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The industry's top wizards, doctors, and other experts offer their best advice, research, how-tos, and insights—all in the name of helping you level-up your SEO and online marketing skills.

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Whiteboard Friday - Spring Break and Strike Fighters
Darren Slatten

Whiteboard Friday - Spring Break and Strike Fighters

Hey everyone. I've been getting a ton of emails lately from SEOmoz members (and Rebecca) who keep telling me that I should post YOUmoz entries more often. They tell me that they miss my unique writing style, my sense of humor, and above all, my world's best SEO advice. So even though I'm very busy playing with Legos and growing a beard, I suppose I can work a YOUmoz post into my hectic schedule. But before I begin, I just want to make one thing perfectly clear: No one really emailed me--I just made all that up, because I couldn't think of a better introductory paragraph. Still with me? Good.

SEO Business Opportunities for Town and Local Government Sites

SEO Business Opportunities for Town and Local Government Sites

It has been some time since my last post, "What Food Taught Me About Internet Marketing." Since then, I've been busting around my country doing business and helping others in many ways. I came to realize, after speaking to one of Malaysia's state assemblyman, that there's a power factor in which businesses can succeed. The many ways to do it can include off, on and above the line marketing while still pioneering the fronting of a 'Township's Website'.

Hey Googs, Where You Goin' With All That Knowledge?

Hey Googs, Where You Goin' With All That Knowledge?

As search engine marketers, many of us spend a good chunk of our time studying Google's moves. We see the progress being made in GMaps, GAnalytics, GChrome, GDesktop Search, etc., and while we tip our hats to Google for developing wave after wave of innovative ideas, there's always that slight undercurrent tickling our feet and keeping us aware of Google's exponentially increasing stockpile of the world's most valuable commodity: information.

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Environmentally Friendly SEO!?

Environmentally Friendly SEO!?

There have been reports in the press today about the environmental impacts of searching the internet... and the news doesn't look good. According to some research done by a physicist at Harvard University, performing a search on Google produces approximately 7 grams of carbon dioxide, the equivalent to boiling a kettle!

Linkscape Update 2 Now Live
Rand Fishkin

Linkscape Update 2 Now Live

Those of you who've been running Linkscape reports this weekend may have noticed our new, fresher data in the index. This is our second update (the first was on Dec. 8th of 2008) and it's brought with it a refresh of much of the crawl we originally launched with in October. This update is seriously good news for us, as it's taken far less time, energy and frustration than our first update, and it's good news for our members (and anyone who uses the free data) as much of the web's changes in Q4 2008 are now included in the index. We're working towards updates every 4-5 weeks, but it may be several more before we can get that level of freshness.

Three Keyword Generation Tools for Localized Search

Three Keyword Generation Tools for Localized Search

After doing SEO and SEM for localized clients, I grew tired of always needing to use Excel and making repeated searches on Google. I hated having a dentist in Nowheresville and trying to figure out all of the nearby towns and major neighborhoods that people might be searching for. For any of those who know what that feels like, these tools are for you:

SEO for Video Content
Scott Willoughby

SEO for Video Content

This week we're talking about video optimization. Video has become one of the most powerful content formats in recent years--whether as a regular part of a blog (like good ol' Whiteboard Friday) or as a viral content strategy--but when you're using video as a strategy it pays to consider your goals. Are you looking for link generation? Keyword targeted content? Branding and recognition? All of the...

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Lindsay Perkin Wassell Joins SEOmoz to Lead our Consulting Business; Adam Feldstein Arrives to Head Up Product Development
Rand Fishkin

Lindsay Perkin Wassell Joins SEOmoz to Lead our Consulting Business; Adam Feldstein Arrives to Head Up Product Development

Intrepid surfers of SEOmoz may have already noticed the new additions to our team - Lindsay Perkin Wassell & Adam Feldstein. Many of you in the SEO field know Lindsay well from her role as Director of SEO at OnTargetJobs and frequent speaking and participation at industry conferences. Today, she's joining SEOmoz's team as the manager of our consulting operations. Adam is somewhat new to the world of SEO, though as Group Program Manager of MSN Autos for the last few years, he's certainly put some significant energy into the process. I'm thrilled to have both of these folks on board with us, and think an introduction is definitely deserved.

The Full List of Suppliers to Ask for Links
Will Critchlow

The Full List of Suppliers to Ask for Links

One small step in any linkbuilding process that has been written about many times before is to ensure that you (/ your client) has links from all appropriate businesses that they actually have a real relationship with. In the SEO world, it'd be unthinkable to enter into a partnership without a few links between your sites, but in many industries, this happens. Beyond partnerships, what about all your suppliers and customers? This has been written about many times before - along with techniques for getting links from those suppliers (such as offering testimonials). What is harder to find is an easy reference list for who all the suppliers you should approach are.

Brand-Thinking and PPC Campaign Management

Brand-Thinking and PPC Campaign Management

If you've done any Pay-Per-Click campaign management, you know how expensive PPC can be. Additionally, PPC campaigns can require a significant time investment, as you must constantly be tweaking your ad text, keywords and bids in order to maximize your advertising dollars. And nothing is more frustrating in PPC campaign management than doing all that work, spending all that money, and getting very few clicks or a poor Clickthrough Rate.

The 6 Goals of SEO: Choosing the Right Ones for Your Business
Rand Fishkin

The 6 Goals of SEO: Choosing the Right Ones for Your Business

Virtually everyone who's engaged seriously in the practice of search engine optimization has found it to have surprisingly versatile results. Site owners will often start out optimizing in order to rank for a particular term/phrase that's relevant to getting customers, only to find that secondary and tertiary benefits from branding to reputation management to raw traffic all have an impact. Today I'd like to cover the different applications of SEO and talk about how to choose the right SEO objectives for your business.

Traffic Estimate Differences Between Google Adwords and Search-Based KW Tools

Traffic Estimate Differences Between Google Adwords and Search-Based KW Tools

Google provides monthly traffic estimates by KW in both its original Adwords Keyword tool (ADKWT) and its newer Search-Based Keyword Tool (SBKWT). In some cases the numbers reported are similar, but in most cases the monthly traffic numbers appear to very different, with the SBWKT numbers being only a fraction of the ADKWT. Here are some examples taken from a "business intelligence" search with each tool.