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  • Hello, I live in Belgium and in this country you've 3 languages : french, dutch and german. I've customers from many countries : France, Nederlands,... and for my website in ".be" (we'll say for example) I've choosen the french language. My question is can I've the same content on my site : and without duplicate content or should I forgot using to avoid the D.C. problem? And with my site : should I've more difficult to rank in France for example? Thank you for your answer, Jonathan

    International SEO | | JonathanLeplang

  • hi, Looks for advices,tips, links ressource to improve local seo optimisation in google places for domain "google. fr"  as website business is in France ! Tks a lot in advance..

    Technical SEO | | mozllo

  • Wondering who else will be attending the Link Building Seminar March 25th in New Orleans.

    Industry Events | | RyanOD

  • dear team, just a question that always annoying me is Google takes typo title keyword on SERP which is not good for client's branding .  i have no problem on the actual page meta title setting(correct KW) as well as internal link text, but only thing i can found this anchor text that other people use for the link is typo, so Google still takes that into account just like serveral years ago on Geroge Bush Miserable Failure? how can i get Google correct this ? only to submit request to them ? thank you, boson

    Technical SEO | | 172396002

  • Internal linking channels juice being accumulated through inbound links and the two work as a team. I am interested to hear from those who have either tested or have a fairly good gut feeling about the impact of internal links on rankings (as an additional signal). Also in your opinion how does internal linking compare to external links pointing to the same page (e.g. impact of benefit/ranking gained through internal linking + inbound links as opposed to scenario where there is no relevant internal links at all). Conditions: Relevant anchor text used (or close contextual variation) Measuring impact on a single phrase (or relevant phrase variation) Internal links can be from unlimited pages on the same site (even site-wide) External inbound links can be only to the target page (disregarding inbound links to other pages). Disregarding layout based navigation as internal links and focusing on content based links only (contextual, editorial links). For example: Internal link ranking impact: 10% External link ranking impact: 90% Since this is a simplified model feel free to provide necessary clarifications below your estimate. Looking forward to your answers!

    Link Building | | Dan-Petrovic

  • So I am working for a Multi-Level Marketing Company.  The members each get their own website which is a wilcard subdomain.  So we have (Main site) (Replicated) They both are literally the same content and I have chosen to noindex, nofollow the subdomains, but as a SEO that presents a problem with linkbuilding.  However, the member only gets credit (think affiliates) if the click comes from their subdomain. I don't want duplicate content penalties and I don't want the members to possibly lose out on a sale that would otherwise just be credited to the company if the link was redirected to the main site instead. Did I make the right decision?

    Link Building | | floppy

  • My site - Currently caters to an automation testing product from HP called Quick Test Professional popularly know and searched as QTP Recently HP changed the product name from QTP to HP Functional Test. Considering this , what do I do with exiting QTP pages and how do I optimize the site moving ahead...

    On-Page Optimization | | krishrun

  • Hi All, I operate a weather website, and our link building strategy has been to offer weather services to domains with high ranking homepages in return for links from those homepages. The researching of 'high ranking pages' is obviously a big part of the link building process, and up until now we have been using Google's PageRank (PR), in the form of a Chrome extension to determine a pages authority. Now that there is an SEOMoz Chrome extension with Page Authority (PA)...and mozRank/mozTrust, should we switch to PA instead of PR when determining which pages to link from? Thanks.

    Competitive Research | | wbruceis-237271

  • Like this way, if I build a blog and in some situation, the blog is punished by google as some reason I don't know, all the rank dropped and got the -30 punishment. If I put a outbound link on the sidebar, or footer position. what it'll be for that link? A is punished, a link is put on the A website and link to B website what that link means to B punished got many ways Thank you

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | yifang0123

  • Hi, SEOmoz is telling me I have a duplicate content issue between kansascityrealestate dot com and kansascityrealestate dot com/Real-Estate-Homes-Kansas-City.asp my webmaster says Google should figure out is the same page. Suggestions on what to do and how to explain it to the webmaster? Thank you.

