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Category: Social Media

Discuss the impact of growing social media presence and its relationship with other digital strategies.

  • Hi Guys, Quick question is there any benefit/point in setting up FB Open Graph and Twitter Cards for sites which don't have the tags but have social sharing buttons which correctly display the social snippets/descriptions Example: The page has social sharing buttons at the bottom, which show a description for Twitter.

    | jayoliverwright

  • A colleague and I were having a discussion about this and wanted to get insight from the community about this. Most often we run contests on social channels, but for some we place them on our e-commerce web site - particularly those which have a universal appeal to customers since these also tend to be included in our e-mails. So our question is with regard to any links built to those contest pages, is it better to: have them point to a unique page, Example: OR A reusable page/URL that can continuously be repurposed and updated for new contests. Example: We discussed pros/cons of each but am curious if anyone here has insight or source that definitively advises which method is best. Thanks in advance for your thoughts!

    | ATShock

  • Hi guys. Just found out "awesome" update from facebook - no way to invite people who liked page post. Anyone else seeing this? Anymore info?

    | DmitriiK

  • Our number of followers on Twitter has suddenly dropped (yet not dropped) in a really weird way. Twitter Analytics shows follower counts in two places: Monthly increases in followers, and then also in the Audience Insights tab, where you can see three months of follower counts mapped in a chart. Month-to-month, the total number of followers continues to rise. What’s inconsistent, however, is the total number of aggregate followers shown in the cart. Twitter just dropped our to total count of followers by about 600. But it’s not like we just suddenly lost 600 followers last month (in fact we gained far more than that), but rather that Twitter seems to have adjusted the aggregate numbers across the board retroactively for all months. So while month-to-month continues to show gains, overall, we still went down. The only way we would have even noticed this, by the way, is because we have a record of the OLD total follower count that Twitter had previously displayed as recently as last month. So confusing. We’re trying to figure out what happened, and the only thing that seems to make sense is that Twitter may have done a huge spam account purge, and instead of making it look like we suddenly lost a lot of followers, they just updated the aggregate total # of followers across all time……? [For the record, we do not buy followers, but we don’t always do the best job at blocking spam followers when the do follow us either.] Any advice would be appreciated, thanks. 🙂

    | mirabile

  • I'm self-employed and run two different companies solely by myself there is no employees but I contacted the two UK SEO companies which are recommended on Moz both of them based in London, but after sending them emails and speaking to them on the phone neither contacted me about they must think I'm too small. Do you find that small one-man band companies find it hard to get a SEO to work for them because my budget will be too small? The company I would like to improve the rankings on is a Whitby Holidat Cottages letting agency in Whitby with 10 properties, so obviously I can't afford a large budget but I could happily afford a monthly subscription if they could do necessary works for me do you think this sounds feasible? Or am I better just continuing and trying to make the time to do the work myself even I'm not that expertise. What is your thoughts and experience? Thank you Alan Davidson

    | alandavidson

  • Hi guys, I need to create a subscribe end-off to my YouTube videos. I need something like this - - where the red gear at the bottom pops up with a bright red "subscribe" CTA. How do I do this?

    | Bev.Aquaspresso

  • Hi, Can I add Twitter cards code using Google Tag Manager? Thanks

    | Houses

  • Hi guys. So, here is the question/task I'm battling for several days: As you know, you can't share as a company page in facebook groups. However, you can on other pages. If I share on other page, and people like my post, I can invite those people to like my page, no problem there. However, if I want to share a post in FB group, I can only share as myself, and whenever people like that post, they like a post of me as a person, therefore I can't invite them to like my page, unless I add them as a friend (which is not the best scenario really). The same question goes towards when someone shares a post. So, what is the best way to get some benefits from people I can't invite to like a page directly? Thanks!

    | DmitriiK

  • Hi team, I have done FB advertisement for one of my website in UAE region  and got 2023 website clicks and 24677 people reached. And the total amount spent was 3731.35 . But while checking the same details in website Google analytics for UAE region it is showing only 326 sessions. I have attached the FB & Google analytics performance screen shot with this mail Please advice.It's very urgent KROdP

    | nlogix

  • Hey Mozzers! Trying this one again as my timing was probably pretty bad with Easter. Working with a company who has about 20K followers on Facebook and about 500 backlinks to their current facebook page. They want to change the name of the page to better reflect the business. I need to advise on this but I'm not sure of and how it will effect them. Any one had any experience in this area?

