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  • How to Optimize our website in terms of onpage optimisation,  how relavent the onpage should be to that of the search engine. will onpage optimisatrion will help us to rank better in organic search results.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | AkshayaPatra

  • Recently I have taken over a website and I made a pretty colossal mistake.  The site was properly constructed via .htaccess to a www domain.  Typically I roll without it and I made a bad assumption that the .htaccess was not previously set correctly because there were hundreds of fundamental mistakes. After a couple of days I noticed the mistake but some of our new (non www) have picked up some solid links etc.  So now I feel that I am in a nightmare of creating redirects etc.  So should I switch back to WWW or not?  Does it matter at this point?

    Technical SEO | | mikeusry

  • Hi, I got a bunch of backlinks and im starting to get boring of waiting to SERPS see them. Im looking for some kind of "thing" that can boost my backlink, some like ping the website that links to me. I see a website that promise to do that, it find my backlink and boost the page that links to me. It really works?

    Link Building | | Ex2

  • Hi Guys, Hope you are all well. Just a quick question which you will find nice and easy 🙂 I am just about to work through duplicate content pages and URL changes. Firstly, With the duplicate content issue i am finding the seo friendly URL i would normally direct to in some cases has less links, authority and root domain to it than some of the unseo friendly URL's. will this harm me if i still 301 redirect them to the seo friendly URL. Also, With the url changed it is going to be a huge job to change all the url so they are friendly and the CMS system is poor. Is there a better way of doing this? It has been suggested that we create a new webpage with a friendly URL and redirect all the pages to that. Will this lose all the weight as it will be a brand new page? Thank you for your help guys your legends!! Cheers Wayne

    Technical SEO | | wazza1985

  • My client offers training from many locations within the UK. These locations/venues are not owned by them, however I see no problem in setting up a different listing for each location in Google Places. At the end of the day if a user searched for “Training London” they are looking for somewhere that they can book a course that would be in their local area. As my client has a “venue” there I think there is a good argument to say that your listing would be valid. What are your thoughts.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | cottamg

  • Hello All, Does anyone have a list of good free web directories that are still woth registering with especially any for the UK. My boss is willing to pay for a good list. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks Shehzad

    Link Building | | Gareth_Cartman

  • Hello Guys, I have a small doubt in top ten rankings, i worked for one keyword "Domain Sales" in which my website was ranking in 5th position, but suddently i saw my website no rank in top 100 for the same keyword. Not able to track the what is the problem? Any help..

    On-Page Optimization | | itajooba

  • I have set up a number of campaigns with your pro tool. Unfortunately we have 7 sites on our server and our IT dept have said that we had an issue when your site crawlers visited for several sites at the same time - is there any way that I can retain the campaigns but have the sites crawled on request rather than automatically?

    Moz Pro | | StephenALee

  • Hello all, I had always wondered how the index,noindex affects to the canonical. And also if the canonical post should be included in the sitemap or not. I posted this and with a rel=canonical to this that was published at the beginning of the month but then I have the first one in google May be this is evident for you but, what is really doing the canonical? If I publish something with the canonical pointing to another page, will it still be indexed by google but with no penalty for duplicate content? Or the usual behaviour should have been to havent indexed the first post but just the second one? Should I also place a noindex in the first post in addition to the canonical? What am I missing here? thanks

    Technical SEO | | antorome

  • Hi there, a client of mine is asking me if Google would penalize to redirect from all the http urls to https (they want to change the security protocol). I assume it is going to work as a classic 301, right? so they might lose some authority in they way, but I am not 100% sure. Can anyone confirm this? does anyone has a similar experience? thanks a lot!

    Technical SEO | | elisainteractive

  • Is there a tool that could list all high PR pages of a domain? Ideally, non subscripton based but if the tool is awesome then I wouldn't hesitate forking out for it.

