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  • For example, this site for selling flowers is ahead of the sales of local stores that have a site but aimed only at sales in a certain area of ​​the store

    Local Website Optimization | | Martin11Martin

  • Hi all. I read on Moz recently that if a website has too large a percentage of 'follow' backlinks, that Google penalise the website because that is unnatural. IS this correct please? I ask because i have recently found that our own website, according to Moz, has 16,500 inbound links and they are ALL 'follow' links. These are  all from independent 3rd parties and we havent commissioned any of them, so it is completely natural. URL if anyone cares is Any advice would be appreciated. Cheers

    Link Building | | TheMozzy

  • For context my website is a content resource portal. In SEO training I have been told that it is a good SEO move to have as many content contributors as possible. As a result we are pushing to recruit new content contributors so they can be listed as new contributors/authors on our site alongside their valuable content. Would this move be good for our SEO rankings and is there anything in particular to consider with this?

    Content Development | | Chanice

  • Has Google changed their interpretation of Doorway pages?We do not sell widgets but allow me to use Widget for this example;If we sold 25 very different widgets an online vendor would typically have 1 "mother" website with 25 different inner pages, each page to explain each type of widget they sell.However, for the past 9 years our approach is to have 25 different websites, one  for each widget.  With these 25 sites we concentrated on ranking the home page only .  All these sites link back to our  (No idexed)  "Mother' site via no follow links where we have our Shopping Cart and Terms of Business. We did this partly to avoid having 25 separate Shopping Carts and to avoid having to change our Terms 25 times each time that became necessary. But yes we also did this as it was so much easier to rank each different type of widget in the SERPS. Also we think its a better user experience as in our business buyers of yellow widgets will not be interested in blue widgetsWe have been reading for years that google does not like doorways pages but we were not 100% certain if they might regard our sites as such .This is because our approach has worked great for nine years. That is until December last year when all 95%  our sites fell dramatically in the SERPS usually from page 1 to page 2 or 3.  First thing we did was to go through all our sites and search for the obvious; toxic links, duplicate content, keyword density, https issues,  mobility issues, anchor text, etc etc  and of course content.   We found no obvious problems that could affect 95% of the sites at the same time  but we ordered new homepage content for most of our sites from  expert seo writers. However, after putting on this new content  3 -4 weeks ago our sites have not moved up the SERPS at all.So we are left with the inescapable conclusion that our problem is because google sees and devalues our sites as doorway pages especially as 95% of your sites have been affected all at the same time  Would any SEO experts on this forum agree or be able to offer an opinion?If so, what might be the solution going forward? We have 2 solutions under consideration;1) Remove all links from each of our 25 sites to our "mother Site"  and put a shopping cart and our TOS on each of the 25 sites so they are all truly independent stand alone websites.2) Create 25 inner pages on our mother site (after removing the no index) , for each of the 25 widgets we sell , then 301 each of the 25  individual sites home pages to its inner page on the mother site . I think this might be the best solution partly as almost all of our higher ranking competitors are ranking their inner pages not their homepage. But I worry if these 25 sites will really pass much link juice if they have been devalued by Google.?Any advice will be  gratefully received.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | apcsilver9

  • Last year on June I decided to make my site multi-lingual. The domain is: The main language English and I added Portuguese and a few posts on Spanish. What happened since then? I started losing traffic from Google and posts on Portuguese are not being indexed. I use WPML plugin to make it multi-lingual and I had Yoast installed. This week I uninstalled Yoast and when I type on google "" I started seeing Google indexing images, but still not the missing posts. I have around 145 posts on Portuguese, but on Search Console it show only 57 hreflang tags. Any idea what is the problem? I'm willing to pay for an SEO Expert to resolve this problem to me.

    International SEO | | Cleber009

  • is reporting that many URL's are to long, these particularly affect Product URL's where the URL is typically, (You guessed it we're using Shopify). However, we use Canonicals that ignore all most of the URL and are just structured, so Google should be reading the Canonical and not the long-winded version. However, Moz cannot seem to spot this... does anyone else have this problem and how to solve so that we can satisfy the crawl engine?

    Moz Pro | | Tildenet

  • According to you, what could be the best possible way to increase the  DA and PA of my website. My website has 1 DA.

    Link Building | | yenahi8564

  • Is there any way to  increase my site Authority through increasing DA of my site and Keyword difficulty ? my site is about gamming like

    Moz Pro | | sathoiue8

  • Our Google-created trackable campaign URLs are appearing in site crawls and often triggering error warnings.

