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Advanced statistical analysis has changed the face of professional sports, and similar insights are changing the way we do SEO. In this talk, Will is going to share the approaches he's seeing from the most forward-looking SEO teams, as well as the lessons learned from their analysis of what's working and what's not.

Throw that tired pageview-and-bounce-rate-heavy report right out the (virtual) window — we can do better than that! Dana will peel back the layers on measuring content success. You'll learn which metrics will actually tell you if your content is doing what it's supposed to be doing, and how to link these metrics to your SEO strategies and tactics.

Keyword research is one of the first and most basic tasks that SEOs learn. And yet, it's strewn with pitfalls and ubiquitous errors, even for experienced practitioners. In this talk, Tom will talk you through the various ways the wrong data can lead you astray, and how to leverage the right techniques for the right tasks.

In this talk, Jackie will show us how to identify, prioritize and get buy-in on large-scale SEO campaigns to drive traffic and revenue.

Location landing pages are extremely important for local business but are often repetitive and uninteresting. This presentation will focus on strategies that can make your location landing pages useful and interesting to search engines and site visitors. We'll discuss ways to incorporate first party data, third party data, and user generated content to create local landing pages that don't fall short.

If you want to geek out on data, you've come to the right session. And we're not talking about Google Analytics or your plain old CRM data. We're talking about de-anonymizing your website traffic, providing one-on-one personalized user experiences, shortening your lead forms without missing out on valuable information, and doing everything you can to get to that SQL. In this presentation, Tina will demystify the basics of marketing data intelligence, reveal actionable strategies for your day-to-day conversion marketing, and share real examples of how her agency has skyrocketed B2B conversions with the addition of marketing intelligence.

3.8 million U.S. adults aged 21-64 have a visual impairment, but 98% of the world’s top 1 million websites don’t offer full accessibility (despite legislation to encourage this). This leads to 1 in 3 baskets being abandoned, leaving an estimated 13 trillion up for grabs. One of the top issues is image alt text. This text is essential for making images accessible - however it isn’t always a priority when it comes to SEO strategy, due to the challenges of implementing it on a wider scale. This session walks you through easy, scalable alt text generation - an intuitive and easy to understand tutorial, with most of the heavy lifting already done for you.

There are hidden, structural factors holding stellar marketers (and their teams) back‚ and it's not their fault. Discover what these factors are, how to root them out, and how to help your existing team members reach their potential.

For more than 11 years, Hannah’s been tasked with coming up with content ideas that people will share and journalists will write about. In this session, she’ll be sharing some of the most important lessons she’s learned along the way.

A dynamic inventory, complex categorization and filtering options, lack of unique product descriptions, well established global and local competitors..... E-commerce sites are known to be amongst the most challenging types of sites when it comes to doing SEO and often result in some pretty frightening horror story scenarios. But, it doesn't have to be that terrifying. In this session, Aleyda will take us through the most common issues, and show how to effectively address them at scale, before they become real nightmares.