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  • Unsolved

    google analytics property traffic

    I am having problems connecting to different Google Analytics property than the one I originally connected my campaign to. I have tried disconnecting and reconnecting to the correct property however 'traffic data' shown is not updating and is still showing data from the original property that i connected to? Can anyone help explain how i can get the data showing in 'traffic' section to update to the current Analytics property that is connected to the campaign? Many thanks.

    Product Support | | matchu007

  • redirects urlredirect optimization site structure business

    I have a website with less than 3K visits a year. Only customers with an Account with me who have login credentials can see my product pricing and make a purchase onsite; therefore, indexing/page ranking is not a concern for me. My agency suggests that my product catalog be corrected to a parent/child relationship. Currently, each product variation has its own SKU and PDP. As a result, product findability: Site Search, Categorization, and Facets are a mess. Is there any way I can keep my current URL (branding purposes)? I thought we could delete all pages (PLPs & PDPs) and create all new and enforce 301 redirects. Thoughts?

    Community | | SEOfreshman
  • Unsolved

    keyword difficulty keyword density

    Good Day,
    Is there any way we can check KD country-wise? and sometime Moz KD does not match with Ahref KD. What's the reason How to connect Vizio TV to Wifi Its KD is low on Moz and High on Ahref. Please help

    Keyword Explorer | | ui89

  • site speed optimization

    A client of ours has used a 3rd party company who charged them $300 to "speed up" their website. He is wondering if this is legitimate? In a very short period (one day), the site speed has improved from about 20 to 86 on desktop and 100 on mobile. This is on a Shopify site. As far as I can see from looking at the back end of the site, all that has been done is that a new theme has been uploaded. Nothing else has been done, eg all images look to be the same size, etc. When I asked how the work had been done so quickly, I was told "It was done by a highly professional team of Shopify web designers and developers." Has anyone come across this type of speed optimisation and can you tell me anything about it?

    SEO Tactics | | mfrgolfgti

  • keywords seo tactics service based website service pages 1 keyword for 1 page

    Hello guys, I have a service-based website. Right now, I have around 30 commercial pages for different services, that we offer. I came up with idea to add service page for each keyword we're ranking in. For example, we offer home-construction service and we have 1 commercial page for this service. I will create 10-20 pages for keywords, related to home-construction services.
    For example: bricklaying, Fundamental works, Landscape works, Concrete works, etc. I saw similar approach on this website. It's a link on bricklaying page: If you scroll down you will see section with keywords, related to bricklaying and each keyword has separate page with duplicate content. My questions are: Do you know the name of this SEO tactic, so I can google more information about it? Do you think that it's good idea to use similar approach in order to improve your rankings for certain keywords? Is it a dangerous SEO tactic that may cause some penalties for your website or it's completely safe? Thank you for helping, guys! 331ea1ea-1d49-4f6c-89ef-510ef4657fa4-image.png c5999dbb-6dfb-4fbe-b3e8-ab9a0943bd88-image.png

    Content Development | | MykhailoRudenko
  • Unsolved

    moz local

    Hi, I entered my address on my Moz Local profile but it keeps either (1) deleting my suite number, or (2) not syncing my suite number at all to any of the websites to which it's connected. I've tried putting the suite number in Address Line 1 with the address, and by itself in Address Line 2. I've also tried typing out Suite, Ste., STE, STE., etc. - nothing works and the suite number keeps getting deleted. Very frustrated, please help.

    Moz Local | | BleedOrange82

  • localseo

    I've been using Moz Local for over a year and these are the results for $129?! ... Please advise.

    Local SEO | | ianpritchardphd

  • site structure woocommerce product page sub-directories

    Hey Guys, I've built some ecommerce sites using WooCommerce, and I've been auditing some of the sites to see why I'm not getting more traffic to my product pages. I have several informational blog posts and resources that are getting a lot of traffic, but my product pages aren't ranking very well. There are two things that I think could be causing the issue, but I could use some extra eyes on this. Products are listed several sub-categories down in the structure of the site. For example, this product is listed under a fifth level sub-category: /product-category/ ->FIRE SAFETY » FIRE EXTINGUISHERS » PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS » FIRE EXTINGUISHER ACCESSORIES » FIRE EXTINGUISHER BRACKETS Also, I checked to see what Google's indexed under the /product/ directory, which is the default format for WooCommerce products. It looks like all of my products are given lower authority than other top-level directories, including /product-tag/ and /product-category/ It seems like an adjustment to how my products are structured in the site might go a long way. If you have any experience with this and could weigh in on it, I'd appreciate it.

