Whiteboard Friday

Howdy Mozzers! Welcome to Whiteboard Friday.

The most famous video series in all of SEO, Rand Fishkin started filming this series when Moz was a very young company that didn't even sell software. Since then, it's grown to millions of views and the videos have helped trained thousands of SEOs.

We've included some of our favorite episodes here, and find the latest below. Enjoy, and best of luck with your SEO!

6 Ways ChatGPT Can Improve Your SEO : From on-page optimizations to technical SEO, AI can do more than create content. Supercharge your organic traffic with these tips from Moz’s SEO Director.

How to Win Potential Consumers with Customer Journey Mapping on Google : Learn about your potential customers and their conversations with Google by using the customer journey mapping method to provide them with the best content.

Crawled — Currently Not Indexed: A Coverage Status Guide : Understand the mysterious “Crawled — currently not indexed” status in the Index Coverage report in Google Search Console.

Most Recent Articles on Whiteboard Friday

Cross-Domain Canonical The New 301?
Casey Henry

Cross-Domain Canonical The New 301?

About a year ago Google announced the release of the canonical tag to the SEO world. The canonical tag helps in solving issues with duplicate content by letting Google know that pages with the tag are copies of the original page. Now we can do this across different domains to let Google know where the original content originated from and give credit to the original content owner.

Correlation Data for SEO and Social Media Analysis - Part 1
Aaron Wheeler

Correlation Data for SEO and Social Media Analysis - Part 1

One of the most helpful aids in doing SEO is knowing what factors actually affect your rankings. It seems obvious on its face, but not everyone prioritizes their SEO work with the knowledge of how changes to a site and link profile actually affect the SERPs. It's important to at least have some heuristics to use in pursuit of higher rankings, and while it's not always easy, it is possi...

How to Make SEO Happen
Aaron Wheeler

How to Make SEO Happen

Sure, you know SEO like you know the back of your hand. You know how to linkbuild, and you know how to do keyword research. Of course you've got a lot of SEO knowledge - you've been watching these Whiteboard Fridays every week, right? Well, now it's time to get crackin'! Unfortunately, it feels like you never have enough time to get done all the things you know you should do. Maybe the...

Level Up Your SEO Skills With Our Free Training

Moz Academy Training

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Keyword Research Master Guide

Learn Keyword Research like the pros

Guide to SEO Competitor Analysis

Win rankings and traffic from your competition

Which Link Metrics Should I Use? Part 2 of 2
Aaron Wheeler

Which Link Metrics Should I Use? Part 2 of 2

We all know that, at first, it can be really difficult to decide what the most valuable link metrics are and when to use them. Last week, Rand outlined and defined a variety of metrics that are used to assess the respective values of domains, pages, and links between them. This week, he's back with the stunning conclusion: how to actually use these link metrics in your research and...

Which Link Metrics Should I Use? Part 1 of 2
Aaron Wheeler

Which Link Metrics Should I Use? Part 1 of 2

For both personal knowledge and client satisfaction, it's really important to be able to track SEO progress quantitatively as well as qualitatively. In a two part series beginning today, Rand is going to go over the definitions of some of the most popular metrics available right now, as well as the best ways to use metrics in your SEO analysis.

Bing's Duane Forrester on Webmaster Tools, Metrics, and Sitemap Quality Thresholds
Aaron Wheeler

Bing's Duane Forrester on Webmaster Tools, Metrics, and Sitemap Quality Thresholds

This week we are thrilled to have a special guest joining us for Whiteboard Friday: Duane Forrester, a top-of-the-line SEO who went over to the other side of the fence and now works at Bing's Webmaster Project as the Senior Project Manager. Duane discusses Webmaster Tools, metrics, and some important and exciting news about sitemap quality thresholds...

Outreach for Linkbuilding
Aaron Wheeler

Outreach for Linkbuilding

Linkbuilding: can't do it alone, can't not do it! In this week's Whiteboard Friday, Tom Critchlow, head of search marketing at Distilled, shows us some tips on how to reach out to webmasters and online marketers and more easily get the links we so badly want. All it takes is efficient contact-gathering, enthusiastic communication, adamant (but not overbearing) follow-up, and, well... maybe a little bit of hustle...

International SEO: Where to Host and How to Target
Aaron Wheeler

International SEO: Where to Host and How to Target

International SEO is big business, and big business equals big websites. It can be really confusing when you have to cater to a target audience that is the entire world: you know that people from different countries and cultures are going to be looking for different things. We've had a lot of PRO members' Q&A questions come in about this issue lately, so this week, Rand helps us ...