    | wearehappymedia

  • We have one website and have posted our blog post url in the social media sites and got almost 5k visits in 3 days’ time, with 11sec avg time on site, zero conversions and with 97% bounce rate. This in turn reduced the total conversion rate for the same month to less than 0.5%. According to google algorithm, these are factors affecting website ranking. Can anyone guide me whether which visits from social media affect our website in any case based on these Analytics factors? Please help me out on the same! Note: Blog post topic was related to latest technology update and the landing page also based in the respective topic as well.

    | zco_seo

  • Hello:  I have a client that has Structured data set up correctly to include their social profiles for FB, Twitter, and Google+.   But when I run an audit tool it tells me that they need  < re=Publisher > tag for Google Plus. My understanding is that we don't need any additional code beyond the Structured Data tags.  Is that correct? Thank you Rosemary

    | RosemaryB

  • Looking at my report and saw I had over 400 302s. When I looked where they came from, it seems it's from a plugin called socialize sending stuff to Facebook. Does it matter?

    | IoanSaid

  • Hi everyone! I am looking to add my clients awards to the Facebook business page to add a little "pow" and give myself a "look what I did" talking point at my next meeting with them. I was comparing their page to the competition, and I noticed the competition has a lovely Awards section under their About. Do you know how/where this is hiding? My clients business page is rather new (a little over a year old), so I'm leaning towards this was an old feature that Facebook has not hidden from older pages. Anyone have any idea on where this is hiding? fXVWEwM

    | Justine.Hedge

  • We are using BuzzSumo to explore the types of content that generate the highest number of shares per article. Does anyone have data to suggest that a share on Google+ carries more ranking weight than a share on Twitter or Facebook, or LinkedIn? We have seen a recent case with one of our client's competitors where they significantly grew their Google+ shares within a relatively short period of time and gained a higher rank for a key search phrase that my client is also targeting. Thank you, Rosemary Brisco

    | RosemaryB

  • I am trying to figure out fb:admin tag.  I noticed that Moz uses a person's from hubspot,  is this because hubspot connects into their facebook data? Who should my company set it to?   Any guides would be helpful. Thanks, Chris

    | Autoboof

  • Hi everyone, I have a customer that is very successful in a worlds niche market in the aviation industry. Following Rand Fishkin and Wil Reynolds I tell them to provide the best content they have for their customers and want them to blog. Now the issue is that their competition is playing unfair and already stole texts from them to present those at aviation fairs. What do you think? How can one follow Rands and Wils suggestions without losing in the end? Cheers Marc

    | RWW

  • Hey Moz! Working with a company who has about 20K followers on Facebook and about 500 backlinks to their current facebook page. They want to change the name of the page to better reflect the business. I need to advise on this but I'm not sure of and how it will effect them. Any one had any experience in this area?

    | wearehappymedia

  • If a vendor who creates your video posts it on their Vimeo account and I post it on my YouTube account will Google count that as duplicate content?

    | RoxBrock

  • HI everyday we are posting new product detail url to  FB, Googleplus, pininterest, Twitter. 1. Will this have any value at all in SEO? and also we get question related to the products, we are thinking to post on FB/Google plus with urls and answer.. 2. wht do you think? Pls suggest.. thanks We have blogs in and
    we are also pasting the links and some write is happening there as well..

    | Rahim119

  • There is debate around what is most effective for user experience. When a user clicks on the social media icons on our site, should a new tab be opened for the social media page or should the website redirect to the social media page?

    | Sable_Group

  • We've been unsuccessfully trying to get our brand's Google+ page listed in the Knowledge Graph for our brand. I believe that our markup on our website is correct. Can anyone advise on why we can't get this to pull up in the knowledge graph? Google+ page: Knowledge graph for

    | cat5com

  • We are enjoying some good success with finding new Twitter followers for our account, but the majority of the new followers do not seem to be coming as a result of our posts. How can I determine where these new followers are finding us? Google Analytics can explain those coming from our website but what about the others? Thanks to all for helping!

