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  • Stopping a redirect from one URL to another due to a 404 error? Referred URL which is ( Referring URL (

    Technical SEO | | Nichole.wynter2020
  • This question is deleted!


  • Hey Community, This is my site which is the Best Drifitng in Australia. I am getting a problem and my site's DA is unable to show using. I want to see it as soon as possible, although I am using a premium tool. Thanks

    Getting Started | | jndjue4

  • Hi, I have a high number of very-low/zero traffic and zero backlinked product pages that have been discontinued (and wont come back). For these pages we automatically remove them from our website indexes and also removed internal links and then essentially kept the product pages and their urls intact but just added a note saying "no longer available, how about these..." with alternate similar product options. This seems to be the general consensus online for discontinued product pages that have little value. The questions is do I either 404 or noindex these now discontinued pages? What are the pros or cons? Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | coma99

  • I have created a blog of finding the best outdoor basketball and have targeted low keyword difficulty keywords and they are getting some traffic also. But the problem is the homepage is not ranking position still I want to ask that should I target more keywords of low Moz keyword difficulty for gaining more traffic or not?

    Keyword Research | | gabrelapaula22

  • My site name is bestmedtour .it's in English. I also want to have the Arabic version of the site. If I translate it with Google Translate, is it possible that the Arabic version of the site will be penalized?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | aalinlandacc

  • I have lot of website few of them are really big sites. i want to know Why moz is not indexing link from 21 march any body knows please let me. is there some kind of maintenance going on

    Link Explorer | | Arenapile321

  • my sites is almsot 4 5 month old and its has good daily and monthly traffic and also have some backlinks but when i check my site in moz it shows 0 backlinks and all other stats .... can i someone guide me what the issue is there in my site issue or with moz tool kindly guide me and check my site

    Link Building | | babushafqat1

  • Hi there, I noticed in Bing Webmaster Tools that we get the following for the home page.These pages have 400-499 http status code. Ensuring http status 200 might help improve SERP performance and gain user traffic.I haven't seen this before, nothing comes up in Moz or Google Webmaster Tools about it.Is it worth spending time on resolving the issue, I don't see how it affects us as the page loads up perfectly but I don't understand the error.The error shows up for our home page, https : // wwww domainname comWhen checking here we get green ticks for everything

    On-Page Optimization | | IvanaDaulay

  • Hello, How Moz can help me in finding less competitive keywords for a site based on omega masticating juicer. I had tried other tools but i am not satisfied with it. Kindly tell me the process to find it. Thanks.

    Keyword Research | | romanjames

  • Hello, I am facing indexing issues on one of my which is about budget bushcraft knife, Four months have been passed I built my site and published almost 8 articles so far. But i am worried no single keyword ranked on google till yet as I checked through MOZ site explorer. Can anyone guide me on what should I need to do now? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | Ewerurt

  • From looking at one of our clients’ GA stats, we’ve discovered that they have signed up with a site called Internet Traffic Club (or they have asked someone to do it on their behalf). Their hits on one day went from a fairly standard low number to a few thousand. The hits came from cities all over the world, yet this client is a local UK solicitor offering a local town service. We feel doing this - if they do it regularly - would be harmful rather than beneficial to their rankings. Has anyone here any experience of using these traffic buying services and how Google views these hits? Of course it is also nonsensical to pay to buy traffic from Nigeria if you’re a local solicitor, but I want to explain to them the evidence behind the harmful effect it could have on their rankings.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | mfrgolfgti

  • I am newbie.while using moz,I put my competitor url and found some backlink.which included redirect notice .can someone explain me about it? image also adde.thanks view?usp=sharing

    Link Explorer | | fikip46365

  • how can improve Da of my site Renovlies behang ant theme depend on to increase da

    Link Building | | Ewerurt

  • Hi,  We have a lot of links that have a spam score above 30% and 60%.  I don't know if someone has spammed our website.  However our SEO company has said we should remove these carefully over a period of 3 months while they add new good links.  I don't quite trust this advice.  Are they trying to get more business?? They have put doubt in our mind.  Can anyone please shed any light on this??  Thank you

