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  • DISQUS COMMENTS backlinks-good for seo? YES/NO? I have just started commenting on "powered by disquus" websites in the Disqus comments box and left a link to my website in the name field! Having googled whether Disqus comments backlinks are any good for seo purposes i have discovered that there is a 50/50 view on the subject with some people saying they are a "goldmine" for getting high PR backlinks and others saying they are a waste of time because googlebot cannot read Java. My own experience of commenting on Disqus powered websites is that wordpress blogs powered by disqus comments ARE INDEXED by GOOGLE and the "BACKLINK IS IN THE SOURCE OF THE PAGE" When i comment on normal websites using the Disqus comment system i have found that my Disqus comments ARE NOT indexed by Google and there IS NO BACKLINK in the page source! Has anybody got any views on whether Disqus comments backlinks are any good?

    Technical SEO | | Freebetsuk
  • Unsolved

    moz da wordpress seo tools

    Re: Moz WordPress Plugin? Hi guys,
    I need some Moz SEO Wordpress Plugins For my website working with Moz API. I've already found Moz DA-PA Checker plugin Moz DA-PA Checker But Need SEO Plugins too. Any Suggestion will be appreciated.

    Moz Pro | | mrezair
  • Unsolved

    closed caption

    By default, the lesson videos I'm watching have closed caption turned on. I find it annoying and I'd like to turn it off. How do I do that?

    Getting Started | | digipal55

  • Whats the deal with the date at the start of the meta descriptions? I have not really looked into this but I'm guessing its a blog thing? Take this search The beautifully crafted meta description is now being cut short even though its within the character limit and is now only showing 36 characters! Is there a way to remove this? Thanks in advance

    On-Page Optimization | | CraigAddyman
  • Unsolved

    internal linking domain authority

    Hey, I am very concerned about the link metrics I am seeing, really hoping someone can help. In October last year there were a total of 34.7K 'total links' attributed to my E-commerce website . This compared to 41.2k and 213k links attributed to my two main competitors. In November, my website had a forced update due to incompatibility issues my shopping cart version was having with the server on which it is hosted. (I was told by my web developers / hosting company that their server was upgraded.) This update created many problems such as checkout issues, page layout issues, sitemaps not automatically regenerating and the big one - it reverted back to http instead of https. Along with my developers, I spent 2 weeks fixing all of the issues until everything worked correctly and https was reinstated. After initial warnings from Moz, I have not received any critical crawler issues or warnings, big ranking drops etc since November. I was satisfied that all was ok. However, in November my 'total links' jumped to 81.5k and have since continued to balloon. December - 309.1k, January -335k, February - 665k, March - 716k, April - 719k, May - 742k, June - 751k. In the same period (November - June), my external links went from 5.3k - 8.7k. So it appears the huge increase in links are internal. In my latest report it states that 'internal follow links' are up by 8k and 'internal no follow links' are up by 1k. This is insane. I cannot understand why I have so many internal links and why they keep increasing. I maintain the website with updates, blog articles etc but no more than I have in the past several years. Worryingly, once this increase in links started being reported, my Domain Authority has also tanked. In October my DA was 37 (higher than my competitors) and has since dropped as low as 19. It has gone up to 21 this month (still significantly lower than my competitors). I have spent hours researching why this huge increase in internal links could be happening but have got nowhere. If anyone could advise what the issue could be and how I can fix it, I would be eternally grateful. Issues I have discovered along the way that may help with analysis:
    My site has many 404s (hundreds) - all relate to urls of old images that have been removed from the website. The 'Top Hits' on my website are from blogs (some spammy) to these deleted image urls that return a 404. I don't use any plugins. I do get 'duplicate content' notices as my blog posts archive themselves and generate new urls - as an example - 'blog post name' archived December 2023. It may be the case that the old http urls have been redirected to https but I have no warnings for 'redirect issues' in Moz. Thanks for taking the time to read this and thanks in advance for any help.

    Link Explorer | | g3mmab

  • Hi there!
    My name's Rob and I'm the owner of Nimble Nerds in Sydney, Australia. We provide on-site visits to customers at their locations to provide IT Support. I would love some insight on my confusion please, as I can't get my head around it after months. I've made individual pages targetting individual suburbs, eg 'computer repairs putney'. I noticed that only suburbs without individual tailored pages were showing in google map pack. So to test it I deleted my Putney page so it would re-index to the home page. Not only did this not result in appearing in that suburb on Map pack I also lost my SERP ranking as well. Is it still good to make individual pages for suburbs please?
    Is this going to negatively affect my map pack rankings in suburbs where they're pointing to the homepage?
    Does map pack only point to homepages? Confused! Ahah

    Local Listings | | RobWilson

  • onpage

    This is a question for the organic SEO experts, once you added the main keyword that you want to rank for in the homepage title, meta title plus meta description, perhaps once or twice in the text on the homepage. How often do you then write it in the content marketing, say blog posts, we want to rank higher on Google for "SEO agencies Cardiff" however if you mention this in the blog posts too much say once a week, this could lead to over optimisation issues?

