Public Relations

SERoundTable Forums
Rand Fishkin

SERoundTable Forums

Barry Schwartz has finally opened the new SERoundtable forums. He's got quite an impressive staff - dazzlindonna, phoenix, pk_synths, sufyaaan and even Darrin Ward (yes, the OG himself). I'll be modding there, too and look forwar...

State of the Blogosphere

State of the Blogosphere

I've got one, you've probably got one, and so does nearly everyone we know. Blogs have been the "next big thing" for just about the last three years. Not surprisingly, the darling child of the 'new media' is still growing fast, and, according to info collected b...

SEO Myths - A List and Discussion
Rand Fishkin

SEO Myths - A List and Discussion

Bill Slawski starts an SEO Myths thread at Cre8asite that's a true gem. I've excerpted some of my favorite myths he's covered, but it's the evidence and explanations that contain the meat of this post, so take a visit: MYTHS of SEO: SEO copywriting means writing strong copy, then inserting keywords wit...

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Final Weigh-In on SEOChat
Rand Fishkin

Final Weigh-In on SEOChat

I promised a post that offered closure on the SEOChat issue. Here are the list of events: SEOChat admins instituted some changes to the forum software Members began complaining vehemently, particularly with regards to the "nofollow" links on signatures (which one can only earn by posting 100 or more times and spending 90 days on the forum) Admins and some Mods...

Changes to SEOChat
Rand Fishkin

Changes to SEOChat

There's been some major changes to SEOChat, the forum where I moderate and spend most of my online forum time. The owners, DevShed and Jon Caputo, have decided to enforce strict "nofollow" tags on all outbound links in signatures, causing a mass exodus of many members, including many mod...

5 Tips for SEO Businesses
Rand Fishkin

5 Tips for SEO Businesses

Todd has some good references on operating your SEO business and I thought, in the spirit of teamwork, I'd address the same topic today with some recommendations of my own. Below is my own list of suggestions, based on experience (in both failure and success): Don't Underestimate your Value...

Mainstream Press & SEO
Rand Fishkin

Mainstream Press & SEO

The SEO/SEM industry has very little coverage in the major publications of the tech world or the business sphere. Understandably, we're a small industry and a curious one at that. Characterizations among those who are semi-familiar with search engine optimization range from low-tech marketers to high-grade spammers. As Rodney Dangerfield would most certainly note, "we don't get no respect"....