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | YvonneDupree

  • Hi, we have landing pages for our 10 branches and want to build up the geographical bases SEO.  Eg Marketing Agency Bristol for  Do you have any articles or advice on the type of links and the anchor text.  IE should anchor text be more geographical based?  Thanks

    Link Building | | Caffeine_Marketing

  • Hi, I was inspecting a website which is covering the topic of best wheelbarrow of 2021, it is a new website and and starts ranking on google. But, after few days it got de-rank automatically and Moz is also not showing any result to that. I was wandering why this just happened and what should I do if I made my website and will not face this kind of situation?

    Technical SEO | | Moeen2233

  • Hi! I am Amelia  My site rank 5 keyword in united states show that Ahref's  and I check in Moz but that shows 1 rank key word and Ahref's shows the 59 backlinks and Moz shows 5 to 6  backlink why that shows low keyword and backlinks that's my site problem or Moz issues. Check My website and tell me issues.

    Moz Pro | | Oiebyut

  • I have been working on my site for the last 4 months and still, I am not getting improvement in site DA, PA, and site ranking.  Also, I am generating unique content.  Here is the Website link

    Moz Pro | | randomghrytu
  • Solved

    Hi, I'm facing an issue regarding Moz Site Explorer. When I enter my blog for check it's DA and PA. All Moz do is keep loading. I have to reload the page for two or more times for checking DA and PA. Kindly let me know is there any issue with my account. Regards.

    Product Support | | BuiLungTen

  • Hi I am working on a project in which I have a local services website <a target="_self"></a> I want to be sure its links are getting indexed or not. Please help me.

    On-Page Optimization | | Jioiebytt

  • Hi, Background I have an international site with 32 country homepages within the same domain: eg and so forth We use IP redirection on the root (which has no HTML page of its own) to divert the user to their relevant country homepage. Within each country homepage we include: (a canonical link to itself) ... (hreflang alternates to all instances of other homepages including itself ) Our Google Crawl bot is located in Germany and so when it crawls our root it takes the title and description from its destination url which in crawlbots case is because of the IP redirect. What is the problem I am trying to solve? Every variation of local Google results (eg UK/FR/IT/US) displays at the top the crawled root page with German title/description. How can I stop this happening? Surely adding appropriate hrefs and canonicals to every homepage instance is sufficient for Google to display to you your relevant country homepage variant instead!? Thanks

    International SEO | | coma99
  • This question is deleted!


  • My blog goes back to 2005 and occasionally I find outbound links on old posts that now generate a 404 error. Is there a Moz tool that can find and report on such errors? If not, are there other tools you can recommend?

    Moz Bar | | btreloar

  • Hi, How long do the link tracking lists take to update? It's been over a week and each is still showing a red cross. The reason I created it was because I migrated to a new domain name and Moz is still showing the backlinks on the old property and not the new (the domain swap happened in December 2020). I can see that Ahrefs has picked up all of the links - Both new and redirected - but Moz has not. When will this be reflected in Moz as it has already been over three months? Is there a reason for the above questions? I appreciate any response here. 🙂

    Moz Pro | | Smarter_Finances

  • How i can check the moz position of my site . As it is said that the moz  assign a specific value /position  to a site according to its overall performance. Thanks. Regards  glasweefselbehang

    Keyword Explorer | | rankvizguru

  • I have an uncertainty - when I make a backlink as a piece of SEO in some site when I reviewed similar couple of days after. It hasn't filed and I checked its robots record. It appearing Client specialist: Mediapartners-Google Disallow: User-Agent: * Disallow: However, is this make any backlink uphold or only this with the end goal of not ordering in google. I make it straightforward - "Is this sort of backlink creation my site Best Offset Smokers uphold my SEO action or Not?" In this No-record site. Flag Share

