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Category: Local Website Optimization

Considering local SEO and its impact on your website? Discuss website optimization for local SEO.

  • i want to delete this question but cant figure out how to so instead i am overwriting it with new text. Thanks, Ryan

    | RyanMeighan

  • Is having both JSON and Microdata markup on one site detrimental to SEO? I'm unsure if Google would read it as spammy to have both.

    | GoogleAlgoServant

  • Hi there, We are a Grocery co-operative retailer and have chain of stores owned by different people. We are building a new website, where we would geo-locate the closest store to the customer and direct them to a particular store (selected based on cookie and geo location). All our stores have a consistent range of products + Variation in 25% range. I have few questions How to build a site-map. Since it will be mandatory for a store to be selected and same flow for the bot and user, should have all products across all stores in the sitemap? we are allowing users to find any products across all stores if they search by product identifier. But, they will be able to see products available in a particular store if go through the hierarchical journey of the website. Will the bot crawl all pages across all the stores or since it will be geolocated to only one store, the content belonging to only one store will be indexed? We are also allowing customers to search for older products which they might have bought few years and that are not part of out catalogue any more. these products will not appear on the online hierarchical journey but, customers will be able to search and find the products . Will this affect our SEO ranking? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks - Costa

    | Hanuman88

  • I've got an odd issue (that I've never encountered in 27 years in SEO). Our home page stopped ranking for our brand "BlowFish SEO" and is no place to be seen when searching our brand.  I do get the knowledge panel on the right-hand side of the page. and our about page now comes up number #1. Technically the on-page SEO is correct This page has ranked for many years for our Brand. If I  search blowfish SEO west palm beach I get the home page and all the nice site links.  And other various variations of branded search. Our company has lots of mentions across the web and branded backlinks. No manual penalty has been placed on us. Im starting to think some type of negative SEO attack but I can't find it. I do know someone is using my name and brand along with many other companies in cloaked doorway redirected pages to gain SEO leads.. Yeah I know  I've complained about it to Google they do nothing about it.. Other things I've checked: No one else seems to be using my brand Home page canonical tag points to itself Title tag contains brand name at the front (rest of site it's at the end) No manual penalty XML sitemap contains home page (and accurate for other pages) To make this even more confusing, if you search the brand name the physical location appears on the right rail with an accurate URL. Ive added an image of the  search result  when I search BlowFish SEO Please note the top result is PPC the about page is 1st organc Any other ideas that I may be missing? BT8F1fD.png

    | BlowFish-SEO

  • Hi Team, We are undertaking a Domain migration activity to migrate our content frrom one domain to another. 1. the Redirection of pages is handeled at Reverse proxy level. 2. We do have 301 redirects put in place. However we still see that google is indexing pages with our Old domain apart from the pages from new domain. Is there a way for us to stop google from indexing our pages from Old domain. The recommendations to have Noindex on Page mete title and disallow does not work since our redirection is setup at RP and google crawlers always discover the new pages after redirection.

    | bhaskaran

  • Hi everyone just a quick question is it working if i rank a korean keyword in google search engine?Any tip and advice on how gain more keyword for this.

    | invechseo

  • delete me this is a duplicate

    | waqid

  • Hi Neighbors, Franchise website design and development can be difficult, there’s no doubt about it. I had to find the right balance between a unique and unified brand identity, and a localized experience that accurately reflects the individual franchisees and their efforts. Due to the many benefits, I have structured the to read _ = TLD /location = subfolder (location page) I have also built a customized CMS (e.g. Drupal) and have given each location access to manage their location page (subfolder). To accommodate local SEO optimization, franchisees have complete control in terms of optimizing  their location page (subfolder). Title tags, meta description, Alt tags, etc... Will any local optimization performed in the subfolder (location page) be stiffened because it was not done in the TLD but in the subfolder ?

    | Jeffvertus

  • How to Boost Your Domain Authority? How Do I Improve My Domain Authority (DA)? Please answer me.....
    Email: [email protected]
    Email: [email protected]
    Email: [email protected]
    Email: [email protected] Any more have Guest Posting Websites Contact me.