    Technical SEO | | robbinsinternational
  • Unsolved

    keyword explorer keywords local

    Let's say I look up the keyword "plumber" in the Keyword Research tool. I get a monthly volume of 70.8k-118k. Now, I want to know how much of that volume comes from a specific city in the United States, like Kalamazoo, Michigan. Is there a way to identify this? My alternative is to look up the keyword "Kalamazoo plumber". This has two problems: People who search for local services will frequently leave off the location, with the expectation that the search engine will provide localized organic results. So, the search volume isn't very precise. That keyword has N/A volume, so the information doesn't help me anyway. Any alternative way to get at this data? Thanks!

    Keyword Explorer | | Kevin_P
  • Unsolved

    local google location

    I have a business that has added another location to their business. How do I add this in for Moz Local? Will it push through to Google?

    Moz Local | | StorefrontEngine
  • Unsolved

    moz local moz pro

    My client has bought about six Moz Local accounts and are pleased with results. We have not yet used your Moz Pro program. The client might be interested in switching to the Moz Pro if those Moz Local accounts can be included into it. Please let me know as soon as possible. Thanks!

    Moz Pro | | gallowaywebteam

  • reviews pagination crawler disallow

    Hi experts, I present customer feedback, reviews basically, on my website for the products that are sold. And with this comes the ability to read reviews and obviously with pagination to display the available reviews. Now I want users to be able to flick through and read the reviews to help them satisfy whatever curiosity they have. My only thinking is that the page that contains the reviews, with each click of the pagination will present roughly the same content. The only thing that changes is the title tags which will contain the number in the H1 to display the page number. I'm thinking this could be duplication but i have yet to be notified by Google in my Search console... Should i block crawlers from crawling beyond page 3 of reviews? Thanks

    Technical SEO | |

  • duplicate content canonical 301 redirect

    Hi there
    Moz flagged the following content issues, the page has duplicate content and missing canonical tags.
    What is the best solution to do? Industrial Flooring » IRL Group Ltd Industrial Flooring » IRL Group Ltd Industrial Flooring » IRL Group Ltd

    Technical SEO | | Kingagogomarketing

  • title tags on page optimization on-page meta data meta tags

    Let's say you're writing a homepage title tag like this: KEYWORD | BRAND and Google rewrites it as BRAND | KEYWORD From Moz and best practices, we believe that keywords closer to the beginning of a title tag may have more impact on search rankings. So, when Google rewrites the title tag, do you get the impact you would have made with the keyword being closer to the front? Or, does Google give you the impact you would have received with the keyword being at the end?

    On-Page Optimization | | Kevin_P
  • Unsolved

    google analytics ga4 analytics reporting

    Guides on Moz and elsewhere mostly refer to Google Analytics' Universal Analytics (UA). However, UA is being replaced with GA4, and the interface, options, and reporting are very different. Can you recommend a clear, thorough, and effective walkthrough of how to set up useful SEO reports in GA4? Is there a simple tool you recommend that will help connect historical data from UA to GA4 when GA4 is the only option available? If there's no simple tool, what values do you recommend retaining from UA for effective historical reporting? How would you use them? At minimum for reporting, I'd want to show month-to-month changes and year-to-year changes (in percentages and in real numbers) for the following: all site visits all organic visits organic visits as a percentage of all site visits organic visits that led to a specific goal completion organic visits that led to any goal completion Thanks in advance for your help!

