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PageSpeed Insights can be useful, but a perfect score doesn’t guarantee a fast site. There are smarter ways to assess and improve site speed.

Everything is going mobile these days — even your focus groups. Find out how to leverage your mobile app audience for rapid feedback loops and why traditional focus groups are dead.

Google is increasingly relying on machine learning and artificial intelligence, making ranking factors harder to understand, less predictable, and less uniform across keywords. It's becoming such a complex system, that we often can't really know how a change will affect our own site until we roll it out. In this environment, we'll need to use split-testing more and more.

With the right setup, Google Analytics offers far more than the standard built-in metrics for your content. This post shows how to use content groupings and custom dimensions to maximize your insights.

The rate at which Google is lumping keywords into "(not provided)" has skyrocketed in the last month, leading to a huge drop in referral data and speculation that 100% of keywords will soon be masked. In this special Whiteboard Tuesday, Rand covers what marketers can do to make up for this drastic change.

STAT’s massive-scale SERP tracking and unlimited API help Pinterest explore new SEO strategies and rise to the top.

Advanced statistical analysis has changed the face of professional sports, and similar insights are changing the way we do SEO. In this talk, Will is going to share the approaches he's seeing from the most forward-looking SEO teams, as well as the lessons learned from their analysis of what's working and what's not.

In a world that has a million different options for every creative element... where do you start? How do you know this or that element is where you'll see an impact big enough to make a difference for your bottom line? This is the number one question CRO strategists get asked, and the answer every time is: it depends! This session will walk through how to understand your testing opportunities, generate test ideas, and measure your results with scientific accuracy.

Whether you're trying to build a business case or get buy-in for your SEO project, some of the core challenges will come down to the same thing: How well can you sell it? As SEOs, we often forget that, even though we spend our day-to-day analyzing data and optimizing content and websites for bots, at the end of the day, we are working with human beings — and some of those people have decision-making power over what we can and can't achieve in our roles. This is where learning a good set of sales skills becomes crucial. In this talk, Petra will explore some of the key skills and methods sales teams use, and how you can apply these to your SEO work.

Users are at the core of everything we do in modern SEO. However, finding and understanding audiences can be daunting. Alexis Sanders will cover how to find your audience, share tools that are available for all price points, and show ways in which she’s found audience research to be useful as an SEO.