    Link Building | | seotools103

  • Hi there, I have been reading up about Domain Authority being important to rank though I have a question about it. When trying a few google searches and using a tool to see the Moz Domain Authority i notice the following. I won't mention sites or keywords, happy to send them via private message if required. A site ranks 1st position for most keywords including the main keyword that related to their industry, a highly competitive keyword. Their Moz Domain Authority 27, Est. Visits: 265,000,  Pinterest shares 72, Facebook shares 191 and unique domains that point to it are 55. Yet when I look at another site, optimising for the same keyword, Moz Domain Authority 50, Est. Visits: 60,000, Pinterest shares 35000, Facebook shares 20000 and unique domains that point to it are 521. I would have thought that the second site ranks 1st for the keyword and the first one mentioned which is in 1st position I would have expected to be on page two or three. as I scroll down the first page for the term, all sites except for one have higher DA, visits, shares and so on. If a high PA is required can someone help me to understand the above example? Whn a low PA site ranks much better for a primary keyword than all other sites that have a higher PA than it?

    Moz Pro | | IvanaDaulay

  • Hi there and thanks for the great information, certainly lots to take in. Can anyone suggest the best way to setup product / category  url structure for a store? At the moment we have something like name.html As the product url, we edited url structure using a plugin, we don't use default WooCommerce url settings. name.html.     this can sometimes be long But when you click on the product the url changes to the following. name.html.      This can shorted the url by 40% and still have keyword in url Is there any benefit in doing his? Re canonical urls, I only have about 15 products that are selected in many categories.the other 200 are under once category only. Product pages don't have many backlinks at the moment. Thanking you so much.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | IvanaDaulay

  • will critical error in wordpress to increase memory limit affect seo rankings?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | gamstopbet

  • Hey MOZ Team, I hope you guys are fine. Actually today I'm reviewing my client site and suddenly saw that their spam score is 39. They don't have too many backlinks. They have few of them and they're not Sammy. Can you Guide me a little bit why these types of things happens. Because the site is almost new. Here's the website link:

    Moz Pro | | koipl

  • core web vitals

    In preparation for Core Web Vitals becoming a ranking factor in May 2021, we are making efforts to reduce our Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) on pages where the shift is being caused by images loading. The general recommendation is to specify both height and width attributes in the html, in addition to the CSS formatting which is applied when the images load. However, this is problematic in situations where responsive images are being used with different aspect ratios for mobile vs desktop. And where a CMS is being used to manage the pages with images, where width and height may change each time new images are used, as well as aspect ratios for the mobile and desktop versions of those. So, I'm posting this inquiry here to see what kinds of approaches others are taking to reduce CLS in these situations (where responsive images are used, with differing aspect ratios for desktop and mobile, and where a CMS allows the business users to utilize any dimension of images they desire).

    Web Design | | seoelevated

  • Seemingly following the Feb 2021 algorithm update (passage indexing) our site has seen a massive drop in featured snippets (from 39 on 8th Feb to 27 on 15th Feb) and hasn't recovered (still 27 on 18th March). Our site has also seen a steady drop off in sessions in the UK over the past couple of weeks, despite continued increases in the US. This could potentially be due to the loss of featured snippets meaning less traffic to our top pages, but we're wondering if this could also be another change, separate to featured snippets? Does anyone know if these changes are likely to be linked to the passage indexing algorithm update (or another unconfirmed update) or simply a coincidence and either way, what we can start doing to see our number of featured snippets (and then hopefully sessions) start to increase again? EDIT: As of 22th March, these have dropped again to just 10 featured snippets - a total of 290% decrease - any help would we appreciated! TIA 🙂

    Algorithm Updates | | M-Widdows

  • Does Moz collect information of customers accessing my website
    Thank you!