    Competitive Research | | rmteamseo

  • The SEO tool bar is returning what I believe to be an incorrect domain authority of 71 and showing 24,356,141 lins from 153,051 domains. The OSE is also returning 71 as domain authority. Anyone know what could be doing this? Thanks. Jason

    Moz Pro | | jayderby

  • Reading around the web, there are many sources that suggest all images should have an Alt tag attributed to them.  This is good for accessibility etc, however there appears to be conflicting interests between this and what works for SEO.  Hence many other sources suggest that you include a keyphrase or two in 1 image Alt tag, and then leave the rest blank so as not to dilute the alts on the page. In my experience, the latter appears to be true.  However this seems wrong when the Alt attribute really should be used for accessibility reasons and not for SEO - why would the search engines encourage us to provide poorer quality information by harming our rankings if we try to make a website accessible? Interested to hear your opinions and experiences on this subject. Thanks.

    On-Page Optimization | | RiceMedia

  • Hi everyone...I used Q&A a long time ago when my company had a paid subsription but I haven't used it in a while, so I'm excited! And since the Q&A is apparently addressed to the Moz community, I figured I would embrace it and ask all of the Mozzers out there: How do YOU use Linkscape to reverse engineneer a competitor's website? I understand how to use Linkscape. What I'm looking for is specific filtering or "out of the box" uses of Linkscape to truly understand how a website has obtained it's ranking in the search results. In particular, I'm really curious about how everyone (including those who truly know how Linkscape works, i..e the minds behind it) make sense of the "DJ Passed" #'s or "most important links" criteria. I realize Linkscape is wonderful, but what I've found is that often times the links that "pass the most juice" or the links that are the "most important" AREN'T actually the most important links on a site. For example, I often find that the links that have the highest "DJ Passed" are directories. I could be wrong, but my guess would be that directories actually pass very little link juice. If directories gave as much link juice as the linkscape metrics indicate, then they are by far the best linking source, which I think we all know isn't the case in most instances. To be clear...My intention is not to "debunk" the value of Linkscape...On the contrary, I think it's a wonderful tool and I want to understand it's nuances so I can identify "false positives", use it to get a true picture of a website, and get any tips/tricks from those who've successuly used it to overcome there competitors. Thanks ahead of time!

    Moz Pro | | LuminConsutling

  • I seem to remember an update where Google said it was going to include Facebook page updates into Google search, but perhaps that was a deal that fell through? If updates ARE appearing in Gooogle search, how do I troubleshoot a Facebook page where they are not?

    Social Media | | KatherineWatierOng

  • One of my sites has the nofollow backlink listed for Facebook and Twitter while 2 other sites do not.  All 3 sites have had accounts for over a year. Does the amount of interactivity with the social media profiles have to do with it? I know it is a nofollow link but I was just curious as those profiles might help with the brand signal etc.

    Link Building | | 4wheelparts

  • Hi guys, I have been persevering with this ranking for some time now and thought you might be able to help. Or direct me to where I can get help. I am learning a lot through SEOmoz but I am still very green. Basically on the 20th of the 12th we jumped up to a 2nd place listing and then dropped back down on the 17th of the 1st 2011. The site is and the search term is 'Broome Accommodation'  as you can see it is a considerable drop and really affecting our bookings and sales figures. I have attached a link to a screen capture of the problem - Interested to hear your thoughts and get some help on this frustrating matter Kind regards Bodie Czeladka

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Bodie

  • One of the guidelines you provide stipulates: "You should avoid having too many (roughly defined as more than 100) hyperlinks on any given page. When search engine spiders crawl the Internet they are limited by technology resources and are only able to crawl a certain number of links per webpage. In addition, search engine algorithms divide the value of some popularity metrics by the amount of links on a given page. This means that each of the pages being linked to from a given page are also affected by the number of links on the linking page. For these reasons, we recommend you include less than 100 links per page to ensure that they are all crawled, though if your pages have a high page authority, search engines will usually follow more links." As far as these 100 links are concerned, is this in reference to ALL links including outbound, internal, etc? Or is this referring to only outbound links to other sites?

    Technical SEO | | johncmmc

  • We have a product that we currently rank number one for, but would like to capture the date modified variations of the term (such as event 2011 or product 2012). My question is - what would be the best way to optimize for a date senstive product/service? Would it be better to include the date variation of the term on the main page for the product? Or should we create a new page entirely to capture this variation? I lean towards optimizing the existing page because the intent is the same whether a user is searching for product or product 2012. I should mention that the previous year versions of the product are not available. Merci. Chris Thompson

    On-Page Optimization | | GroupPublishing

  • It's best practice to choose a domain that has keyword in it. But if someone has just launched a website and the domain name does not have keyword, is it better to purchase a new domain name that has a keyword in the name and redirect existing domain to the new domain? Will that help SEO? (This just launched website does not have any traffic or links yet.)