    Reporting & Analytics | | Kevin_P
  • Unsolved


    Moz support suggests that the community may be able to answer this question, and I would appreciate the help. I own a coworking space that offers virtual office services. Based on my reading of Google's guidelines, A virtual office doesn't qualify for a GMB listing. However, multiple virtual office sites are offering GMB PIN codes if the member signs up for 6 months of service. The claim is that Google will see the address as "stable" after 6 months. The only possible reference I can find for this is 6 months for SEO results. Google expressly states, "virtual offices are not eligible for a business profile." Thanks for any feedback

    Moz Local | | Acrowe

  • noindex follow

    Hello there We struggle with a number of none indexed pages. I want to ask your professional opinion. The robots tag is set up as follows, <meta name='robots' content='noindex, follow' /> those pages haven`t got any value but contain valuable pages.
    Is setting up robots name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow" / would be a good solution? Here is the page
    with noindex robot tag. Please let me know what you think. #noindex, follow for thin content
    #noindex, follow
    #meta robots set up

    Technical SEO | | Kingagogomarketing

  • domain 301 redirect 302

    I have two domains and one of them is being phased out. Currently, there are some 301 redirects in place for the main pages but I was wondering if it would be better / easier to just set up domain forwarding? I can't seem to find anywhere that tells you the "type" domain forwarding, is it 301? 302? etc. Thanks,

    SEO Tactics | | BrandonDebison

  • domain 301 redirect

    Hi, I have an older domain with some SEO auth for varying pages and a newer domain that is for the brand. Right now there are some 301s for about 13 pages and we are currently moving servers. I was wondering if domain forwarding is the same as writing 301 redirects for each page or is it something different (302)?

    SEO Tactics | | BrandonDebison
  • Unsolved

    have problem with my moz local cannot edit with dashboard

    I'm trying edit my moz local , and each time i click dashboard to edit, i i cannot edit.

    Moz Local | | 1on1
  • Unsolved

    traffic canonical redirect

    Hello I have a "click rate juice" question would like to know. For example. I created a noindex site for a few days event purposes. Using a random domain like this: Expecting 5000+ clicks per day. Is it possible to gain some traffic juice from this event website domain "" to my other main site "" but without exposing its URL. Thought about using 301 redirecting "" to "". But it will reveal the to the general public if someone visits the domain "". Also thought about using a canonical URL, but it would not be working because the event site is noindex. or it would not matter at all 🤔 Wondering if there is a thing like this to gain some traffic juice for another domain? Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Blueli
  • Unsolved

    alt attributes alt images

    Hi MOZ peeps, Just wondering where I can find the list of alt attributes missing from my website? I'm sure its right in front of my face but I cant' find it. Thanks

    Moz Tools | | RichardNM
  • Unsolved

    domain authority

    Hello, can someone with API access please check it for me? I am told it is available here: Thank you

    API | | archimede91

  • ecommerce conversion rate marketing

    I work for an ecommerce company that has many of its shipments go by LTL freight. Our customer service team has issues with a few customers per month that aren't equipped to receive freight shipments which leads to returns and other issues. In an effort to better inform our customers, the customer service team is requesting that we add a checkbox to the checkout that requires customers to agree to our shipping and returns policy, including a link to the policy page. I am wondering how concerned people here would be that requiring the customer to check a box agreeing to those terms would lead to more customers abandoning during the checkout process. Or do you think it's not a concern? Thanks for your thoughts.

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | Kyle_M
  • Unsolved

    url issue urlredirect optimization

    Dear all, We are working on a new platform called [](link url), were basically we aim to redirect many smaller sites we have with quite a lot of SEO traffic related to internships. Our previous sites are some like, and other similars we have (around 9). Our idea is to smoothly redirect a bit by a bit many of the sites to this new platform which is a custom made site in python and node, much more scalable and willing to develop app, etc etc become a bigger platform. For the new site, we decided to create 3 areas for the main content: (all the vacancies) , and so we can categorize the different types of pages and things we have and under opportunities we have all the vacancies. The problem comes with the site when we generate the diferent static landings and dynamic searches. We have static landing pages generated like but dynamically it also generates Also, most of the searches will generate that type of urls, not following the structure of Domain name / type of vacancy/ city / name of the vacancy following the dynamic search structure. I have been thinking 2 potential solutions for this, either applying canonicals, or adding the suffix in webmasters as non index.... but... What do you think is the right approach for this? I am worried about potential duplicate content and conflicts between static content dynamic one. My CTO insists that the dynamic has to be like that but.... I am not 100% sure. Someone can provide input on this? Is there a way to block the dynamic urls generated? Someone with a similar experience? Regards,

    Technical SEO | | Jose_jimenez

  • keywords title tags

    Hi there, what is the best way to decide the keywords to be used in title tag?