    On-Page Optimization | | sarahwalsh

  • My website is,it is a E-commerce Portal and Moz shows a spam score of 8,may i know why my site spam score is high and how can i reduce it,after all it is a dubai store portal.

    Link Building | | offilery

  • So I am trying to figure out how my google rankings dropped from 3 to 9 This past week.  Could it be the new HTTPS security issue?  My site was created in HTTP not HTTPS.  Is this an easy fix? Can I hire someone on this site to fix this?

    Web Design | | Boodreaux
  • Unsolved

    keyword rankings

    I keep getting the following error "Getting ranking keywords failed. Please retry your search or refresh this page. " when using this tool. It has been ongoing for a while and is getting really frustrating. Any ideas?

    Moz Tools | | csiproducts

  • My website DA is gradually decreasing while I am updating my website regularly. Please suggest me good method to increase it. Site is Thanks

    Link Building | | james11223
  • Solved


    Re: Title Too Long - Seo importance 521bf443-0c95-46f7-b358-e8568a947a9e-image.png #titletoolong, #longtitlepages

    Moz Tools | | BeckersBestShoes

  • When utilizing certain password manages, the tab order on the login page is set in such a way that the username fills in and then where the password should go is the Create an Account link.  Thus, the password is not filled in and the user is brought to the Create an Account page.

    Feature Requests | | mike.brodeur

  • Hello sir i noticed that my DA is Dropped From 27 to 26 Of this website What is the reason I don't i try a lot to find a solution but not get . But I notice that in google webmaster tool the domain linking increased every time but on the, not domain added even my DA Dropped. Even When i checked my site on   he shows approx 350 domain with high da and pa. help me i am getting frustrated. Is that Moz is crawling All domain Fairly or not ??

    Link Building | | rishu578
  • Unsolved

    site crawl

    Hi, In Moz pro, when using Site crawler (or recrawl), we are seeing message site is banned. But when using on-demand crawler, it could generate report successfully. I just like to know if in both these cases, it is roberbot that is used! And kindly note, site crawler was perfectly working before. So the required setup is already in place from long time. Site crawler ban issue started appearing from nov/dec 2023. . Could you please us understand how could we possibly make site-crawler work?
    I am happy to provide more details if you need any. Thanks

    Moz Pro | | gilesd
  • Unsolved

    404 error rep[ort critical errors 4xx error blacklisted wtf

    I have a number of pages on the 4xx error report page that show a page tile saying 'Blacklisted' in MOZ on the critical errors page. What is this and how do I check it is really an issue and fix it? Some of the pages that show with this issue rank on page one in google.

    Moz Tools | | Mr_Roger_Dodger1

  • website

    I need a new website for my health insurance business. What type is best for SEO? Many thanks

    Web Design | | laurentjb

  • When I try and crawl our site through Moz it gives this message: Moz was unable to crawl your site on Aug 7, 2019. Our crawler was banned by a page on your site, either through your robots.txt, the X-Robots-Tag HTTP header, or the meta robots tag. Update these tags to allow your page and the rest of your site to be crawled. If this error is found on any page on your site, it prevents our crawler (and some search engines) from crawling the rest of your site. Typically errors like this should be investigated and fixed by the site webmaster. I have been through all the help and doesn't seem to be any issues. You can check the site and robots.txt here: Anyone got any advice on where I could go to get this sorted?

    Getting Started | | MyFamilClubLtd
  • Unsolved


    The domain authority has not changed for a few months; even I got some high-quality links from authority sites, and Moz has not crawled them yet? Can someone tell me how much time it generally Moz takes to crawl new links for a domain and update DA?
    My domain is

    Moz Tools | | peaceforchange00

  • monthlyvolume canadian

    How does Moz differentiate Canadian data vs. U.S. data? I'm particularly interested in search volume. Why is there such a big difference in volume (much less in Canada)? Is this due to population differences or are there other factors? For example, see the monthly volume for the keyword "Business resilience": U.S. = 360
    Canada = 6 This seems like a huge difference!

