Whiteboard Friday

Howdy Mozzers! Welcome to Whiteboard Friday.

The most famous video series in all of SEO, Rand Fishkin started filming this series when Moz was a very young company that didn't even sell software. Since then, it's grown to millions of views and the videos have helped trained thousands of SEOs.

We've included some of our favorite episodes here, and find the latest below. Enjoy, and best of luck with your SEO!

6 Ways ChatGPT Can Improve Your SEO : From on-page optimizations to technical SEO, AI can do more than create content. Supercharge your organic traffic with these tips from Moz’s SEO Director.

How to Win Potential Consumers with Customer Journey Mapping on Google : Learn about your potential customers and their conversations with Google by using the customer journey mapping method to provide them with the best content.

Crawled — Currently Not Indexed: A Coverage Status Guide : Understand the mysterious “Crawled — currently not indexed” status in the Index Coverage report in Google Search Console.

Most Recent Articles on Whiteboard Friday

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Moz Academy Training

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Why We Can't Just Be SEOs Anymore
Rand Fishkin

Why We Can't Just Be SEOs Anymore

There's a movement happening in our industry where many SEOs are changing their titles and practices to "inbound marketing." Where did this shift originate, and how is it shaping our industry at large? In today's Whiteboard Friday, Rand shares his thoughts on why we can't just be SEOs anymore if we're aiming for the bigger picture.

Keyword-Driven Personas
Ruth Burr Reedy

Keyword-Driven Personas

As inbound marketing continues to gain traction, it's time to start building your keywords into the bones of your site, rather than adding them once your site is already completely mapped out. Our Lead SEO, Ruth Burr, talks about using keywords to drive personas and, ultimately, your site mapping process.

Evolution of the Local Algorithm
David Mihm

Evolution of the Local Algorithm

We've come a long way since the early 2000's, and local SEO has changed tremendously since the beginning of online search. In today's post, David Mihm discusses what factors affect ranking of local businesses, and how local algorithms within Google have evolved throughout the years.