    | tempegov

  • Can anyone recommend any good SEO freelancers for on-site and off-site SEO work on a monthly basis? On sites like elance, freelancer, etc. it's basicly impossible to find any good services due to so many bad "companies"  offering all the same thing.

    | wadap

  • Hi everyone, We are currently migrating our website to HTTPS and, in the process, have read lots of different things about what happens to the social share counts afterward.  My primary question is about the Facebook "Likes" count that is displayed on a website's Facebook page - does anything happen to that data when a website switches to HTTPS? My hope is that this data would not suffer at all, but I wanted to pose the question, because i can't seem to find info about that.  Thank you in advance for your help! Eric

    | Eric_R

  • Hello Guys, I have something which annoyes me already a long time with FB Ads. When you set up a campaign and an ad set and you have in your ad set 3 different ads (which makes totally sense to test them against each other) facebook is deciding really often way too early which ad might be the best ad. Often the algorithm starts to prefer one ad already after a few hundred impressions and the other ads are not getting any impressions any more. I cannot find an option like in Google Adwords that just all Ads are shown the same amount of times and that I can decide then on my own which ad I prefer to run. Unfortunately I cannot find anywhere an option to disable this 'auto-optimization' and I didn't find anyhting in the web as well. Would be pretty happy if someone can help me with this problem! Thanks!

    | _Heiko_

  • Does anyone know how to get in touch with Facebook regarding issues with Facebook Pages and Merging Pages - I have posted on the Facebook Community Help Pages but no one from Facebook Support seems to read them or get in touch. Anyone got any ideas of how to get help from Facebook? Our original question on Facebook Community Help Pages was this but the question just got "merged" with another question where people were complaining about the same sort of problem with no one (out of 5 people on the thread) having come up with a solution of having heard from Facebook Support. We need to merge two company pages - The category and the address of the company of the page is the same on both pages - one page has a custom url - one does not. Both have the same first two words (i.e. the company name) as the page title. I do not want to list the pages publicly. Is there a way a member of facebook support can message us privately to discuss this please.

    | JohnW-UK

  • Hey, Just wondering what tools people recommend for finding out trending content on social media? Thanks

    | wearehappymedia

  • I've noticed that Google Plus seems to have a larger influence on ranking than other social networks, especially for one of our competitors. We haven't started using Google Plus, and I'm wondering if, from an SEO standpoint, it's worth putting energy into after last month's changes. TL;DR: After last month's changes, is Google Plus still an important ranking signal?

    | 4RS_John

  • Hello, How would you recommend marketing this site? We write all sorts of intelligent articles, healing articles, have a Shaman who sells healing services, are on the forefront of product development in our field, sell products, and will eventually make money through ads as well. We are about to add a few products such as orgonite, see here, t-shirts, and we want to promote the services of this person whose writings are on this page. We're adding a thorough local and distance healing page (soon to come) for that person (Earth Thunder). Our donate page is here. We give away 30% of our products as gifts. Our Facebook page is here. We are barely getting started. How would you recommend doing on-site SEO, marketing, and content for this site? Any other suggestions you have would be very welcome. I'm finding it challenging since we're so unique. Thanks.

    | BobGW

  • Hi Guys, I have seen a lot of page 1 SERP exposure for branded terms due to social links being listed directly underneath the web listing - mainly twitter! I know there was an update to include this in SERPs at the beginning of the year but how do I specify or submit these to Google so my social accounts can too also appear directly under my web page? Does anyone know? Is there a code I need to implement on my site to pull these in? Thanks!

    | eLab_London

  • I am currently using BufferApp to schedule my social media posts. My scheduling gets messed up at least once per month, where I lose posts or days are skipped, etc. without any changes (and even when I can see the expected schedule). I have used Hootesuite in the past and I like it, but I prefer Buffer when it works. Is there something else that works as good as Buffer used to? Thank you.