    Keyword Research | | BDOCanada

  • Hi, We know that social signals are usually referred to as a webpage's collective likes, comments or shares. But what about the Facebook messages generated from the messenger plugin on a web page? Especially on a business page, if one business page receives hundreds of Facebook messages through a landing page or blog page, does that count as social shares? And how effective is social signals are for a website in 2020? Although social engagement is always good for any website, my question is, how logical is it to purchase "social signal gigs" from konker or Fiverr or other gig markets? We run a social media marketing company in Australia, our website: and we get a lot of messages every day through the messenger add on from our home page. Will that make any difference whatsoever? Looking forward to hearing from you. I appreciate any help you can provide.

    Social Media | | DV4sd455
  • Unsolved

    topics keywords

    Re: Related topics / content suggestion Is there a similar tool in Moz that is like the SEM Rush Topic Research tool?

    Moz Bar | | CAPTRUST

  • When I enter my domain in the free analysis tool, I get a "bummer, no data found". I am certain whatever is causing that to happen is causing other SEO problems

    Getting Started | | verdet3232
  • Unsolved

    robots roger-bot

    Anyone got any ideas how to get a server/hosting provider who is preventing rogerbot from crawling and me not been able to set up a campaign to duplicate the error on there end? The server/hosting provider is crazydomains dot com My clients robots.txt User-agent: *
    Disallow: /wp-admin/
    Allow: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
    User-agent: rogerbot Disallow: Sitemap: https://www. something

    Moz Tools | | Moving-Web-SEO-Auckland
  • Unsolved

    crawl performance

    I'm looking to do a 1-off Performance Metrics analysis across dozens of pages on a single website - a prospective client. I thought it would be part of the On-Demand Crawl.

    Moz Tools | | amandacash85896
  • Unsolved

    getting started

    Im new to Moz and would like to get the most out of it as quickly as possible. so like the subject say - What are the top 5 things you would recommend I should to get the most out of Moz? #getstarted

    Getting Started | | djnlowe

  • I am making quality links on my website robomodo  but still not index by moz and have not impact on da of my website.

    Link Building | | jenniferwilliamss

  • I'm trying to make an SEO backlinks and anchors report on my website When using the Link Explorer, I see no backlinks to  show while I have create much more backlinks on this website. How to fix the issue? How can I check and correct report of my backlinks? Website is  I also need some how to track a keywords?

    Link Building | | fassi34562

  • indexing googlesearchconsole onpage

    Hello, Smart People!
    We need help solving the problem with Google indexing.
    All pages of our website are crawled and indexed. All pages, including those mentioned, meet Google requirements and can be indexed. However, only this page is still not indexed.
    Robots.txt is not blocking it.
    We do not have a tag "nofollow"
    We have it in the sitemap file.
    We have internal links for this page from indexed pages.
    We requested indexing many times, and it is still grey.
    The page was established one year ago.
    We are open to any suggestions or guidance you may have. What else can we do to expedite the indexing process?

    On-Page Optimization | | Viktoriia1805

  • indexing google

    I have been investigating this problem for some time now and there must be a technical problem. My posts seem to be ignored by google. For example, if i put this title of my article in google, other sites come up instead of my website Lincolnshire Caravan Owners Struggle To Compete With Haven I am trying to find out what technical problem I have that is stopping google displaying my post. Can anyone advise me on what tools to use and how to find out what is going wrong

    Technical SEO | | headlinesplus
  • Unsolved

    rogerbot moz crawler

    The bot is overloading my server. How to solve it?

    Moz Pro | | paulavervo

  • hey moz community i want to ask something i have blog on guitars.this blog is 7 months old and i created backlink on it.but today i am checking DA of my website its 7 how can i increase it

    Link Explorer | | waqazolqa

  • Hi friends. What could be the best strategies for article publishing with links and anchor text. I did the next. I published original article in my website blog section and then next day published the same article in few news portals with links and anchor text to product landing pages.  But google indexed only article from my blog. News portal in my country is with highest DA. Is it ok to do this way or better is make uncial article for every news portal and do not publish in own blog so there is no duplicates? I am afraid that doing my way is waste of time and money. Thanks for help.

    Link Building | | netcomsia

  • Hi all Trying to improve SEO for my (mostly) local site,, and recently got back on Moz Pro account. First crawl of my site by Moz, a manageable number of issues that I've mostly sorted, but the category with the largest number of problems is missing or invalid tags. My content pages and blog posts are not missing the tags. It's category, archives, etc., including multiple pages, ex: A smaller number of pages are being flagged by Moz as missing descriptions, and they are also category pages and the like. So the question is - how hard should I pursue fixing these issues? I'm using the divi theme, which apparently doesn't display the category description by default (if it did, that would kill two birds with one stone). There is a fix to add the category description, but before I get into that I'm trying to discern whether this issue really matters greatly to SEO or if I should spend that time just working on more content.

