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Elevating Women in SEO for a More Inclusive Industry

Stephanie Wallace

The author's views are entirely their own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz.

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Stephanie Wallace

Elevating Women in SEO for a More Inclusive Industry

The author's views are entirely their own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz.

The SEO community is a very close-knit one. Although most acquaintances are digital-based, we are an entire industry on a first-name basis with prominent thought leaders like Dr. Pete, Wil, Lily, and Duane.

But the stark reality is that the vast majority of these influential thought leaders are male.

Women, female-identifying, and gender-nonconforming (GNC) individuals are massively underrepresented in SEO, especially those with strong authority. There are certainly women who have influenced the SEO industry and have made a name for themselves, but the disparity between male and female thought leaders is palpable.

Recently, Lidia Infante's comprehensive article, "The Gender Gap in SEO Publishing 2024," drew significant attention within the industry. While the data showcased improvements in female representation over the past three years, it also shed light on the persistent gender disparity.

A separate 2023 study by Search Engine Land showed that men earn an average of 26% more than women in search marketing.

Of course, this is a much larger issue beyond just the SEO community. However, these studies showcase that despite the incredible contributions women have made to our industry, we often face unique barriers and biases that hinder success.

This begs the question: Why? And what can be done to address this imbalance and elevate women in SEO?

What women can do for other women


Mentorship plays a critical role in empowering women in the SEO community. By providing guidance, support, and opportunities for growth, experienced professionals can help nurture the talents of aspiring SEOs. We can help other women build the skills and knowledge they need to advance by sharing our own experiences with them.

We need more empowered women empowering other women through mentorship.

The Women in Tech SEO organization and community has an amazing mentorship program that runs twice a year. The organization provides everything needed — a dedicated Slack community to foster conversations, training materials, and a structure involving regular check-ins and feedback. It is a global free initiative, and they are always looking for new mentees to join.

When I volunteered as a mentor through my local chapter of the American Marketing Association, the experience was invaluable. It was a privilege to work with so many women at various stages of their marketing careers. We discussed everything from salary expectations and how to ask for a raise to overcoming setbacks and growing confidence in expertise.

But mentorship is not just about giving back — it's a two-way street that benefits both mentors and mentees alike.

Benefits for the mentee

Mentorship supports career development and growth for women in SEO in a number of ways:

  • Mentees learn through shared experiences, practical tips, industry insights, and new perspectives.

  • Mentorship helps promote confidence and personal growth by validating a mentee’s skills, abilities, and potential.

  • Mentorship opens doors to valuable networking opportunities for mentees, allowing them to expand their professional connections and access new career opportunities.

Benefits for the mentor

While mentees benefit from the relationship, there are tangible benefits for the mentor as well:

  • Mentors can grow their reputation as a thought leader and expert within the industry.

  • Mentors can hone their own management and teaching skills, learning to foster a culture of growth.

  • Mentors can connect with and develop high performers for potential recruitment.

By actively participating in formal mentorship programs or informal mentor relationships, women can support each other, share knowledge, and collectively elevate the industry to new heights of success and inclusivity.

What women can do for ourselves

Know your value

It's essential for women to recognize their worth and advocate for themselves in the workplace. It’s important to know your value and not be afraid to own it.

For a lot of women, myself included, doing this can feel horribly unnatural. It's often hard to admit that you're good at things or that you have big ambitions because of how society treats us. I, for example, often struggle with writing my own bio or answering questions about my career path and successes. I even struggled while writing this article in many ways, describing my personal experiences and opening myself up.

It's easy to underestimate our value and downplay our contributions, but it's essential to recognize the unique skills, talents, and perspectives that we bring to the table. So, take a moment to reflect on your achievements, expertise, and strengths. Don't be afraid to speak up and advocate for yourself in meetings, negotiations, and performance reviews. While it may sound daunting, there are actionable steps you can take to get started.

Track your achievements and, as much as possible, quantify the impact. Document projects you've worked on, results you've achieved, and positive feedback or recognition you've received from colleagues or supervisors. Use data and metrics to demonstrate the value you bring to the table. And when the time comes to discuss salary and benefits, you will be prepared with everything you need to ask for what you deserve. Try writing a script and reading it aloud to prepare yourself. It may feel silly, but it works.