    | Jackson_william

  • We are targeting a bunch of services for our local business that works in and around their location.  I'm concerned about over optimization and need some guidance on whether these points should be resolved. The company is based in a city and works mostly in the city but also in the surrounding areas.  Currently, the site has 6 services pages (accessible via main nav) targeting the same location i.e. “Made Up Service London”, “Imaginary Service London” (with URLs and H1 tags etc. in place containing this location).  However this is soon going to become 9 services pages, I am concerned that the repetition of this one location is starting to look spammy, especially as its where the company is based. Initially, I also wanted pages targeting the same services in other nearby areas.  For example “Made Up Service Surrey”, “Imaginary Service Essex”. This has not happened as the info available has been too sporadic.  I was going to add links to relevant case studies into these pages to beef up the content and add interest. To that end, we came up with case studies, but after a while, I noticed that these are also largely focused on the primary location.   So out of 32 case studies, we have 19 focused on the primary location again with URL’s and H1 tags etc containing the location keyword.  So in total, we have 25 pages optimized for the location (soon to be 28 and more if further case studies are added). My initial feeling was that the inclusion of pages targeting services in other locations would legitimize what we have done with the main pages.  But obviously we have not got these pages in place and I question whether we ever will. What is my best course of action moving forward?

    | GrouchyKids

  • I have a local seo campaign im trying to reconfigure. Lets say i am a dwi lawyer and i have multiple locations. These are merely examples for cities and keywords. Home page is Criminal defense lawyer - this is the term we should be targeting. Maybe i can target the state name, but i am losing so much SEO weight by not leveraging this home page as the main page for this term. Then we have a location page in south Boston  that is "S Boston DWI lawyer" as the title tag. Then we have another location page north Boston that is "N Boston DWI Lawyer" as the title tag. I can leave the city name off the home page title tag,  but then what do i do with these pages that are pretty much competing with one another? I know the home page will not rank since none of the locations point to it, and only to a location page. I was thinking about creating one page with both locations and having both G map listings go directly there, but that doesn't make sense because other locations do not have the same setup. Or choosing the most central location and pointing that to the home page and let the rest have a locations page. Finally the home page will not rank well for any major  terms. The location page does rank for the fictional south Boston DWI lawyer, but the other listing does not show up. The home page does not show up in the first ten pages either.  One other aspect is that the home page ranks for terms that I am not even targeting. These pages are all targeted on specific keywords so that they do not overlap or compete, but some pages are the services main outline, but the location pages have their own version. I have removed all mentions of the same keyword from the home page.  I made a few wchanges about 2 weeks ago and already noticed movement in rankings days later.

    | waqid

  • Hey; What do you think Title Too Long for Seo importance my site adress almost all page Title Too Long warning is showing from many sites this way, how much difference does this order make?

    | mesutcandan

  • We’re really confused about the current best practice of URL structure. For example what would anyone advise to rank for luxury hotel rooms? Or do we add location? They also do cottages

    | SolveWebMedia

  • If we have a company with multiple physical locations across multiple states, but selling the same products, what would be an optimal strategy? All local locations have been claimed, but the site is not coming up for searches with local intent. If the corporate site focuses on the "products", what is the best way to get that associated with the individual locations as well? When implementing json+ld, would we put the specific location on the specific location pages and nothing on the rest? Any other tips would be great! Thanks in advance,

    | IDMI.Net

  • my business is based in the UK in the county of East Sussex. It is not a large County and its neighbour is West Sussex. In terms of local search optimisation I would like to be found when people search for East Susses, West Sussex and Sussex. What is the best way to attack this? e.g. I could use the keywords, "my business is based in East Sussex, but we work across West Sussex too. But would this cover me if someone searched "business in Sussex" . I need some guidance as to the best way to handle this kind of local search conundrum. Thank you

    | Web_Prosper_SEO

  • Hi there Moz Amigos! So I have this Website: Right now, our main target keyword is "camp de jour gatineau". The website was on WIX before. So, I created the worpress version and redirected the domain name to the new hosting server (outside of WIX). So before doing the changes, the website was on page 4... After the changes, it went in 1 week on page 1 (lol, WIX sucks so much). After 3 weeks on page 1, it went on page 4 again... I am so confused XD like what the hell happen... Any ideas?

