Blog Posts
This tactic was actually shown to me by Jeremiah Smith (my brother) over at SimpleTiger. The need for this came about when one of our Healthcare Marketing clients needed to track the actual impact their PDFs were having on their organic search volume, and traffic in general.
We can consult our clients all day on the importance of being active on Twitter and other social platforms but unless we can innovate and streamline this process, it just simply won't happen. Automating a Twitter feed with useful, niche specific information can be absolutely invaluable to a company's social presence.
Sean is the Co-founder and a Content Marketing Consultant at SimpleTiger. He also contributes thoughts to The Huffington Post, Medium, Copyblogger, Moz, CrazyEgg, and Adobe's 99U about marketing, productivity, and entrepreneurship. Tweeting with great fervor @snsmth!