    Link Explorer | | K.Reeves

  • After many years in the industry, you come to realize a few things.  One of of the biggest pain points for us   at web daytona  was being able to give clients a quick keyword ranking cost estimation. After multiple trial and error and relying on API data from one of the most reliable SEO softwares in our industry, we were able to develop an SEO tool that allows us to quickly and accurately get the estimated cost for a given keyword (s) using multiple variables. Most agencies can relate to that story. It’s something my colleagues and I at Web Daytona have been through before. Finding the cost and amount of time needed to rank for a keyword is a time consuming process. That’s why it’s a common practice to sell SEO packages of 5-10 keywords for about $1000-2000 / month. The problem is not all keywords are equally valuable, and most clients know this. We constantly get questions from clients asking: “how much to rank for this specific keyword?” It’s difficult to answer that question with a pricing model that treats the cost of ranking every keyword equally. So is the answer to spend a lot more time doing tedious in-depth keyword research? If we did we could give our clients more precise estimates. But being that a decent proposal can take as long as 2-5 hours to make, and agency life isn’t exactly full of free time, that wouldn’t be ideal. That’s when we asked a question. What if we could automate the research needed to find the cost of ranking keywords? We looked around for a tool that did, but we couldn’t find it. Then we decided to make it ourselves. It wasn’t going to be easy. But after running an SEO agency for over a decade, we knew we had the expertise to create a tool that wouldn’t just be fast and reliable, it would also be precise. Fast forward to today and we’re proud to announce that The Keyword Cost Estimator is finally done. Now we’re releasing it to the public so other agencies and businesses can use it too. You can see it for yourself here. Keyword-Rank-Cost-Ectimator-Tool-by-Web-Daytona-Agency.png

    Local Website Optimization | | WebDaytona

  • I'm working on a site that has different versions of the same page in multiple languages (e.g., English, Spanish, French). Currently, they feature customer testimonial quotes on some pages and the quotes are in English, even if the rest of the page is in another language. I'm curious to know what are best practices around how to treat client quotes on localized languages pages. A few approaches that we're contemplating: 1. Leave the quote in English and don't translate (because the customer quoted doesn't speak the localized language). 2. Leave the on-page quote in English, but provide a "translate" option for the user to click to see the translated version. The translated text would be hidden until the "translate" button is selected. 3. Go ahead and translate the quote into the local language. Appreciate your thoughts, thank you!

    Local Website Optimization | | Allie_Williams

  • Following on from a previous problem of this sweetandsavorymeals completely dropping from index, we have discovered that 150+ spam, porn domains have been directed at our pages (sometime in the last 3-4 months, don't have an exact date). Does anyone have exerpeince on how long it may take Google to take noticed of a new disavow list? Any estimates would be very helpful in determining our next course of action.

    Link Building | | sathoiue8

  • Hey guys, I have run the crawl on my WordPress site and Moz finds a "Critical crawl issue" for my site on a broken link (404 error):**%25s **, I can't seem to be able to find such a link anyway and I have run the website through several other tools that scan for broken links and such and there is no such result.
    This link doesn't exist on my site at all and I don't know where Moz got it from, I have made changes to my site and recrawled several times and the specific error persists. Does anyone have any ideas?

    Moz Bar | | K.Net

  • Hi team, Im running a website, which is related to Online Vape shop and I have some confusion regarding the core web vital algorithm.  However, the Government of the USA is very strict for this kind of topic and we should have to display the age restriction popup for those new users who enter the website: Can anyone tell me how to speed up the website, as if the website has this kind of popup mandatory guidelines from the government.  Google is launching a new core update related to speed in the may 2021 right? So if we add this kind of banner popup and all In the website, how we can get away from the issues. Please clarify to me, anyone, ASAP.

