Online Advertising

What is Search Engine Optimization?

What is Search Engine Optimization?

Search Engine Optimization: The Loudest Voice Wins Put yourself in the shoes of a small business owner. Think of how large the rest of the world is and how miniscule you are in comparison. Consider just how important it is to elevate your marketing message above the competing noise and to reach a single potential customer. In an environment as robust and...

Who Else Hates Annoying Web Ads?

Who Else Hates Annoying Web Ads?

If content is king when it comes to SEO, user experience is god. It happens everyday. I visit the typical major site to see an annoying ad for a home loan company (I think; I've blinded myself to these ads appear). That's a bad omen for my user experience on the site. Sometimes the ad has people dancing on roof tops, a man or men doing a weird f...

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Online Advertising Needs to Evolve
Rand Fishkin

Online Advertising Needs to Evolve

Jeff, Scott and I had a lengthy, post-work discussion today about online advertising today. We discussed the usual issues: The more you use the web, the more immune you are to advertising AdSense (and YPN) prey on the naivete of users - savvy visitors don't click these It's very, very hard to find a good advertising model on the web ...

How We Used to Manage Tasks and Clients, and What We Did to Improve
Rebecca Kelley

How We Used to Manage Tasks and Clients, and What We Did to Improve

As much as SEOmoz has been growing lately (both in success and in employees), we still have a long way to go before we become an optimal, efficient, streamlined business (this may involve racing stripes and a spoiler, but no spinning rims). However, though we're still trying to attain the status of Grand Poobah Organizers, we have, believe it or not, vastly improved our business practices. Let's t...

Targeting European online markets

Targeting European online markets

This post begins a series during which I will explore various issues any online business seeking visibility in (non-English) European markets has to face with. As starters, I’m going to run a short summary about the market area because I think most SEOMoz readers are US based and with limited knowledge about Europe as market area. Europe consists of nearly 50 ...

The New Model SEO Customer
Ammon Johns

The New Model SEO Customer

The world of SEO has always been a fast moving one, and that can make it difficult to isolate a particular moment of change. Everything is changing all the time. Yet sometimes one looks up and sees a significant difference all around and feels a need to identify the new paradigm. Well, for my take on things, Dial-a-phone, a leading ...

Revenge of the meta-tag!

Revenge of the meta-tag!

Many people in SEO groan at the thought of meta-tags.After all, meta-tags for ranking is dead for SEO, isn’t it?Not quite.In fact, meta-tags have begun a startling revival.A couple of key points about why you should consider taking meta-tags more seriously:1. Google duplicate content filtersGoogle ...

Google Buys YouTube. ¿Qué?

Google Buys YouTube. ¿Qué?

Now don't get me wrong, I like YouTube. Being able to show my girlfriend the end of Rocky in order for her understand why I yell "ADRIAN!!!" around my apartment is a nice gift to society. And I applaud YouTube for turning online video, usually portrayed as "Codec Slickers 2: The search for XVID," into a simple thi...

Pitching an SEO Client
Rand Fishkin

Pitching an SEO Client

One of our blog readers wrote in to ask: (I'd like to see) a post on the work you put in to create the proposal and land the job. I guess much of it is re-used every time, but what is not? How much work are you willing to put in at a shot of landing a job? How much information do you give them up front? And what do you include ... Cloaking to Combat Spam
O Cloaking to Combat Spam

Everyone's favorite social bookmarking site:, appears to be rendering different content to the search engines than to its users. Every page on appears to have a the following directive in place: <meta name="robots" content="noarchive,nofollow,noindex"/>This should t...