More tactically, do your research. Find salary benchmarks from places like Glassdoor or LinkedIn. Use Fishbowl to find people talking candidly about salary ranges for roles similar to yours. There are multiple “Bowls” dedicated to salary, compensation, and negotiations. You may just find people comparing notes on salary from your company.

Remember, you deserve to be recognized and rewarded for your hard work.

For those in leadership positions, we can advocate for more transparency around salary and compensation. That doesn’t have to mean that an entire company has access to everyone's personal income, but it could mean that, as a company, you share salary ranges for different positions based on experience. It could mean that you clearly define the factors that go into determining salary or a raise and how these factors are weighted. Every company is different, but the goal should be to foster a culture of transparency and accountability.

Overcoming imposter syndrome

Overcoming imposter syndrome and self-doubt is key to promoting yourself and establishing a strong professional identity. It's natural to experience moments of insecurity and self-doubt. It’s natural to have a sense of not belonging. I know I have certainly experienced it. But just because you feel impostor syndrome or you're not sure you can do something doesn't mean you shouldn't try. Don't disqualify yourself.

In my experience, men more often specialize in technical SEO than women, which can cause a lot of women to doubt themselves around the more technical side of things. Data from Lidia’s article on the gender divide in topics illustrates this very well. Last year, men wrote the overwhelming majority of content on technical SEO and AI. In contrast, women tended to author more of the “soft” topics. This could be related to women in our industry feeling like they can’t or shouldn’t author content on certain technical topics.

But it's essential not to let imposter syndrome hold you back from reaching your full potential. So, next time you feel a sense of not belonging, remind yourself of your accomplishments, resilience, and unwavering determination. And remember, you are not alone — many successful women have faced imposter syndrome and overcome it, and so can you.

Make your own credentials

In today's competitive world, it's not enough to rely on others to recognize your talents and achievements — you need to take control of your own narrative and actively promote yourself.

You don’t have to write a dissertation to be considered an expert. You also don’t have to share a brand new idea or point of view to be considered a thought leader. The key is to find inefficiencies and unique perspectives  —  whether about the industry as a whole or specific to SEO specialties or verticals  —  and be vocal about it.

Leverage social media and your personal or company website as a platform to express your opinions and share your ideas. Join SEO communities like Sisters in SEO on Facebook or Women in Tech SEO on Slack. These are your peers who will not only happily support your thought leadership efforts but also serve as a sounding board and support system for you. Seek out speaking opportunities and podcast guest appearances. Submit your work and yourself for awards. Don't be afraid to put yourself out there and showcase what you bring to the table.

I created my own website a few years back to showcase my expertise. With options like WordPress and Wix, it’s easier than ever to get a site up and running. It’s also relatively inexpensive to maintain. Today, I use it as a portfolio that showcases all of my accomplishments, from publications to speaking engagements.

Just remember  —  innovation is great, but it’s not a requirement. A new perspective on something old can be just as valuable as a shiny new idea.

Depth over breadth

Not everybody has to be (or can be) an expert on all things SEO. But you can become an expert on a very specific topic or aspect of SEO. You can also work to become the local expert within your company, city/region, or even a particular vertical. The goal is to be the go-to person about a certain topic or facet of the industry. Maybe you want to be the voice of local SEO like Darren or the data scientist like Annie. Use that angle to start small and master your niche.

Building your own credentials isn’t magic. It just feels that way when it works.

Creating a clear and impactful online presence that reflects what you do and what you stand for will allow you to stand out as a true thought leader. Strong personal branding also provides an opportunity for women in SEO to gain valuable support by connecting with other female leaders. The more value you can provide, the stronger your credentials will be, and the wider your reach can grow.

How to effect change

How can we effect change within our own organizations to make them a better place to work?

At the organizational level

There are proactive measures companies can leverage to create a more supportive and equitable work environment:

  • Implement inclusive hiring practices. This includes everything from gender-neutral job descriptions to actively seeking out women for key positions to avoiding gender bias in hiring processes.

