
Throwing Out the Book on SEO!

Throwing Out the Book on SEO!

OK... It's a new day in my office. I am changing my focus away from the standard SEO optimizing stuff and instead putting my focus where it really belongs - getting site visitors to embrace my site. Let's call this SEO for SITE VISITOR ACTIONS. I think that the search engine...

Design Principles
Rand Fishkin

Design Principles

Return to the roots of design for a moment and remember that the art of our development is inherently tied to specific principles that have been forged over centuries of observation and creation. Digital Web Magazine has an ...

Oodles of Favicons
Rand Fishkin

Oodles of Favicons

Although they don't get much attention, to the graphically and web adept, favicons are a source of great pride and study. These little 16-pixel graphics are an endless source of optimization and promotion for an entire community of designers, as illustrated by the Delta Tango Bravo blog entr...

Create Logos on the Fly
Rand Fishkin

Create Logos on the Fly

Although logo design is one of my banes, people still occassionally request that we do it. Lucky for us, helpful sites like LogoYes are great for providing a complete logo at a low, low price, or providing inspiration, if nothing ...

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Web Color Schemes
Rand Fishkin

Web Color Schemes

In the world of web design, one of the most frustrating topics I butt my head up against is color scheme. I search and search the color wheel in Photoshop and scour the web to help inspire me on themes that will work for a client or a site. Luckily, I now have some help, and ...

Don't Click It
Rand Fishkin

Don't Click It

Alex Frank, a German web designer has taken on the unique challenge of re-building the interface of the web, by removing the mouse click from his users' repertoire of interactive tasks. His example site for this surprisingly innovative project is don'tclic...

Favicon Generator
Rand Fishkin

Favicon Generator

A great tool for those in webdev is Chami's favicon generator. If you're not familiar with favicons, they're the little images that are linked to a website in the browser and appear in the address bar in Firefox and the favorit...

An Average Conversion Rate
Rand Fishkin

An Average Conversion Rate

While conducting some research, I came across a brilliant website on the specific subject of conversion rates. Conversion Chronicles details a remarkable amount and depth of information on the subject of e-commerce conversi...

Web Standards & W3C Guidelines
Rand Fishkin

Web Standards & W3C Guidelines

Web standards and code validation can often be a boring subject in the SEO and web development world. It's not fun to hack through the W3C's validation complaints about missing alt tags, improperly entered text symbols and incomplete div tags, but it is neccessary....

Sitemaps and Spidering
Rand Fishkin

Sitemaps and Spidering

The great advantage of a sitemap (for SEO purposes) comes from its ability to reduce the number of links that must be followed in order to reach all pages on a site. Sitemaps have a unique ability to garner the attention of search engine spiders and crawlers - making for much faster i...

W3C Valid Code
Rand Fishkin

W3C Valid Code

Code validation is an issue that has been tossed back and forth in the SEO world for years. The W3C's standards appear to have the general support of the validation and standards organizations across the Internet, thus leading SEOs to ask the leading question,Does having validated ...