    | RoxBrock

  • Hi I am fully aware of how to do facebook paid advertising but I follow a page called: They know that I am a Liverpool fan (might a filled out a survey once or some other way, but they know I support the greatest football team on the planet) however they only ever show me Liverpool articles in my feed and they are organic. They post a lot more but i never see any of it. Does anyone know how they are able to do this as I would love to segment people on my site and target them accordingly. Thanks in Advance Andy

    | Andy-Halliday

  • I have a client that has images appearing on their on their Google+ profile that they don't want.  They are not user uploaded images....but images being uploaded via Google maps and other sources.  There is no readily available "delete" option for these particular photos. Google provided this article about dealing with these photos  It turns out we have to "flag" this photos to get them removed.  We can just take them off the Google+ profile. Does anybody know a work around for this?  We don't want to wait weeks or months for Google to manually remove these photos.

    | RosemaryB

  • Hi Mozers, A blogger has reached out to me asking for free service in exchange of mention of our company in her social media accounts and blog. She is asking for service that is going to cost me around $300-$400. The thing is her audience is not our target customer, There is no way I can get a single paying client after getting the mentions on het twitter or facebook. What can be useful for me in my mind is the link from her blog/website. OSE shows DA 28 not very impressive in my mind. What would you guys do? Would you say yes and get the link and useless mentions on social media accounts? Would you ask for say 3 links from her blog maybe 1 to home page and 2 to deeper pages that are important landing pages for SEO purposes. One more thing- I realized that this blogger is just getting a lot of attention from media, for example she is coming to our city to do an interview with FOX new. So now she might not be super popular and her blog is DA28 but if she continues becoming popular I would think the link would be worth much more in the near future. This is the first time anyone has contacted me with such an offer I would really appreciate any help and input. Any advice would be great, how to ask for the links, or is there something else I can ask for, that I have not thought about? Hope you guys had  nice Thanksgiving Thank you Davit

    | Davit1985

  • Hi Can anyone recommend a free or v cheap graphics tool for social media company page profiles etc Ideally looking to be able to upload a company logo that then gets converted into all profile image sizes, preferably with a banner option too and ideally with related extras like favicon creation etc Anyone know of one ? (I have tried Pablo by Buffer but does images for social posting only) All Best Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hi Our company has a Facebook page - it's pretty outdated and barely used. I want to change that, but wondered if anyone had any advice on how to start it up again? It hasn't been used for a while, so how do you start off with your first post? Or do you act like you have been there the whole time... probably not the best idea. We don't want to confuse people or look stupid with the first post. I want it to be regularly used for content, community building and demonstrating the personality of the company. Thank you 🙂

    | BeckyKey

  • Hi everyone, got a quick question in regard to our Facebook page and its appearance on the Google SERP. We have individual Facebook pages for every country and language. Unfornately the UK site is ranking in the German SERP rather then our Germany Facebook Site. The UK site is way older and has much more likes which most likely explains why this page is (still) outranking our, fairly new site (couple of months). Is there a way, to push my German Facebook Site in front of the UK Site in Germany? Any advice or tipp is much appreciated. Thanks

    | ennovators

  • Hi Mozzers, Really unsure if we are missing something here, but whilst trying to set-up paid ads for some of our clients on FB we have run into a significant issue. We need to be able to allow FB to debit multiple business accounts for varying ads on different pages. However every time we try to access the ads manager to set-up a new ad, FB takes us to the individuals (the person logged in to the page) account, rather than creating an ad account for that page/business individually. What are we missing? We use Google MCC for managing our PPC campaigns and so wondered if there is anything similar we can use for FB? Or any other recommendations on how to get round this without dragging each client into the office and asking them to log-in so that we can set these up? Thanks!

    | Silkstream

  • I have a client that wants to promote a game to get funding from I'm still pretty new to SEO although I already had some projects. But this project sound difficult to me as the SEO must be worldwide. Where would you start to help his campaign to earn visibility. Besides On-Page Optimization I thought social media marketing would be best to make his website known within a short period of time. What are your thoughts. Thanks for any suggestion! Marc

    | RWW

  • I'd like to create YouTube videos since they can be a good way to rank for certain keywords. So I'd like to find a way to QUICKLY know which of the thousands of keywords I have are most likely to result in a first page result for my video. Is there a tool or technique you can recommend for quickly identifying the keywords I should target?

