Moz News

What Part of the SEO Process is Hardest for You?
Rand Fishkin

What Part of the SEO Process is Hardest for You?

Every SEO has their strong points and their weak ones. For me, subjects like content creation and keyword research have always come naturally, but others like methodically using analytics data to improve and running manual link building campaigns have always been a struggle. Today, I'd thought it would be interesting to get a bit self-critical and talk about those items on the SEO-to-do-list th...

SEO and the Semantic Web

SEO and the Semantic Web

With the proliferation of the Semantic Web all of our data will be structured and organized so perfectly that search engines will know exactly what we are looking for, all of the time. Even the newest of newbies will be able to create the most well-structured site that would take tens of thousands of dollars today. Everyone's information will be so precise and semantically cor...

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Keyword Research Master Guide

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Guide to SEO Competitor Analysis

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Crossing the PR4 Threshold

Crossing the PR4 Threshold

About a month ago, I posed a question in the Q & A section of SEOmoz. THe question was: How does a website cross the threshhold from a PageRank 4 to a PageRank 5? A member of the SEOmoz staff answered that there is really no formula or set of criteria that will push a site from PR 4 to PR 5. However, I'm not so sure I agree with that statement. While there probably is n...

Tips For Understanding Data: Regression Analysis

Tips For Understanding Data: Regression Analysis

Here at the mozPlex we've been hard at work on some new tools (see below for exclusive early preview screenshots!). One of the things we try to do is incorporate some of the great advice that's already out there. At the latest SMX Advanced I personally heard from SEOs and Search Engine reps alike that we should focus on data. ...

The Painful Results of an SQL-Injection Attack

The Painful Results of an SQL-Injection Attack

One of my clients just suffered a wave of SQL-Injection attacks and the results are brutal. It all started on May 26. The website was very slow and we noticed unexpected query strings apparently trying to write links and banners into our source code. The IT team worked hard and diligently in order to locate and fix the breach. But it was not fast enough. When I...

Seven Short SEO Scribbles
Rand Fishkin

Seven Short SEO Scribbles

I'm not sure that each of these deserve their own separate blog post, but they've been rolling around in my head long enough that at least some attention is probably warranted: Is NoFollow Really NoFollow? Danny Sullivan brought up at his SMX Madrid keynote that he felt the engines were probably already "special casing" certain websites a...

SEO?  No, SPO (Self-Promotion Optimization)

SEO? No, SPO (Self-Promotion Optimization)

In the SEO world we are always learning old and new ways to promote our websites and make them more visible on the web. This is what search engine optimization is. We want to get more traffic to our site and we want our site to rank higher on organic searches. There are many ways that we can accomplish our goal and there are many ways still to be found on how to do SEO. ...

Q+A Through the Blog: Round 2
Rand Fishkin

Q+A Through the Blog: Round 2

I was browsing my friend Jeremy's site last week and saw that he had already reached Round 8 in his Q+A series. I've done it once before here at SEOmoz - Questions Here and Answers Here - but it's been 7 months, so I think we're due for another ro...

Explaining the Value of Ranking Internal Pages

Explaining the Value of Ranking Internal Pages

Hello YOUmozzers! (somehow that almost sounds rude)This is my first post on YOUmoz, so please be scathing.This morning I found myself trying to explain to my biggest client why it is valuable to have internal pages rank and not only the domain root. It was the first time that I've had to actually explain this, so I thought it might be a good idea to share....

Halfway Across Greenland
Rand Fishkin

Halfway Across Greenland

(WARNING: This post is a little personal, a little off-topic and doesn't offer any SEO advice. If that's not up your alley, feel free to skip it. Thanks!) The flight monitor status shows us hovering dead center on the icy, arrow-shaped island. Mystery Guest is next to me, watching a thriller from British Airways' extensive in-flight collection. And, since I've got a history of writing p...

My Year in SEO

My Year in SEO

Last spring, when the owners of the small book store where I worked asked me to see whether I couldn’t get the store web site to do something to earn its keep, I had never heard or seen the expression “SEO.” In the intervening year, I took an unindexed web site to number two on Google, increased links from nothing to nearly 9,000 without either paid or reciprocal links,...

YOUmoz Newb Pwns SEO Expert Quiz!
Darren Slatten

YOUmoz Newb Pwns SEO Expert Quiz!

Hello YOUmozzers! This is my first ever YOUmoz blog post and possibly my last, depending on how well SEOmoz can handle a little bit of constructive criticism. ;) Up until about 3 weeks ago, I was working at a fairly well-known SEO firm, but unfortunately, my valid SEO theories and genius-grade ideas weren't welcome there, so I decided to strike out on my own! SEOs are...