    On-Page Optimization | | Amjath

  • I work with a site that saw their super competitive top terms drop off page one with the Farmer update. So, #4 to #12.... that kinda thing. In the last year they've added a huge catalog of 500,000 item pages. The catalog has climbed to a 76% bounce rate, where as the handful of top pages is in the 20s +/-. To date, I haven't had much of anything to do with the catalog. That makes for a sitewide average bounce rate of almost 70% which has almost doubled in the past year as the catalog has ramped up. The catalog gets a ton of search traffic and sells a lot of items via that organic traffic. I'm advocating for a variety of measures, including cleaning up the catalog: 301ing out of stock pages to the homepage 301ing 100% bounce rate pages who've had hundreds/thousands of visits over time.. Improving the user experience. Offering rainchecks for out of stock items. They generally don't believe that the huge bounce rate (bad user experience stats) is hurting their top terms on their top pages. They see it as two different issues. Any thoughts on how to present evidence that the catalog is the culprit? In researching it, I found these two quotes: "In particular, it's important to note that low quality pages on one part of a site can impact the overall ranking of that site," the Google spokesman said. and... "Google spokesman told PCMag that sites that believe they have been adversely impacted should "extensively evaluate their site quality." Not only that, but the item descriptions are straight from the manufacturer, so the pages aren't that unique text-wise. Any industry standard on catalog page bounce rates? Not that it's the only possible area of SEO improvement, because it's not. I thought those quotes were pretty conclusive, but I guess not. Is there some straight-from-Google additional info to suport this? Or, am I just wrong to focus on user experience... bounce rate, pages, time on site, etc? Thanks! Mike

    Algorithm Updates | | 94501

  • Downloadable .vcf file is being shown as an error in seo errors.

    Moz Pro | | CosmikCarrot

  • We have a .com website in English targeting global visitors. We have good rankings on Google USA for our targeted keywords But we do not rank well in APAC e.g. Sigapore and Australia. What could we do to get ranked in these countries? We received a recommendation to sign up for .sg and .au domains and replicate our Website for Singapore and Australia. But wouldn’t it contribute to duplicate content Issue? We are in software industry and do not have locale specific content. Please advise.

    International SEO | | Amjath

  • If my site has just five content pages, instead of 25 or 50, then will it get penalized by Google for a given moderately competitive keyword?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | RightDirection

  • Using wordpress is a good CMS, yet there sre so many meta data errors occuring, is there a list of what to look out for and good practices when using wordpress?

    Moz Pro | | CosmikCarrot

  • In the competitve domian analysis my domain root ( is showing up as a 404 not found.  My competition is showing up as 200.  My site is live, index and viewable, but I'm wondering if this has an effect on my rankings?  What can I do to test that it's not returning a 404 when the crawlers view my site?

    On-Page Optimization | | tinyfactory

  • Hiya, I saw that someone asked something similar to this here but I'm wondering if anything has changed. I've found some stuff exclaiming that siloing is a must, and should always be done. But then I've seen that you guys don't really endorse it, or at least in that Q&A you didn't and I can't find anywhere that you give instruction on the best way to do it, except a tiny bit by Richard Baxter here... and usually you do a lot more with everything that is worthwhile. So I guess my question is, where do you stand on it? and if you are for it, will Rand do a tutorial on the best way to go about it, with lots of diagrams and stuff at some point? 😄 Thanks, Steve.

    SEO Learn Center | | SteveOllington

  • I need to expand our service offering to another city and focus our SEO efforts to that new location. Would it be best to purchase a new domain name and make a new website very similar to the existing website so we can better target the search engines?  Same look and feel as the existing website. Or would it be better to create a landing page for the new location on the existing website to help stengthen the current domain name?  If so, how do i focus the SERPs to the new location when the existing website is so focused around my current location?

