SEO Events

SMX Advanced - A View On Tone & Content
Jane Copland

SMX Advanced - A View On Tone & Content

I always find it difficult to begin conference recaps. To me, they always sound trite. They're the high school English class equivalent of the forced short stories that begin, "We packed up the car to go to the beach..." Thus, my complaining about beginning conference recaps is how I've chosen to start this one. Luckily, there is plenty to talk about from SMX Advanced, and...

SEO Drink Buying Guide - Caffeine and Alcohol

SEO Drink Buying Guide - Caffeine and Alcohol

After attending only a few SEO events and conferences it becomes apparent that search marketers like two things just about as much as they like links. Those two things are caffeine and alcohol, something you'll typically find in great abundance at your next search marketing event.Growing up in the food and beverage industry it's been second nature for me to pay attention to what ...

Thursday Roundup for the Week of 5/11/08
Rebecca Kelley

Thursday Roundup for the Week of 5/11/08

Stories, news, and other notable items from the past week: Two star links: * The Industry Standard provides us with the 25 top B to Z-list blogs. Why am I giving the link 2-star status? Because the stupid site spaces the list out over multiple pages. ARGHHHHH. Take your page views and ad impressions and shove 'em up your arse.

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Thursday Roundup for the Week of 5/4/08
Rebecca Kelley

Thursday Roundup for the Week of 5/4/08

Stories, news, and other notable items from the past week: We've got star link Yahtzee today--a link for every star! Woo hoo, time to celebrate! Zero star link: * Mel showed me this, for lack of better words (and please excuse my French) fucked up WikiAnswers response to the question "How many people did Joseph Stalin kill?" Anyone care to improve the answer so that it's not batshit crazy and is instead at least passably objective? Anyone?

Lessons from the Domain Roundtable
Rand Fishkin

Lessons from the Domain Roundtable

Yesterday I sepnt the day in San Francisco at the Domain Roundtable hosted by Jay Westerdal and (BTW - they've got brilliant tools over there). Since I'm swamped with travel, building decks and trying to find SEOmoz some new office space, I figured I'd just use the ol' bullet point list. What...

SMX Sydney, Auckland New Zealand & Some "Overheard" Gems
Jane Copland

SMX Sydney, Auckland New Zealand & Some "Overheard" Gems

Hello, SEOmoz readers. My name is Jane and I work here. You may remember me from posts that were written about two weeks ago. I've been pretty quiet recently (the Moz Points are suffering) because I've been at the first SMX show in Australia. Rand already wrote about the show, but I thought I'd share my take on the conference and provide a short "overheard" as well. At the...