    Moz Pro | | gary_nectarbridge
  • Unsolved

    homepage keyword ranking

    Can anyone shed some light on how a competitor can have over 500 keywords for the home page, which I can not see when I read through the page itself. I have looked at the page sauce "keywords and is lists less than 10,. So my question is how can Moz say it has over 500 when i cant see them or has the site hidden them. If they are hidden Google has not penalised them for keyword stuffing. Can anyone shed some light on this Thanks in advance

    Product Support | | rubierae1524

  • What is your favorite tool for getting a report of URLs that are not cached/indexed in Google & Bing for an entire site? Basically I want a list of URLs not cached in Google and a seperate list for Bing. Thanks, Mark

    Technical SEO | | elephantseo
  • Unsolved

    domain authority visibility score domain migration

    Hi Moz Peeps, I have a client who has taken over an old domain from a company that existed about 5 years ago. The business has a strong DA in a totally different industry. In any respect, since taking over and managing their SEO it's been close to 3 months, however search visibility continues to remain at zero. Is there anything I should be doing to get the site to be re-indexed again? Thanks

    Local Website Optimization | | RichardNM

  • seo


    Local SEO | | zlbvasgabc

  • Hi.
    I have been creating backlinks for my website since 2 months. The backlinks are from different linking domains. The issue is that moz is not showing me all the backlinks that i have created. It is displaying only 10% of all the backlinks of my domain homepage. Is there any way to tell moz about all the backlinks i'm building?

    Link Explorer | | rajas2019

  • local seo local google location local ranking factors service

    Hey guys, I wish Rand could answer this question, because I know he figured all of this out, or has at least thought about it at least once. Basically, I want to understand exactly how the local algorithms work. Do you think the Distance algorithm works differently for service related businesses that don't offer services directly to your car, or other moveable assets? (motorcycles, lawnmowers, small engines) For example, construction companies. We all know how boring their offices are. No one wants to go to one unless there has been a problem or to pay a bill, say at Trugreen or something. They don't sell products, and who wants to go to some construction company that will likely just be a receptionist and maybe a field manager on his lunch break with some field reps rotating in and out during the day getting new leads and entering sales? That's uncomfortable. Why not just call them? So, do you think Google's local algorithms know that and put less weight on businesses that fall into that category? Car shops, small engine repair, and say shoe repair shops are different because you have to bring them something to fix. Stores that sell products are different because you have to go shopping and pay them to take the products home. But remodeling companies, marketing agencies, etc. probably don't get a lot of foot traffic. (And it's because we know we can handle it on a phone call.)

    Local SEO | | everysecond

  • I just saw that Google is no longer accepting anonymous reviews for businesses, and in fact have REMOVED all current anonymous reviews. This just happened in late May, but I'm pretty surprised there hasn't been any talk about this, it's a pretty big deal. Before I knew this I called their "specialists" to ask why we lost so many reviews. I specifically asked if Google had changed their review requirements that would result in old reviews being removed. She said no. She's either not well informed or just lied. My company just lost 20+ positive reviews. Anyone else hurting from the change and finding solutions?

    Reviews and Ratings | | HammerandHand

  • I have seen redirect links from google but not sure how to create one. Please guide if anyone knows the answer. Example:

    Link Building | | Melissacarter

  • Trying to search for high engagement influencers on Instagram and have had suggestions that include Klear and Hypr, but they are expensive. Anything out there like Followerwonk? Thanks

    Social Media | | vinadvisor

  • local seo local ranking factors service pages content optimization service based website

    Hey guys! We are targeting a number of cities in the Nassau and Suffolk County areas for foundation repair, insulation, and mold remediation keywords, and we were debating on creating city-specific pages for each location and service, or creating one service page for each type of service that contains all of the services and solutions within that service category for each city. Example: City-Specific Pages for Each Service: One page for say foundation repair, one page for foundation crack repair, one page for foundation problems, etc. (for each target city) Service Category Pages for Each City: One page for foundation contractors that lists all services on one page in sections. Which one do you think is better for local SEO and rankings? Both seem to have their advantages and disadvantages to me. Just to throw a couple out there, the category pages may not rank as high as the city pages for each individual service if our competitors have a whole page designed for that service and we only have a part of a page covering the topic. At the same time, they would save labor hours, technical issues would be less, and they would be condensed, and we would have WAY less mess on the backend. I appreciate your expert opinion on this one. The site is www. in case you want to check us out.

    Local SEO | | everysecond

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