    Moz Pro | | Ken_Jansen

  • We have shopping cart links (<a href's,="" not="" input="" buttons)="" that="" link="" to="" a="" url="" along="" the="" lines="" of="" cart="" add="" 123&return="/product/123. </p"></a> <a href's,="" not="" input="" buttons)="" that="" link="" to="" a="" url="" along="" the="" lines="" of="" cart="" add="" 123&return="/product/123. </p">The SEOMoz site crawls are flagging these as a massive number of 302 redirects and I also wonder what sort of effect this is having on linkjuice flowing around the site. </a> <a href's,="" not="" input="" buttons)="" that="" link="" to="" a="" url="" along="" the="" lines="" of="" cart="" add="" 123&return="/product/123. </p">I can see several possible solutions: Make the links nofollow Make the links input buttons Block /cart/add with robots.txt Make the links 301 instead of 302 Make the links javascript (probably worst care) All of these would result in an identical outcome for the UX, but are very different solutions. What would you suggest?</a>

    Technical SEO | | Aspedia

  • Hi, How are people presenting the SEOmoz reports to clients? Do you just export to PDF and email it? Cut and paste items inside some other kind of personalized format? Add adobe style sticky notes to explain things on top of the reports? Or something else that is wonderful and endearing to your clients? Thank you.

    Moz Pro | | Ken_Jansen

  • I've read several blogs discussing how including more than one H1 per page is a serious no no. However, what is the most effective <h>tag to use for your global navigation system. Or should it not be an <h>tag period?</h></h>

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | calin_daniel

  • I have a desinger working on a new webiste and he's suggesting that WP creates design limitations (He's doing quite a bit of HTML 5 I believe...I'm not sure) and obviosly has secruity concerns. He suggested TextPattern, which I've never heard of. Has anyone had any experience with it? Also, what CMS are you using (besides WP) that you really like and is SEO friendly? Thanks

    Web Design | | LuminConsutling

  • I've watched and read some other posts here.  Most seem to focus on whether to use ccTLD, subdomains or subfolders. I'm already committed to expanding my US-based ecommerce to Canada with a .ca ccTLD. My question is around duplicate content as I take my .com USA ecommerce business to canada with a second site on a .ca URL. With the .com site's preference set to USA, and the .ca site's geo preference (automatically) set to Canada, is it a concern at all?  About 80% of the content would be the same.  FYI, .com ranks OK in Canada now and I want .ca to outrank it in Canada. I know 'localizing' content within the same language is important (independent of duplicate content), but this might not be viable in the short run given CMS limitations.  Any direct experience to help quantify the impact here between US and Canadian ecommerce? Adding: I'm not totally confident here.  From this google webmaster central post it seems that canonical tags aren't needed.  I tend to think nothing is truly neutral and want to be confident regarding whether to use canonicals or not.  Is it helpful, harmful or harmless?  My site already has internal canonical tags and having internal and external would be a pain I think. @Eugene Byun used it successfully, but would the results have been the same without? Thanks!

    International SEO | | gravityseo

  • Hi, I have a client, in Maryland, that wants to rank on the first page for "yoga teacher training".  But to my understanding Google (don't know about Yahoo! & Bing at the moment) is prioritizing local listings first based on the user's IP (or preferred city if using a logged in Google Account). Am I right about the priority of local listings?  Is that a common occurrence now? Is it possible for my client to rank for yoga teacher training for someone searching in New York, for example, or is this a huge chalenge? Thanks for any advice!! Kindly, Michael

    Algorithm Updates | | netex72

  • One of my real estate clients has a website that was built by a small web design company. In reviewing the website I've discovered that many of the images on the website (ie. banners, social networking icons, ect.) are not hosted on my clients server, but on the web developers server. Ex. src="http://www.[WebDevelopmentCompany].com/ubertor/[ClientsName]/properties_image.jpg" Will this funnel pagerank/link juice away from my client's website? This struck me as odd and it's not an issue I've come across before.