    Getting Started | | gogoanimetp

  • Hi, A redirection chain is usually defined as a page redirecting to another page which itself is another redirection. URL1 ---(301/302)---> URL2 ---(301/302)---> URL3 But what about Javascript redirect? They seem to be a different beast: URL1 ---(301/302)---> URL2 ---(200 then Javascript redirect)---> URL3 From what I know if the javascript redirect is instant Google counts it as a 301 permanent redirection, but I'm still not sure about if this counts as a redirection chain. Most of the tools (such as moz) only see the first redirection. So is that scenario a redirection chain or no?

    Technical SEO | | LouisPortier

  • Hi folks. Instead of an archive page template in my theme (I have my reasons), I am thinking of simply typing the post title as and when I publish a post, and linking to the post from there. Any SEO issues that you can think of? Thanks in advance!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Nobody1616542228134

  • I have a website whenever I open the both at same time mozbar occupy space over its header menu

    Product Support | | Niujbuj76

  • I have external links coming into my site going to 404 pages, but i cant seem to find a way to search all broken links pointed at my website.

    On-Page Optimization | | NickJPearse

  • We have some URLs that are being flagged as poor inside Search Console in the Web Core Vitals report. For example, the report is saying that some pages have too many CLS issues. When looking into things we can do to update we have noticed that when we run the same page using the PageSpeed Insights tool we are not getting the same bad scores. This is making it hard for us to actually know what needs to be addressed. Nor can we tell if a change actually fixed the issue because in PageSpeed Insights there is not an issue.  Has anyone else had similar issues. If so have you found a way to fix it?

    On-Page Optimization | | RMATVMC

  • Hey community, I have a question regarding canonical tags.
    I used the content of one of my domains ( and copied it to another domain, but on several pages:
    and so on). So I divided the content from domainA to several pages of domainB. The reason is, that my client wants to build a new business on domainB and wants to use the exact same content from domainA, because he can't afford another copywriter at the moment (and he doesn't want to rewrite it himself). Problem: DomainA is ranking for this content and he wants to keep the rankings, until domainB ranks similar (for the same keywords, of course). So my question is: Can I put a canonical tag on domainA?
    My thoughts are: Not a single page of domainB is 100% duplicate content, as it's always only partialy the same. Can I just choose one of those pages from domainB to put as link-goal for the canonical tag? Or do I need to create a "view-all" page on domainB, with all the content put together, so it's 100% duplicate to domainA, and then put a canonical tag to domainA and link to this "view-all" page? If I do so, do I need to also put canonicals on every single page from domainB, to link to this "view-all" page?
    IMPORTANT: Would the other pages of domainB then be ranked/listed in the SERRPs, or only the "view-all" site? I would really appreciate your help, as I have been seaching for answers to this specific problem since more than a week... Thank you! Best regards

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ElliPirelli

  • I am facing a problem that my MOZ bar is not showing a PA of my website page ipad rental. Kindly, tell me is there a problem with my page or extension?

    Product Support | | rankvizguru

  • Hi all My website is and it have +7000 Referring domains from competitor use tools bad backlink. i want to disavow it but Google Search Console accept export up to 1000 domains. So, What I have to do. Help me Please.67oetuz.jpg

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | simthanglongdotvn

  • Hello, I hope everybody is fine. I am looking for a right way to increase the DA and PA of the website and its webpage. I have a lesco duplicate bill info related webpage which I want to increase the PA. Kindly guys guide me the legit way of increasing the Page Authority. Thanks

    Moz Pro | | rankvizguru

  • Hi to everyone, I used Sitechecker.Pro for a website audit of a client website   and there was this warning (not an error!): TEXT TO CODE RATIO<10% How  important is this to  achieve good ranking? What are good ratios? I undestand that more text needs to be added to improve it? fcdcfbe438

    Technical SEO | | astweb

  • Hello Moz Community,   I have sports niche website I am in process of link building for my website. May i know what should i do to increase DA of my site? Is there any way to  increase my site Authority through increasing DA of my site and Keyword difficulty? Thank you !

    Link Building | | gogoanimetp

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