Online Advertising

Infosearch Media - Public Search Marketing Firm Found to be Deceptively Spamming

Infosearch Media - Public Search Marketing Firm Found to be Deceptively Spamming

As we all know, there's no shortage of companies out there that are willing to spam to try and drudge up new business. The fact that a search engine marketing firm was found to be blatantly and deceptively spamming might seem even less remarkable.However, what is news in my opinion, is that a publicly traded company would be employing these deceptive tactics.Last year, Ra...

Critical Background Information: The SEOmoz Landing Page Competition (One Week On)

Critical Background Information: The SEOmoz Landing Page Competition (One Week On)

We're now one full week on from the results of the SEOmoz "Landing Page Contest," and I've printed out all of your comments... sat down... read through them twice... I've highlighted, I've underlined, and I've thought very carefully.The result? I've decided I'm going to write a couple of posts for "YouMoz" (this is the first).Before I get started, I ...

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Price Discrimination in Pay Per Click Advertising

Price Discrimination in Pay Per Click Advertising

PPC is more complicated than it was a few years ago because the ad platforms – Google AdWords, Yahoo Search Marketing, MSN AdCenter, and others – have become more adept at price discrimination. They are better at charging their customers - the advertisers - what the customers are willing to pay. Customers often resent price discrimination but businesses employ it to incr...

In House SEOs: Don't Make the Same Mistake I Did

In House SEOs: Don't Make the Same Mistake I Did

Being an in house SEO can be a very interesting and rewarding experience. You have a chance to build a single brand and focus all of your efforts on a site that you essentially own. When I cam from the agency to work as an in house SEO I was offered an opportunity to build an online presence from scratch. It has been extremely rewarding watching the site go from not being indexed to becoming we...

I've been optimizing for local business(es) for several years--some things that work

I've been optimizing for local business(es) for several years--some things that work

As I work on my business site and other local businesses and read through the SEO world about what works, what is hot and newest trends, I find lots of literature about what to do.... but little about what really works. I'm going to try and summarize a bit about what works for local SEO and where the clients might be located that can afford more significant SEO efforts.

How Advertising on the Internet Should Work
Rand Fishkin

How Advertising on the Internet Should Work

In the world of web search, we often recoil in disgust at the thought of buying advertising on the Internet. Likewise, I often hear web enterpreneurs and search marketers decry the lack of value in traditional web advertising - banner ads, overlays, pop-ups, etc. However, there are ways it can be done effectively, and I've got a few examples to share. These are my personal favorites - not only ...

Marketing Jobs Shift Paradigms, with Internet Marketing Gaining Ground

Marketing Jobs Shift Paradigms, with Internet Marketing Gaining Ground

Marketing jobs are changing their required skill sets. Traditionally, direct marketing and sales jobs, except marketing management jobs, relied more upon skills with the spoken word rather than the written, but marketing jobs online have a reverse requirement. Consequently, it's a good job market today for college graduates, but not as easy for those with only high school degrees....

How to Market a Website with $100

How to Market a Website with $100

Patrick Sexton (aka feedthebot) over at SEOish contacted a few big names in the search marketing industry and asked: "What would you do if you only had 100 dollars to market your website?" This excellent read includes responses from Aaron Wall, Andy Beal, Andy Hagans, Kid Disco, Lee Odden, Tod...

Managing Your Reputation and SEO

Managing Your Reputation and SEO

I wrote this a while ago, but thought I would share it with some Mozzers :)SEO or Search Engine Optimisation is becoming more and more well known in website development and marketing circles here in the UK and among the many things that combine to form a good SEO campaign is something called 'reputation management'.Wherever you get companies advertised to the masses, you will get...