    Local SEO | | hopseq

  • Hello Moz Community, Over many years 120 websites were created all under a couple different organizations around the globe. The sites are interconnected via anchor text and domain name links and some redirect to larger sites. The teachings have a central theme and many tools, training programs, events, locations and services are offered on many different websites. Attached is a slice of a Majestic Link Graph showing the network. God bless Majestic for this new tool! We are looking for solutions that are efficient and effective in regards to usability, rankings and being achievable. Thank you so much for your help! Donna EJhNPqT

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Awakening-Mind

  • Hello Moz community,
    I am really happy to be here and I start right away with a quite tricky question I'd say. We are running and in March switched platforms to Shopify. All the Redirects etc were done according to standards. Nevertheless, dropped in May (2 months after the switch) for "name a star" and "buy a star" from #1 to the 2nd Page of Google Results after being on #1 for almost 3 consecutive years. We had a similar case with their german website but the german one is back on the top 3 rankings again for all the important keywords. I attached a Screenshot of the Search Console stats
    Any suggestions? yv6pep

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Marcmayo

  • Hi all - we have a blog post that has ranked as a featured snippet.  We are doing some cleanup on our back-end opening up a few other blog post categories which would change the URL address by one word.  I'm wondering if anyone knows how this would effect the ranking of the featured snippet if we were to change this address even if we did a redirect?

    Content Development | | mikeobedoza

  • Hello Team, First of all, this is the best tool for SEO experts, it tells all the criteria like ctr, priority, and also difficulty, for keyword research I will give you 10/10, but my issue is this. When I put my site URL to Moz, then this shows me no ranking keyword, but I have 2 my keywords in the top 100. The other tools like Ubbersuggest show me these two. Kindly tell me why? its about crawling speed?

    Reviews and Ratings | | nomimhr123

  • I have been trying for some time to take the online store to the front page, but it is very difficult to go up in google searches for the keyword ( sex shop ).
    Can anyone help me with some tips. Thank you.

    Competitive Research | | Constantin2021

  • Hey I'm doing web optimization of my site Best Blender under $100 My inquiry is with respect to Backlinks. There are 2 things which can be seen in MOZ announcing 1. DA(Domain Authority) 2.Spam Score Presently how might I choose from which site would it be advisable for me to get Backlinks? From higher DA and Low Spam Score or Higher DA and High Spam Score? Does Spam Score will affect my Rankings or not? Also, my last inquiry is what number of Backlinks would it be advisable for me to make on everyday schedule? Respects,

    Industry News | | Salman42552

  • I want to increase CTR of my keywords like ptclbill Is any way to increase this.

    Keyword Research | | Salman42552

  • Hello Moz Community,I have sports niche website. I am in process of link building for my website. One query in my mind. Which backlink is better for increasing my MOZ DA and domain authority in terms of google domain authority.1: Profile backlink of DA50+ website , not belonging to my sports niche.2:DA 10 or DA 20+ link belonging to my sports niche.Which out of these will help gain better MOZ DA.ThanksRakesh

    Link Building | | T4FS

  • A client of mine is linking to a third-party vendor from their main site. The page being linked to loads with a Page Not Found error and then replaces some application content once the Javascript kicks in. This process is not visible to users (the application loads fine for front-end users) but it is being picked up as a 404 error in broken link reports. This link is part of the site skin so it's on every page. Outside of the annoyance of having lots of 404 errors being flagged in a broken link report, does this cause any actual issue?  Eg, do search enginges see that my client is linking to something that is a 404 error, and does that cause them any harm?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | mkleamy
  • Solved

    Hello, Where can I manage and download all the keywords I have added to a campaign? Thanks so much! Greg

    Product Support | | Awakening-Mind

  • hello, i would like to get quality backlinks to my blog , anyone please suggest me to bet backlinks to my site. my web site is related to youtube to mp3, youtube to mp4 , online youtube video mp3 converter 

    Link Building | | vidi0394

  • Hi I need to check Spamming backlinks and want to remove from my site APK . Please guide someone that how I can remove these spamming links from my site as soon as possible.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SUPERCTER8383

  • How do I get my campaign to go active? I am currently using the 30-day free trial.

    Product Support | | JOhnClarkMartin

  • I'm using MOZ BAR extension . It's not working properly on this Can anyone tell me that is it/not showing da...

    API | | sathoiue8

  • I have these websites and I managed to create quality links and reach Ahrefs DR 46 and even TF 20 in a few months, but on my server logs, I haven´t seen any DOT bot logs. It only crawls you if you are linked to a very high DA site now? To be honest I placed here those links ask in order to see if that helps.  I remember that last year it wasn't like that. If someone can point me in the right direction to increase DA and PA I will really appreciate it. THANKS!

