Mobile SEO

Not too long ago, Google switched to a mobile-first index, meaning they use the mobile version of your site for ranking and indexing.

For the most part, mobile seo is very much the same as doing SEO for a desktop site, but there are a few particular points you want to pay attention to in order to maximize rankings and visibility.

Here, we've listed some of our top resources on mobile SEO, and you'll find the most recent blog posts below.

Mobile SEO : All the top resources to get you started learning mobile SEO in our free SEO learning center.

Mobile Optimization : Here, we dive into the specifics of what a mobile optimized page should look like.

The Mobile SEO Stack: Tools to Develop a Mobile-First SEO Process : Mobile SEO expert Aleyda Solis shares her own SEO tool stack for performing world-class mobile SEO.

What You Need to Know About Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMPs) : In this Whiteboard Friday, Will Chritchlow explains the basics of AMP, and how they differ from other mobile page.

SEO & Progressive Web Apps: Looking to the Future : Somewhere between a webpage and an app are PWAs, with benefits of both. Understand how these fit into the future of mobile SEO.

Most Recent Articles on Mobile SEO

Stop Wasting the Web

Stop Wasting the Web

A recent discussion on using short URLs prompted me to consider registering a short URL for various redirecting purposes. I wanted to see if there were any usable .US domains left so I started trying out different names. Since I had some time to kill and don’t really have an automated way to search, I just started typing in names I thought would be interesting.

Buying Expired Domains: What's the Best Strategy?
Rebecca Kelley

Buying Expired Domains: What's the Best Strategy?

Lately I've noticed a lot of questions in Q&A centering on purchasing expired domains. A lot of our members have expressed interest in buying old domains for a variety of prices (some are cheap, some are going for upwards of $50k) and want some advice on what to do with the domains once they've been purchased. I'm no domainer, nor am I an expert in such a business tactic, but I generally recommend one of three different options for an expired domain (and would love to hear more if you've got any).

Level Up Your SEO Skills With Our Free Training

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Guide to SEO Competitor Analysis

Win rankings and traffic from your competition

Membership Only Sites

Membership Only Sites

Hmm, I'm not sure what category this goes in but here goes... this is my first blog post, so be gentle. This entry was very much prompted by a recent Q&A dealing with member only sites. You know the ones - limited content to titillate potential subscribers and the rest is locked up behind pay-walls.

7 Good Twitter Monetization Strategies (and 7 That Suck)
Rand Fishkin

7 Good Twitter Monetization Strategies (and 7 That Suck)

I've been getting into Twitter (under my usual moniker - randfish) more and more over time (despite only following a few friends and family), and lately, its been weighing on me that the service, despite its brilliance, rapid adoption and passionate fanbase, isn't yet pursuing revenue. That's OK - I think they probably have lots of very smart, talented,...

Something's Up with Live Search. Period.

Something's Up with Live Search. Period.

I use Advanced Web Ranking. It does a great job of taking care of the necessary evil of rank monitoring. It runs automatically, has very easy set up, and emulates human search for us unfortunates without a SOAP API. I was checking some site rankings the other day and noticed that a few of our sites had completely dropped from MSN. Investigating manually, I saw this result for "st. augustine weddings":

SEO Wireframing

SEO Wireframing

I’ve received a few queries about optimizing new website builds - keeping SEO clearly at the forefront of the design.I though it might be a good idea to write about this as my first contribution to the YOUMoz community. Here is how I tackle it. Whenever I am approached for SEO on a new site build I set to work on constructing an SEO WireFrame...

Share Your Microsoft Stack Pains

Share Your Microsoft Stack Pains

Over at the Live Search Webmaster Center, we have been hearing a lot from people who are frustrated with the Microsoft stack and some of the inherent challenges with making your site built on the Microsoft stack search friendly. We recently wrote a post on the Live Search Webmaster Blog asking what is wrong with the ...

Re-Building My Firefox Sidebar (and Ranking the SEO Blogs)
Rand Fishkin

Re-Building My Firefox Sidebar (and Ranking the SEO Blogs)

In November of last year, I updated my Firefox Sidebar to contain all the sites and tools on the web I regularly need. Today, I've done that again and, in the process, re-compiled and re-ordered my list of search-related blogs according to my personal preferences. Since I'm heading out of town for 2 weeks starting Tuesday (getting married, then a short vacation), this should give anyone who's i...

Keeping People Away From Your Website: A Beginner's Guide
Jane Copland

Keeping People Away From Your Website: A Beginner's Guide

Many of you have probably set your SEOmoz account settings such that when you comment on a blog post, we email you whenever someone adds a new comment. One thing we don't do is include the contents of the new comment in the notification email. Why not? Because then you would have less reason to click through to see the comment in its natural habitat and you'd be less likely to reply. The ...

Comparing Search Engine Performance: How does Cuil Stack Up to Google, Yahoo!, Live & Ask
Rand Fishkin

Comparing Search Engine Performance: How does Cuil Stack Up to Google, Yahoo!, Live & Ask

This week marked the arrival of Cuil on the search engine scene. Being a huge fan of search technology and how search engines work in general, I've been spending some time playing around with the new service and thought it would be valuable to expose my data on how the classic market leaders - Google, Yahoo!, Live & Ask compare to the newcomer. When judging the value and performance...

The Site Was About...uh, It Was Orange?

The Site Was About...uh, It Was Orange?

The site had orange headers, a three column layout with two vertical thin black lines, no content below the fold, top and bottom navigation and a logo in the upper left corner. I used this site early in the week, and several days later I only vaguely remembered what the site was about. The site did not rank well enough on a short-tailed keyword for a successful search. The week was research h...