SEO Events

HighRankings Conference in San Francisco
Rand Fishkin

HighRankings Conference in San Francisco

The "Events" category on SEOmoz has been getting all the entries lately, but there's one more to add to the list. Jill Whalen and the HighRankings crew are running their Search Engine Marketing Seminar in Walnut Creek, CA (just outside San Francisco) at the end of March. Details are below:The High Rankings Search Engine Marketing SeminarThursday March 30 and Frida...

Measuring Success Session @ SES
Rand Fishkin

Measuring Success Session @ SES

Today was my last presentation for SES NYC. The subject was case studies of measuring success and I used one of our clients that was mentioned in Newsweek - Avatar Financial. The session was terrific, with the exception that the third member of our panel, ...

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Matt Cutts & the Cuttlets
Rand Fishkin

Matt Cutts & the Cuttlets

In the evening forum tonight, Danny hilariously referred to Matt's band of followers (who literally swarm around him after sessions like fruitflies at the buffet) as "Cuttlets". I saw Aaron and Vanessa from Google laughing in the back of the room and the audience was largely in stitches, too. That is, apart from those who huffed and puffed and acted like they weren't "Cuttlets"...

SEOmoz Cheatsheet & Coverage of Barry Diller
Rand Fishkin

SEOmoz Cheatsheet & Coverage of Barry Diller

I think a little bit of an early sneak peek at conference coverage from us is in order. This SEO Cheatsheet was something I printed out for conference attendees, but you're welcome to print it for yourself, too. I'd recommend using Flash's built-in print function so it will scale properly (rather than your browser's function)....

SEMPO Voting
Rand Fishkin

SEMPO Voting

SEMPO (the "other" SEO organization) is setting up voting today for the board and president. You can run over to ProMedia where Avi has set up an informal, anyone-can-vote poll on the subject of the presidency. It's interesting to see who's on there. I'm honestly amazed that half of the folks on the list have time to manage the organization ...

Lunch with Dana Melick
Rand Fishkin

Lunch with Dana Melick

Dana Melick, a Seattle SEO who works for BeyondInk, took me to lunch today. We had a terrific time chatting about the Seattle Seahawks and our personal experiences at Seahawks Stadium. We also talked a lot about the SEO industry and some trends that both of us have been noticing. One of our most interesting conversations was about the acquisition of SEOs a...

SEOmoz Induces Blog Posting!
Rand Fishkin

SEOmoz Induces Blog Posting!

Early this week I called out some prominent SEO bloggers for not blogging enough. As of today, almost everyone has picked up the slack - I'm humbled and thankful... Now I don't have to cry myself to sleep without my favorite reading. Proving the Point: Dave's got 5 new posts since Tuesda...

Mike Grehan on Those in the Sandbox
Rand Fishkin

Mike Grehan on Those in the Sandbox

NOTE: This post has been edited. It was originally written in haste and without foresight. My apologies to Mike, who has earned better than to be criticized publicly in such manner. Mike Grehan, who stands without doubt among the people I admire most in the industry, has a ...

Sprechen Sie Deutsch?
Rand Fishkin

Sprechen Sie Deutsch?

Thomas Bindl threatened me with obscurity if I didn't note his new forum - OMTalk (brilliant name, BTW). Sadly, my German's all gone (I used to speak enough to get by, but now I only remember the words to 99 Luftballoons), but I have no doubt that he'll soon be competing with Germany's other top SEO/Web Marketing forum, ...