pianos - Felix And Fingers"<em> </em> I don't believe Google is recognizing us correctly as a dueling piano company.<em><br /></em>Google doesn't seem to like that.  Any idea why or how I might go about getting this updated?</p></title>

    | osaka73

  • I don't want to track external links. I just want to know where they go when they leave. Is that possible? Can I do this with a cookie?

    | Vacatia_SEO

  • I've been using the Bing Ad Intelligence tool (which is great!), but I'm confused about one of the metrics and even the Microsoft customer support guy wasn't too clear. I search on "wills and trusts" and I get results that say there are 2,347 searches, and 7,228 impressions.   How can there be more (ad) impressions than there were searches?  If it was 5 searches and 1 impression, I'd assume that meant an ad didn't appear for all the searches.  Makes sense.  But 1 search and 2 impressions ... how does that happen? Appreciate any help, probably a dumb question but has me puzzled.  Also, I hope non-Moz tool questions are appropriate. Thanks!

    | flyntime_tx

  • Just curious if anyone has experience working with: If so, and you don't mind giving me a quick overview of whether it was a good experience, email me at [email protected] Thanks, Patrick

    | Patrick_G

  • Please review this tool on your personal experiences with it. I used it on my domain and it reported Search Engine traffic as 10% of it's real (google analytics) traffic. I haven't really mastered GA or SEMRush but I am getting  a bad taste. Please indicate your experiences. Tell me what you use the tool for. What are it's competitors etc...

    | JML1179

  • Hi guys, We've recently noticed a (very) minor competitor competing with us, as well as some of our industry's biggest names, in the Google SERPs - and the reason why has us absolutely stumped. Aside from an awful website from an aesthetic/UX point of view, their on-site content is horribly over-optimised, with keywords on the homepage even STRONG TAGGED for crying out loud! A backlink check using OSE and Ahrefs found 19 linking domains - most of which were just trash - but there were 5 that boasted some decent DA, the highest being 43. The thing is, these 5 sites are all very generic industry-relevant "blogs" that provide exceptionally poor quality content. The thing is, they have some very high quality backlinks (the BBC, the Guardian and CNN to name just three) acquired when the websites were something different entirely. The competitor has basically bought expired domains, turned them into basic websites related to our industry and linked them to their main domain. My question then is: is this competitor benefiting from the very high quality links that are pointing at sites that are then linked to their main domain? I found an article from 2009 that suggested old links stop counting after being purchased by someone else, but we are stumped as to why they could be otherwise. Thanks in advance everyone! John

    | NAHL-1430

  • I want to know how which pages on my competitors websites are the most popular based on the traffic volume. I do not care how many links or directed to that page or any other metric. Only thing I am looking for is the traffic volume. It would also be nice to know the length of time spent on that page.

    | kanteenboy

  • Hello All, Can anyone tell me best competitor analysis tool comparing my links with competitor links? Tool which define quality of links either low quality or spammy links etc? Thanks!

    | devdan

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