    | Gab-SEO

  • I have a website that is much better optimized than its competitors, but the competitors rank much higher for the keywords I'm going for! This site: Has errors and all sorts of issues but it ranks in the top 10 for all the keywords I'm trying to rank for in Carlsbad, CA. chiropractor, chiropractic, carlsbad chiropractor, and chiropractor near me. My site: is much better optimized for a year now and it still ranks extremely low for these keywords. Not to mention, I was #1 for chiropractic and then it suddenly dropped to #97 and all I did was optimize some images. It's now back up to #17 but I'm seriously confused. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? I'd really appreciate it.

    | Jarod4545

  • hi guys, I hope I can make some sense to you guys with what is occuring with my website. I am an absolute novice here. I used a drag and drop website 3 or 4 years ago, not sure exactly at the moment when i purchased the domain. however I did pretty well using paid search on both google and bing for quite some time and fairly descent in my area long beach, ca for organic for some of my keywords ( tv install, tv wall mount installation , and tv mounting service). At some point I noticed a drop last year and so this year I decided to try and do a better job on my website by making it mobile friendly and the whole https thing. I basically had to redo it and then after I was finished, the company I use for my website then transferred my website over to original domain. Now, If i do a search for some of the keywords im trying to rank for on google , I show up on the first page in my area on some days, and on the google maps for my local business in my area. On bing, however, Im nowhere to be found for any keywords I used to rank for. It use to be the opposite before I did this whole website fix up or whatever you want to call it. I would be on the first page for anything related to my keywords. Wat happened with bing ? any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance,

    | Matt16

  • Hi all, our tech team inherited a bit of an SEO pickle. I manage a freemium React JS app built for 80k unique markets worldwide (and associated dedicated URL schema). Ex/ Mistake - App, in its entirety, was indexed by Google in July 2018, which basically resulted in duplicate content penalties because the unique on-page content wasn't readable. Partial Solution - We no indexed all app pages until we were able to implement a "pre-render" / HTML readable solution with associated dynamic meta data for the Overview page in each market. We are now selectively reindexing only the free "Overview" pages that have unique data (with a nofollow on all other page links), but want to persist a noindex on all other pages because the data is not uniquely "readable" before subscribing. We have the technical server-side rules in place and working to ensure this selective indexing. Question - How can we force google to abandoned the >300k cached URLs from the summer's failed deploy? Ex/, would lead you to a live URL such as this which has limited value to the user, (Note Google's cached SERPs also have an old URL structure, which we have since 301ed, because we also updated the page structure in October). Those pages are currently and will remain noindexed for the foreseeable future. Our sitemap and robots.txt file is up-to-date, but the old search console only has a temporary removal on a one-by-one basis. Is there a way to do write a rule-based page removal? Or do we simply render these pages in HTML and remove the nofollow to those links from the Overview page so a bot can get to them, and then it would see that there's a noindex on them, and remove them from the SERPs? Thanks for your help and advice!

    | Airbnb_data_geek

  • SEO Campaign and Best Practices Hello, I have dabbled with MOZ before and I’m coming back with a project that is going to be a marathon. I have a very general question for some of you SEO professionals. I would like to lay out a scenario and I would appreciate any feedback that you can offer. Let’s say I have a client which is an office cleaning company that just services the local Chicago area, let’s call them ABC123 Commercial Cleaners. They have a website that is Example: On the website it explains all about their services with several different pages. If we want to start a site on another URL, let’s say will this hurt our online reputation? Or will it make us stronger? Our plan on paper is to target the different localities around Chicago Example: I just wanted to get opinions on whether this is a good or bad idea. If it will strengthen or weaken our brand. I hope I have explained a very general scenario (which is completely fictitious)  I would appreciate any feedback that you can offer.

    | Scott-Jones

  • Hi there, Our site uses a subdirectory for regional and multilingual sites as show below for 200+ countries.
    EX: /en_US/ All sites have ~the same content & are in English. We have hreflang tags but still have crawl issues. Is there another URL structure you would recommend? Are there any other ways to avoid the duplicate page & crawl budget issues outside of the hreflang tag? Appreciate it!

