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Rewriting the Beginner's Guide Part VIII: Search Engine Tools and Services
Danny Dover

Rewriting the Beginner's Guide Part VIII: Search Engine Tools and Services

To encourage webmasters to create sites and content in accessible ways, each of the major search engines have built support and guidance-focused services. Each provides varying levels of value to search marketers, but all of them are worthy of understanding. These tools provide data points and opportunities for exchanging information with the engines that are not provided anywhere else.

The Power of Indirect Marketing

The Power of Indirect Marketing

Just What the Heck is Indirect Marketing, Anyway? Indirect marketing is a way for a business to market their product, idea, or service without having to use the methods of SPAM or direct advertising and marketing.The idea behind indirect marketing is instead of sending a message out to your target market directly, just send them something like a friend request, or a vote, or a digg, or anything to get their attention.

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Monitoring Links for Link Building

Monitoring Links for Link Building

Happy New Year, Mozzers! I hope you all had a good break. I was going to write a 2009 predictions post but then I realised that I have no idea what's going to happen this year. Facebook will go offline? Brazil will go on sale for 13p and Twitter will buy them? God knows. Anyway, instead of doing that I decided to write a post with something useful in it.

It's Not Enough to Promote Yourself: Promote Your Supporters

It's Not Enough to Promote Yourself: Promote Your Supporters

As a blogger, the first lesson I learned was to get good links and the subsequent traffic you need to identify and help bloggers higher up on the food chain than yourself. This can be done in many ways, including frequently linking to their blog, adding value to the conversation (leaving insightful comments) and writing posts that will best serve their readership. No matter the approach you take, the following two principals must be followed:

Whiteboard Friday - Complex Content Issues
Scott Willoughby

Whiteboard Friday - Complex Content Issues

Back in the studios fresh for 2009, we're discussing ways to deal with complex content situations. How do you deal with a very popular piece of content that must be available in several versions for your users (single-page, multi-page, downloadable, etc)? While not exactly a duplicate content or c...

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Testing the Value of Anchor Text Optimized Internal Links
Rand Fishkin

Testing the Value of Anchor Text Optimized Internal Links

We've recently gotten to do (and see results of) some testing around internal links & anchor text and have come to some interesting, if not 100% proven, conclusions. As a disclaimer, SEO testing, whether done in a controlled environment or on live sites, is both challenging to quantify and subject to fair critiques both practically and academically. That said, I feel fairly confident in stating the following findings.

Just Say No to Bad SEO

Just Say No to Bad SEO

If your company is thinking about hiring an outside firm for SEO, please read this post. If you work for one of the many reputable SEO agencies in the market, please have your prospective clients read this post. If, however, you offer the type of SEO "services" described below...then in the immortal words of Obi-Wan Kenobi, you may want to go home and rethink your life.

Do Sitemaps Affect Crawlers?
Casey Henry

Do Sitemaps Affect Crawlers?

Like any other person out there, I fall into habits, good and bad. Recently while working on a client’s website, I created a Sitemap and submitted it to the search engines, like I always do. I started to think if this really helps the site out and what’s the effect when I submit a Sitemap on the site.

Link Farming for Fun and Profit

Link Farming for Fun and Profit

As a black-hat SEO tool, link farming has been around since approximately the morning after Brin & Page submitted their seminal thesis. It was a bad idea to begin with—demonstrating a poor appreciation of the math behind the PageRank algorithm—and it's become an even worse idea since Google et al started actively pursuing and penalizing link farmers.

If I Could Change One Thing About the SEO Industry, It Would Be...
Rand Fishkin

If I Could Change One Thing About the SEO Industry, It Would Be...

My personal ending would be - to Improve the Industry's Professionalism. We're a young industry, which means opportunity, excitement and lots of fantastic entrepreneurs and personalities. Conversely, it also means a lot of unprofessional, immature behavior, even from those of us who should know better (and yes, I'm certainly including my own actions from time to time in that gr...