    | Interdisplay

  • I need social media monitoring tool, any recommendations?

    | seoman10

  • Hi When you click: Social within Yoast plugin it defaults to 'Account' tab and displays a list of fields to enter your social media account urls. Sentence above list says: "To inform Google about your social profiles, we need to know their URLs. For each, pick the main account associated with this site and please enter them below" What does that mean exactly and does it effect links on the site etc or literally is just Yoast telling G ? Also if you have sub sites for different language versions (WP on Multi User setup), which in turn have their own language specific social media account versions , should you enter those urls in the sub site language version own Yoast plugin fields OR , as per "...pick the main account associated with this site and please enter them below" use the primary social account and not the language specific social account or just leave them blank ? Many Thanks Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hello Mozers Could someone recommend a free monitoring tool to keep a handle on who is not following you back on Twitter?

    | Catherine_Selectaglaze

  • Hi everyone, I'm trying to find a way to give each post we are creating a quality status. Since bounce rate on this case isn't really a viable option (Blog Behavior) since people could stay 10 mins reading it and then go elsewhere without interacting. I'm looking for a way to focus on facebook sharing, lets say something simple like "Facebook Shares / Sessions" per each blog post, while I can have an idea on my own data, lets say my highest is 4.1% of all people that go to that post end it up sharing it. But I wonder on average what would you consider a good engagement post, what would that percentage might be? Thanks in advance.

    | JoaoCJ

  • Hi Im trying to use the invite friends feature on Facebook pages to send a page invite to some email contacts, as per #3 in this SME recent post of FB tips: However whenever i click the 'invite friends' option the dialogue box swirls for a bit then disapears and nothing whatsoever happens, not just not being able to see invite email options but nothing at all happens, the loading box just disapears. Does anyone know if this is a current know issue bug or other way of doing this so it works ? (I have tried on 3 different pages) Many Thanks Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hi, Im just setting up a FB fan page for a client How terrible is it to use clients websites home page descriptive copy as the Facebook page long description ? Language is in Turkish which i don't speak so i'm not able to edit a new version of it just for FB and no budget to hire Turkish speaker to come up with something. So was going to copy & paste but that would be duplicate with HP obviously. How important is it to fill in 'Mission Statement' & 'General About' ? Especially if long description likely to already include that info ? I think long descrip is important for FB pages on seo etc etc but a good one eliminates importance of 'Mission' & 'General About', or is it still advisable to fill these in or are they just extra boxes for flexibility ? I take it when it comes to securing a vanity url (once we hit 25+ fans) for a foreign language version FB page it should ideally be brand name (which includes a keyword) in the local/target language ? The page name is already the brand name in English but since contains keyword is it best to rename into local target language similarly to the url for consistency and local targeting or better to keep one in Turkish and one in English ? Many Thanks Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • In several places, Google+ is talked about as something that should be used to help improve the SEO of websites and to engage better with audiences. The problem I am having with this is that these sources are usually from America, and that people I've spoken to in the UK don't even know Google+ exists. So what I'd like to know, does Google+ give any sort of benefit to UK businesses in terms of SEO, even though it seems it's a platform used mostly in the USA?

    | mickburkesnr

  • Would you treat the blogs that businesses do the same as their subdomains/landing pages and putting different focus keywords in their blogs/wordpress and meta tags? So you put something different for each of the blog based on content/location/etc and nothing duplicates? Would that affect the rankings that much in regards to blog seo keyword similarities/duplicate descriptions?

    | kpexpressions

  • One of my clients has been using the "Send a message" function in LinkedIn to reach out to folks with whom he's connected, and it seems that recently (though it could have always been this way), LinkedIn is changing the URL from http:// to https:// when he provides a link to his website. His site isn't secure, since it's not ecommerce and doesn't collect PII, and though I know that Google "likes" sites that are https, it doesn't seem like it's worth the investment. I did test this, and found the same "switcheroo" happening to me. Anyone know if this is a new LinkedIn thing, and if there's a workaround? Thanks for reading!

    | measurableROI

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