    | erinfalwell

  • Hello - We are a nationally available brand based in Denver, CO. Our home page currently ranks #8 (used to be 5) for "real estate photography in Denver" -- I want to improve this ranking, but our home page is generalized and not geared toward Denver, CO but to all of our markets. I'm trying to troubleshoot this and have a few ideas.... I would love advice on the best route, or a different route altogether: Create a Denver-specific page -- _will that page compete with my home page that is already ranked in the top ten? _ Add the keyword phrase in the image alt attribute Add keyword phrase into the content - need to make sure that viewers realize we are national I already updated the meta description to say "real estate photography in Denver and beyond"

    | virtuance_photography

  • I have a client who has asked for the development and optimisation of three websites for a business located at one address.  They offer specialised skin care, have a make-up artistry division and also a luxury portraiture/photographic service offered to clients.  I have suggested one website, based on all I have read in this community (Possum etc.). Their concern is that they will seem like a "master of none" and envision three sites interlinked.  Before I push back and categorically say that this is a poor idea, I wanted to gain some insight from those of you who may have dealt with this scenario before.  I need to explain how one domain can be structured to present all three these areas as distinct, given that the home page will speak to all three.  Any ideas regarding site structure and optimisation strategy would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!

    | flashie

  • I have a client with multiple business addresses - 3 across 3 states, from an SEO perspective what would be the best approach for displaying a NAP on the website? So far I've read that its best: to get 3 GMB account to point to 3 location pages & use a local phone number as opposed to a 1300 number. Display all 3 locations in the footer, run of site

    | jasongmcmahon

  • My client has a site at They serve both US and UK customers. They have tld correctly redirecting to it. The client is asking if they should have two websites  - .com for US customers and .- for UK customers. Any recommendations?

    | digitalmarketingneoscape

  • I was wondering if anyone would be able to share some data structure/indexing best practices.   We have a site that has pages designed to display National/State/City level data - all pages have slight variations in the data and descriptions - but we're seeing google index some of the city level data for national level keywords. the URL structure is For example - if the query was "what is the price of beans?"  we're seeing Google pick up localized versions - i.e. - when it should be picking up I've toyed with the idea of using the national level page as the canonical for the state/city pages - but I don't want to hurt state/city level keywords. Because some of the pages have only slight variances - we are also seeing a lot of soft 404 errors - We're assuming that Google is seeing the pages as duplicates even though the content is different. Any insight/suggestions are appreciated.

    | Nobody1608156259162

  • Hi, Can you please advise? We have been focusing on the UK traffic, but this year we are expanding to all English speaking countries, primarily focusing on the US market. Our SEO efforts are not equally fruitful in the US, but they are really good in the UK. Can you please suggest what seriously impacts rank these days? our main domain that we use in the UK is The US version uses sub-directory Is this a problem? we have about 3 times more traffic from the UK than the US, and we have only UK backlinks. Do they still impact SEO significantly? can our poor US rank be related simply to a larger market? Any ideas on how we can improve? Technical suggestions, page organisation etc, I'm open to any suggestions. Many thanks. Katarina

    | Katarina-Borovska

  • Hi there! I am looking for some industry expert weigh-in on best practices to how to best approach the business scenario described below to bring in some outside confirmation of our approach for a client. Tim runs a business, Tim's business has between 15 and 30 individual locations in large cities across the United States. Unfortunately, the approach to each individual location's digital marketing has been inconsistent. Some have a unique URL for their location ( Some have a subdomain ( Some have a separate domain altogether ( Which of these three approaches would best build the best foundation for the business in local and national rankings from an SEO standpoint and why?

    | searchcityusa

  • Hello, I'm the owner of a rubbish removal company based in London - Frank Rubbish Removal and trying to optimize the website of the company for search engines. Until now, I have hired a couple marketing companies but without success. What I want to achieve is to rank for local keywords in the rubbish removal niche, for example, Rubbish Removal Chelsea, waste clearance Hackney, waste removal Harrow...and similar local keywords. I have spent a lot of money on marketing companies and the website still can't go on 1st page of search engines in the UK. Can you tell me what I can do or who can hire to bring my website on 1st page for the local keywords?

    | korado11

  • Like how we can "suggest an edit" in Google Business Listings, is there any way to report Google about the webmaster guidelines violation?

