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Learn why E-A-T (expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness) has taken a front seat in SEO discussions in recent years, the numerous places where Google focuses on E-A-T, and how the growing emphasis on surfacing authoritative content has drastically changed the organic search landscape across search, News, Discover, YouTube, and

One of the biggest FAQs in e-commerce: "How do you handle faceted navigation when it comes to SEO?" We’ll ask the tough questions and answer them head-on! Join Luke Carthy as he walks through case studies, real-world examples, and how to leverage faceted navigation to really capitalize on high-converting long-tail keywords. If you're in e-commerce, you won’t want to miss this!

Most competitive analysis ends in an avalanche of potential keywords to target, leaving you buried in indecision. Real case studies will show you how to forge your data into an actionable plan that drives strategic, targeted content. Escape from under the keyword pile and conquer your content rivals.

Modern SEOs have no shortage of data, but you could learn even MORE about your site, content, links, and competitors by working smarter, not harder. Rob Ousbey will show you how to breathe new life into your standard SEO data, and walk away with more advanced insights that are sure to impress your team (and your boss!)

Every single piece of content your brand creates is an asset. So why do we view them as an expense? In this session, Ross Simmonds will talk about the parallels between content marketing/SEO and the world of investing. From the techniques that take blog posts and landing pages to the moon to the fundamentals of content investing to create a competitive advantage, learn how an investment mindset can drive results.

For the past 18 months, Shannon McGuirk's mindset has been firmly set in ‘survival mode’ due to the trials and tribulations that the global pandemic has brought forward. She will be opening up about her learnings sharing insight into how Aira’s digital PR team was able to pivot their link-building activity for clients on a hairpin, whilst navigating an oversaturated news agenda at the same time as being under pressure from clients around return on their investment.Using her ‘survival mode’ experiences, Shannon will share clear tactics setting the standard on how to future-proof your digital PR and link building. These tactics will show you how to adapt to the ever-changing news landscape and how to improve your processes from ideation through to outreach.

Core Web Vitals are all the rage, but do they live up to the hype? Tom Capper explores the real SEO impact of Google’s shiny new metrics, which ones you actually need to worry about, and how to prioritize fixes.

Search is a game of rankings. Only one can win the #1 spot and small tweaks can mean the difference between ranking #1 and #5. If you’re using the same tools as everyone else, what competitive advantage are you bringing to the table? Wil Reynolds shows you how to transform your data into winning insights with 3 tools everyone has at their fingertips: your heart, your head, and a willingness to question everything you thought was true about SEO.

Along with the always-shifting landscape, one of the biggest things we as marketers struggle with is the sheer volume of information. For years we were told we had to produce as much content as possible. Then we were told to focus on quality but we still had to have a consistent schedule. What about YouTube or voice search or TikTok? The fact of the matter is, there's no one way to do content marketing. In this session, Casie Gillette will look at content from an entirely different perspective and talk about how you can start creating content on your own terms.c

Keyword research is a vital process in getting insights into your consumer behaviour. However, it is often a very manual and labor-intensive process. How can we speed up the process so we can get to working on our implementations and getting results? Miracle Inameti-Archibong walks through practical ways marketers can use APIs to do the heavy lifting and save time.