SEO Analytics

In theory, you could do SEO without measuring and reporting, but a solid grasp of analytics is essential to success. SEO analytics covers a wide range of topics, but often focuses on performance metrics around traffic, keywords, URLs, page speed, conversion rates, and more.

Beyond performance metrics, research metrics present another focal point of SEO analytics. This includes topics like keyword analysis, backlink research, and other areas to inform your SEO strategy.

Here, you can browse our top resources on SEO analytics, as well as find the most recent blog posts on the subject below.

SEO Analytics and Reporting : Check out our free SEO Learning Center where we've collected the top resources on analytics and reporting.

The Absolute Beginner's Guide to Google Analytics : The most popular website analytics platform in the world, Google Analytics is a must-know platform for all SEOs.

A Beginner's Guide to Google Search Console : A companion to any web analytics platform, Google Search Console offers a wealth of SEO information to webmasters.

When and How to Use Domain Authority, Page Authority, and Link Count Metrics : SEO metrics have a special place in analytics. Rand Fishkin shows you how to use these popular metrics correctly.

The Complete Guide to Direct Traffic in Google Analytics : This article covers a very specific niche topic, but also an important one! Learn why that direct traffic in your analytics platform isn't what you think it is.

Most Recent Articles on SEO Analytics

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Funneling Fun with Multi Channel Funnels

Not too long ago Google furnished us with a new reporting tool: Multi-Channel Funnels. The announcement on August 24 was very significant to those of us that cherish every single piece of data available on our traffic, mostly because we know what to do with it. We are able to derive Action Items and tactics based on data, and the more we have, the better we are at doing our...

Creating Goal Funnels in Google Analytics Through Virtual Page Views

Creating Goal Funnels in Google Analytics Through Virtual Page Views

Tracking user behavior through Google Analytics can be quite tedious considering the limited path analysis options that GA has to offer. Funnel analysis can be especially prohibitive as you can analyze only one path leading to a given conversion. Calculating drop off rates in this case has its share of issues. Thankfully there is a handy workaround which has been explained in this post. ...

7 Google Analytics Advanced Segments I Love (and you should too)
John Doherty

7 Google Analytics Advanced Segments I Love (and you should too)

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The Greatest Attribution Ever Graphed

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An SEO's Guide to RegEx

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Guide to Setting up Advanced Segments in Google Analytics for Complex Brand Names

Guide to Setting up Advanced Segments in Google Analytics for Complex Brand Names

This is a step by step guide to setting up Brand and Non Brand keyword segments for a complex brand – when you have multiple brand keywords and where your brand keywords mirror your non brand keywords. I have used the example of a client with a number of sub brands to demonstrate. Pay attention to the difference between AND and OR statements in the examples....

11 Analytics Metrics That Are Actionable
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11 Analytics Metrics That Are Actionable

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