
Updating a Logo
Rand Fishkin

Updating a Logo

I noticed a highly linked-to post on Fizbang web design that covered how to re-touch and update a logo. Interestingly enough, Matt just re-made the logo for SEOmoz (for our new business cards and new website - on its way). Check out a walkthrough: ...

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Reading Blogs via RSS
Rand Fishkin

Reading Blogs via RSS

I've got almost 50 blogs I like to read every day and another 100 or so that I like to see at least once a week. But, I'm sorely behind the times. I actually go and visit every blog in my browser to get the content, rather than using a feedreader. Why? Because I can't find a reader that I like... I've tried several (bloglines, google's web version, and never been satisfied. A...

Cozy vs. Sterile Design
Rand Fishkin

Cozy vs. Sterile Design

JewelryJean at cre8asite is asking about choosing between "homespun" design that is more cozy vs. a more sterile, professional design. The crowd jumps in with some terrific advice and points to a few resources that help provide evidence for the argument that profe...

Open-Source Full Text Editor for Content Applications
Rand Fishkin

Open-Source Full Text Editor for Content Applications

I've been using KTML and Matt's home-written code for a while now with SEOmoz, but I'm thinking of making the switch to FCKEditor. The name reminds me of the London fashion firm - French Connection United Kingdom (FCUK), but it's actually a good-looking system. You can try it for free on this page and download the installation sof...