    API | | albertomr

  • Hi, I have two queries which are related to Moz DA and Moz Spam Score. 1.  I have created my website 6 months ago and also do proper SEO of my site. Now according to Ahrefs my DR is 47 and also shows me some organic traffic, Organic Keyword of my site. But when I've checked my site in it shows me the DA is only 1 and also there is no organic keywords and no backlinks. Why my DA is not increasing and stuck in 1 position?  When will DA increase and please guide me how I can Improve DA of my website?  URL:  2. My second query is, what is the Moz Spam Score? Is it important for a website and which factors Moz used to create a Spam Score of any website? Experts guide needed. Thanks, overview?⌖=domain

    Getting Started | | dekho87

  • Hey professionals, I works on "MyInfo Community" as a SEO worker, anyone can help me to audit my this project? Because i am newbie in this field. Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | smartpoedgr

  • I have a forum that I'm working on and there are a lot of pages that don't need to be found in search. In fact, I'm even thinking of de-indexing some of them such as the following pages: Registration Login Member Cancellation Member Billing There are also a lot of pages that are only viewable to paid members. Do they all need title tags and meta descriptions?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BroDino

  • My site is not increasing DA its about dank carts may i know what should i do to increase DA of my site?

    Moz Local | | Amiie784

  • I'm getting an error in Search Console that pages on my site show No: 'noindex' detected in 'robots' meta tag. However, when I inspect the pages html, it does not show noindex. In fact, it shows index, follow. Majority of pages show the error and are not indexed by Google...Not sure why this is happening. Unfortunately I can't post images on here but I've linked some url's below. The page below in search console shows the error above... As does this one. However, this page does not have the error and is indexed by Google. The meta robots tag looks identical. Any and all help is appreciated.

    Technical SEO | | Sean_White_Consult

  • Pages on my site show No: 'noindex' detected in 'robots' meta tag. However, when I inspect the pages html, it does not show noindex. In fact, it shows index, follow. Majority of pages show the error and are not indexed by Google...Not sure why this is happening. The page below in search console shows the error above...

    Technical SEO | | Sean_White_Consult

  • Hi - Can you use something like "save £££s" in the title tag. Have looked but can't see an answer. Thanks.

    On-Page Optimization | | StevieD

  • Viewing search results for 'When searching in google we find our site in the first position but when some others search it is seen on the second page 1 st position why is this happening?'

    Search Behavior | | Alyaauditors

  • An existing client of mine is the parent of a subsidiary. The parent business  currently drives traffic for the subsidiary and has been doing so for many years. The subsidiaries owner is wanting to create their own website even though the companies are still in great relationships.  So I'm wanting to make sure they don't compete. What necessary steps do I need to take? My one major issue is the address. They both work under the same address and I plan on using a suite number for the subsidiary.  Will that work? Even though the parent company doesn't priortize it's subsidary business for SEO, I don't want to drop in rankings and for them to compete. Any knowledge or insight on this would be greatly appreciated! The more details the better 🙂 Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | rzettle2525

  • Hi Mozzers! I do a lot of work in niche areas, and one issue I often confront in keyword research is unknown search volume. That is, I'll be doing keyword research in Keyword Explorer or Gooogle Search Console, and for the most relevant keywords, I find either very low search volumes, null search volumes, or "Data not available." How do I make good keyword planning decisions when I can't find good data for search volume? Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Andy

    Keyword Research | | AndyKubrin

  • I have four English sites for four different countries, UK, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand and I want to share some content between the sites. On the pages that share the content, which is essentially exactly the same on all 4 sites, do I use the hreflang tags like: or do I add a canonical tag to the other three pointing to the "origin", which would be the UK site? I believe it is best practice to use one or the other, but I'm not sure which make sense in this situation.

    Technical SEO | | andrew-mso

  • I'm using MOZ BAR extension on Chrome. It's not working properly on this WEBSITE. Can anyone tell me that is it an issue with this particular site or there is an issue in MOZ BAR. Furthermore, I have to logout and re-login every 30 minutes in order to see results. Thanks in Anticipation

    Moz Bar | | yenahi8564

  • i use moz extinction but many time they not working can any one help me

    Product Support | | yenahi8564

  • Can anyone explain how the spam score is calculated?
    i am not making any spam but still getting spam score 1% on site rolatylashbar

    Moz Pro | | Ch-Shb

  • Respected Team, I am facing new links indexing issue for one of my site, Is there any known indexing issue which is already addressed by Moz? Please help.

    Link Explorer | | red-dr5

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