    Branding | | clearmotive

  • Suppose I got a blog about cooking and another about computers. What's the best architecture for SEO ? OR ?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | marcelocustodio

  • Hi people! When you try to access you are redirected to Here's the code: <title>UFAM - Universidade Federal do Amazonas</title> What are the implications for SEO of this ? Won't the juice be passed? Isn't it better for passing juice using redirect 301?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | marcelocustodio

  • Below is my setup for redirects in .htaccess file in my root word press installation. The www to non-www works well, so no problems there Other page redirects work well, too (example: redirect 301 /some-page/ (I didn't post those because I have a few too many : ) So here it goes... RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$ [NC]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L] BEGIN WordPress <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c="">RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index.php$ - [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]</ifmodule> END WordPress redirect 301 /archives/10-college- majors/ redirect 301 /archives/10-college-%20majors/ redirect 301 /archives/10-college-%C2%A0majors/ I'm having a problem with the last 301 redirect: redirect 301 /archives/10-college-%C2%A0majors/ not working... As you can see I've tried using other varations of the "space" but no go. I also used a redirect in cPanel's Redirect screen; testing all the possible options + wildcard I've also tried this: (perhaps unsuccessfully, because it caused a 500 server error and it's a different situation in my case) I also saw something here: but I don't know if it works and how I would implement that + do so without compromising ALL other redirects. Note: the URL displays with a space in the address bar of all major web browsers: majors/  and goes to a 404 page I have a goregous page / PR6 / high authority site linking to the URL on my site, but they copied the URL with a space somehow. I contacted the person responsible for the website and he claims it works fine (aka he didn't check it). Is there a clean way to redirect ONLY this problematic URL without compromising other redirects, etc? Any ideas would be great. I'll respond with progress. Thanks in advance. UPDATE the   redirect works, and it did work. Even so, when looking at source of page linking to mine, the URL looks like this: ``` majors/ Clicking the URL in Source View in FireFox takes me to ``` none of my 301 redirects should direct there. I don't have any redirect plugins either.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | pepsimoz

  • My client wants a fancy jquery carousel  at the top of their home page, as is all the rage these days.  I would like to add some nice SEO friendly text to that carousel, but I'm not sure how best to do that..I assume that by keeping the text which will appear in the carousel in divs on the page, which will be swapped out as the images cycle, it should still be easily picked up by search engines?

    Web Design | | TroyCarlson

  • I know that google does not want to index "search result" pages for a lot of reasons (dup content, dynamic urls, blah blah).  I recently optimized the entire IA of my sites to have search friendly urls, whcih includes search result pages.  So, my search result pages changed from: /search?12345&productblue=true&id789 to /product/search/blue_widgets/womens/large As a result, google started indexing these pages thinking they were static (no opposition from me :)), but i started getting WMT messages saying they are finding a "high number of urls being indexed" on these sites.  Should I just block them altogether, or let it work itself out?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | rhutchings

  • This is what you say on your website: Please note: depending on the size and speed of your site, it may take between 3 and 7 days to complete your crawl. Are you guys kidding?  This is unacceptable for almost all of my deadlines, and I suspect 99% of the SEO world...  you can fly to the moon faster.

    Moz Pro | | rldonnell

  • We are looking for a keyword research tool to help with our SEO efforts for our ecommerce site.  We sell food gifts and are looking for a tool to help us identify which keywords we should go after.  Beyond Google's free tool - what tools would you recommend?  We are willing to pay for a tool.

    Keyword Research | | agolomb

  • Hi Basically my wordpress site exists of 4 Parent Categories, each of them having + 50 subpages (or child pages) in them. Some of these child pages have other child pages in them. This creates URL's (or slugs) looking like this: I found a plugin that 301 redirects a page to any given url. This way i can make redirect to, only with the purpose to have shorter links and the keyword appearing 'earlier' in the url. Another option to shorten the url's is to shorten the parent pages slugs, something like this: Only downside is that the keyword for the parent pages themselves won't appear in the slug anymore. The keywords will still be there in the Title, Description and H1 tag, but not in the url. so if my keyword is stunflower seeds, instead of having i'll have What would you do? 1: Leave urls like this - really long urls, keywords don't come 'early' in url 2: Make child pages 301 redirect - short urls, but url structure is lost (parent pages don't show in the url) User shorter slugs for Parent Pages - to me looks like the best option, but then i'll loose my keywords in the slugs for parent Yes there's even a 4th option, again the example of how my slugs look now: I could use the plugin to redirect every child page (for example new-york-seed-shops) to this: But i don't know if it's okay to redirect to different parent pages with wordpress...I'd also like to know if backlinks to 301 redirect pages count for the page they redirect to. And if they have the same impact/strength as links that link directly to the page.Thanks in advance