    Web Design | | lucybish

  • hire audit fix

    I am not sure if I am posting in the correct area here, but I am looking for someone I can hire to do an onsite audit and fix those issues. Thanks.

    On-Page Optimization | | Granitebusters

  • seo rankings directories performance metrics

    How can i track performance metrics for a group of subdirectories.

    SEO Tactics | | Miradoro
  • Unsolved

    closed caption

    By default, the lesson videos I'm watching have closed caption turned on. I find it annoying and I'd like to turn it off. How do I do that?

    Getting Started | | digipal55
  • Unsolved

    trouble connecting

    having trouble getting to the dashboard i think mozilla fire fox is blocking

    Getting Started | | ecoofficescreens

  • seo technical seo redirect

    I have a very old forum that still gets a lot of traffic, but when migrating over to another software that is cloud based we cannot redirect using same domain, SO the only option would to be to change the cname on a subdomain and then REDIRECT all the traffic from the ROOT domain permanently - would this be a bad move as the root domain wouldnt be used anymore as now its just setup to be redirected in order to use the software we need to use? Domain is 17 years old.

    Technical SEO | | vbsk
  • Unsolved

    serp moz local

    Hello, Google has changed the way it displays it's SERPs with lazy loading new listings. Because of this the Moz Chrome Extension no longer shows results past first results. I also often find that when a site is ranked above the Maps, it doesn't display results. Is there a fix for this?

    Moz Bar | | HercMagnus

  • url encoding

    Hello friends, Will properly encoding a url hurt my ranking after having it improperly coded? I want to change my & symbols to &amp; If I go from: To:;model=cool Will I get hurt if I make the leap?

    Technical SEO | | sonic22

  • seo audit seo tactics seo page treatment

    Hello I've been using moz for a while, using the tools to try and best optimize our pages, I'm curious to see if we're missing anything blatant or if you have any little tips. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Here is one of our most popular pages: Cheers.

    SEO Tactics | | JamesDavison

  • multiplelocationsgbp gbp help

    Hi, I'm having trouble finding the option to add multiple locations to an existing GBP account. Can somebody help me?
    I believe it can be done throught Google &/or MOZ.
    Thank you,

    Local Listings | | Trendi

  • domain migration

    So I did a domain migration 4-5 months ago, lost about 70-80% of the traffic and I still couldn't recover the traffic. Redirected everything 1:1 Updated internal links Triggered change of address in GSC Monitoring the server logs (everything is perfect) Uploaded the old sitemap with the old URLs What happened/ what have I noticed so far: Almost all URLs have been indexed on the new domain New content on the new domain is indexed in a matter of few hours There's only one particular page that still appears as "Crawled and indexed" on the old domain and still receives traffic. I tried to request the manual indexing so Google could figure out the page has been redirected but nothing has changed. I think this is a sign Google hasn't finished the domain migration process? Most WEBP images appear as "Crawled - currently not indexed" on the old domain. Shouldn't they appear as "Page with redirect"? The new domain is ranking pretty well on a bunch of keywords (they're like 2-3% of the total page count) while the rest of 97% of pages haven't appeared not even in the top 200 results (these pages don't receive a single impression) Google acts a bit strangely on crawling the old domain. He keeps crawling the category pages over and over again (sometimes I see 20-30 crawls on a single category page in a single day) while the inner pages and images are rarely crawled. Like I see 4-5 crawls on images per day maximum. The traffic and number of rankings keywords haven't changed a bit after the last Google updates. Does this indicate that we haven't been impacted by them? So any suggestions on what else can I do to find out the reason why the website hasn't recovered? My guesses are: The process is still not finished (unlikely since it already passed 4-5 months) There's a technical error that I can't find (again, unlikely since I see nothing strange in the logs that'd indicate Google has problems fetching the site) Someone did something nasty (like blasting the website with backlinks or copying the content) that hindered the process? I see a couple of sites made in a language I can't read that literally copy and translate the content from my website and publish on theirs with the canonical URL my website URL. Also, two sites cloned mine after the migration but I managed to eliminate them in time. I had a lot of spammy backlinks on the old domain that have been automatically generated on the ranking pages over a few years. I haven't disavowed them because Google claimed they can identify and eliminate them. Now all those backlinks have instantly moved to the new domain which could put Google in panic mode and lower its trust in our website. Should I disavow them? Please any help is highly appreciated.

