Advanced SEO

What do you do after you've mastered Moz's SEO starter guide? The answer may be Advanced SEO.

Advanced SEO is simply any set of SEO techniques that require some degree of expert knowledge. It varies from person to person, but let's just say you probably won't master these in your first few months.

Advanced SEO typically involves technical concepts that are somewhat advanced, and/or a deeper understanding of the workings of Google's algorithm and are often employed by Professional SEOs. Anyone can master advanced concepts with the right strategic guidance and real life application.

Here, we've listed some of our favorite resources on advanced SEO, and you'll find the most recent blog posts below.

Professional’s Guide to SEO : Professional SEO strategy all in one place, with chapters written by SEO experts, including Pete Meyers and Tom Capper.

Advanced SEO Strategy : Your SEO is only as good as the strategy you've set. Learn how to craft a next-level SEO strategy that will work for your business and goals.

Working in SEO : What does it mean to work in SEO? Learn more about the skills you need to advance your SEO career with this final chapter of the Professional’s Guide to SEO.

20 SEOs Share Their Key Takeaways From the Google API Leaks : Discover expert insights from the recent Google API documentation leak with actionable strategies to help you become a better SEO strategist.

Most Recent Articles on Advanced SEO

5 Creative Solutions to Tough SEO Challenges
Rand Fishkin

5 Creative Solutions to Tough SEO Challenges

December has been a surprisingly busy month for my email inbox, with questions on nearly every SEO subject imaginable. In answering many of these quandries, a common theme emerged - that many marketers engage in SEO challenges with a singular focus on the most common / best practice techniques and don't stray into a creative, imaginative mindset to find alternatives. Here, then, are six...

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7 Reasons Why You Might Not Be Making Money As An SEO

I feel like a mosquito in a nudist colony because I just don’t even know where to start with this one. Let’s just go for broke and see what happens: 1. You Can’t Manage People – Even if you think you can “out-SEO” Rand, Aaron Wall, and Wikipedia to boot while riding a scooter down a hill with one brain tied behind your back as you make fun of Matt Cutts’ momma to his face, then guess what? You still need some skill managing people if you ever want to scale your income up dramatically.

There's Way More Than 2 Ways to Make Money with SEO
Rand Fishkin

There's Way More Than 2 Ways to Make Money with SEO

Seth Godin is someone I greatly admire, so it was a bit troubling to see him take on the broad subject of How to Make Money with SEO in such a surface-level fashion. However, after a few emails, I feel pretty good that his intentions were solid, and that he's just presenting a viewpoint that many others have on the subject in an easy-to-parse fashion. While that's not necessarily bad, I'm notoriously against surface-level analysis of our beloved profession, so I figured I'd try to expand on Seth's assessment and give the subject a bit more thorough (though hopefully not less usable) treatment.

What Do You Expect To "Get" Out Of Image Search Traffic?
Jane Copland

What Do You Expect To "Get" Out Of Image Search Traffic?

At any given time, our Q&A section usually features a question or two about image optimisation. People want to know why their images haven't been indexed or aren't appearing for their key terms, even after they have added keywords to every imaginable attribute. Appropriate anchor text, nearby-keywords and relevant surrounding content doesn't seem to have made a difference. The images don't sho...