  • Commit to equal pay. Ensure pay equity regardless of gender, not only for new hires but through an ongoing process of auditing raises and promotions.

  • Offer equal benefits in terms of parental leave and flexible work arrangements.

  • Employ more women in senior positions.

  • Create pathways for women to advance into leadership roles within the organization by actively promoting and recognizing their contributions.

  • Foster an inclusive and supportive culture that values diversity, equity, and inclusion.

At the industry level

The industry as a whole can help amplify the voices of women in SEO by:

  • Increasing representation in publications and seeking out more women content creators.
  • Based on data from Lidia’s article, “Moz is the most female-friendly publication, with 68% of articles written by women.”
  • Publicly supporting women SEOs on social media and championing their ideas.

  • Diversifying speaker lineups. Conferences can do better by investing time in finding potential speakers with different experiences and points of view rather than going with the same big names year after year.

  • Elevating the visibility of women by featuring them in interviews, podcasts, webinars, and other thought leadership platforms.

  • Collaborate with organizations, initiatives, and advocacy groups that are dedicated to advancing gender diversity and inclusion in the SEO industry. Organizations from Women in Tech SEO to Women In Tech to Women Who Code are doing amazing work.

Crystal Carter has compiled an amazing list of SEO resources created for and made by women and non-binary individuals to make it easier to support women in the industry. Topics include SEO, PPC, dev, and all things tech, as well as podcasts, communities, training resources, and more.

Don’t accept the antiquated notion that “There simply aren’t as many women candidates.” By leveling the playing field and putting in the work, we can create a more vibrant and diverse SEO community.

The power of being an ally

If you have made it this far and you don’t identify as a woman or GNC, you are probably wondering what you can do to help our industry.

To be an ally for women in our industry means you have to actively support and advocate for women in SEO. One of the most powerful ways to do this is by actively listening to women's perspectives and experiences.

But being an ally isn't just about listening — it's also about taking action to create a more inclusive and supportive work culture. So, what can allies do to make a difference?

  • Challenge bias and discrimination by speaking up and calling out stereotypes.

  • Recognize and celebrate the achievements of women in SEO. From technical wizards to content mavens, women are making waves across all aspects of our industry. So, let's shine a spotlight on their accomplishments, amplify their voices, and ensure they get the recognition they deserve.

  • Be mindful of micro-aggressions and address them head-on. Whether it's in hiring decisions, promotions, or everyday interactions, allies are the individuals who speak up and advocate for fairness and equality.

  • Educate ourselves and others about issues of gender equality and diversity in our industry and community. Educate yourself on issues specific to BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ members of our community. Whether attending workshops, reading articles, or engaging in conversations with colleagues, commit to learning and growing as advocates for change.

  • Create safe spaces where women feel valued, respected, and empowered to speak up and share their ideas and concerns. Foster a culture of belonging and support within your organization, where everyone feels welcome and included regardless of their gender identity or background.

Allies play a vital role in promoting gender equality and diversity within the SEO community. And allyship is an ongoing journey of learning, listening, and taking action. By supporting and amplifying the voices of women, allies can contribute to creating a more inclusive and supportive work culture.

Closing the gap together

Creating a more inclusive and equitable SEO industry is doable. It’s just a collective effort.

While progress has been made, there's still so much work to be done. By prioritizing gender diversity and empowerment, we can bridge the gap and create a more balanced and vibrant SEO community.

By embracing mentorship and allyship and advocating for change, we can work together to build a better future for women in SEO.

So, let's stand together, lift each other up, and continue to champion diversity and equality in our field because SEO is for everyone.

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Stephanie Wallace

As Vice President of Marketing at Nebo Agency, Stephanie oversees SEO, Email Marketing, Social Media & Influencer Marketing, and Public Relations. She is a multi-channel storyteller who loves to talk about the future of search and whole-funnel digital strategy. Stephanie was honored as Search Engine Land’s Female Search Marketer of the Year in 2018 and is a featured speaker at marketing conferences including Inbound, MozCon, PubCon, SMX, and more.

With Moz Pro, you have the tools you need to get SEO right — all in one place.

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