SEO Tools

It's virtually impossible to do modern search engine optimization without SEO tools. From keyword research to link building, tools not only make things more efficient, they can uncover data you can't uncover any other way.

For every task, there is often a suite of different tools to choose from. Here at Moz, we offer an all-in-one SEO software solution, but we also enjoy a number of one-off tools for specialized tasks.

Look to the SEO tools listed here for our top recommendations, and check out the latest blog posts below.

The 55 Best Free SEO Tools : When doing professional SEO, paying for premium tools is typically worth it. For some tasks though, a free tool often gets the job done. Here are our favorites.

Free Local SEO Tools That Belong in Your Kit : This post is a goldmine of local SEO tools, and all of them are 100% free.

The Mobile SEO Stack : Tools to Develop a Mobile-First SEO Process: Mobile SEO expert Aleyda Solis shares her own SEO tool stack for performing world-class mobile SEO.

Technical SEO : The Beginner's Guide to SEO: Before you start using SEO tools, it helps to know what problems you are trying to solve. This guide will help.

SEO Tools by Moz : Check out our own tools which include Keyword Explorer, Link Explorer, the MozBar, and more.

Most Recent Articles on SEO Tools

The Race to PR Supreme

The Race to PR Supreme

There are so many twists and turns when it comes to SEO (search engine optimization). The holy grail of PR or page rank is the quest of many. Is my niche to narrow? If I build will anyone come or notice? What happens is if the best laid plans are lost in a sea of Zeros and Ones? No one can guarantee that their methods are full proof. There are all types of me...

Why I'm a Fan of SEOmoz's Term Targeting Tool

Why I'm a Fan of SEOmoz's Term Targeting Tool

I am a new SEOMoz premium member, and I have just been absolutely LOVING all the great tools! I especially like the Term Targeting tool, and I've used it on my personal site with striking success. I had no idea how un-targeted certain pages were! And other pages I thought they were targeting certain keywords, come to find out, really weren't. After revising a few pages according ...

Track Your Keyword Ranking Results

Track Your Keyword Ranking Results

Hi all, Awhile back I asked a question in the Q & A for premium members, searching for a tool to effectively keep track of the position of different keywords across multiple projects; at the time, there was no solution. The good news, I’ve found one and after 30 Days trial, it’s almost all positive. The program I’m using is called Advanced Web Ran...

Level Up Your SEO Skills With Our Free Training

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Win rankings and traffic from your competition

14 Popular Browser Toolbars Reviewed - The Worthwhile and the Worthless
Rand Fishkin

14 Popular Browser Toolbars Reviewed - The Worthwhile and the Worthless

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Can Rand's Backlink Analysis Tool Be Gamed?
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Can Rand's Backlink Analysis Tool Be Gamed?

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29 Ways to Use SEOmoz's Premium Content for Search Marketing Success
Rand Fishkin

29 Ways to Use SEOmoz's Premium Content for Search Marketing Success

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Poll on SEO Data Tracking - What Signals Do You Actively Follow?
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Poll on SEO Data Tracking - What Signals Do You Actively Follow?

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Keyword Difficulty tool: Have you ever seen one over 91%?
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Keyword Difficulty tool: Have you ever seen one over 91%?

Most of us have use the SEOmoz keyword difficulty tool at one time or another. I became curious today as I was running some reports that I expected very high competition from and yet I still didn't break 91%. Intrigued, I ran a report on something that should easily break 91%. "Car" returned a 76% difficulty. Going for the gold I ran a report on the most competitive term I ...

New Features: 10 Free SEO Tools & SEO Dashboard

New Features: 10 Free SEO Tools & SEO Dashboard

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I'm Drunk from the Juicy Link Finder

I'm Drunk from the Juicy Link Finder

As the sole project manager, optimizer, and developer for a small liberal arts university, my time is stretched thin across many people and duties. Update this. Post that. Better everything. Increase whatnot. And then Matt brainstorms and Rand blogs. *Juicy Links enters the scene* My time is now consumed with this amazing tool. Not only does this help me find what I d...