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ZeroGrav

  • Hi the best of the best on the seo world. I like to ask something, i like to know: So, from your strongest-bestest-proffessionallll experience, the web-scripts you use,must be the best of best scripts, i like to ask: for your newsletter, are you using external service? client managment,pro members,are you using any external service from another website or have you do the programming itself? and dont forget to say, your services without any comment are number one on the world,but your community now and your design,and your big heart to leave us talking together here and unlimited questiond to ask, you have attested that you are the best. But tell us more of your services what you use on your encyclopedy of seo, we like to know more from you. Thanks Meti.

    Technical SEO | | leadsprofi

  • Hi, On Google Places we have clients that have bad data (incorrect name, address, #) on aggregated sites (citysearch, merchantcircle, yelp) which prevents those sites from pulling into the Google Places accounts. We've been manually correcting listings for a while and many times it still hasn't pulled into the Google Places listings for months on end despite the data matching. What are your experiences with correcting aggregated Google Places data, how long has it taken for this data to pull into your places accounts?

    Technical SEO | | qlkasdjfw

  • Google Advises to use Rel Canonical URL's to advise them which page with similiar information is more relevant. You are supposed to put a rel canonical on the non-preferred pages to point back to the desired page. How do you handle this with a product catalog using ajax, where the additional pages do not exist?  An example would be: <colgroup><col width="470"></colgroup>
    | .com/productcategory.aspx?page=1 /productcategory.aspx?page=2 /productcategory.aspx?page=3 /productcategory.aspx?page=4 The page=1,2,3 and 4 do not physically exist, they are simply referencing additional products I have rel canonical urls' on the main page, but I am not 100% sure this is correct or how else it could be handled. Any Ideas Pro mozzers? |

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | |

  • What changes have you made to see highest results? such us rank increase etc

    On-Page Optimization | | DiamondJewelryEmpire

  • Google dosent care that much about links lately or crawl started beeing more intelegent about it? Do you feel any changes?

    Link Building | | DiamondJewelryEmpire

  • I'm ranking in the top 3 for a keyword in Google but when I change my location to a state of city I'm at the bottom of the page. Can anyone help? I made sure that the state I want to rank for is both in my title and body. The page has been up for almost a year and is a PR3. It is not my home page but a sup page under "areas we serve." I'm looking for someone who can explain how I can optimize for a state or city. Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | donnye

  • Hi, in a few weeks we'll do a major change on our website. This involves over 1.5 million pages indexed in Google driving substantial amount of our traffic. Basically we have 2 types of changes: subdomain switches to domain:
    ex. will become
    for this we know how to manage DNS and Apache rules different url patterns, basically replacing ugly urls by pretty urls
    for this we have advanced 301-mapping rules set up Here is the question - what is best way to proceed with these 2 changes in order to preserve rankings and organic traffic: Do both changes simultaneously? First do url changes, than the domain switch Can you please share your thoughts?

    Technical SEO | | TruvoDirectories

  • Hi, I have a client whose contact page is the second most visited after the home page. However, there is a 93.65% abandonment rate on the contact page. This could be for a number of reasons: There is a phone number on the page, so people may call the firm There is a Google Map on the page, so people may get directions The top next pages are: Exiting the site (about 50%) Returning to the home page Going to the About the Company page Going to the Distributors page (the company is a manufacturer) What is the best way to analyze the performance of this page? Thanks, Josh

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | joshfialkoff-77863

  • Hi. I have outlined a solution for an AJAX-based site in order to rank preserve indexing and rank in Google using the hashbang. I'm curious if anyone has some insight for doing the same for Bing/Yahoo! (a development question)

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | OveritMedia

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