Online Advertising

The Internet Marketer's Checklist For Determining If a Business Idea is Worth Pursuing
Danny Dover

The Internet Marketer's Checklist For Determining If a Business Idea is Worth Pursuing

Starting a company is a lot like streaking. Coming up with the idea and brainstorming the execution is exciting but performing the action is difficult and rarely done well. I, like a lot of people, have had my mind hijacked by a new business idea that fools me into believing I came up with the next big thing. Unfortunately, most of these plans ended in complete failure. As soon as I started to make progress I would inevitably run into an unforeseen problem that would, like a bad streaking plan, leave me embarrassed and out of breath.

Being Found Is Crucial, But Keeping the Visitor is Just as Crucial
Melissa Fach - @SEOAware

Being Found Is Crucial, But Keeping the Visitor is Just as Crucial

We all know how important SEO is. Our clients need to be found, but once our clients get a visitor they must convince them to invest. With a B.A. and M.A. based on Psychology, I look at things a little differently when working for clients: * How do we create trust? * How do we please the visual learner and the non-visual learner? * What needs to be said to convince a user to spend their money?

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How RSS Feeds Make Me Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

How RSS Feeds Make Me Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

I love you, Really Simple Syndication. And I love you too, Atom. And if you are a social media marketer, an SEO or just someone who is tracking a company's online presence, then you probably feel the same way. Using RSS feeds to consolidate sources of information is nothing new to most marketers, but I figured I would write this for those who have not yet discovered the power of RSS.

The 6 Goals of SEO: Choosing the Right Ones for Your Business
Rand Fishkin

The 6 Goals of SEO: Choosing the Right Ones for Your Business

Virtually everyone who's engaged seriously in the practice of search engine optimization has found it to have surprisingly versatile results. Site owners will often start out optimizing in order to rank for a particular term/phrase that's relevant to getting customers, only to find that secondary and tertiary benefits from branding to reputation management to raw traffic all have an impact. Today I'd like to cover the different applications of SEO and talk about how to choose the right SEO objectives for your business.

Be Quantitative

Be Quantitative

As a profession, we should always be as quantitative as possible. We work with limited information, but that shouldn't be an excuse for throwing up our hands. Even an estimate, if it is quantitative, can be useful in both guiding marketing tactics and communicating with co-workers and clients.

Tips for SMOs and SEMs Working in a Traditional/Transitioning Ad Agency

Tips for SMOs and SEMs Working in a Traditional/Transitioning Ad Agency

Well, folks, let’s face it. The economy is tanking like the Titanic. While many traditional advertising agencies have been dragging their feet and playing “wait and see” when it comes to adding online marketing disciplines like SEO, PPC, Email and Social Media Marketing to their list of services, the smart ones realize that these services represent a viable ...

Content with the Content Network?

Content with the Content Network?

It's a long time since I used the content network. I've always thought that it is a bit of a waste of time. All those impressions, no conversions -- it hardly seemed worth the effort. I have been reconsidering my stance of late though. The problem is that I have been viewing it as a paid search platform, but perhaps that's not really where it sits. Perhaps what it really wants to be is an affiliate platform.

Things I Hate About Internet Advertising

Things I Hate About Internet Advertising

When you are a small business, you obviously have to be very careful about where you invest your time and your money. Recently I have been looking at some further advertising opportunities -- definitely not paid links, but genuine advertising in industry-related portals -- and I came across one or two repeated scenarios that have me pulling my hair out. A few examples of what makes me cross: