Whiteboard Friday

Howdy Moz fans! Welcome to Whiteboard Friday, the longest-running and most popular SEO video series. Featuring industry experts as guest hosts who share their hands-on SEO experience working with agencies, businesses, and consultancies. Each weekly episode delivers actionable SEO training to help you advance your career and master digital marketing. 

Browse our curated favorites or check out the latest episodes below to stay on top of SEO best practices.

Search Intent and the Organic Funnel : Tom reveals how understanding search intent within the organic funnel can transform your keyword research strategy and drive better results.

The Value of SEO Beyond Traffic and Leads : Discover why SEO should be viewed as your website's foundation rather than a set-and-forget tactic, and learn to communicate its full business impact.

Top SEO Tips for 2024 : Crystal shares essential strategies for navigating SEO in an AI-driven landscape, helping you adapt and thrive in this transformative year.

Most Recent Articles on Whiteboard Friday

8 Link Building Tips
Paddy Moogan

8 Link Building Tips

For today's Whiteboard Friday, I'll be covering eight tips to help you build more links. This follows on from my talk at MozCon which covered 35 ways to get links in around 35 minutes. At MozCon, I explained how link building is hard, it takes time and can be very tough for most of us. Unfortunately for most of us, it isn't as simple as just producing content which aut...

Agile Marketing
Jonathon Colman

Agile Marketing

In today's video, we'll explore the nifty, nefarious world on Agile Marketing, which Jonathon Colman talked about at MozCon a few weeks ago. We'll take a look at four key principles of Agile Marketing and talk about how you can use them to hack your organization to deliver more value to your customers more often by breaking down barriers and removing impediments to your progress.

YouTube Ranking Factors
Jeff McRitchie

YouTube Ranking Factors

This week for Whiteboard Friday we are taking a look at how to get a video to rank on YouTube. Each month YouTube receives over 800 million unique visitors who watch more than 3 billion hours of video, traffic we can't afford to ignore. So how do you get videos to rank for competitive terms on YouTube? By paying close attention to these 12 important ranking factors. Do you agr...

Smarter Internal Linking
John Doherty

Smarter Internal Linking

Hey there SEOmoz readers! This week we are talking about what I like to call "Smarter Internal Linking". Rand mentioned internal linking a few months ago before Penguin even hit, back when we were still calling it the "over-optimization penalty". A few months later, we can see the potential effects that Penguin has had and the factors causing them.

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Improving Social & Subscription Calls to Action
Rand Fishkin

Improving Social & Subscription Calls to Action

In this week's Whiteboard Friday, we'll be discussing ways that you can improve your social and email calls to action to make them more effective. Often times, when wandering the web, you'll find web pages that are filled from head to toe with all the possible calls to action that are available. By limiting your usage of these calls to action and by placing them purposefully, you...

Getting Started with Guest Posting
Eric Enge

Getting Started with Guest Posting

In this week's Whiteboard Friday, I am going to be walking through how to get started guest blogging. There are plenty of articles all over the web that go into the finer details of guest blogging, but let's step back for a second and really talk about how to get started. From getting into the guest blogging mindset to building up your list of guest blogging opportunities,...

Ways to Win Customers and Influence Rankings
Rand Fishkin

Ways to Win Customers and Influence Rankings

Starting up your own consulting agency can be quite a difficult process and often times the most challenging step to your endeavour will be finding new customers or clients. In this week's Whiteboard Friday we will be covering some tips and tactics that you can use to get referrals and win customers. Don't forget to leave your own advice in the comments below.

The Penguin Update
Rob Kerry

The Penguin Update

SEOmoz and I don't always see eye to eye on industry issues, but I still have a lot of respect for the company. In fact SEOmoz is still the website that I send people to, when they want to learn about SEO or get into our industry. Rand kindly invited me to the SEOmoz office when I was in Seattle this week, for a chat and the opportunity to present a Whiteboard Friday.