    | Alagurajeshwaran

  • Hello, all! I have a client who's Fortune 500 - has all the good "stuff" that is associated with pulling in proper info into the knowledge graph/company information box - Wikipedia, strong citations, etc., but the CEO name is showing the old CEO name althopugh we haven't mentioned it in wiki neither on our website but still google is picking it from somewhere else & showing the previous CEO name. How can i change it? Thanks!

    | dhananjay.kumar1

  • I manage a site for a medical practice that has two locations. We already have a location page for each office location and we have the NAP for both locations in the footer of every page. I'm considering making a change to the structure of the site to help it rank better for individual services at each of the two locations, which I think will help pages rank in their specific locales by having the city name in the URL. However, I'm concerned about diluting the domain authority that gets passed to the pages by moving them deeper in the site's structure. For instance, the services URLs are currently structured like this: (where the service is offered in each of the two locations) Would it make sense to move to a structure more like Does anyone have insight from dealing with multi-location brands on the best way to go about this?

    | formandfunctionagency

  • We seem to be having a really difficult time getting Google to do what we want in regards to getting proper domains indexed in the proper countries. In regards to English language, we tend to see a tremendous amount of crossover between .com, .in, and And yes international targeting is put in place. For example, both our .com and websites are in english and when someone enters a search query for one of our particular products, the .com website shows up to users in the UK. The countries with the hardest time are as follows and typically find them competing primarily with .com, but others can interlope as well. **All primarily in English: ** Canada UK India Australia Any ideas on how we can get this aligned correctly to where we can get the proper CCTLD to show up in the correct country instead of the .com?

    | GregLB

  • hi all, I have one hard nut to break and I would like to kindly ask you for any idea / help 🙂
    we have web page localized to multiple languages targetting different countries.
    e.g. we have: ... default in english, in search console / Internation targeting / Country with Target users in "Unlisted" ... english for UK, Target users in "United Kingdom" ... german content for Germany, Target users in "Germany"
    ... etc. Each branch (country specific) has its own sitemap.xml covering approx 50-60% of all the pages for the specific branch and for most of these pages we have set hreflang (rel="alternate") for most important product pages. There are some issues in the sitemaps we are fixing (e.g. no returning link) so my assumption is that google may not use the sitemap, therefore, hreflang is not in use (it is part of sitemap). For example, one branch can have 150 pages submitted and 30 indexed in Sitemap detail of search console. The problem is, that when for example I search for the product name from Germany ( and German's IP through VPN in browser's incognito mode) I'm receiving mixed results. Our product names and technology are rather english, e.g. "cloud protection" and it is also phrase German user would search for. But in SERP he gets results from our and also from our which is completely wrong. Is there a way to really prevent it ?

    | execom99

  • Hi All,
    We have two websites: - this is a working site in Russian hreflang="ru" - this new site We want to start with US. For the US, we will have: local address and phone, currency in $, fully translated content.
    In the future we want to expand the business (ie en-GB, en-CA, de-DE, fr-CA, fr-FR). For each country, a regional dialect, currency, address and telephone number will be used. I need to choose the right URL structure so that there won't be problems in the future. 1. When configuring geotargeting (ie fr-CA and en-CA ) in the URL of the page specify: • - hreflang="en-CA" - Can use Search Console geotargeting
    • - hreflang="fr-CA"
    • - hreflang="en-CA" - Can I use a geo-targeting search console?
    • - hreflang="fr-CA" .
    • - hreflang="en-CA" - Can I use a geo-targeting search console?
    • - hreflang="fr-CA" . quote: To geotarget your site on Google:
    o Page or site level: Use locale-specific URLs for your site or page. 2. If I set the target (ie "en-CA", "fr-CA" and "fr-FR"). Can I use the page with customized targeting (hreflang = "fr-FR") for french speakers worldwide (hreflang= "fr"), ie: french speakers worldwide quote: "If you have several alternate URLs targeted at users with the same language but in different locales, it's a good idea also to provide a catchall URL for geographically unspecified users of that language. For example, you may have specific URLs for English speakers in Ireland (en-ie), Canada (en-ca), and Australia (en-au), but should also provide a generic English (en) page for searchers in, say, the US, UK, and all other English-speaking locations. It can be one of the specific pages, if you choose." 3. Where is it better to place select of language and country on the page?
         Header, footer, pop-up window ......
         The page will be used for hreflang = "en". In my case, do I need x-default? Can I use a page with hreflang="en"configured as the x-default version? ie: Is it right?