    Technical SEO | | calin_daniel

  • Hi, We're using Magento CE for our ecommerce web site with a fairly flat navigation system i.e. 9 major categories display across the top menu that when you roll over display 2-20 sub categories (which take you to a groups of similar products) and then individual product pages. The categories and sub categories are available to click on as part of a dynamic Html menu system on each page. Each page also shows a small number of related products. This linking structure seems fairly standard and yet Seomoz throws up the error message, "Too Many On-page links" for most pages on our site. Do I need to really worry about this? Is there much can be done to improve this on an ecommerce web site with a large catalogue of products? I've looked at the Knowledge Base but I don't feel the existing responses adequately address the issue for ecommerce sites.

    Web Design | | languedoc

  • When using the On page report card I get a critical error on Rel Canonical Im not sure if I have understood this right but I think that my problem is that I own a Norwegian Domain name which is www.danske-bå This domain works great in norwegian, but I get problems with english (foreign) browsers. My english domain name is http://www.danske-bå When you buy a domain name with the letter Å you get a non norwegian domain name as well. (dont quite get the tecnical aspect of it) Så when I publish a page (using wordpress if that means anything) I get this message: Appropriate Use of Rel Canonical Moderate fix <dl> <dt>Canonical URL</dt> <dd>"http://www.danske-båøbenhavn/"</dd> <dt>Explanation</dt> <dd>If the canonical tag is pointing to a different URL, engines will not count this page as the reference resource and thus, it won't have an opportunity to rank. Make sure you're targeting the right page (if this isn't it, you can reset the target above) and then change the canonical tag to reference that URL.</dd> <dt>Recommendation</dt> <dd>We check to make sure that IF you use canonical URL tags, it points to the right page. If the canonical tag points to a different URL, engines will not count this page as the reference resource and thus, it won't have an opportunity to rank. If you've not made this page the rel=canonical target, change the reference to this URL. NOTE: For pages not employing canonical URL tags, this factor does not apply.</dd> <dd>So What to do to fix this?
    </dd> </dl>

    Technical SEO | | stlastla

  • What is the preferred image replacement technique currently for CSS? I have been using the one that someone here at SeoMoz recommended a year or two ago, which was: Text to be hidden { #id { overflow:hidden; width:200px; //width of the image background-image: url(...); } #id span { display:block; width:1000px; height:1000px; }

    On-Page Optimization | | TomBristol

  • The company I work for sells software online. We have deals learning institutes that allow their students to use our software for next to nothing. These learning institutes, which are usually quite strong domains, link to our sign in area. Nice way to get powerful links hey… or is it? There are a couple of problems with these links: They all link to a subdomain  ( The URLs also contain unique identifiers (so that we know which institute they are coming from). Meaning they all link to different signin URLs. (eg.,,, etc. ) So all these links aren't as effective as they could be (or at all?). In a perfect SEO world  these links would all point to the start page, however, due to the fact that our start page is of a commercial set up this would run the risk of communicating the wrong idea to the institutes and their students. So… are there any extremely brilliant pro mozzers that have a savvy idea how set this up in a more SEO friendly way? Thanks in advance!

    Technical SEO | | henners

  • Is there any way to predict if and how Organic traffic would change if we sucesfully added some high-quality links to our website? Quantifying link value would help to plan how much time/efforts we should spend on quality link-building. I understand that the more good links we get - the better. But beyond that, I am looking for some methodology/data/formulas that would help to decide if links are worth pursing. Here is an example: Let's say we acquired 20 high-quality links from PR 0-5 pages of some trusted web sites of PR6-8. Let's say that on these pages would also link to 10-20 other web sites. Would such campaign be of some direct value to our ecommerce website of PR6? My question is limited to how high-quality links improve overall Google search traffic to the website only. I am not interested in calculating value of individual keywords - most of our search traffic comes from long tail. I am also not interested in how to estimate referral traffic - both seem much easier topics to tackle. But how would I be able to measure the value of lets say 1 link from PR 8 site with a PR3 page, when there are 10 other external links on that page?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Quidsi

  •!links The # of inbound root domains is ~3,100 and has remained relatively flat for a while yet we've been acquiring 1000's of new root domains that link to us. That said, we want to get some clarity on why the count has remained flat. It would be helpful if we could see which domains have stopped linking to us from one OSE index to the next.  Is it really the case that we're losing links as fast as we're gaining them or is something else going on?