    SEO Tactics | | Anna33212
  • Unsolved

    technical seo google analytics utm parameters

    Does anyone have a tutorial on how to dynamically capture the referring source to be populated in UTM parameters for Google Analytics? We want to syndicate content and be able to see all of the websites that provided referral traffic for this specific objective. We want to set a specific utm_medium and utm_campaign but have the utm_source be dynamic and capture the referring website. If we set a permanent utm_source, it would appear the same for all incoming traffic. Thanks in advance!

    Technical SEO | | peteboyd
  • Unsolved

    moz local

    Do listings revert to original state after cancelling Moz Local subscription? I know Yext is a feed that needs to be in place for their listings to show, and when you cancel the subscription, the listings all revert to how they were before you started (if you are lucky). I was told that Moz Local was different by a rep of the underlying platform that Moz white labels. Is this true , or still true? Thanks

    Moz Local | | TroyP

  • www to non www redirect chain classified website

    Recently our free classifieds USA website we move from www to non www format. Now old urls still showing in Google SERP. When click they show 404 error pages due to removed old ads.
    We redirect www to non www version for main domain but still old cache pages affected.
    How to dynamically handle this case, all old www version ads pages auto redirect to relevant category pages?

    Technical SEO | | bcuclassifieds
  • Unsolved

    campaign settings subdomain

    Also, I would like to track a subdomain without the root domain, is that possible?

    Moz Pro | | AndreVa
  • Unsolved

    add services moz local entering location help with location entry

    Screen Shot 2022-12-08 at 9.53.40 AM.png When I click the "Add services" link, it takes me to the "Rich Data" page where there isn't a place to list your services. All of the fields in my "Rich Data" page are full and there is not anymore room to name services. What do I do?

    Moz Local | | rdsoapes11mktg

  • serp seo image optimisation

    I have been doing a little on-page SEO on our site today and came across the following images embedded within organic SERPs, please see the screenshot. Obviously the users eye is drawn to these and therefore they are likely to result in more clicks. It would be great to know what they are called and how to go about getting these for our own results? If we managed to implement these across our site it would make a big difference for us, as working in the travel space, images are so strong when painting a picture of the destination. Thanks
    Ben 0073280b-3daa-4558-b5fd-3cbde422d623-image.png

    SEO Tactics | | wildernessscotland
  • Unsolved

    robots.txt crawl disallow subdomain sub-domain

    I need Moz to stop crawling a subdomain of my site, and am just checking what the exact text should be in the file to do this. I assume it would be: User-agent: Moz
    Disallow: / But just checking so I can tell the agency who will apply it, to avoid paying for their time with the incorrect text! Many thanks.

    Getting Started | | Simon-Plan
  • Unsolved

    algorithm updates

    Why does my site rank so low in google results when the whole site was topping. It hit 200,000 impressions per day, and it's down to 1,000 impressions After this update 👇
    Today we released the October 2022 Spam Update. Find out more about spam updates at This is why, and how do I know my site is spam This is a link to my site that you can see and check
    B85CF67D-C76B-42A2-812A-9CCFE016D7FA.jpeg DF49D603-0D03-4A3B-926C-7C0136732804.jpeg

    Moz Tools | | A_h7med.-

  • refunds

    I was charged for a subscription but I’ve tried to cancel several times. I need help with a refund.

    SEO Tactics | | PerceptionDB

  • technical seo ecommerce indexation crawl product page

    Hello! We are an online marketplace that submitted our sitemap through Google Search Console 2 weeks ago. Although the sitemap has been submitted successfully, out of ~10000 links (we have ~10000 product pages), we only have 25 that have been indexed. I've attached images of the reasons given for not indexing the platform. gsc-dashboard-1 gsc-dashboard-2 How would we go about fixing this?

    Technical SEO | | fbcosta

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