    | SergeyFufaev

  • Hello, Does anyone know if creating a Google My Business website for a business using the GMB builder creates competition for that business's main, non-GMB website? Thanks.

    | lawfather

  • Hello! I'm having an issue with my website Rooms Index, the website is in Hebrew so I'll provide examples in English for better understandings. When I'm searching Rooms by Hour in Haifa, google doesn't show the intended category page which is this, instead it shows my homepage in the results, this happens only for certain areas, while other areas are working well such as Tel aviv. For example if I searched day use in Las Vegas it'd show me the Las Vegas page, but searching for Brooklyn I'd only see the pages are indexed and I can find them if I search what could cause such problem?

    | AviramAdar

  • Hello, We redirected our website about 3 months ago to https from http and noticed a drop in rankings after about 2 weeks. Unfortunately, our rankings have not yet recovered. Can anyone recommend a solutions? The website is Do we have to build a lot of new links to https if we currently have links that are pointing to http, for the most part? Also, could the switch effect anchor text links? For example, if we have a link to web design, but the links is pointing to http, instead of https, would that link have less value now? Thanks, Anton Vasiliv
    Creative Director

    | Web3

  • Dear Moz community, I am looking into two websites for a friend and we want to understand the following: What is the site structure as per the sub domains? e.g currently it is .com/en/ or .com/ru/ or .com/zh/ Using the crawl report, each page has a en or other language version. I take it this means that we have to create copy,  meta titles and descriptions for each of the languages even if the page is the same but in a different language? To avoid duplication of content would you suggest canonical tags to be put in place? To check hreflang mark up, I couldn't find anything in the code which makes me thing a script is automatically translating this? This is the first time I have started to look at international SEO and want to understand what to look for in an audit of exisiting sites. Thank you,

    | TAT100

  • Hi, I am responsible for managing a multilingual website. I have two questions regarding SEO, based on the structure of the website. Question 1. At the moment we have one website for UK English and one for US English .com/en-gb/ .com/en-us/ Which would be the pros and cons of merging the two website in one? Question 2. For the German website they moved it under .de dominion, I think it would be better from an SEO perspective to have it as the Italian and French, under .com/de Which would be the pros and cons of migrating German website under .com/de? Thanks

    | albertoalchieriefficio

  • Recently on my Scheduled MOZ report, I got an error shows under "content error" for missing "H1 heading" for my following 3 pages: privacy policy, contact us and FAQ... Is it really necessary for those pages? I have a large image and good meta description for us and to the best of my knowledge search engines does not really need H1 for such pages as described. Please, your opinion. Thanks!

    | Joeyisland888

  • Hello, The business I am working for has multiple locations, but the service they provide is one that you would commute for. At present, they have 20 or so pages with yucky geographical keyword stuffed content (think "New York computer services" and they are based out of a suburb (maybe 40 miles away). For some ridiculous reason, some of these pages are ranking for exact match search terms? We are in the process of revamping the whole site-taking approx five sites and integrating into one mega site. I want to first, figure out the best strategy for ranking for the region that each is in and serve, without being spammy like the previous SEO. I want to eliminate the spammy pages without losing the rank and link juice. What is the most appropriate and above-board strategy? These are my thoughts. Should I: 1. Keep the pages, but tweak them enough to make the content quality? If I do, should they be geo pages? Should they be "locations served", statistics of the area, etc? 2. Group the pages according to region (one page per region) that are location-oriented and tweaked to still include the terms they were ranking for (without the spammy look and stuffing), along with a map, etc? And then, I have to figure out how to redirect so not to lose the value we have now for some of them. The company deals with treatment for addiction, so in recommending and tips-remember that our audience will commute by car, and eventually (hopefully) by plane. 😉 Thank you so so much for any and all help you can provide! Sorry for such a long description!