    Moz Pro | | homefinder

  • I have to sentences that I want to optimize to different pages for. sentence number one is travel to ibiza by boat sentence number to is travel to ibiza by ferry My question is, can I have the same content on both pages exept for the keywords or will Google treat that as duplicate content and punish me? And If yes, where goes the limit/border for duplicate content?

    Technical SEO | | stlastla

  • I'm going to be 301'ing a lot of pages, but should i also 301 my image URLS? Any other helpful hints would be awesome too, as this will be my first move online ever. We've been with our host 3 years. Thanks! Paul Serra, Owner

    Technical SEO | | Hyrule

  • i am workin on a site, it's been up for almost a year now 11 months and still no pagerank. Is there something i can do. does it change something. thx

    Technical SEO | | martinLachapelle

  • I know that it is not a good practice to inlcude SEO content within JavaScript, but are there exceptions to what Google can spider or is it best to just avoid completely?

    On-Page Optimization | | mjmorse

  • Hi Mozzers Ive read a little about your views on cannabilization and would like to run my situation by you. I have 2 pages lets say (a) and (b) that rank ok for a main keyword. However (a) desite being nice and old is not ageing well and is starting to slip a little - its getting harder to spread the link juice so Ive been thinking should I ditch page (a) and focus solely on page (b) for this keyword. Page (b) seems to be getting better serp value right now. What I find hard is that page (a) has been around a while (6 years) and I cant bring myself to 301 it assuming thats what you would normally do to avoid cannabilization. But at the end of the day its a business page and if its failing - yet could inject even more bounce into page (b) it must be worth considering. What is the best way forward here..? Im not sure how quick any transition of link juice would take ? Also what to do with the unique content on page (a)? Seems such a shame to just ditch it. Cheers fella's Morch

    On-Page Optimization | | Morch

  • Hi there I have an issue which, despite searching hard, I simply cannot find the right solution for. We have an index page that used to rank pretty well for a main industry keyword. However following a revamp of the site last year the kw slipped and no longer brings in decent traffic levels. The problem seems to be  that the old static site had a sprinkling of variable anchor text links that brought value to the home page. Instead of the main anchor being "home" we would revert to "main keyword" and variations across the site sometimes in t he content but mainly on the nav bars. However the new CMS design structure restricts us considerably with anchor distribution and so instead we opted for the site logo on the masthead to have an ALT tag for "main keyword" but so as not to game google too much we added .."home" to the tag. Probably pointless but we figured it could do no harm. This ALT text is site wide Problem now is that we have lost the spread of internal nav bar anchors and variety etc. We have slipped in the serps for "main keyword" and I cant help thinking we are not maximising the anchors as we should. So what Im coming to is this.... How can we tell if Google is picking up the ALT tage anchor as the main anchor to rank the site at the expense of all internal text anchors. Despite retaining lots of embedded anchors - according to the Moz metrics these are not being picked up because OSE suggests the ALT tag anchor is taking precedence. The serps probably support this view as well. Should we: a) Vary the masthead ALT if there is no way of avoiding this being the most important link / anchor on the page b) Remove the ALT anchor and instead opt for content links high on the page (we do have nav bar links saying "Home" site wide as well which may overrid the embedded links?) c) Leave the ALT alone and still push for content anchors as described in b) What is the best way to handle this..? Best wishes and thanks Morch

    On-Page Optimization | | Morch

  • I got a site that stuck in last position of google's first page. My on-page is grade A for this particulary page, i got links for that page too. But My competitors PA and PD is better than mine, not too much, but it is. If i build more quality backlinks and start increasing my PA and PD probaly i will rank better than my competitors? Thats the factor that i have do cara abour now?

    Competitive Research | | Ex2

  • I read somewhere that reverse proxys can cause issue for search engines. Our server is using SQUID. What potential issues there might be?

    Technical SEO | | Jani

  • With so many sites being based on a CMS, and with so many hundreds of different CMS out there, as SEO consultants how do you recommend dealing with on-page optimisation for a client where you discover their site is built with a CMS you have not previously used (or even heard of!)