    | lfrazer123

  • Working on an international client, how would you help solve multiple market domains from appearing in the local search rsults?

    | Cristiana.Solinas

  • My client has multiple local landing pages and it looks a bit spammy opening up the top nav of e.g."Plumbers" to a long list of "plumbers Melbourne", "plumbers Knoxfield", "plumbers Wantirna" etc etc What is the best way of incorporating local landing pages into the site's overall architecture? Thank you.

    | Crystal.w

  • I am fairly new to Moz. I co-manage a  national website with about 400 common pages and separate location areas for cities in Australia. 1 city starting their own separate website a year ago. A drop in search visibility of the whole national site and my location page started in mid July according to Moz stats.-  8%>12%>$38% consecutive drops per week. In google analytics the organic search has dropped 8% overall & 2% on my location page in last month. I did minor optimisation to the my page and articles using Moz in July - upped H2 to H1 title, tweaked main keyword, wrote slightly different SEO title and included keywords in body copy. The rankings of the target keywords went up but other keyword rankings went down.   The other thing that started in June was Facebook advertising of our blog articles (click-throughs have a high bounce rate of 95%). The office with its own website (with a similar brand name) also started doing Facebook advertising and SEO for it earlier this year. I can see their own website traffic really shot up in June/July, and they also maintained their traffic on the national site. Wondering if any of these are causing the drop, or if this is more an indicator of competitor activity or alogorthms? Any ideas about causes and solutions appreciated.

    | SueMclean

  • We have shared our company's job postings on several third-party websites, including The Muse, as well as putting the job postings on our own website. Our site and The Muse have about the same schema markup except for these differences: The Muse...
    • Lists Experience Requirements
    • Uses HTML in the description with tags and other markup (our website just has plain text)
    • Has a Name in JobPosting
    • URL is specific to the position (our website's URL just goes to the homepage)
    • Has a logo URL for Organization When you type the exact job posting's title into Google, The Muse posting shows up in Google for Jobs--not our website's duplicate copy. The only way to see our website's job posting is to type in the exact job title plus "site:". What is a good approach for getting our website's posting to be the priority in Google for Jobs? Do we need to remove postings from third-party sites? Structure them differently? Do organic factors affect which version of the job posting is shown, and if so, can I assume that our site will face challenges outranking a big third-party site?

    | Kevin_P

  • Would someone please explain to me why when doing this search there are uk and com pages ranking in the results for pokerstars & how do I fix it? Thank you!

    | charliegirlcontent

  • Hi Guys, I posted a question recently about "Can I have multiple areaServed mark up on one domain?" and the responses I got was no. My client work predominantly in the South East of England in specific towns, so I wanted to be able to list all the areas they service. However, after being told no, I went ahead anyway and put in multiple areaServed markup on the page to see if this generates any errors and it isn't when I run it through the Structured Data Testing Tool. I don't get any errors by doing this, so hurray! But... What I want to understand (which I can't find the answer anywhere), is if this is okay, and how will Google read my markup? Will Google see that we are in multiple areas across the SE of England and push my content up before other sites, or is this just going to confused Google? By putting in all these areas into the website as multiple locations, will Google identify that person X in area Y fits the areaServed mark up I've added and push my content to them? Overall... has anyone else used multiple areaServed markup and can validate that this works? hHpEyQf

    | Virginia-Girtz

  • Hello, I like to rebrand my site for the same URL - How can i do this?
    Example:  My site URL is and i used "SignsNY" as brand name and citations and after the website redesign, i decide to go with "Signs NY" so i change the citations and pick the word as Signs NY to use but in google i lost the site links and knowledge graph on **Signs NY **keyword.......... Can you suggest me what to do and how to change the things for better results? Thanks,

    | signsny

  • Hi, We have  'local' websites for different countries (UK, DE, FR, AP, US etc.) and a corporate website, the local websites are going to be linking back to the corporate website in the main menu (think about us, terms and conditions kind of pages). Any local products will have their own pages on the local website but global products will be linked back to the corporate website. We will be placing an indication the user will be going to another website next to those menu links that go to the corporate website. Is there any drawback to this for SEO?  Should we use nofollow in the menu structure of regional websites for these links? Thanks for your help.

    | UNIT4

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