    On-Page Optimization | | bjalc2011

  • If a site removes thousands of pages in one day, without any redirects, is there reason to think Google will penalize the site for this? I have thousands of subcategory index pages. I've figured out a way to reduce the number, but it won't be easy to put in redirects for the ones I'm deleting. They will just disappear. There's no link juice issue. These pages are only linked internally, and indexed in Google. Nobody else links to them. Does anyone think it would be better to remove the pages gradually over time instead of all at once? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | |

  • How to get Google images traffic? Take a look at and sugest what we can improve. Thanks in advance.

    On-Page Optimization | | DiamondJewelryEmpire

  • Looking for tips, ideas, experiences, and lessons learned from other SEOs regarding link baiting. Our site is relatively new (launched in January) and would like to learn from others on baiting our content in ways which sites will link to us. Thanks, Shane

    Link Building | | notarynow

  • All in the title really. One of our clients came up with errors with a server header check, so I pinged them and it times out. The hosting company have told them that it's because they're blocking ICMP requests and this doesn't affect SEO at all... but I know that sometimes pinging posts, etc... can be beneficial so is this correct? Thanks, Steve.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SteveOllington

  • Hi there I have been working in / learning SEO for just over a year, coming from a non dev background, so there are still plenty of the finer points on-page points I am working on. Slowly building up confidence and knowledge with the great SEOMoz as a reference! We are working on this site (we are still tweaking the tags and content by the way- not finished yet!) Because a lot of the information is within accordians, a page is generated for each tab of the accordian expanded, for example: is the main page but then you also have: All of which are in the same file. According to the crawl test, these pages are not indexed. Because it is all in one file, should we add the canonical tag to it, so that this is replicated in all the tab pages that are generated? eg. Thanks in advance for your help! Liz OneResult
    [email protected]

    On-Page Optimization | | oneresult

  • A client is pulling content through an iFrame, and when searching for a snippet of that exact content the page that is pulling the data is being indexed and not the iFrame page. Seen this before?

    Technical SEO | |

  • I have website I have made some changes in live website and upload it to "demo" directory (which is recently created) for client approval. Now, my demo link will be I am not doing any type of link building or any activity which pass referral link to Then how Google crawler find it and cached some pages or entire directory? Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | darshit21

  • Hi, Does the domain extention ie. .com .org. net effect the chances of me ranking in search engines. Is there a prefrence or does it not matter? Thanks Yaser

    Technical SEO | | yaser

  • We currently have a political issue with one microsite we're trying to promote. The group that created the website, created it without the consent of the rest of the company and now, although it's allowed to live, we've been given a few restrictions. They main restriction is that when the microsite is linked from the main corporate website it needs to be referenced as a subdomain so We've been promoting the site as (I'd include the actual websites but don't want to air their dirty laundry). The problem is that a lot of the listings in google are starting to show up using the url instead of the actual url we're about to start promoting and I'm sure that's going to split rankings. Is there a way to appease both sides here. Keep the subdomain from the main site but transfer the juice from that main link to the microsite url? To be clear, I can't just use a 301 redirect because that will change the url from the subdomain to the microsite url (unless i'm wrong) and corporate doesn't want that. Does any of this make sense? Any help would be greatly appreciated

    Link Building | | CubicleFugitive

  • Hi SEOmoz staff I'm doing on a French website that sells Wall Stickers. The main French keyword therefore is: stickers muraux (wall stickers) sticker mural (wall sticker) When you look at my homepage title; I've put the singular and plural in there. Do you think it hurts my website? Should I eliminate my least favorite one (= sticker mural)? Any other advice? Thank you! Jacob from Belgium X45qb.jpg

    On-Page Optimization | | Jacobe

  • Howdy SEOmozers, I've noticed that I rank very differently in Bing and Yahoo compared to Google (and it’s the bad kind of different) for many of the terms that I'm targeting. Can anyone give some advice on how I can put this right or link me to some good resources about the differences in their ranking algorithms? Thanks Paul

    Technical SEO | | pauldoffman

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